1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/1. The most important SI principles (2 hr)/EPSI-01-40 The Six Families of SI Problems/EPSI - S01E05 - The most important SI principles.mp4 76.3 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/7. Cross talk in uniform transmission lines (1hr 30min)/EPSI-07-30 Why NEXT is different from FEXT/EPSI - S07E04 - Cross talk in uniform transmission lines.mp4 62.4 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/8. PDN design and EMC control (1hr 45min)/EPSI-08-20 Intro to the Power Distribution Network/EPSI - S08E03 - PDN design and EMC control.mp4 60.5 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/7. Cross talk in uniform transmission lines (1hr 30min)/EPSI-07-20 Cross talk and fringe fields/EPSI - S07E03 - Cross talk in uniform transmission lines.mp4 53.3 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/1. The most important SI principles (2 hr)/EPSI-01-70 Characteristic Impedance/EPSI - S01E08 - The most important SI principles.mp4 52.7 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/3. Reflections and terminations (2hr)/EPSI-03-10 How to Think About Reflections/EPSI - S03E02 - Reflections and terminations.mp4 52.2 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/5. Ground bounce (2hr)/EPSI-05-30 Root cause of ground bounce/EPSI - S05E04 - Ground bounce.mp4 50.5 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/2. Differential Pairs (2hr 15min)/EPSI-02-90 Examples of attenuation in channels/EPSI - S02E10 - Differential Pairs.mp4 49.1 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/5. Ground bounce (2hr)/EPSI-05-70 Measuring ground bounce/EPSI - S05E08 - Ground bounce.mp4 48.9 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/4. Reflections and routing topologies (1hr 45min)/EPSI-04-10 Routing Topologies/EPSI - S04E02 - Reflections and routing topologies.mp4 47.9 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/7. Cross talk in uniform transmission lines (1hr 30min)/EPSI-07-50 Engineering lower NEXT and FEXT/EPSI - S07E06 - Cross talk in uniform transmission lines.mp4 47.8 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/5. Ground bounce (2hr)/EPSI-05-10 Recap of Signal Integrity Principles/EPSI - S05E02 - Ground bounce.mp4 47.3 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/5. Ground bounce (2hr)/EPSI-05-40 Inductance and reducing ground bounce/EPSI - S05E05 - Ground bounce.mp4 46.9 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/6. Signals changing return planes (2hr 30min)/EPSI-06-70 How Many Bypass Capacitors/EPSI - S06E09 - Signals changing return planes.mp4 45.9 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/8. PDN design and EMC control (1hr 45min)/EPSI-08-40 The Secret to a Robust PDN/EPSI - S08E05 - PDN design and EMC control.mp4 45.0 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/8. PDN design and EMC control (1hr 45min)/EPSI-08-70 Reducing EMC problems with connectors/EPSI - S08E08 - PDN design and EMC control.mp4 44.4 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/3. Reflections and terminations (2hr)/EPSI-03-20 Voltage and Current Reflections/EPSI - S03E03 - Reflections and terminations.mp4 44.1 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/4. Reflections and routing topologies (1hr 45min)/EPSI-04-30 Clustered Load Features/EPSI - S04E04 - Reflections and routing topologies.mp4 43.6 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/6. Signals changing return planes (2hr 30min)/EPSI-06-20 How return current flows between planes/EPSI - S06E04 - Signals changing return planes.mp4 43.3 MB
1. Essential Principles of Signal Integrity/6. Signals changing return planes (2hr 30min)/EPSI-06-90 Termination Strategies and Ground Bounce/EPSI - S06E11 - Signals changing return planes.mp4 43.3 MB