个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 1 毫秒。
[08-2020] python-data-science-machine-learning-bootcamp
04 Introduction to Optimisation and the Gradient Descent Algorithm/036 [Python] - Loops and the Gradient Descent Algorithm.mp4
471.0 MB
04 Introduction to Optimisation and the Gradient Descent Algorithm/037 [Python] - Advanced Functions and the Pitfalls of Optimisation (Part 1).mp4
468.5 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/198 Introduction to OpenCV.mp4
453.3 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/200 Calculating the Centre of Mass and Shifting the Image.mp4
425.6 MB
10 Build an Artificial Neural Network to Recognise Images using Keras & Tensorflow/169 Model Evaluation and the Confusion Matrix.mp4
384.2 MB
03 Python Programming for Data Science and Machine Learning/021 [Python] - Module Imports.mp4
366.5 MB
11 Use Tensorflow to Classify Handwritten Digits/183 Different Model Architectures_ Experimenting with Dropout.mp4
352.1 MB
05 Predict House Prices with Multivariable Linear Regression/068 Working with Seaborn Pairplots & Jupyter Microbenchmarking Techniques.mp4
350.7 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/193 Loading a Tensorflow.js Model and Starting your own Server.mp4
336.9 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/195 Styling an HTML Canvas.mp4
327.6 MB
04 Introduction to Optimisation and the Gradient Descent Algorithm/038 [Python] - Tuples and the Pitfalls of Optimisation (Part 2).mp4
317.0 MB
10 Build an Artificial Neural Network to Recognise Images using Keras & Tensorflow/167 Use the Model to Make Predictions.mp4
314.6 MB
04 Introduction to Optimisation and the Gradient Descent Algorithm/040 How to Create 3-Dimensional Charts.mp4
308.6 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/196 Drawing on an HTML Canvas.mp4
305.1 MB
10 Build an Artificial Neural Network to Recognise Images using Keras & Tensorflow/166 Use Regularisation to Prevent Overfitting_ Early Stopping & Dropout Techniques.mp4
301.0 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/199 Resizing and Adding Padding to Images.mp4
300.2 MB
12 Serving a Tensorflow Model through a Website/202 Adding the Game Logic.mp4
299.9 MB
04 Introduction to Optimisation and the Gradient Descent Algorithm/039 Understanding the Learning Rate.mp4
294.2 MB
08 Test and Evaluate a Naive Bayes Classifier_ Part 3/141 Visualising the Decision Boundary.mp4
290.8 MB
08 Test and Evaluate a Naive Bayes Classifier_ Part 3/146 A Naive Bayes Implementation using SciKit Learn.mp4
283.7 MB
25.0 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Pandas Bootcamp 2020 Data Science with Python
23. Python Basics/7. Data Types Lists (Part 2).mp4
140.9 MB
11. Cleaning Data/17. Coding Exercise 11 (Solution).mp4
136.0 MB
17. ---PART 3 COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT CHALLENGE---/4. Olympic Medal Tables (Solution Part 2).mp4
135.0 MB
23. Python Basics/18. Visualization with Matplotlib.mp4
130.3 MB
19. Time Series Basics/5. Creating a customized DatetimeIndex with pd.date_range().mp4
120.2 MB
8. Visualization with Matplotlib/3. Customization of Plots.mp4
108.0 MB
14. Reshaping and Pivoting DataFrames/6. pd.crosstab().mp4
104.3 MB
12. Merging, Joining, and Concatenating Data/13. Joining on different Column Names Indexes.mp4
100.0 MB
25. Statistical Concepts/1. Statistics - Overview, Terms and Vocabulary.mp4
97.9 MB
10. Importing Data/1. Importing csv-files with pd.read_csv.mp4
95.4 MB
11. Cleaning Data/5. Detection of missing Values.mp4
93.7 MB
11. Cleaning Data/10. Handling Removing Duplicates.srt
93.0 MB
11. Cleaning Data/10. Handling Removing Duplicates.mp4
93.0 MB
12. Merging, Joining, and Concatenating Data/2. Adding Rows with append() and pd.concat() (Part 1).mp4
92.3 MB
1. Getting Started/5. Installation of Anaconda.mp4
90.5 MB
23. Python Basics/11. Conditional Statements (if, elif, else, while).mp4
90.2 MB
19. Time Series Basics/7. Downsampling Time Series with resample() (Part 1).mp4
89.7 MB
11. Cleaning Data/6. Removing missing values.mp4
89.6 MB
15. Data Preparation and Feature Creation/8. Discretization and Binning with pd.qcut().mp4
89.5 MB
16. Advanced Visualization with Seaborn/3. Categorical Plots.mp4
89.3 MB
12.0 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Data Analysis Bootcamp with Pandas and NLTK.zip
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Data Analysis Bootcamp with Pandas and NLTK.zip
2.3 GB
2.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Python and Flask Bootcamp Create Websites using Flask!
1. Course Overview, Installs, and Setup/4. Installing and Setup.mp4
164.6 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/8. User Views - Part Two.mp4
162.8 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/5. Models Setup.mp4
149.7 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/6. User Forms.mp4
140.4 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/14. Final Project.mp4
139.0 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/13. Blog Posts Templates.mp4
138.5 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/7. User Views - Part One.mp4
137.6 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/12. Blog Posts Views.mp4
137.5 MB
12. Flask Migrate for Database Migrations/6. Flask Login Part Three.mp4
134.6 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/9. User Blog Posts Template.mp4
131.3 MB
9. Forms with Flask/2. Forms Fields Part One.mp4
130.4 MB
16. Payments with Stripe/2. Implementing a Checkout with Stripe.mp4
126.8 MB
4. Boostrap 4 Crash Course/4. Bootstrap Part Three - Navbar.mp4
125.8 MB
10. SQL Databases with Flask/5. Flask Relationships - Part One.mp4
121.1 MB
13. Large Project - Social Company Blog/10. Running Site Test.mp4
112.1 MB
9. Forms with Flask/1. Flask Form Basics.mp4
106.8 MB
12. Flask Migrate for Database Migrations/4. Flask_Login Part One.mp4
106.0 MB
14. Flask REST APIs/4. Authorization with Flask-JWT.mp4
105.9 MB
9. Forms with Flask/4. Flash Alerts.mp4
104.0 MB
11. Large Flask Applications/3. Blueprints for Structuring Large Apps (Part Two).mp4
103.6 MB
7.8 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - [2022] Machine Learning and Deep Learning Bootcamp in Python
54 - COURSE MATERIALS (DOWNLOADS)/001 PythonMachineLearning.zip
592.6 MB
33 - Q Learning Implementation (Tic Tac Toe)/006 Tic tac toe with Q learning implementation VI.mp4
104.3 MB
45 - You Only Look Once (YOLO) Algorithm Implementation/005 YOLO algorithm implementation V.mp4
100.5 MB
05 - Linear Regression/004 Linear regression implementation I.mp4
95.2 MB
19 - Single Layer Networks Implementation/002 Simple neural network implementation - Iris dataset.mp4
89.1 MB
09 - Naive Bayes Classifier/006 Naive Bayes example - clustering news.mp4
82.7 MB
35 - Deep Q Learning Implementation (Tic Tac Toe)/003 Tic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation III.mp4
77.9 MB
40 - Face Detection with Viola-Jones Method Implementation/002 Face detection implementation II - CascadeClassifier.mp4
74.1 MB
46 - Single-Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) Theory/003 Bounding boxes and anchor boxes.mp4
74.0 MB
45 - You Only Look Once (YOLO) Algorithm Implementation/004 YOLO algorithm implementation IV.mp4
73.1 MB
38 - Computer Vision Project I - Lane Detection Problem (Self-Driving Cars)/005 Getting the useful region of the image - masking.mp4
67.9 MB
16 - Machine Learning Project I - Face Recognition/004 Understanding eigenfaces.mp4
66.0 MB
43 - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Based Approaches/002 Region proposals and convolutional neural networks (CNNs).mp4
63.6 MB
26 - Machine Learning Project III - Identifying Objects with CNNs/004 Tuning the parameters - regularization.mp4
63.4 MB
06 - Logistic Regression/004 Logistic regression example II- credit scoring.mp4
61.4 MB
25 - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Implementation/002 Handwritten digit classification II.mp4
58.3 MB
25 - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Implementation/001 Handwritten digit classification I.mp4
57.0 MB
42 - Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Implementation/001 Showing the HOG features programatically.mp4
56.0 MB
31 - Exploration vs. Exploitation Problem/003 N-armed bandit problem implementation.mp4
55.9 MB
42 - Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Implementation/003 Face detection with HOG implementation II.mp4
54.9 MB
7.6 GB
[08-2021] the-complete-python-programmer-bootcamp
27 Bonus Material/150 Make an Instagram Style Filter in Python.mp4
547.1 MB
25 Introduction to Data Wrangling with python and pandas/148 Exploring Covid-19 data with pandas.mp4
289.5 MB
01 Welcome! Course introduction/002 Why code_ Why Python_.mp4
226.9 MB
15 Search and sort/092 Insertion sort.mp4
195.0 MB
06 For loops/034 Practical challenge.mp4
187.4 MB
05 Conditionals/025 Practical challenge.mp4
184.7 MB
11 BIg O/059 Big O.mp4
182.6 MB
10 General tips/058 General tips.mp4
163.8 MB
20 Git and GitHub/113 Introduction - Git and GitHub.mp4
156.1 MB
14 Advanced Python_ Stacks/080 Intro to stacks.mp4
135.7 MB
07 Dictionaries/042 Import counters (2_2).mp4
130.0 MB
05 Conditionals/019 Intro to conditionals.mp4
113.6 MB
06 For loops/030 The power of lists and loops and working together.mp4
108.5 MB
07 Dictionaries/036 Dictionaries.mp4
102.3 MB
05 Conditionals/023 More on strings.mp4
95.0 MB
19 Capstone project - Computer vision/104 Introduction to the project.mp4
94.6 MB
20 Git and GitHub/124 Conclusion.mp4
90.7 MB
08 Files and functions/045 Functions.mp4
90.0 MB
09 Classes/050 Objects.mp4
88.7 MB
26 Farewell/149 Farewell.mp4
87.1 MB
8.6 GB
Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/5. Project-4 Study Group Application Using Django/5. groups implementation.mp4
535.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/3. Project-2 Student Portal Application Using Django/3. Homepage and API requests.mp4
395.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/4. Project-3 Productivity Tracker Application Using Python/3. login and registration.mp4
391.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/4. Project-3 Productivity Tracker Application Using Python/4. todo implementation.mp4
385.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/5. Project-4 Study Group Application Using Django/3. login and registration.mp4
374.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/7. Project-6 Transaction Application With Tkinter and Sqlite3/5. authentication.mp4
365.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/3. Project-2 Student Portal Application Using Django/4. login and registration.mp4
349.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/7. Project-6 Transaction Application With Tkinter and Sqlite3/6. managing transaction.mp4
336.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/8. Project-7 Learning Management System with Django/12. staff assignment view.mp4
281.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/2. Project-1 Learning Management System with Django/13. staff assignment view.mp4
281.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/9. Project-8 Create A News Portal Application With Django/4. login and registration.mp4
266.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/6. Project-5 Brand Identification Application Using Python/7. integrating database with tkinter.mp4
242.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/3. Project-2 Student Portal Application Using Django/5. handling notes.mp4
191.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/2. Project-1 Learning Management System with Django/7. registration and login.mp4
190.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/8. Project-7 Learning Management System with Django/6. registration and login.mp4
190.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/4. Project-3 Productivity Tracker Application Using Python/5. profile implementation.mp4
187.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/7. Project-6 Transaction Application With Tkinter and Sqlite3/4. front end.mp4
187.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/6. Project-5 Brand Identification Application Using Python/4. developing frontend.mp4
183.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/6. Project-5 Brand Identification Application Using Python/5. implementing logic.mp4
170.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Python Bootcamp 2021 - Build 8 Real World Python Projects/9. Project-8 Create A News Portal Application With Django/3. implementing models.mp4
169.7 MB
10.3 GB
The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/2. Prospecting.mp4
125.6 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/5. Extracting High-Res Image URLs.mp4
122.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/14. Project 4 - Scraping Dynamic Sites With Scrapy And PlayWright/3. Item And Itemloading.mp4
110.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/12. The Scrapy Framework/11. Fine-Tuned Post-Processing.mp4
105.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/11. Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/17. Regular Expressions.mp4
100.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/11. Wrapping Up.mp4
99.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/7. Stepping It Up With Logging.mp4
96.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/12. The Scrapy Framework/13. Saving To Databases.mp4
94.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/11. Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/15. Functional Post-Processing.mp4
94.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/6. Project 1 - Portfolio Valuation With Google Finance/7. Tabular Display.mp4
93.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/4. Filtering Relevant URLs.mp4
93.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/11. Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/14. Parameterized Extraction.mp4
91.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/6. Project 1 - Portfolio Valuation With Google Finance/3. Parsing Price.mp4
90.6 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/12. The Scrapy Framework/12. Pipelined Data Validation.mp4
89.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/9. Project 2 - Image Scraper/9. Filtered Canonical URLs.mp4
84.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/11. Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/13. Parsing Pipeline.mp4
84.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/13. Boosting Scrapy With scrapy-playwright/1. The JavaScript Wrench In The Works.mp4
82.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/12. The Scrapy Framework/10. Introducing Itemloaders.mp4
82.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/7. APIs The Hidden Gems/10. Solution Adding Geocode.mp4
82.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023/12. The Scrapy Framework/7. Rewriting Using XPath Selectors.mp4
81.7 MB
7.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Ultimate Web Scraping With Python Bootcamp 2023
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/002 Prospecting.mp4
125.6 MB
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/005 Extracting High-Res Image URLs.mp4
122.4 MB
14 - Project 4 - Scraping Dynamic Sites With Scrapy And PlayWright/003 Item And Itemloading.mp4
110.8 MB
12 - The Scrapy Framework/011 Fine-Tuned Post-Processing.mp4
105.2 MB
11 - Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/017 Regular Expressions.mp4
100.2 MB
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/011 Wrapping Up.mp4
99.8 MB
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/007 Stepping It Up With Logging.mp4
96.5 MB
12 - The Scrapy Framework/013 Saving To Databases.mp4
94.7 MB
11 - Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/015 Functional Post-Processing.mp4
94.5 MB
06 - Project 1 - Portfolio Valuation With Google Finance/007 Tabular Display.mp4
93.7 MB
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/004 Filtering Relevant URLs.mp4
93.0 MB
11 - Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/014 Parameterized Extraction.mp4
91.3 MB
06 - Project 1 - Portfolio Valuation With Google Finance/003 Parsing Price.mp4
90.6 MB
12 - The Scrapy Framework/012 Pipelined Data Validation.mp4
89.5 MB
09 - Project 2 - Image Scraper/009 Filtered Canonical URLs.mp4
84.7 MB
11 - Project 3 - Building A Configurable Scraping Pipeline/013 Parsing Pipeline.mp4
84.5 MB
13 - Boosting Scrapy With scrapy-playwright/001 The JavaScript Wrench In The Works.mp4
82.8 MB
12 - The Scrapy Framework/010 Introducing Itemloaders.mp4
82.5 MB
07 - APIs The Hidden Gems/010 Solution Adding Geocode.mp4
82.4 MB
12 - The Scrapy Framework/007 Rewriting Using XPath Selectors.mp4
81.7 MB
7.3 GB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/15. Advanced Python Modules/8. Regular Expressions -re.mp4
159.3 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/33. Milestone Project 1 - Solution Walkthrough - Part 1.mp4
99.5 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/44. Exception Handling try, except, finally.mp4
95.6 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/73. Widget Styling.mp4
88.3 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/69. Interact.mp4
85.6 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/8. Strings.mp4
79.3 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/28. Functions.mp4
77.6 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/71. Widget Events.mp4
75.1 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/37. OOP - Part 2 - Classes.mp4
74.4 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/10. Lists.mp4
71.4 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/21. for Loops.mp4
71.0 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/29. lambda expressions.mp4
70.7 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/38. OOP - Part 3 -Methods.mp4
69.4 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/9. Print Formatting.mp4
65.4 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/35. Milestone Project 1 - Solution Walkthrough - Part 3.mp4
65.2 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/11. Dictionaries.mp4
64.8 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/66. Creating Generators.mp4
63.6 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/47. Modules, Packages, and Imports.mp4
62.5 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/64. Decorators - Part 3.mp4
58.5 MB
Complete Python Bootcamp Go from zero to hero in Python 3 Update/19. APPENDIX OLDER PYTHON 2 MATERIAL/74. Custom Widget Example.mp4
57.6 MB
6.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - OpenAI Python API Bootcamp - Learn to use AI, GPT3, and more!
~Get Your Files Here !/6. GPT Sentiment Analysis/4. Perform Sentiment Analysis via OpenAI.mp4
165.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Automatic Blog Post Creator/4. GitPython - Automatic Update Functions - Part Two.mp4
162.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Natural Language to SQL/4. Text Completion API - Parameter Overview.mp4
154.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Translation Project/2. Scraping International Newspaper Sites.mp4
123.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Welcome to the course!/5. Crash Course How does DALLE work.mp4
118.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Welcome to the course!/4. Crash Course How does GPT work.mp4
115.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Welcome to the course!/6. OpenAI Account Set-up.mp4
112.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Automatic Code Explainer - Docstrings/3. Merge Python function and Docstring.mp4
109.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Natural Language to SQL/5. OpenAI API Call and Request Handling.mp4
105.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Natural Language to SQL/2. Tabular Data Set-up.mp4
104.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. Text Embedding for Question and Answering/5. Document Similarity and Context Injection.mp4
102.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Automatic Blog Post Creator/5. OpenAI API Calls.mp4
99.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Translation Project/3. OpenAI Translation and Summary.mp4
96.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Automatic Exam Creator/3. Generating Exam from Prompt.mp4
90.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Welcome to the course!/3. OpenAI Overview.mp4
90.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Automatic Recipe and Dish Image Creator/3. Generating Dish Image via Image API (DALLE).mp4
89.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Automatic Blog Post Creator/3. GitPython - Automatic Update Functions - Part One.mp4
88.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Fine-Tuning and ChatBots/2. Data Set-Up.mp4
83.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Natural Language to SQL/3. Natural Language Request.mp4
79.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Automatic Exam Creator/2. Prompt Design.mp4
76.8 MB
3.4 GB
Alam A. Django 2.2 and Python. The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp 2023
Mele A. Django 4 By Example 4ed 2022.pdf
34.4 MB
Shaw B. Web Development with Django. A Definitive Guide...Python...2ed 2023.pdf
29.6 MB
Baker M. Secure Web Application Development...Python and Django 2022.pdf
13.3 MB
Sufyan bin U. Mastering Django A Beginner's Guide 2023.pdf
10.7 MB
Mangabo K. Full Stack Django and React. Get hands-on experience...2023.pdf
10.0 MB
Brookins A. The Temple of Django Database Performance 2020.pdf
2.8 MB
Emenwa G. Python Django For Web Development. Build Web Applications...2022.pdf
2.3 MB
Emenwa G. Python Flask for Web Development. Build Web Applications...2022.pdf
2.1 MB
Alam A. Build a Backend REST API with Python and Django - Beginner...2023.pdf
2.0 MB
Alam A. Django 2.2 and Python. The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp 2023.pdf
1.1 MB
108.3 MB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021
101. Bonus Section/2. Study With Me.mp4
1.9 GB
101. Bonus Section/1. Recording of our Live AMA (aka AAA - Ask Angela Anything).mp4
1.4 GB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/6. Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!.mp4
300.7 MB
14. Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/2. Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.mp4
272.8 MB
15. Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Coffee Machine Code.mp4
220.4 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/5. User Experience (UX) Design.mp4
204.0 MB
44. Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/19. Stylised Personal Site Solution Walkthrough.mp4
191.4 MB
70. Day 70 - Advanced - Deploying Your Web Application with Heroku/2. Version Control and Git.mp4
177.9 MB
12. Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/7. Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.mp4
176.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/26. Refactor Our Website Part 1.mp4
161.1 MB
43. Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/5. Internal CSS.mp4
159.6 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/9. The Bootstrap Grid Layout System.mp4
154.3 MB
65. Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/3. Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts.mp4
153.1 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/5. The Bootstrap Navigation Bar.mp4
152.2 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/20. Bootstrap Cards.mp4
151.3 MB
45. Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/5. Scraping a Live Website.mp4
151.0 MB
32. Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/7. Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher.mp4
150.5 MB
58. Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/22. Advanced CSS - Media Query Breakpoints.mp4
149.7 MB
9. Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/8. Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program.mp4
145.6 MB
35. Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/4. Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours.mp4
144.9 MB
27.9 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Ultimate Pandas Bootcamp Advanced Python Data Analysis
13. Data Formats And IO/3. Reading HTML.mp4
108.8 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/19. Is This A Valid Email.mp4
84.0 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/21. Pandas str contains(), split() And replace() With Regex.mp4
80.0 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/16. Introduction To Regular Expressions.mp4
78.7 MB
13. Data Formats And IO/5. Creating Output The to_ Family Of Methods.mp4
77.6 MB
4. Working With DataFrames/4. BONUS - Four More Ways To Build DataFrames.mp4
76.8 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/23. Solution.mp4
75.9 MB
15. Appendix B - Going Local Installation And Setup/1. Installing Anaconda And Python - Windows.mp4
74.8 MB
3. Series Methods And Handling/28. Transforming With update(), apply() And map().mp4
73.3 MB
5. DataFrames In Depth/33. Element-wise Operations With applymap().mp4
71.8 MB
5. DataFrames In Depth/4. More Approaches To Boolean Masking.mp4
71.7 MB
5. DataFrames In Depth/31. Same-shape Transforms.mp4
70.2 MB
4. Working With DataFrames/22. Part I Collecting The Units.mp4
70.1 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/14. BONUS Parsing Indicators With get_dummies().mp4
69.5 MB
5. DataFrames In Depth/14. Sorting vs. Reordering.mp4
68.4 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/17. More Regex Concepts.mp4
68.3 MB
12. Visualizing Data/9. Other Visualization Options.mp4
66.7 MB
11. Regex And Text Manipulation/18. How To Approach Regex.mp4
66.6 MB
12. Visualizing Data/8. Scatter Plots.mp4
66.5 MB
4. Working With DataFrames/31. BONUS - Min, Max and Idx[MinMax], And Good Foods.mp4
66.0 MB
10.3 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - 100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp
101 - Final Stretch/002 Study With Me.mp4
1.9 GB
101 - Final Stretch/001 Recording of our Live AMA (aka AAA - Ask Angela Anything).mp4
1.4 GB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/005 Day 58 Project - A Startup Website for TinDog.mp4
398.0 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/004 Bootstrap Components.mp4
361.6 MB
65 - Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/006 Web Design in Practice - Let's apply what we've learnt!.mp4
309.3 MB
14 - Day 14 - Beginner - Higher Lower Game Project/002 Solution & Walkthrough of the Higher Lower Game.mp4
292.9 MB
15 - Day 15 - Intermediate - Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine/007 Solution & Walkthrough for the Coffee Machine Code.mp4
236.1 MB
65 - Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/005 User Experience (UX) Design.mp4
206.4 MB
12 - Day 12 - Beginner - Scope & Number Guessing Game/007 Solution & Walkthrough to the Number Guessing Game.mp4
189.9 MB
58 - Day 58 - Web Foundation Bootstrap/003 Bootstrap Layout.mp4
180.4 MB
32 - Day 32 - Intermediate+ Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates (datetime)/007 Solution & Walkthrough for the Automated Birthday Wisher.mp4
163.7 MB
48 - Day 48 - Intermediate+ Selenium Webdriver Browser and Game Playing Bot/003 How to Find and Select Elements on a Website with Selenium.mp4
162.8 MB
45 - Day 45 - Intermediate+ Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup/005 Scraping a Live Website.mp4
161.7 MB
09 - Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/008 Solution and Complete Code for the Secret Auction Program.mp4
156.1 MB
43 - Day 43 - Web Foundation - Introduction to CSS/004 CSS Selectors.mp4
155.7 MB
65 - Day 65 - Web Design School - How to Create a Website that People will Love/003 Understanding Typography and How to Choose Fonts.mp4
154.3 MB
03 - Day 3 - Beginner - Control Flow and Logical Operators/012 Day 3 Project Treasure Island.mp4
150.0 MB
02 - Day 2 - Beginner - Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings/011 Day 2 Project Tip Calculator.mp4
149.2 MB
44 - Day 44 - Web Foundation - Intermediate CSS/002 Font Properties.mp4
147.1 MB
35 - Day 35 - Intermediate+ Keys, Authentication & Environment Variables Send SMS/004 Challenge - Check if it Will Rain in the Next 12 Hours.mp4
144.1 MB
27.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp.part1.rar
3.2 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp.part2.rar
1.3 GB
4.5 GB
The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/133 - CodeAlong Project Implemeting the Walk On Map Method Part 1.mp4
212.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/125 - Problem Statement RPG Game Features and Suggested Order of Implementation.mp4
191.4 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/137 - CodeAlong Project Battle Function Part 1.mp4
182.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/129 - CodeAlong Project Building our Game Map.mp4
177.0 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/13 - Python Functions/108 - Nesting Functions.mp4
171.8 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/11 - Python Conditionals and Loops/90 - Code Along Solutions 2 Exercises on Your Environment.mp4
169.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/143 - CodeAlong Project Playing our Game for 10 Rounds.mp4
163.1 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/11 - Python Conditionals and Loops/88 - Udemy Environment Exercises Walkthrough Solution.mp4
162.3 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/13 - Python Functions/109 - Documentation Type Hinting and Docstrings.mp4
160.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/131 - CodeAlong Project Implementing the Retrieve Position Method.mp4
153.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/11 - Python Conditionals and Loops/84 - While Loops.mp4
152.6 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/13 - Python Functions/100 - Introduction to Python Functions.mp4
151.1 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/136 - CodeAlong Project Implemeting the Move Event Function.mp4
150.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/7 - Python Lists/52 - Indexing Lists.mp4
149.5 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/12 - Reading and Writing Files/94 - Reading Files.mp4
149.1 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/12 - Reading and Writing Files/99 - Code Along Solutions Exercises on Your Environment.mp4
144.6 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/6 - Python Integers and Floats/46 - BuiltIn Functions Keyword Arguments.mp4
144.2 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/11 - Python Conditionals and Loops/77 - Nested Ifs.mp4
141.9 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/11 - Python Conditionals and Loops/80 - For Loops.mp4
141.7 MB
[TutsNode.net] - The Python for Absolute Beginners Bootcamp/15 - Practical Project Building our own RPG Role Playing Game/141 - CodeAlong Project Coding the ReceiveItems Function.mp4
140.3 MB
14.0 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Pro - The Complete Python Bootcamp For Noobs [ 2022 ]
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - Milestone Project JARVIS 20 Advance AI Assistant/30 - Advance AI Assistant JARVIS 20 With Python.mp4
2.0 GB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Django Web Development/28 - Password Generator Applictation Using Django Part3.mp4
174.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Django Web Development/29 - Project 2 Weather Applictation Using Django.mp4
160.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Django Web Development/26 - Project 1 Password Generator Applictation Using Django Part1.mp4
102.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Django Web Development/27 - Password Generator Applictation Using Django Part2.mp4
84.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8 - OpenCV/24 - Read & Write.mp4
59.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/3 - Python Development Environment Setup.mp4
53.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Operators in Python/14 - Comparison & Logical Operators.mp4
53.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Python Projects/17 - Email AutomationI.mp4
49.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Python Projects/20 - Work Setup AutomationII.mp4
47.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Variables/7 - Variables.mp4
46.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9 - Django Web Development/25 - First Django Project.mp4
44.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - Milestone Project JARVIS 20 Advance AI Assistant/30 - 20190710144821.mp4
39.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Python Projects/18 - Email AutomationII.mp4
37.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Python Projects/19 - Work Setup AutomationI.mp4
35.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - Milestone Project JARVIS 20 Advance AI Assistant/30 - python362amd64.exe
31.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Python Projects/21 - Convert py To exe.mp4
31.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/1 - Introduction.mp4
30.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/2 - What is Python.mp4
28.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Operators in Python/12 - Arithmetic Operators.mp4
26.5 MB
3.4 GB
[ TutSala.com ] Udemy - Data Science Bootcamp with Power BI and Python
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/1. Row deletion and Column SPLIT.mp4
63.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Slicer filters and more/3. Creating a Measure Calculated Field for Gauge Chart.mp4
48.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Create Visualization charts/1. Pie chart.mp4
44.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/6. Adding Conditional and Index column.mp4
42.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Data Visualization with Python/2. Creating a Line chart with matplotlib.mp4
41.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Data Visualization with Python/3. Putting labels and creating dashed scatterplot.mp4
40.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Slicer filters and more/4. Using Live Web data.mp4
38.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Create Visualization charts/2. Ring chart.mp4
37.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Create Visualization charts/4. Table and Matrix.mp4
35.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/2. Replace Column Values.mp4
33.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Create Visualization charts/3. Treemap chart.mp4
33.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/4. Adding SUFFIX and PREFIX.mp4
32.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/3. Column MERGE.mp4
30.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Getting Started with Power bi/2. Line chart.mp4
29.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Getting Started with Power bi/1. Bar chart.mp4
28.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Create Visualization charts/5. Drill Down Table and Matrix.mp4
28.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Slicer filters and more/2. Slicers- Date Slicer.mp4
27.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Data Visualization with Python/5. More on Violin chart.mp4
26.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Data Preparation with Power Query/5. Add and Transform Column- Extract function.mp4
25.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Data Visualization with Python/4. Violin chart with seaborn.mp4
24.5 MB
793.9 MB
100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021
100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021.zip
23.5 GB
[TGx]Downloaded from torrentgalaxy.to .txt
585 Bytes
63 Bytes
23.5 GB