个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 14 毫秒。
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - The Complete Python 3 Course Beginner to Advanced!
9. Project #5 - Web Development Project Using Web.py/18. Image uploads and avatars.mp4
110.8 MB
9. Project #5 - Web Development Project Using Web.py/14. User settings and updating Mongo.mp4
83.3 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/17. Enemy artificial intelligence.mp4
82.3 MB
1. Introduction to Programming with Python/3. Windows setup.mp4
66.6 MB
9. Project #5 - Web Development Project Using Web.py/17. Adding post comments.mp4
62.3 MB
9. Project #5 - Web Development Project Using Web.py/5. Setting up a register form.mp4
57.0 MB
14. Project #10 - Speech Recognition & AI/1. Introduction to machine learning.mp4
56.2 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/4. Enemy instantiation.mp4
51.4 MB
2. Programming Basics/18. Project #1 - Building a calculator.mp4
49.8 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/8. Adding items.mp4
49.2 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/6. Turning our magic into a class.mp4
48.3 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/12. Working HP bars.mp4
47.9 MB
7. Project #3 - Web Scraper/4. Image scraper.mp4
46.9 MB
9. Project #5 - Web Development Project Using Web.py/9. Login logic.mp4
45.1 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/5. Using magic.mp4
44.1 MB
4. Project #2 - RPG Battle Script/11. Adding members to our party.mp4
43.8 MB
12. Project #8 - PyQt Web Browser/3. QWebEngine implementation.mp4
42.4 MB
5. Additional Python Resources/4. The Python Package Index (PyPI).mp4
42.1 MB
12. Project #8 - PyQt Web Browser/12. QtSplitter and section wrap up.mp4
41.7 MB
14. Project #10 - Speech Recognition & AI/7. Creating the illusion of consciousness.mp4
41.1 MB
3.8 GB
Curso de Python 3 do Básico Ao Avançado (com projetos reais)
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/14. Projeto e-commerce - Cadastro de usuários (Parte 1).mp4
514.9 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/22. State (Comportamental).mp4
458.2 MB
11. Django com Python - Projeto Blog/2. Projeto Blog - Parte 2.mp4
443.7 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/20. Command (Comportamental).mp4
430.7 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/32. Flyweight (Estrutural).mp4
416.3 MB
11. Django com Python - Projeto Blog/8. Projeto Blog - Deploy.mp4
412.0 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/20. Projeto e-commerce - Salvando o pedido (Parte 1).mp4
401.4 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/3. Projeto e-commerce - Criando os models Produto e Variação.mp4
393.2 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/15. Projeto e-commerce - Cadastro de usuários (Parte 2).mp4
390.7 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/9. Projeto e-commerce - Detalhes do produto.mp4
383.6 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/8. Projeto e-commerce - Listando os produtos (templates).mp4
383.0 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/31. Bridge (Estrutural).mp4
373.1 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/11. Abstract Factory (Criação).mp4
370.1 MB
6. PyQT5 - Interface gráfica no Python/6. Integrando janelas do QT Designer com PyQT5.mp4
368.2 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/36. Decorator - Código (Estrutural).mp4
366.5 MB
15. Padrões de Projeto (Design Patterns) - Programação Orientada a Objetos Avançada/25. Mediator (Comportamental).mp4
364.6 MB
5. Módulos úteis dopara o Python/16. Selenium - Automatizando tarefas no navegador.mp4
360.6 MB
4. Python - Introdução à Programação Orientada a Objetos - POO/27. (SOLUÇÃO) PROPOSTA DE PROJETO - CALCULANDO REDES IPV4.mp4
349.1 MB
5. Módulos úteis dopara o Python/23. Pillow redimensionando várias imagens automaticamente.mp4
343.0 MB
13. Django com Python - Projeto E-commerce/12. Projeto e-commerce Renderizando o carrinho (Parte 1).mp4
340.8 MB
44.7 GB
[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1)
4. Numeric Types/11. Floats Equality Testing - Coding.mp4
249.4 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/6. Closures - Lecture.mp4
199.6 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/2. Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4
175.4 MB
4. Numeric Types/4. Integers Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4
143.0 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/4. Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4
141.4 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/5. Named Tuples - Coding.mp4
134.1 MB
6. First-Class Functions/13. Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4
131.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/12. Decorator Application (Timer).mp4
131.7 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/20. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2.mp4
129.2 MB
4. Numeric Types/14. Floats Rounding - Lecture.mp4
128.1 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/7. Closures - Coding.mp4
117.8 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/19. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1.mp4
116.4 MB
6. First-Class Functions/18. The operator Module - Coding.mp4
114.3 MB
6. First-Class Functions/11. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4
111.3 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/10. Decorators (Part 1) - Lecture.mp4
110.6 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/4. Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4
110.3 MB
3. Variables and Memory/4. Garbage Collection.mp4
109.6 MB
8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/11. Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4
109.3 MB
7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/21. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3.mp4
108.2 MB
4. Numeric Types/28. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture.mp4
107.8 MB
10.3 GB
[DesireCourse.Com] Udemy - The Concise Practical Python 3 Bootcamp
[DesireCourse.Com] Udemy - The Concise Practical Python 3 Bootcamp.zip
325.4 MB
828 Bytes
51 Bytes
325.4 MB
Udemy - Complete Python 3 Masterclass Journey
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/3. Webscraping with Python - Requests and BeautifulSoup.mp4
52.2 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/4. Web Scraping with Python - Part One.mp4
46.2 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/5. Reading and Writing to Files with OS.mp4
46.0 MB
10. Final Field Readiness Exam/3. Solution Overview of Final Field Readiness Exam.mp4
42.0 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/8. Orange Mission Debrief.mp4
40.9 MB
2. Recruitment/5. Running Python Code.mp4
38.2 MB
14. Yellow Mission - Working with CSV Files/3. Working with PDFs with Python.mp4
36.7 MB
16. Blue Mission - Working with Images with Python/2. Working with Images using Python.mp4
34.1 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/4. Regular Expressions - Part Three.mp4
33.2 MB
14. Yellow Mission - Working with CSV Files/2. Working with CSVs with Python.mp4
32.1 MB
18. Violet Mission - Mapping Out Locations with Python/3. Geographical Plotting in Python.mp4
30.9 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/5. Web Scraping with Python - Part Two.mp4
30.6 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/3. Regular Expressions - Part Two.mp4
30.5 MB
17. Indigo Mission - Decryption with Python/3. Encryption and Hashing with Python.mp4
30.5 MB
8. Hacking Incident/3. Hacking Incident Debriefing.mp4
29.4 MB
15. Green Mission - Sending Emails with Python/3. Checking Received Emails with Python.mp4
28.9 MB
15. Green Mission - Sending Emails with Python/2. Sending Emails with Python.mp4
27.0 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/7. RED Mission Debrief.mp4
26.7 MB
3. Recruitment Trials Bootcamp - Python Basics/3. Python Strings.vtt
26.6 MB
3. Recruitment Trials Bootcamp - Python Basics/3. Python Strings.mp4
26.5 MB
1.5 GB
Python 3 Master Course for 2021
04 Basics/004 Data Types.mp4
166.7 MB
03 Setup/007 Basic Commands with iTerm, GitBash and Terminal.mp4
152.0 MB
04 Basics/012 Functions.mp4
141.1 MB
02 Documentation/004 Beginner.mp4
119.0 MB
04 Basics/008 Operators.mp4
114.7 MB
04 Basics/014 Arrays.mp4
111.7 MB
04 Basics/009 If Else.mp4
109.7 MB
04 Basics/002 Syntax.mp4
93.6 MB
09 Sets/008 Set Methods.mp4
88.6 MB
04 Basics/005 Numbers.mp4
83.6 MB
07 Lists/002 Lists.mp4
70.2 MB
08 Tuples/002 Tuples.mp4
68.7 MB
04 Basics/017 Iterators.mp4
62.8 MB
04 Basics/015 Classes and Objects.mp4
61.2 MB
04 Basics/019 Modules.mp4
58.7 MB
07 Lists/012 List Methods.mp4
55.5 MB
04 Basics/011 For Loops.mp4
55.3 MB
02 Documentation/008 Python 3.x Resources.mp4
55.1 MB
02 Documentation/009 Porting from Python 2 to Python 3.mp4
54.7 MB
06 Strings/008 String Methods.mp4
53.9 MB
3.8 GB
[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Python 3 Complete Masterclass - Make Your Job Tasks Easier!
19. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Excel Tasks with Python 3/11. APPLICATION - Migrating Records from a Text File to an Excel Workbook.mp4
204.1 MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/13. APPLICATION - Reading and Writing Data in PostgreSQL Databases Using Pandas.mp4
185.9 MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/9. Indexing and Slicing Tables with Pandas.mp4
157.6 MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/5. Creating a Bar Plot Based on Excel Data.mp4
148.3 MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/31. Extracting Network Parameters.vtt
139.7 MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/31. Extracting Network Parameters.mp4
139.7 MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/5. Handling Files with Pandas - TXT, CSV, JSON, XLSX.mp4
138.2 MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/11. Plotting Bitcoin Prices as an Interactive Plot with a Range Tool.mp4
135.5 MB
22. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Data Analysis Tasks with Python 3/11. Adding, Updating, Deleting Table Rows and Columns.mp4
127.6 MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/24. Establishing the SSH Connection.mp4
127.3 MB
1. Introduction - What's This Course All About/1. What Will You Learn What Benefits You Get From Taking This Course.mp4
121.4 MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/9. APPLICATION - Extracting the Product Names, Links and Prices. Saving to Excel.mp4
117.6 MB
14. ADVANCED LEVEL Python 3 - Regular Expressions/1. Python 3 Regex - match() & search().mp4
117.0 MB
21. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Network Tasks with Python 3/15. Checking IP Address Validity.mp4
99.1 MB
26. Useful Python Modules and Tools/1. Comparing File Contents (difflib).mp4
97.9 MB
20. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Database Tasks with Python 3/24. APPLICATION - Migrating Records from a Text File to the Database.mp4
95.5 MB
25. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Web Scraping with Python 3/5. Tags, Names and Attributes.mp4
95.4 MB
23. SUPERHERO LEVEL Data Visualization with Bokeh and Python 3/7. Creating a Pie Chart Based on CSV Data.mp4
93.1 MB
24. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Unit Testing with Python 3/5. Testing a Basic Script - Preparing the Test Bed.mp4
89.4 MB
19. SUPERHERO LEVEL Automate Excel Tasks with Python 3/8. Working with Cell Styles Using Python.mp4
88.7 MB
7.5 GB
[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Complete Python 3 Masterclass Journey
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/3. Webscraping with Python - Requests and BeautifulSoup.mp4
52.3 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/4. Web Scraping with Python - Part One.mp4
46.2 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/5. Reading and Writing to Files with OS.mp4
46.1 MB
10. Final Field Readiness Exam/3. Solution Overview of Final Field Readiness Exam.mp4
42.0 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/8. Orange Mission Debrief.mp4
40.9 MB
2. Recruitment/5. Running Python Code.mp4
38.2 MB
14. Yellow Mission - Working with CSV Files/3. Working with PDFs with Python.mp4
36.7 MB
16. Blue Mission - Working with Images with Python/2. Working with Images using Python.mp4
34.1 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/4. Regular Expressions - Part Three.mp4
33.2 MB
14. Yellow Mission - Working with CSV Files/2. Working with CSVs with Python.mp4
32.1 MB
18. Violet Mission - Mapping Out Locations with Python/3. Geographical Plotting in Python.mp4
30.9 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/5. Web Scraping with Python - Part Two.mp4
30.6 MB
13. Orange Mission - Regular Expressions and Reading Files/3. Regular Expressions - Part Two.mp4
30.5 MB
17. Indigo Mission - Decryption with Python/3. Encryption and Hashing with Python.mp4
30.5 MB
8. Hacking Incident/3. Hacking Incident Debriefing.mp4
29.4 MB
15. Green Mission - Sending Emails with Python/3. Checking Received Emails with Python.mp4
28.9 MB
15. Green Mission - Sending Emails with Python/2. Sending Emails with Python.mp4
27.0 MB
12. RED Mission - Web Scraping/7. RED Mission Debrief.mp4
26.7 MB
3. Recruitment Trials Bootcamp - Python Basics/3. Python Strings.mp4
26.6 MB
7. Recruitment Trials Bootcamp - Part Three/2. Python Functions.mp4
26.4 MB
1.5 GB
11. Losowanie - zdarzenia losowe/5. CWICZENIE GRA Otwieranie skrzynek z losowa iloscia zlota.mp4
340.0 MB
14. pip PyPi - Korzystanie z zewnetrznych pakunkow - praktyczne przyklady JSON/4. CWICZENIE Przetwarzamy JSON pobrany z poprzedniej lekcji - wreczamy ciasteczko!.mp4
293.8 MB
7. Zaawansowane Typy Danych/7. Wypisywanie zawartosci slownika zagniezdzonego w liscieslowniku.mp4
250.9 MB
10. Funkcje - zaawansowane aspekty/9. Argument wielowartosciowy (Variable-length Arguments).mp4
169.7 MB
14. pip PyPi - Korzystanie z zewnetrznych pakunkow - praktyczne przyklady JSON/7. SPOSOB 3 Pobranie jednoczesnie kilku wybranych uzytkownikow z serwera.mp4
165.5 MB
18. Visual Studio Code Instalacja i ustawienia/8. Debugowanie - jak szukac profesjonalnie bledow w kodzie.mp4
164.4 MB
10. Funkcje - zaawansowane aspekty/12. Mutable vs immutable - przesylanie obiektow do funkcji.mp4
162.1 MB
20. Programowanie obiektowe/19. Dziedziczenie i nadpisywanie metod - super().mp4
160.9 MB
10. Funkcje - zaawansowane aspekty/2. Enum - co to jest i po co to uzywac Ulepszamy program z poprzedniej lekcji.mp4
145.7 MB
10. Funkcje - zaawansowane aspekty/4. MODUL time Mierzenie wydajnosci kodu.mp4
142.5 MB
20. Programowanie obiektowe/18. Obsluga zwracanych wartosci z wyplacania.mp4
140.0 MB
15. Zewnetrzne API - GET - autoryzacji przez klucz - praktyczne przyklady/2. Pobieranie JSON ze stackoverflow.com.mp4
137.3 MB
16. API - autoryzacja przez naglowek - POST i DELETE/5. Optymalizacja i refaktoryzacja kodu z poprzednich lekcji.mp4
136.1 MB
14. pip PyPi - Korzystanie z zewnetrznych pakunkow - praktyczne przyklady JSON/6. SPOSOB 2 Pobranie jednoczesnie kilku wybranych uzytkownikow z serwera.mp4
135.4 MB
12. Praca z plikami oraz wyjatki i ich obsluga/8. Slowo kluczowe EXCEPT - obsluga wyjatku - CWICZENIE Rozdziel imiona i nazwiska.mp4
132.9 MB
15. Zewnetrzne API - GET - autoryzacji przez klucz - praktyczne przyklady/1. Czym jest publiczne API stackoverflow.com API.mp4
126.4 MB
16. API - autoryzacja przez naglowek - POST i DELETE/3. metoda POST - wysylanie ulubionego kotka na serwer.mp4
123.0 MB
20. Programowanie obiektowe/11. CWICZENIE Oblicz odleglosc od jednej do drugiej rakiety.mp4
122.2 MB
20. Programowanie obiektowe/3. Twoja pierwsza metoda - co to jest self.mp4
112.7 MB
20. Programowanie obiektowe/2. Co to sa klasy i obiekty - jak je stworzyc.mp4
112.4 MB
8.8 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Python 3 Programming Beginner to Pro Masterclass
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/6. Matplotlib - Part 2.mp4
402.4 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/8. Project #6 - Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game.mp4
328.2 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/3. Project #2 - Draw Cartoon of Images Using OpenCV - Part B.mp4
323.5 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/6. Project #4 - Detect Lane Lines for Self-driving Cars - Part B.mp4
322.5 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/2. Numpy Basics - Part 2.mp4
313.6 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/7. Matplotlib - Part 3.mp4
288.6 MB
279.6 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/3. Pandas - Part 1.mp4
259.5 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/4. Pandas - Part 2.mp4
248.8 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/1. Numpy Basics - Part 1.mp4
230.3 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/4. Project #3 - Build a Fortune Teller Game.mp4
213.3 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/29. Project #12 - Detect Faces and Eyes in Images! Part 2.mp4
208.2 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/9. Project #7 - Draw a Sketch of your Face Using the WebCam.mp4
205.3 MB
5. MACHINE LEARNING IN PYTHON/16. Case Study 2 - Improving the Model.mp4
199.1 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/1. Project #1 - Build a Guessing Game.mp4
196.7 MB
3. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - Part C/5. Matplotlib - Part 1.mp4
188.5 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/14. Project #8 - Amazon Alexa Reviews Analysis - Part 5 - Feature Engineering.mp4
165.1 MB
4. PRACTICAL PROJECTS IN PYTHON/7. Project #5 - Build your Zodiac Sign Application.mp4
158.4 MB
5. MACHINE LEARNING IN PYTHON/23. Case Study 3 - Max Pooling and Down-sampling.mp4
156.9 MB
2. BEGINNER PYTHON FUNDAMENTALS - PART B/20. Loops - Exercises Solutions part #4.mp4
154.3 MB
13.8 GB
[GigaCourse.com] Udemy - Python 3 Network Programming - Build 5 Network Applications
19. [APP] Network Application #1 - Reading Writing Device Configuration via SSH/21. Extracting Network Parameters.mp4
139.7 MB
19. [APP] Network Application #1 - Reading Writing Device Configuration via SSH/14. Establishing the SSH Connection.mp4
127.2 MB
13. [Python 101] Python 3 - Regular Expressions/1. Python 3 Regex - match() & search().mp4
117.0 MB
20. [APP] Network Application #2 - Building an Interactive Subnet Calculator/8. Converting to Binary. Find the Network and Broadcast Addresses.mp4
109.7 MB
20. [APP] Network Application #2 - Building an Interactive Subnet Calculator/6. Converting to Binary. Calculate Hosts per Subnet. Wildcard Masks.mp4
109.6 MB
19. [APP] Network Application #1 - Reading Writing Device Configuration via SSH/5. Checking IP Address Validity.mp4
99.1 MB
21. [APP] Network Application #3 - Extracting Network Parameters & Building Graphs/5. Extracting the CPU Utilization Value and Saving It to a Text File.mp4
98.5 MB
22. [APP] Network Application #4 - Building a Basic Network Packet Sniffer/7. Meeting Scapy.mp4
88.8 MB
10. [Python 101] Python 3 - Conditionals, Loops and Exceptions/1. Python 3 Conditionals - If Elif Else.mp4
86.1 MB
11. [Python 101] Python 3 - Functions and Modules/4. Python 3 Functions - Namespaces.mp4
86.0 MB
12. [Python 101] Python 3 - File Operations/1. Python 3 Files - Opening & Reading.mp4
85.8 MB
22. [APP] Network Application #4 - Building a Basic Network Packet Sniffer/5. Configuring the Linux VM.mp4
85.6 MB
20. [APP] Network Application #2 - Building an Interactive Subnet Calculator/10. Random IP Address Generation Algorithm.mp4
85.0 MB
1. Introduction - What's This Course All About/1. What Will You Learn What Benefits You Get From Taking This Course.mp4
83.7 MB
14. [Python 101] Python 3 - Classes and Objects/1. Python 3 Classes - Objects.mp4
83.4 MB
19. [APP] Network Application #1 - Reading Writing Device Configuration via SSH/20. Reading Device Configuration.mp4
82.5 MB
22. [APP] Network Application #4 - Building a Basic Network Packet Sniffer/15. Testing the Application - Running the Sniffer and Filtering Packets by Protocol.mp4
81.9 MB
22. [APP] Network Application #4 - Building a Basic Network Packet Sniffer/11. Asking the User for Input Interface, Number of Packets, Interval, Protocol.mp4
81.6 MB
11. [Python 101] Python 3 - Functions and Modules/1. Python 3 Functions - Basics.mp4
77.4 MB
11. [Python 101] Python 3 - Functions and Modules/5. Python 3 Modules - Importing.mp4
72.7 MB
5.3 GB
Cool New Features in Python 3.9
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/02_Python39_tz.mp4
46.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/03_dict.mp4
36.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/05_ann.mp4.mp4
24.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/04_dec.mp4
21.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/08_gcm.mp4.mp4
21.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/07_prefix.mp4
18.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/09_upgrade.mp4
14.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/06_peg.mp4
14.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/01_overview.mp4.mp4
11.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/10_sum.mp4.mp4
6.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Cool New Features in Python 3.9/new39_slides.pdf
539.5 kB
241.4 kB
202.1 kB
184.9 kB
172.1 kB
167.9 kB
157.8 kB
156.0 kB
131.1 kB
66.7 kB
217.1 MB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python 3 Master Course for 2021
04 Basics/004 Data Types.mp4
166.7 MB
03 Setup/007 Basic Commands with iTerm, GitBash and Terminal.mp4
152.0 MB
04 Basics/012 Functions.mp4
141.1 MB
02 Documentation/004 Beginner.mp4
119.0 MB
04 Basics/008 Operators.mp4
114.7 MB
04 Basics/014 Arrays.mp4
111.7 MB
04 Basics/009 If Else.mp4
109.7 MB
04 Basics/002 Syntax.mp4
93.6 MB
09 Sets/008 Set Methods.mp4
88.6 MB
04 Basics/005 Numbers.mp4
83.6 MB
07 Lists/002 Lists.mp4
70.2 MB
08 Tuples/002 Tuples.mp4
68.7 MB
04 Basics/017 Iterators.mp4
62.8 MB
04 Basics/015 Classes and Objects.mp4
61.2 MB
04 Basics/019 Modules.mp4
58.7 MB
07 Lists/012 List Methods.mp4
55.5 MB
04 Basics/011 For Loops.mp4
55.3 MB
02 Documentation/008 Python 3.x Resources.mp4
55.1 MB
02 Documentation/009 Porting from Python 2 to Python 3.mp4
54.7 MB
06 Strings/008 String Methods.mp4
53.9 MB
3.8 GB
V-Ray 5 Houdini 18.5.596 Python 3
314.8 MB
123.4 kB
169 Bytes
314.9 MB
[Udemy] Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 4 – OOP) (01.2021)
06 Single Inheritance/002 Single Inheritance - Lecture.mp4
448.6 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/004 Handling Exceptions - Lecture.mp4
433.3 MB
14 Metaprogramming/021 Classes, Metaclasses, and __call__.mp4
417.9 MB
02 Classes/018 Properties - Lecture.mp4
411.4 MB
03 Project 1/011 Project Solution - Testing with unittest.mp4
338.7 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/002 Python Exceptions - Lecture.mp4
332.5 MB
14 Metaprogramming/012 Class Decorators - Coding.mp4
322.8 MB
02 Classes/004 Class Attributes - Lecture.mp4
321.7 MB
02 Classes/012 Function Attributes - Lecture.mp4
308.3 MB
06 Single Inheritance/010 Delegating to Parent - Lecture.mp4
305.2 MB
02 Classes/020 Property Decorators - Lecture.mp4
296.9 MB
06 Single Inheritance/006 Overriding - Lecture.mp4
285.9 MB
02 Classes/027 Class and Static Methods - Lecture.mp4
272.4 MB
02 Classes/002 Objects and Classes - Lecture.mp4
265.1 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/009 Custom Exceptions - Coding.mp4
263.1 MB
09 Project 4/002 Solution - Part 1.mp4
256.9 MB
14 Metaprogramming/003 The __new__ Method - Lecture.mp4
254.7 MB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4
254.5 MB
14 Metaprogramming/025 Attribute Read Accessors - Lecture.mp4
245.4 MB
10 Enumerations/003 Enumerations - Lecture.mp4
239.7 MB
23.2 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Learn to Code in Python 3 Programming beginner to advanced
4. Modules/8. Exercise - Requests & Json (Part 2).mp4
136.9 MB
4. Modules/7. Exercise - Requests & Json (Part 1).mp4
105.8 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/7. Data Validation.mp4
78.2 MB
5. File Handling/2. Reading Excel Sheets.mp4
72.1 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/10. Functions.mp4
68.0 MB
1. Python Basics/2. Installing Python on Windows.mp4
66.7 MB
1. Python Basics/1. Installing Python on Mac.mp4
61.2 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/1. Conditionals (if, elif, else).mp4
60.0 MB
2. Data Types/9. Data Types Booleans.mp4
59.3 MB
2. Data Types/1. Data Types Strings.mp4
57.1 MB
4. Modules/2. Matplotlib.mp4
57.0 MB
6. Introduction to Machine Learning/2. The Iris Dataset.mp4
56.7 MB
6. Introduction to Machine Learning/8. What's next in Machine Learning.mp4
53.4 MB
4. Modules/1. Time.mp4
52.1 MB
4. Modules/6. Working With JSON.mp4
51.0 MB
4. Modules/3. Exercise - Time & Matplotlib.Pyplot.mp4
50.7 MB
2. Data Types/7. Data Types Dictionaries.mp4
48.1 MB
2. Data Types/5. Data Types Lists and Tuples.mp4
47.4 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/5. For Loops.mp4
46.9 MB
5. File Handling/1. File Handling Basics - Create, Read, Write & Append.mp4
45.0 MB
2.1 GB
The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/25 - Deck Of Cards Exercise/5 - Deck of Cards Solution Deck Class.mp4
230.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/35 - Python + SQL/11 - Scraping to a Database Pt. 1.mp4
205.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/33 - Web Scraping Project/4 - Quote Scraping Project The Game Logic.mp4
189.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/32 - Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup/8 - Our First Scraping Program.mp4
167.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/33 - Web Scraping Project/7 - Creating A Web Crawler with Scrapy.mp4
158.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/33 - Web Scraping Project/3 - Quote Scraping Project Part 1.mp4
151.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/29 - Testing With Python/11 - Testing Card Deck Solution.mp4
131.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/33 - Web Scraping Project/6 - Quote Scraping Project Adding CSV.mp4
129.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/33 - Web Scraping Project/5 - Quote Scraping Project Refactoring.mp4
127.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/23 - OPTIONAL SECTION Making HTTP Requests with Python/8 - API Project Solution.mp4
119.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/32 - Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup/7 - Navigating With BeautifulSoup.mp4
113.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/26 - OOP Part 2/10 - Special __magic__ methods.mp4
112.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/11 - Guessing Game/3 - Improving Rock Paper Scissors.mp4
99.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/9 - Rock, Paper, Scissors/6 - RPS Mini Project Computer AI Solution.mp4
95.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/31 - Working With CSV and Pickling/1 - Reading CSV Files.mp4
91.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/29 - Testing With Python/6 - Introduction to Unittest.mp4
91.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/34 - Regular Expressions/7 - Introduction to the RE Module.mp4
85.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/29 - Testing With Python/7 - Other Types of Assertions.mp4
83.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/32 - Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup/2 - Is Scraping...OK.mp4
71.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp/2 - MAC LINUX Command Line Fundamentals/11 - Deleting Directories (Plus Tangents on Permissions and MAN Pages).mp4
68.5 MB
8.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Skillshare - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3 - with Examples.zip
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Skillshare - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3 - with Examples.zip
962.2 MB
962.2 MB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Learn to Code in Python 3 Programming beginner to advanced
4. Modules/8. Exercise - Requests & Json (Part 2).mp4
136.9 MB
4. Modules/7. Exercise - Requests & Json (Part 1).mp4
105.8 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/7. Data Validation.mp4
78.2 MB
5. File Handling/2. Reading Excel Sheets.mp4
72.1 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/10. Functions.mp4
68.0 MB
1. Python Basics/2. Installing Python on Windows.mp4
66.7 MB
1. Python Basics/1. Installing Python on Mac.mp4
61.2 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/1. Conditionals (if, elif, else).mp4
60.0 MB
2. Data Types/9. Data Types Booleans.mp4
59.3 MB
2. Data Types/1. Data Types Strings.mp4
57.1 MB
4. Modules/2. Matplotlib.mp4
57.0 MB
6. Introduction to Machine Learning/2. The Iris Dataset.mp4
56.7 MB
6. Introduction to Machine Learning/8. What's next in Machine Learning.mp4
53.4 MB
4. Modules/1. Time.mp4
52.1 MB
4. Modules/6. Working With JSON.mp4
51.0 MB
4. Modules/3. Exercise - Time & Matplotlib.Pyplot.mp4
50.7 MB
2. Data Types/7. Data Types Dictionaries.mp4
48.1 MB
2. Data Types/5. Data Types Lists and Tuples.mp4
47.4 MB
3. Conditionals, Loops, Functions and a bit more/5. For Loops.mp4
46.9 MB
5. File Handling/1. File Handling Basics - Create, Read, Write & Append.mp4
45.0 MB
2.1 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 4 – OOP)
06 Single Inheritance/002 Single Inheritance - Lecture.mp4
448.6 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/004 Handling Exceptions - Lecture.mp4
433.3 MB
14 Metaprogramming/021 Classes, Metaclasses, and __call__.mp4
417.9 MB
02 Classes/018 Properties - Lecture.mp4
411.4 MB
03 Project 1/011 Project Solution - Testing with unittest.mp4
338.7 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/002 Python Exceptions - Lecture.mp4
332.5 MB
14 Metaprogramming/012 Class Decorators - Coding.mp4
322.8 MB
02 Classes/004 Class Attributes - Lecture.mp4
321.7 MB
02 Classes/012 Function Attributes - Lecture.mp4
308.3 MB
06 Single Inheritance/010 Delegating to Parent - Lecture.mp4
305.2 MB
02 Classes/020 Property Decorators - Lecture.mp4
296.9 MB
06 Single Inheritance/006 Overriding - Lecture.mp4
285.9 MB
02 Classes/027 Class and Static Methods - Lecture.mp4
272.4 MB
02 Classes/002 Objects and Classes - Lecture.mp4
265.1 MB
12 Exceptions (Single Inheritance)/009 Custom Exceptions - Coding.mp4
263.1 MB
09 Project 4/002 Solution - Part 1.mp4
256.9 MB
14 Metaprogramming/003 The __new__ Method - Lecture.mp4
254.7 MB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4
254.5 MB
14 Metaprogramming/025 Attribute Read Accessors - Lecture.mp4
245.4 MB
10 Enumerations/003 Enumerations - Lecture.mp4
239.7 MB
23.2 GB