Любич-Кошуров И.А., Редфилд-Питти Л., Линкольн А. и др. - Век драконов. В дали времен. Том IX.Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 8.9 MB
Андреев Л.Н., Хлебников В.В., Брюсов В.Я. и др. - Охотники каменного века. В дали времен. Том VII.Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 8.0 MB
Фарфоровский С.В. - Ледниковый человек. В дали времен. Том IV. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 7.0 MB
Мавр Я (Федоров И.М.) - Человек идет! В дали времен. Том VIII.Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 5.8 MB
Елисеев А. В. - Картины доисторической жизни человека. В дали времен. Том Х. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2020.djvu 5.2 MB
Пахомов Д.А. - Первый художник. Повесть из времен каменного века. В дали времен. Том V. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 5.1 MB
Забила Н.Л., Шкурупий Г.Д., Бабенко Г.А. - Люди с красной скалы. В дали времен. Том I. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2017.djvu 4.4 MB
Ватерлоо C. - История Аба. В дали времен. Том VI. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2019.djvu 4.1 MB
Джунковский П. - В глубь веков. В дали времен. Том III. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2018.djvu 3.8 MB
Дюнан Р. - Металл. В дали времен. Том II. Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика. 2017.djvu 2.3 MB
Форбэн В. - Сыны Солнца. В дали времен. Том XI.Polaris. Путешествия. Приключения. Фантастика.2021.djvu 1.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/28. Uploading a new Snippet Liquid page programatically to Shopify/1. Upload the Liquid Snippet to Shopify.mp4 123.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/21. Using Shopify own rest client instead Axios on the server/1. Using the Shopify Rest Client to make a request to Shopify.mp4 114.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/17. Installing and Installing Script Tags in Shopify the Backend part/1. Creating new routers on our Shopify App Server Side.mp4 94.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/27. Adding our Liquid Code into the Layout Theme Liquid file/5. Uploading our new Layout Theme Liquid page to Shopify.mp4 87.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/17. Installing and Installing Script Tags in Shopify the Backend part/4. Adding the ScriptTag in Shopify.mp4 82.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/25. Programatically adding our Liquid Pages to the Store/3. Creating a helper file to check with a Axios instance with Shopify information.mp4 78.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/27. Adding our Liquid Code into the Layout Theme Liquid file/3. Modifying out Layout Theme Liquid with our snippet.mp4 68.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/18. Making Rest request from our Shopify Admin panel to our server/1. Making a request from Shopify to our backend using Axios.mp4 68.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/19. Adding new scopes to our Shopify application and installing our Script Tags/2. Saving our script tag with Shopify..mp4 67.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/22. Displaying install or uninstall depending if the Script Tag is already installed/3. Implementing the get script tags on the server.mp4 67.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/27. Adding our Liquid Code into the Layout Theme Liquid file/4. Small fixes and testing the fetch and add snippet into the liquid page.mp4 66.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/26. Getting the Shopify Main Theme ID from the Store/1. Adding the Rest Request to get the themes from Shopify.mp4 63.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/20. Creating a useAxios custom hook to help us with the Axios requests/1. Refactoring Axios and headers setup to useAxios.mp4 60.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/10. Adding images to our Shopify products/1. Adding image to our Shopify products and displaying on our app.mp4 59.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/11. Creating a table to display the selected products using Shopify Polaris/1. Creating a nice products table in our Shopify App.mp4 58.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/15. Creating our own Session Storage in Shopify using CustomSessionStorage/3. Load the session for the file to the ACTIVE_SHOPIFY_SHOPS variable.mp4 57.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/13. Ditching NGROK to use Local tunnel, no more time or number of connection limits/1. Setting up Local Tunnel instead NGrok (so much better now).mp4 57.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/26. Getting the Shopify Main Theme ID from the Store/2. Testing the request to get the main theme ID from Shopify.mp4 55.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Create Shopify App - Master Shopify CLI, App Bridge, Polaris/22. Displaying install or uninstall depending if the Script Tag is already installed/4. Checking if the Script Tag is installed with Shopify..mp4 54.1 MB