个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 13 毫秒。
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Advanced AI Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python
9. Appendix/3. Windows-Focused Environment Setup 2018.mp4
195.2 MB
7. A3C/5. A3C - Code pt 4.mp4
193.3 MB
8. Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/4. (Review) Tensorflow Neural Network in Code.mp4
102.0 MB
8. Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/1. (Review) Theano Basics.mp4
97.9 MB
8. Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/2. (Review) Theano Neural Network in Code.mp4
91.2 MB
7. A3C/4. A3C - Code pt 3.mp4
88.6 MB
8. Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/3. (Review) Tensorflow Basics.mp4
85.4 MB
9. Appendix/9. Proof that using Jupyter Notebook is the same as not using it.mp4
82.1 MB
7. A3C/1. A3C - Theory and Outline.mp4
75.2 MB
7. A3C/3. A3C - Code pt 2.mp4
60.4 MB
7. A3C/2. A3C - Code pt 1 (Warmup).mp4
52.5 MB
9. Appendix/4. How to install Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Pandas, IPython, Theano, and TensorFlow.mp4
46.0 MB
9. Appendix/8. Is this for Beginners or Experts Academic or Practical Fast or slow-paced.mp4
40.9 MB
9. Appendix/13. What order should I take your courses in (part 2).mp4
39.5 MB
9. Appendix/12. What order should I take your courses in (part 1).mp4
30.7 MB
9. Appendix/5. How to Code by Yourself (part 1).mp4
25.7 MB
5. Policy Gradients/9. Mountain Car Continuous Theano (v2).mp4
23.3 MB
5. Policy Gradients/7. Mountain Car Continuous Tensorflow.mp4
21.1 MB
6. Deep Q-Learning/7. Deep Q-Learning in Theano for Breakout.mp4
21.0 MB
5. Policy Gradients/6. Mountain Car Continuous Theano.mp4
20.0 MB
1.9 GB
Trilogie Monty Python 1080p Multi X264 AC3-mHDgz
Monty Python 2 La Vie De Bryan 1080p Fr En mHDgz.mkv
3.6 GB
Monty Python 1 Sacre Graal 1080p Fr En mHDgz.mkv
3.6 GB
Monty Python 3 Le Sens De La Vie 1080p Fr En mHDgz.mkv
5.4 GB
12.7 GB
[Udemy, Stanislav Gorchakov] Автоматизированный Telegram-канал на Python [2023]
118.1 MB
95.9 MB
87.8 MB
85.8 MB
80.1 MB
73.6 MB
72.4 MB
70.6 MB
70.5 MB
55.8 MB
55.1 MB
50.0 MB
46.0 MB
46.0 MB
44.6 MB
40.2 MB
37.8 MB
22.4 MB
21.3 MB
20.9 MB
1.2 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python OOP Four Pillars of OOP in Python 3 for Beginners
03 Classes and Objects/005 Understanding Classes and Objects.mp4
40.9 MB
07 Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/017 Overriding and the super() method.mp4
35.4 MB
06 Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/013 Understanding Inheritance and Performing a Single Inheritance in Python.mp4
28.5 MB
08 Final Project - Simulate a Banking System/023 Project Solution - Part 2.mp4
27.0 MB
05 Abstraction and Encapsulation - The first two pillars of OOP/011 Abstraction and Encapsulation.mp4
25.2 MB
07 Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/020 Implementing an Abstract Base Class (ABC).mp4
23.6 MB
06 Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/016 Public Protected and Private - Naming Conventions in Python.mp4
23.4 MB
07 Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/019 Overloading an Operator.mp4
22.2 MB
04 Attributes and Methods/007 Class Attributes and Instance Attributes.mp4
21.8 MB
04 Attributes and Methods/010 init() method - Create a fully initialised object.mp4
21.6 MB
08 Final Project - Simulate a Banking System/022 Project Solution - Part 1.mp4
21.3 MB
05 Abstraction and Encapsulation - The first two pillars of OOP/012 Performing Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python.mp4
21.3 MB
02 Installation of Python (if you havent already)/004 Installation for Linux.mp4
21.1 MB
06 Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/015 Performing a Multilevel Inheritance in Python.mp4
20.1 MB
06 Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/014 Performing a Multiple Inheritance in Python.mp4
18.2 MB
02 Installation of Python (if you havent already)/002 Installation for Windows.mp4
18.0 MB
04 Attributes and Methods/008 Understanding the self parameter.mp4
15.1 MB
03 Classes and Objects/006 Implementation of Classes and Objects in Python.mp4
15.1 MB
02 Installation of Python (if you havent already)/003 Installation for Mac.mp4
14.2 MB
07 Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/018 The Diamond Shape Problem in Multiple Inheritance.mp4
11.3 MB
480.8 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] SQL + Tableau + Python (365 Data Science).zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] SQL + Tableau + Python (365 Data Science).zip
1.2 GB
1.2 GB
Hacking with
By Don
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/9. Week 9/1. Password Cracking.mp4
541.4 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/12. Week 12/4. Network Analysis using wineshark.mp4
525.2 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/3. Week 3/4. IP version 6.mp4
509.4 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
454.4 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/6. Week 6/4. Public key cryptography part 1.mp4
442.3 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/12. Week 12/1. The NmAP Tool a relook.mp4
434.9 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/8. Week 8/5. DNS and Email security.mp4
414.6 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/3. Week 3/5. Routing examples.mp4
412.5 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/3. Week 3/1. Routing Protocols part 1.mp4
407.9 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/2. Week 2/1. IP adressing and routing part1.mp4
407.3 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/2. Week 2/3. TCP and UDP part 1.mp4
406.6 MB
[2020] Don's Introduction to Ethical Hacking for Beginners/9. Security Vulnerabilities/5. Shellshock.mp4
403.9 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/2. Week 2/4. TCP and UDP part 2.mp4
402.3 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/12. Week 12/3. The NMAP tool part 3.mp4
399.2 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/1. Introduction/4. TCPIP Protocol Stack part1.mp4
395.4 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/1. Introduction/2. Basic Concepts of Networking.mp4
388.2 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/10. Week 10/4. Physical Unconable Function.mp4
386.4 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/6. Week 6/1. Basic Concepts of Cryptography.mp4
378.3 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/2. Week 2/5. IP subnetting.mp4
377.1 MB
Ethical Hacking from Top University Professor/7. Week 7/3. Digital Signature and certificate.mp4
375.3 MB
109.5 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Advanced REST APIs with Flask and Python
4. Advanced e-mail confirmation/5. Creating our ConfirmationResource.mp4
159.5 MB
6. Image uploads/6. Creating our image helper library.mp4
157.2 MB
9. Payments with Stripe/9. Using the Association Object in our Resourcee.mp4
152.6 MB
2. Serialization with Marshmallow/4. Migrating from virtualenv to Pipenv.mp4
140.5 MB
3. E-mail confirmations/8. Sending e-mails with Mailgun (Part 1).mp4
132.9 MB
3. E-mail confirmations/6. Telling users they are active.mp4
126.7 MB
4. Advanced e-mail confirmation/3. Creating the ConfirmationModel.mp4
126.3 MB
2. Serialization with Marshmallow/6. Using vanilla Marshmallow with the API.mp4
123.8 MB
5. Postman documentation and tests/5. JavaScript tests in Postman.mp4
121.0 MB
4. Advanced e-mail confirmation/13. Updating our resources to use translations.mp4
117.4 MB
2. Serialization with Marshmallow/7. Introduction to Flask-Marshmallow.mp4
112.4 MB
9. Payments with Stripe/6. After payment receiving order data.mp4
106.5 MB
2. Serialization with Marshmallow/8. Adding items to our REST API.mp4
103.1 MB
6. Image uploads/11. Another example user avatars.mp4
100.8 MB
5. Postman documentation and tests/6. Running entire collections in Postman.mp4
100.3 MB
6. Image uploads/10. Retrieving and deleting images.mp4
99.8 MB
6. Image uploads/4. Config files in Flask.mp4
99.3 MB
1. Introduction/5. Reviewing the beginner course code.mp4
97.1 MB
9. Payments with Stripe/7. Creating our OrderModel.mp4
93.0 MB
9. Payments with Stripe/8. Many-to-many relationships with SQLAlchemy.mp4
92.7 MB
6.5 GB
Lynda -Up and Running with Python
595 Bytes
06 Conclusion/06_01-goodbye.mp4
4.5 MB
Exercise Files/ExampleSnippets.txt
14.1 kB
Exercise Files/projectfilereadme.html
3.6 kB
00 Introduction/00_01-welcome.mp4
10.2 MB
00 Introduction/00_02-shouldknow.mp4
4.8 MB
00 Introduction/00_03-exercise.mp4
4.1 MB
02 Python Basics/02_05-loops.mp4
32.7 MB
02 Python Basics/02_04-conditionals.mp4
22.9 MB
02 Python Basics/02_06-classes.mp4
27.0 MB
02 Python Basics/02_01-hello.mp4
28.0 MB
02 Python Basics/02_03-functions.mp4
42.2 MB
02 Python Basics/02_02-vars.mp4
26.5 MB
Exercise Files/Ch4/files_start.py
118 Bytes
Exercise Files/Ch4/ospathutils_finished.py
1.1 kB
Exercise Files/Ch4/ospathutils_start.py
102 Bytes
Exercise Files/Ch4/shell_finished.py
1.2 kB
Exercise Files/Ch4/files_finished.py
789 Bytes
Exercise Files/Ch3/timedeltas_start.py
139 Bytes
Exercise Files/Ch3/formatting_finished.py
896 Bytes
616.1 MB
01 Introduction/001 Introduction to the course.mp4
27.7 MB
02 Python Setup for Windows/002 Introduction.mp4
6.3 MB
02 Python Setup for Windows/003 Install Python on Windows.mp4
15.3 MB
02 Python Setup for Windows/004 Using IDLE On Windows.mp4
25.0 MB
02 Python Setup for Windows/005 Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available.html
2.4 kB
02 Python Setup for Windows/006 Downloading and Installing IntelliJ FREE and PAID versions on Windows.mp4
55.6 MB
02 Python Setup for Windows/007 Configuring Python in IntelliJ FREE and PAID version on Windows.mp4
21.3 MB
03 Python Setup for Mac/008 Introduction.mp4
5.6 MB
03 Python Setup for Mac/009 Downloading And Installing Python On Mac OS X.mp4
8.2 MB
03 Python Setup for Mac/010 Using IDLE on Mac OS X.mp4
50.7 MB
03 Python Setup for Mac/011 Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available.html
2.4 kB
03 Python Setup for Mac/012 Downloading and Installing IntelliJ FREE and PAID version for a Mac.mp4
57.8 MB
03 Python Setup for Mac/013 Configuring Python in IntelliJ FREE and PAID version on a Mac.mp4
66.3 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/014 Introduction.mp4
8.0 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/015 Downloading And Installing Python On Ubuntu Linux.mp4
13.8 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/016 Using IDLE on Ubuntu Linux.mp4
14.9 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/017 Installing IntelliJ FREE and PAID versions on Ubuntu Linux.mp4
27.1 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/018 IntelliJ Python Configuration For Ubuntu Linux.mp4
13.2 MB
04 Python Setup for Linux/019 Free 90 Day Extended Trial of IntelliJ Ultimate Edition Now Available.html
2.4 kB
05 The Basics of Python/020 Introduction.mp4
7.4 MB
7.9 GB
Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/11. DRF Custom User Model/1. Building Custom User Model.mp4
260.7 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/13. Deploy DRF API/1. Deploy DRF API To Heroku.mp4
223.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/12. DRF Improve API Performance/2. Schedule a Task Function To Improve API Performance..mp4
198.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/6. API security using Authentication Tokens and Permissions/1. Authentication Tokens Permissions With Decorators.mp4
188.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/10. Django Rest Framework Relationships/2. One To One Relationship, Nested Data.mp4
173.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/10. Django Rest Framework Relationships/3. Many To Many Relationship , Nested Data.mp4
160.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/5. DRF Functional Based Views/1. DRF Functional Based Views.mp4
144.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/8. DRF Class Based Views/4. APIView GET & POST Request and Response.mp4
131.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/10. Django Rest Framework Relationships/1. Many To One Relationship, Nested Data.mp4
126.2 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/13. Deploy DRF API/4. Deploy DRF API To AWS - Part-3.mp4
113.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/8. DRF Class Based Views/1. ModelViewSet and Routers With Serializer.mp4
109.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/6. API security using Authentication Tokens and Permissions/2. JWT, JSON Web Token Authentication with Django Rest Framework.mp4
105.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/12. DRF Improve API Performance/1. Use THREADING To Improve API Performance..mp4
97.8 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/3. Django Admin Panel/2. Create Model Class & Add it to Admin Panel.mp4
95.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/6. API security using Authentication Tokens and Permissions/3. Django API Permissions Using Throttling..mp4
86.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/9. Override DRF Actions/4. Override UPDATE PUT Action Method for ModelViewSet and ApiView..mp4
85.5 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/9. Override DRF Actions/1. Override Create Action CREATE Method ModelViewSet.mp4
84.6 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/5. DRF Functional Based Views/2. Sending And Handling Parameters Within URL..mp4
82.3 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/4. Django-Rest-Auth implementation/2. Django-Rest-Auth implementation..mp4
81.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Django REST API With Python & DRF (All you Need to Know)/8. DRF Class Based Views/5. APIView GET Object By ID, URL Parameters.mp4
80.2 MB
3.3 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - The Complete RESTful APIs with Python Course
5. Building Web Messenger App with Nameko and Microservices/2. Nameko and RebbitMQ.mp4
177.1 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/4. Creating Django App.mp4
173.5 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/8. Creating New Users.mp4
171.1 MB
5. Building Web Messenger App with Nameko and Microservices/9. Sending Messages with POST Request & AJAX.mp4
170.6 MB
5. Building Web Messenger App with Nameko and Microservices/8. Developing Messages in the Browser.mp4
161.8 MB
2. Python Basics/11. Data Structures.mp4
161.3 MB
2. Python Basics/10. Loops.mp4
156.2 MB
3. RESTful Web Services and Environment Set Up/2. Installing Flask and Setting the VENV.mp4
155.9 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/10. Game Data Model Back-End.mp4
153.7 MB
2. Python Basics/9. Exercise 2 If Statements.mp4
149.4 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/5. Dependences and NVM Module.mp4
138.1 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/15. Creating the Shopping Cart Form.mp4
130.2 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/7. Add Login and Logout Part 2.mp4
130.2 MB
3. RESTful Web Services and Environment Set Up/3. Flask and RESTful Services.mp4
129.5 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/12. Game Data Model Edit Views.mp4
127.5 MB
2. Python Basics/1. Print Objects and Data Types.mp4
126.2 MB
1. Introduction/2. Important Notes.mp4
126.2 MB
5. Building Web Messenger App with Nameko and Microservices/6. Nameko Dependency Provider.mp4
121.5 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/11. Game Data Model Front-End.mp4
121.3 MB
6. Online Video Game Store with Django/9. Creating New Users Front-End.mp4
119.4 MB
5.5 GB
30 Days of Python Unlock your Python Potential
01. Welcome/001 Welcome.mp4
74.9 MB
01. Welcome/002 Getting Help.mp4
27.6 MB
01. Welcome/003 YouTube Suggestions.mp4
12.4 MB
02. Days 1 Basics/004 Setup Strings Variables and Integers.mp4
135.7 MB
03. Day 2 3 Lists Dictionaries Tuples and Loops/005 Day 2 - Lists.mp4
81.0 MB
03. Day 2 3 Lists Dictionaries Tuples and Loops/006 Day 2 cont - Dictionaries Tuples.mp4
90.3 MB
03. Day 2 3 Lists Dictionaries Tuples and Loops/007 Day 3 - Loops For Loops and While Loops.mp4
182.5 MB
04. Day 4 Conditionals/008 Day 4 Conditionals.mp4
104.6 MB
04. Day 4 Conditionals/009 Day 4 cont Using Conditional Expressions.mp4
88.2 MB
05. Day 5 Functions/010 Functions Part 1.mp4
106.2 MB
05. Day 5 Functions/011 Functions Part 2.mp4
52.3 MB
06. Day 6 Advanced Strings/012 Day 6 - String Substitution.mp4
35.9 MB
06. Day 6 Advanced Strings/013 Day 6 - String Formatting and Substitutions All Together.mp4
31.1 MB
07. Days 7-9 Classes/014 Day 7 Classes.mp4
95.3 MB
07. Days 7-9 Classes/015 Day 8 - Classes Part 2.mp4
34.1 MB
07. Days 7-9 Classes/016 Day 9 Classes Part 3.mp4
78.8 MB
07. Days 7-9 Classes/017 Class Part 4.mp4
51.5 MB
08. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV and Email Do something Real/018 Day 10 Setup Python to send Email with Gmail.mp4
57.4 MB
08. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV and Email Do something Real/019 Day 11 HTML and Plain Text Emails through Python and Gmail.mp4
40.4 MB
08. Days 10 - 15 Python CSV and Email Do something Real/020 Day 12 - Send Formatted Emails to a Set of Users.mp4
53.0 MB
3.1 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn Ultimate Python-3 GUI Course With Tkinter,Qt and PyGTK.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Learn Ultimate Python-3 GUI Course With Tkinter,Qt and PyGTK.zip
4.5 GB
4.5 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Python Bible™ Everything You Need to Program in Python
10. OOPs! - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/6. PROJECT 10 - Make all the coins!! - Part 2.mp4
60.6 MB
10. OOPs! - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/5. PROJECT 10 - Make all the coins!! - Part 1.mp4
41.3 MB
8. Going Loopy - Loops In Python/8. PROJECT 7 - Pig Latin Translator - Part 2.mp4
33.7 MB
7. Hold This For Me Python Datastructures/10. PROJECT 5 - Cinema Simulator!.mp4
31.2 MB
9. Getting Funky - Functions in Python/9. PROJECT 8 - Tic Tac Toe Game! - Part 2.mp4
30.8 MB
5. The ABCs - How to use Strings to handle text in Python/11. Cool String Methods - Part 2.mp4
30.7 MB
10. OOPs! - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/4. PROJECT 9 - Make your own Coin! - Part 2.mp4
30.6 MB
9. Getting Funky - Functions in Python/7. Packing & Unpacking using args and kwargs.mp4
30.5 MB
4. The 123s - Numbers in Python/4. PROJECT 1 Crafting a Health Potion - Part 1.mp4
28.6 MB
10. OOPs! - Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python/7. PROJECT 11 - Make Your Own Bank!.mp4
28.5 MB
8. Going Loopy - Loops In Python/2. While Loops.mp4
26.8 MB
7. Hold This For Me Python Datastructures/6. More ways to add items to lists.mp4
25.9 MB
7. Hold This For Me Python Datastructures/8. Dictionaries Part 1 - What are Dictionaries.mp4
25.6 MB
7. Hold This For Me Python Datastructures/2. What are Lists.mp4
25.2 MB
5. The ABCs - How to use Strings to handle text in Python/6. PROJECT 2 Hello You! - Part 2 - Collecting Data.mp4
23.6 MB
2. Installing Python, Getting Started & A Top Secret Tip!/5. The Secret of Top Programmers....mp4
22.6 MB
6. If This, then That Logic and Conditional Flow in Python/4. if Statements.mp4
22.6 MB
5. The ABCs - How to use Strings to handle text in Python/10. Cool String Methods - Part 1.mp4
21.8 MB
2. Installing Python, Getting Started & A Top Secret Tip!/4. Meeting IDLE Take a tour of the Python Interactive Developer Environment (IDE).mp4
21.4 MB
5. The ABCs - How to use Strings to handle text in Python/12. PROJECT 3 Email Slicer - Part 1 - What are Slices.mp4
20.3 MB
1.2 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Processing Copernicus Sentinel-2 data using Python
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Additional content land cover mapping/1. Obtaining a land cover map using KMeans clustering.mp4
72.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Downloading Copernicus data/2. Searching and filtering Copernicus Sentinel-2 acquisitions.mp4
40.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/3. Installing and setting up a Python environment.mp4
36.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Welcome and introduction.mp4
32.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Opening and processing a Sentinel-2 acquisition/4. Creating an image subset using latlon coordinates.mp4
27.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Opening and processing a Sentinel-2 acquisition/3. Normalization and brightness correction.mp4
26.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Commonly used indices NDVI and NDWI/1. Computing and rendering NDVI.mp4
22.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Commonly used indices NDVI and NDWI/2. Computing and rendering NDWI.mp4
20.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Downloading Copernicus data/1. Authentication.mp4
19.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Downloading Copernicus data/3. Downloading and unzipping the acquisition.mp4
18.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/2. Setting up a Copernicus account.mp4
18.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Opening and processing a Sentinel-2 acquisition/2. Analyzing the bands and creating an RGB composite image.mp4
18.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Exporting data/1. Exporting to different file formats.mp4
17.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Opening and processing a Sentinel-2 acquisition/1. Opening a Sentinel-2 acquisition using rasterio.mp4
10.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Conclusion/1. Conclusion.mp4
9.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
391.3 MB
Skillfeed Game Development with Python
Work Files/Solutions.zip
23.4 MB
Work Files/Labs.zip
4.7 MB
Work Files/Game Loop Template.zip
319 Bytes
24. Simple Enemy AI.mp4
83.9 MB
26. Game Progression Logic.mp4
64.7 MB
29. Animations.mp4
52.2 MB
25. More Enemy AI.mp4
50.5 MB
30. Implementing Scores.mp4
49.0 MB
10. Managing Game Assets.mp4
46.1 MB
14. Player Input.mp4
44.8 MB
19. Game Object Logic.mp4
44.5 MB
15. Thrust and Damping.mp4
43.4 MB
21. Delaying Game Events.mp4
43.3 MB
20. Game Event Logic.mp4
37.6 MB
04. Understanding Frame Rates.mp4
30.9 MB
31. Adding Sound.mp4
29.9 MB
08. Working with Images.mp4
28.0 MB
09. Image Processing.mp4
26.6 MB
02. Your First Game Loop.mp4
25.6 MB
13. Simple Game Physics.mp4
25.2 MB
898.6 MB
Python The Complete Manual - 8th Edition, 2019.pdf
Python The Complete Manual - 8th Edition, 2019.pdf
87.1 MB
87.1 MB
Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/005 Stochastic gradient descent implementation I.mp4
111.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/008 ADAGrad implementation.mp4
67.1 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/18 - Appendix #3 - Data Structures in Python/017 Sorting.mp4
53.0 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/002 Gradient descent implementation.mp4
49.9 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/18 - Appendix #3 - Data Structures in Python/016 Sets in Python.mp4
49.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/17 - Appendix #2 - Functions/003 Positional arguments and keyword arguments.mp4
48.4 MB
[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/011 ADAM optimizer implementation.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/21 - Appendix #6 - Pandas/005 DataFrame operations.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/006 Stochastic gradient descent implementation II.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/19 - Appendix #4 - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)/013 Comparing objects - overriding functions.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/12 - #3 Challenge - Monte-Carlo Integration/002 Monte-Carlo integral implementation I.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/18 - Appendix #3 - Data Structures in Python/006 Lists in Python - advanced operations.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/09 - Interpolation/001 What is interpolation.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/18 - Appendix #3 - Data Structures in Python/015 Dictionaries in Python.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/08 - #2 Challenge - Google's PageRank Algorithm/008 PageRank algorithm - the final formula.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/18 - Appendix #3 - Data Structures in Python/001 How to measure the running time of algorithms.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/14 - ### NUMERICAL OPTIMIZATION (MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS) ###/004 Stochastic gradient descent introduction.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/20 - Appendix #5 - NumPy/003 Dimension of arrays.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/05 - Gauss Elimination Implementation/001 Gaussian elimination implementation I.mp4
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[TutsNode.com] - Numerical Methods and Optimization in Python/17 - Appendix #2 - Functions/008 What is recursion.mp4
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4. Numeric Types/11. Floats Equality Testing - Coding.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/2. Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4
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4. Numeric Types/4. Integers Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4
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8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/4. Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4
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8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/5. Named Tuples - Coding.mp4
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6. First-Class Functions/13. Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/12. Decorator Application (Timer).mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/20. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2.mp4
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4. Numeric Types/14. Floats Rounding - Lecture.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/7. Closures - Coding.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/19. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1.mp4
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6. First-Class Functions/18. The operator Module - Coding.mp4
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6. First-Class Functions/11. Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/4. Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4
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3. Variables and Memory/4. Garbage Collection.mp4
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8. Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/11. Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4
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7. Scopes, Closures and Decorators/21. Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3.mp4
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4. Numeric Types/28. Booleans Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture.mp4
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