DVD-ROM Materials/PLAY Installer for Mac.dmg 113.3 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/PLAY setup.exe 67.0 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar and Amplifiers/8) Amplifiers Explained.PLAY 44.7 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/3) Developing Rhythm Guitar Technique/4) More Chords/5) E Minor and A Minor.PLAY 27.4 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/2) Review of Rudimentary Materials/2) The Major Scale and Natural Notes on the 6th String/4) The Natural Notes on the 6th String.PLAY 25.7 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar and Amplifiers/7) Features of the Les Paul-style Guitar.PLAY 24.7 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/3) Developing Rhythm Guitar Technique/4) More Chords/3) Open Position Chords.PLAY 23.9 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar/1) Introduction to the Electric Guitar and Amplifiers/3) The Parts of the Guitar.PLAY 22.3 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/4) Expanding Technical Skills/1) Open Position Minor Pentatonic Scales/4) Playing the Open A Minor Pentatonic Scale.PLAY 21.0 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/4) Expanding Technical Skills/5) Sliding with Single Notes in the Pentatonic Minor Scale/6) The Super Scale.PLAY 21.0 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/3) Developing Rhythm Guitar Technique/3) The Natural Notes of the 5th String/2) Learning the Natural Notes on the 5th String.PLAY 20.1 MB
DVD-ROM Materials/lessons/3) Developing Rhythm Guitar Technique/3) The Natural Notes of the 5th String/4) 5th-String Minor Scale Riff.PLAY 19.5 MB