A Conversation With Next Generation Data Analytics - Stewart Nickolas and Drew Walters - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 100.5 MB
Accessibility in AngularJS and Beyond - Marcy Sutton - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 241.4 MB
Algorithms for Animation - Simple formulas to activate your UI - Courtney Hemphill - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 870.3 MB
Amplify your Web App with Native Code - Brad Nelson - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 271.2 MB
An Introduction to CSS Grid Layout - Rachel Andrew - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 201.6 MB
Automate Your Site's Front-End Performance! - Kitt Hodsden - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 886.2 MB
Badass- Making Users Awesome - Kathy Sierra - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 659.6 MB
Bootstrap- Mobile Sites in Minutes - Anna Filina - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 253.1 MB
Bridging the Gap Between Designers and Developers - Divya Manian - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 917.5 MB
Browser Video Collaboration with WebRTC and ObjectRTC, No Plugins Needed - Philipp Hancke and Adam Brault - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 990.7 MB
Build responsive enterprise-grade web apps with OpenUI5 - Andreas Kunz - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 255.1 MB
Building Apps in Developing Markets with HTML5 - Jeffrey Burtoft - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 304.0 MB
Building HTML Email Doesn't Have To Suck - Lee Munroe - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 805.1 MB
Building Native-Like Hybrid Apps with AngularJS and Ionic - Christophe Coenraets - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 1.2 GB
Building Release Pipelines on the Open Web - Ryan Jarvinen - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 292.9 MB
Building Smarter Microservices with Scale-Oriented Architecture - John Sheehan and Ryan Park - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 1.1 GB
Can Project Forks Be Healed- - Danese Cooper, Scott Hammond, Jim Zemlin, Mikeal Rogers, Dan Shaw, and Bert Belder - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 304.7 MB
Code Like You Give a Damn- Custom Interfaces with HTML5, JavaScript & ARIA - Léonie Watson - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 205.1 MB
Conquering Inexpressive Web UIs with D3.js - Travis Smith - Fluent Conference 2015 Complete Video Compilation.FLV 175.0 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Nulls, Three-Valued Logic, and Missing Information. Why Nulls and 3VL Don’t Solve the Problem (2014)/part02.mp4 1.1 GB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. An Introduction to Set Theory. Set Theory Fundamentals for Database Professionals (2014)/part00.mp4 206.1 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. An Introduction to Set Theory. Set Theory Fundamentals for Database Professionals (2014)/part01.mp4 123.4 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. An Introduction to Set Theory. Set Theory Fundamentals for Database Professionals (2014)/part02.mp4 340.2 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/1.Preamble.mp4 286.2 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/10.Normalization - JDs and 5NF (informal).mp4 257.8 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/11.Normalization - JDs and 5NF (formal) - Part 1.mp4 212.6 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/12.Normalization - JDs and 5NF (formal) - Part 2.mp4 265.3 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/13.Normalization - Implicit Dependencies - Part 1.mp4 285.3 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/14.Normalization - Implicit Dependencies - Part 2.mp4 110.6 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/15.Normalization - The Chase.mp4 176.5 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/16.Normalization - MVDs and 4NF.mp4 351.6 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/17.Normalization - Other Normal Forms - Part 1.mp4 275.5 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/18.Normalization - Other Normal Forms - Part 2.mp4 271.1 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/19.Orthogonality.mp4 292.0 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/2.A Review of Relational Basics.mp4 273.7 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/20.Redundancy - Part 1.mp4 343.8 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/21.Redundancy - Part 2.mp4 120.0 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/22.Redundancy - Part 3.mp4 205.5 MB
O'Reilly - A C.J.Date Master Class. Database Design and Relational Theory. Normal Forms and All That Jazz (2012)/23.The Primacy of Primary Keys.mp4 196.6 MB
5. The human element/Security by consent - Brendan O'Connor (Malice Afterthought, Inc.).mp4 391.6 MB
5. The human element/A technical dive into defensive trickery - Dan Kaminsky (White Ops).mp4 378.7 MB
5. The human element/Gamify security training with developer CTFs - Kyle Rankin (Final, Inc.).mp4 301.3 MB
5. The human element/Building a cross-functional incident response team - Jennifer Martin (Covington & Burling).mp4 528.7 MB
5. The human element/Security through design Making security better by designing for people - Jelle Niemantsverdriet (Deloitte).mp4 422.3 MB
5. The human element/Threading the needle of mobile security and user privacy - James Plouffe (MobileIron).mp4 379.0 MB
5. The human element/Who owns open source security - Guy Podjarny (Snyk).mp4 359.9 MB
5. The human element/rkt’s architecture and security features - Frederic Branczyk (CoreOS).mp4 319.9 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/Hands on with InSpec - Mandi Walls (Chef).mp4 722.7 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/The industrial age of website bots How to detect and block automated attacks - Ido Safruti (PerimeterX) and Ariel Sirota (PerimeterX) - Part 2.mp4 593.0 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/The industrial age of website bots How to detect and block automated attacks - Ido Safruti (PerimeterX) and Ariel Sirota (PerimeterX) - Part 1.mp4 436.0 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/The bad things happen when you're not looking - Ryan Huber (Slack Technologies, Inc) and Nate Brown (Slack Technologies, Inc).mp4 286.5 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/Practical tips for web application security in the age of Agile and DevOps - Zane Lackey (Signal Sciences).mp4 377.9 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/PAL is your pal Bootstrapping secrets in Docker - Nick Sullivan (CloudFlare).mp4 320.8 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/Macaroons More cookie than cookie - Brian Sletten (Bosatsu Consulting).mp4 430.4 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/Integrating security into DevOps - Ernest Kim (MITRE Corp.).mp4 357.7 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/Machine learning to improve random number generators - Richard Freytag (Freytag & Company, LLC).mp4 306.8 MB
3. Tech, tools, and processes/From dev to production Security best practices on managing Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments - Dan Amiga (Fireglass) and Dor Knafo (Fireglass).mp4 363.3 MB