个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 1 毫秒。
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 62
Elkins - Legacy of Violence. A History of the British Empire (2022).pdf
47.7 MB
Veracini - Colonialism. A Global History (2023).pdf
46.8 MB
Elbourne - Blood Ground. Colonialism, Missions, and the Contest for Christianity in the Cape Colony and Britain, 1799-1853 (2002).pdf
31.5 MB
Linstrum - Age of Emergency. Living with Violence at the End of the British Empire (2023).pdf
24.6 MB
HRW - “That’s When the Nightmare Started”. UK and US Forced Displacement of the Chagossians and Ongoing Colonial Crimes (2023).pdf
23.9 MB
Steinmetz - The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought. French Sociology and the Overseas Empire (2023).epub
21.1 MB
Lidchi & Allan (Eds.) - Dividing the spoils. Perspectives on military collections and the British empire (2020).pdf
14.2 MB
Massri et al (Eds.) - Transnational solidarity. Anticolonialism in the global sixties (2022).pdf
7.3 MB
Stephen & Speed (Eds.) - Indigenous Women and Violence. Feminist Activist Research in Heightened States of Injustice (2021).pdf
7.0 MB
Peters & Christensen (Eds.) - Indigenous Homelessness. Perspectives from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (2016).pdf
6.9 MB
Kroeze et al (Eds.) - Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era. A Global Perspective (2021).pdf
6.8 MB
Zaalberg & Luttikhuis (Eds.) - Empire’s Violent End. Comparing Dutch, British, and French Wars of Decolonization, 1945–1962 (2022).pdf
6.8 MB
Gordon - Extreme Violence and the ‘British Way’. Colonial Warfare in Perak, Sierra Leone and Sudan (2021).pdf
6.8 MB
Stern - Empire, Incorporated. The Corporations That Built British Colonialism (2023).pdf
5.1 MB
Foliard - The Violence of Colonial Photography (2022).epub
4.6 MB
Storm & Tuma (Eds.) - Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914–1945. “Aliens in Uniform” in Wartime Societies (2016).pdf
4.3 MB
Lotem - The Memory of Colonialism in Britain and France. The Sins of Silence (2021).pdf
4.0 MB
Ferro - Colonization. A Global History (1997).pdf
3.5 MB
Bijl - Emerging Memory. Photographs of Colonial Atrocity in Dutch Cultural Remembrance (2015).pdf
3.3 MB
Boittin - Undesirable. Passionate Mobility and Women’s Defiance of French Colonial Policing, 1919–1952 (2022).epub
3.2 MB
302.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 33 (.. in Africa 7)
Jallow (Ed.) - Leadership in Colonial Africa; Disruption of Traditional Frameworks and Patterns (2014).pdf
1.1 MB
Turner - Congo (2013).pdf
1.1 MB
James - A History of Pan-African Revolt (2012).epub
1.4 MB
Chau - Exploiting Africa; the Influence of Maoist China in Algeria, Ghana, and Tanzania (2014).pdf
1.4 MB
Gann & Duignan - Burden of Empire; an Appraisal of Western Colonialism in Africa South of the Sahara (1967).epub
1.5 MB
Nasong’o - The Roots of Ethnic Conflict in Africa; From Grievance to Violence (2015).pdf
1.5 MB
Pierre - The Predicament of Blackness; Postcolonial Ghana and the Politics of Race (2013).pdf
2.0 MB
Bijaoui - Multinational Interest & Development in Africa; Establishing a People’s Economy (2017).pdf
2.1 MB
Srivastava - Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970 (2018).pdf
2.2 MB
Drif - Inside the Battle of Algiers; Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter (2017).epub
2.3 MB
Berwouts - Congo’s Violent Peace; Conflict and Struggle Since the Great African War (2017).pdf
2.4 MB
Moses & Heerten (Eds.) - Postcolonial Conflict and the Question of Genocide; the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-1970 (2018).pdf
2.7 MB
Magidmisha et al (Eds.) - Crisis, Identity and Migration in Post-Colonial Southern Africa (2018).pdf
2.8 MB
Davidson - The Lion that Didn't Roar; Can the Kimberley Process Stop the Blood Diamonds Trade (2016).pdf
3.0 MB
Carr - Germany’s Black Holocaust, 1890-1945 (2003).epub
3.0 MB
Pavlakis - British Humanitarianism and the Congo Reform Movement, 1896-1913 (2015).pdf
3.2 MB
Morris - The Washing of the Spears; the Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation (1966).pdf
3.4 MB
Aderinto (Ed.) - Children and Childhood in Colonial Nigerian Histories (2015).pdf
3.6 MB
Koch & Weingart - The Delusion of Knowledge Transfer; the Impact of Foreign Aid Experts on Policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania (2016).pdf
3.6 MB
Langan - Neo-Colonialism and the Poverty of ‘Development’ in Africa (2018).pdf
4.0 MB
477.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 53 (.. in Asia, Australia 13)
Sargana - Punjab and the War of Independence, 1857-1858. From Collaboration to Resistance (2020).pdf
75.2 MB
Singha - A Despotism of Law. Crime and Justice in Early Colonial India (1998).pdf
50.5 MB
Biedermann - (Dis)connected Empires. Imperial Portugal, Sri Lankan Diplomacy, and the Making of a Habsburg Conquest in Asia (2018).pdf
34.7 MB
DeFrancis - Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam (1977).pdf
21.2 MB
Jacobs - The Compensations of Plunder. How China Lost Its Treasures (2020).epub
21.1 MB
Grace - Opium and Empire. The Lives and Careers of William Jardine and James Matheson (2016).pdf
15.1 MB
Sidhu - The First Anglo-Sikh War (2010).epub
13.2 MB
Harper - Underground Asia. Global Revolutionaries and the Assault on Empire (2021).pdf
11.1 MB
Rashiduzzaman - Identity of a Muslim Family in Colonial Bengal. Between Memories and History (2021).pdf
10.7 MB
Fuerst - Indian Muslim Minorities and the 1857 Rebellion. Religion, Rebels, and Jihad (2017).pdf
10.4 MB
Banerjee - Under the Raj. Prostitution in Colonial Bengal (1998).pdf
10.0 MB
Lamb - Birth of a Tragedy. Kashmir 1947 (1994).pdf
9.2 MB
Belich - The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict (1986).pdf
8.5 MB
Zamindar - The Long Partition and the Making of Modern South Asia. Refugees, Boundaries, Histories (2007).pdf
8.0 MB
Singh - The Siege of Delhi (2021).pdf
6.6 MB
Zurbrigg - Malaria in Colonial South Asia. Uncoupling Disease and Destitution (2020).pdf
6.0 MB
Ghosh (Ed.) - The 1947 Partition in The East. Trends and Trajectories (2022).pdf
5.4 MB
Murphy - Rum. A Distilled History of Colonial Australia (2021).epub
5.3 MB
Padamsee - Representations of Indian Muslims in British Colonial Discourse (2005).pdf
5.1 MB
Gao - Creating the Opium War. British Imperial Attitudes Towards China, 1792–1840 (2020).pdf
4.3 MB
356.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 20a (-- in Africa 5)
Rubert - A Most Promising Weed; a History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945 (1998).pdf
800.5 kB
Newton - The Children of Africa in the Colonies; Free People of Color in Barbados in the Age of Emancipation (2008).pdf
1.2 MB
Levitt - Illegal Peace in Africa; an Inquiry into the Legality of Power Sharing with Warlords, Rebels, and Junta (2012).pdf
1.3 MB
Helenon - French Caribbeans in Africa; Diasporic Connections and Colonial Administration, 1880-1939 (2011).pdf
1.4 MB
Strachan - The First World War in Africa (2004).pdf
1.4 MB
Irons - Churchill and the Mad Mullah of Somaliland; Betrayal and Redemption, 1899-1921 (2013).epub
1.6 MB
Ginio - French Colonialism Unmasked; the Vichy Years in French West Africa (2006).pdf
1.6 MB
White - Speaking with Vampires; Rumor and History in Colonial Africa (2000).pdf
1.6 MB
K'Orinda-Yimbo - Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare; a Critical Observation of the Neighboring Continents (2008).PDF
1.8 MB
Shubin - The Hot 'Cold War'; The USSR in Southern Africa (2008).pdf
1.9 MB
Arnold - Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa, 2e (2008).pdf
2.0 MB
Collier & Sambanis (Eds.) - Understanding Civil War; Evidence and Analysis, Vol. 1, Africa (WB, 2005).pdf
2.1 MB
Mwaura - Kenya Today; Breaking the Yoke of Colonialism in Africa (2005).pdf
2.1 MB
Palumbo (Ed.) - A Place in the Sun; Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-Unification to the Present (2003).pdf
2.1 MB
Leonard - Life in the Time of Oil; a Pipeline and Poverty in Chad (2016).pdf
2.6 MB
Bennett - Africans in Colonial Mexico; Absolutism, Christianity, and Afro-Creole Consciousness, 1570-1640 (2003).pdf
2.7 MB
Jeppie et al (Eds.) - Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa, Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges (2010).pdf
2.8 MB
Bouwer - Gender and Decolonization in the Congo; the Legacy of Patrice Lumumba (2010).pdf
2.9 MB
Chidester - Savage Systems; Colonialism and Comparative Religion in Southern Africa (1996).epub
3.1 MB
Meredith - The Fate of Africa; a History of the Continent since Independence (2011).epub
3.1 MB
237.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 71
Singaravelou - Decolonization. Unsung Heroes of the Resistance (2022).epub
64.4 MB
Ekin - The Brutish Empire. Four Centuries of Colonial Atrocities (2024).epub
22.8 MB
Wagner - Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, 1893–1982 (2022).pdf
16.1 MB
Prakash (Ed.) - After Colonialism. Imperial Histories and Postcolonial Displacements (1998).pdf
14.4 MB
Hyam - Empire and Sexuality. The British Experience (1991).pdf
8.9 MB
Fitzpatrick & Monteath (Eds.) - Savage Worlds. German Encounters Abroad, 1798–1914 (2018).pdf
8.6 MB
Sinclair - At the end of the line. Colonial Policing and the Imperial Endgame, 1945-80 (2006).pdf
8.3 MB
Beurden - Inconvenient Heritage. Colonial Collections and Restitution in the Netherlands and Belgium (2021).pdf
7.8 MB
Akiboh - Imperial Material. National Symbols in the US Colonial Empire (2023).epub
6.9 MB
Weiss - The Archaeology of Capitalism in Colonial Contexts (2011).pdf
6.2 MB
Machado et al (Eds.) - Creating and Opposing Empire. The Role of the Colonial Periodical Press (2023).pdf
5.9 MB
Muppidi - The Colonial Signs of International Relations (2012).pdf
5.7 MB
Lahti (Ed.) - German and United States Colonialism in a Connected World. Entangled Empires (2021).pdf
5.5 MB
Fine - On Medicine as Colonialism (2023).pdf
5.3 MB
Madueno & Guerrero - Examining Colonial Wars and Their Impact on Contemporary Military History (2023).pdf
5.0 MB
Sigal et al (Eds.) - Ethno-Pornography. Sexuality, Colonialism, and Archival Knowledge (2019).pdf
5.0 MB
Gosden & Knowles - Collecting Colonialism. Material Culture and Colonial Change (2001).epub
4.9 MB
Roberts - The History of French Colonial Policy, 1870-1925 (1929).epub
4.4 MB
Breman - Colonialism, Capitalism and Racism. A Postcolonial Chronicle of Dutch and Belgian Practice (2024).pdf
3.9 MB
Dussart - In the Service of Empire. Domestic Service and Mastery in Metropole and Colony (2022).pdf
2.9 MB
229.0 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 16 (.. in the Americas 5)
Flexico (Ed.) - Treaties with American Indians; an Encyclopedia of Rights, Conflicts, and Sovereignty (2008).pdf
43.6 MB
Pohl - The Conquistador, 1492-1550 (2001).pdf
30.0 MB
The American Indians; War for the Plains (1994).pdf
29.2 MB
Biggs - Conquer and Colonize; Stevenson's Regiment and California (1977).pdf
27.0 MB
McCarty - A Place to Be Navajo; Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling (2002).pdf
18.4 MB
Corrigan - Europeans and Native Americans (2014).epub
10.6 MB
Lindsay - Murder State; California's Native American Genocide, 1846-1873 (2012).pdf
9.8 MB
Dickey - The People of the River's Mouth; In Search of the Missouria Indians (2011).epub
6.5 MB
Luebering (Ed.) - Native American History (2011).epub
6.0 MB
Calloway - Pen & Ink Witchcraft; Treaties and Treaty Making in American Indian History (2013).epub
5.7 MB
Elliott - Empires of the Atlantic World; Britain and Spain in America, 1492-1830 (2006).epub
5.1 MB
Trujillo-Pagan - Modern Colonization by Medical Intervention; U.S. Medicine in Puerto Rico (2013).pdf
5.0 MB
Treuer - Rez Life; an Indian's Journey Through Reservation Life (2012).epub
4.9 MB
Trafzer et al (Eds.) - Boarding School Blues; Revisiting American Indian Educational Experiences (2006).pdf
4.8 MB
Case & Voluck - Alaska Natives and American Laws, 3e (2012).pdf
4.4 MB
Bowes - The Trail of Tears; Removal in the South (2007).pdf
3.4 MB
Lawson - Little Bighorn; Winning the Battle, Losing the War (2007).pdf
2.8 MB
Wilkins - American Indian Politics and the American Political System, 2e (2007).pdf
2.6 MB
Smithers - The Cherokee Diaspora; an Indigenous History of Migration, Resettlement, and Identity (2015).pdf
2.6 MB
Gunther - Ambiguous Justice; Native American and the Law in Southern California, 1848-1890 (2006).pdf
2.4 MB
246.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 18 (.. in Africa 4)
Wrong - In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz; Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu's Congo (2001).epub
499.6 kB
Kerr - A Short History of Africa; From the Origins of the Human Race to the Arab Spring (2011).epub
558.9 kB
Wrong - I Didn't Do It for You; How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation (2005).epub
583.9 kB
Camus - Algerian Chronicles (2013).pdf
766.7 kB
Alexander et al (Eds.) - The Algerian War and the French Army, 1954-62; Experiences, Images, Testimonies (2002).pdf
875.7 kB
Krebs - Gender, Race, and the Writing of Empire; Public Discourse and the Boer War (2004).pdf
942.5 kB
Evans - Encyclopedia of the Boer War (2000).epub
971.1 kB
Edwards - Toxic Aid; Economic Collapse and Recovery in Tanzania (2014).pdf
1.2 MB
Wrong - It's Our Turn to Eat; the Story of a Kenyan Whistle-Blower (2009).epub
1.4 MB
Turse - Tomorrow's Battlefield; US Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa (2015).epub
1.6 MB
Melber - Understanding Namibia; the Trials of Independence (2014).pdf
1.6 MB
Carney - Rwanda before the Genocide; Catholic Politics and Ethnic Discourse in the Late Colonial Era (2014).pdf
2.0 MB
Anderson - Histories of the Hanged; the Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire (2005).epub
2.0 MB
Amutabi & Nasong'o (Eds.) - Regime Change and Succession Politics in Africa; Five Decades of Misrule (2013).pdf
2.1 MB
Echenberg - Africa in the Time of Cholera; a History of Pandemics from 1817 to the Present (2011).pdf
2.1 MB
Gardner - Taxing Colonial Africa; the Political Economy of British Imperialism (2012).pdf
2.2 MB
Thomas - Africa and France; Postcolonial Cultures, Migration, and Racism (2013).epub
2.3 MB
King - From Classrooms to Conflict in Rwanda (2014).pdf
2.5 MB
Byfield et al (Eds.) - Africa and World War II (2015).epub
2.9 MB
Stephens - Fuelling the Empire; South Africa's Gold and the Road to War (2003).pdf
3.1 MB
259.9 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 39 (.. in the Middle East 5)
Lochery - Loaded Dice; The Foreign Office and Israel (2007).pdf
115.3 MB
Walker - Behind the Lawrence Legend; the Forgotten Few Who Shaped the Arab Revolt (2018).pdf
93.6 MB
Goren - Dead Sea Level; Science, Exploration and Imperial Interests in the Near East (2011).pdf
27.6 MB
Sheffy - British Military Intelligence in the Palestine Campaign, 1914-1918 (1998).pdf
19.9 MB
Gelber - No Balm in Gilead; a Personal Retrospective of Mandate Days in Palestine (1989).pdf
18.4 MB
Barr - Lords of the Desert; the Battle between the Unites States and Great Britain for Supremacy in the Middle East (2018).epub
16.2 MB
Cohen - Britain’s Hegemony in Palestine and the Middle East, 1917-56; Changing Strategic Imperatives (2017).pdf
13.0 MB
Essaid - Zionism and Land Tenure in Mandate Palestine (2014).pdf
7.3 MB
Krammer - The Forgotten Friendship; Israel and the Soviet Bloc, 1947-53 (1974).pdf
7.3 MB
Mangold - Superpower Intervention in the Middle East (1978).pdf
7.2 MB
Nadan - The Palestinian Peasant Economy Under the Mandate; a Story of Colonial Bungling (2006).pdf
6.9 MB
Bradshaw - Britain and Jordan; Imperial Strategy, King Abdullah I and the Zionist Movement (2012).pdf
5.4 MB
Bernstein - Constructing Boundaries; Jewish and Arab Workers in Mandatory Palestine (2000).pdf
5.3 MB
Daigle - The Limits of Détente; The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1969–1973 (2012).pdf
5.2 MB
Aboul-Enein & Aboul-Enein - The Secret War for the Middle East; The Influence of Axis and Allied Intelligence Operations during World War II (2013).pdf
4.6 MB
Anderson - The Diplomat; Lester Pearson and the Suez Crisis (2015).epub
3.7 MB
Zamir - The Secret Anglo-French War in the Middle East; Intelligence and Decolonization, 1940-1948 (2015).pdf
3.4 MB
McNabb - Oil and the Creation of Iraq; Policy Failures and the 1914-198 in Mesopotamia (2016).pdf
3.3 MB
Hawa - The Erasure of Arab Political Identity; Colonialism and Violence (2017).pdf
3.1 MB
Gannon - The Irish Imperial Service; Policing Palestine and Administering the Empire, 1922–1966 (2019).pdf
3.1 MB
396.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 23 (.. in the Americas 7)
del Castillo - The Aztec Account of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico.pdf
547.8 kB
Dunbar-Ortiz & Gilio-Whitaker - 'All the Real Indians Died Off', and 20 Other Myths about Native Americans (2016).epub
573.7 kB
French - Addictions and Native Americans (2000).pdf
1.1 MB
Ulrich - American Indian Nations from Termination to Restoration, 1953-2006 (2010).pdf
1.3 MB
Leon-Portilla - The Broken Spears; the Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico (1992).epub
2.1 MB
Taylor - Colonial America; a Very Short Introduction (2013).epub
2.2 MB
Parent & Wiethaus (Eds.) - Trauma and Resilience in American Indian and African American Southern History (2013).pdf
2.5 MB
Foerster - A Brief History of the Incas; From Rise, Through Reign, to Ruin (2011).pdf
2.5 MB
Marak & Tuennerman - At the Border of Empires; the Tohono O'odham, Gender, and Assimilation, 1880-1934 (2013).pdf
2.5 MB
Burkholder - Spaniards in the Colonial Empire; Creoles vs. Peninsulars (2013).pdf
3.1 MB
Byrd - The Transit of Empire; Indigenous Critique of Colonialism (2011).pdf
3.2 MB
Maddison et al (Eds.) - The Limits of Settler Colonial Reconciliation; Non-Indigenous People and the Responsibility to Engage (2016).pdf
3.3 MB
Glancy - Fort Marion Prisoners and the Trauma of Native Education (2014).epub
3.3 MB
La Vere - The Tuscarora War; Indians, Settlers, and the Fight for the Carolina Colonies (2013).pdf
3.4 MB
Unrau - Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe (2013).pdf
3.4 MB
Weidensaul - The First Frontier; the Forgotten History of Struggle, Savagery, and Endurance in Early America (2012).epub
4.8 MB
Richter - Trade, Land, Power; the Struggle for Eastern North America (2013).pdf
4.9 MB
Bray (Ed.) - The Future of the Past; Archaeologists, Native Americans, and Repatriation (2001).pdf
6.1 MB
MacNutt - The Atlantic Provinces; the Emergence of Colonial Society, 1712-1857 (1965).epub
6.4 MB
Belmessous - Native Claims; Indigenous Law against Empire, 1500-1920 (2012).pdf
6.6 MB
271.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 15 (.. in the Middle East 2)
Barker - The Bastard War; the Mesopotamian Campaign of 1914-1918 (1967).pdf
69.8 MB
Blunt - Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt; Being a Personal Narrative of Events (1922).pdf
29.8 MB
Adams - Egypt Past and Present, with a Narrative of Its Occupation by the British, and the Recent Events in Soudan (1894).pdf
23.6 MB
Milner - England in Egypt, 9e (1902).pdf
21.0 MB
Murphy - The Arab Revolt, 1916-18; Lawrence Sets Arabia Ablaze (2008).pdf
11.8 MB
Almog - Britain, Israel and the United States 1955-1958 (2003).pdf
11.7 MB
Sykes - Crossroads to Israel, 1917-1948 (1965).djvu
7.4 MB
Kitchen - The British Imperial Army in the Middle East; Morale and Military Identity in the Sinai and Palestine Campaigns, 1916-18 (2014).pdf
6.8 MB
Blackwell - British Military Intervention and the Struggle for Jordan; King Hussein, Nasser and the Middle East Crisis, 1955-1958 (2009).pdf
6.6 MB
Meouchy & Sluglett (Eds.) - The British and French Mandates in Comparative Perspectives (2004).pdf
6.5 MB
Grainger - The Battle for Palestine, 1917 (2006).pdf
6.0 MB
Wallach - Desert Queen; the Extraordinary Life of Gertrude Bell; Adventure, Advisor of Kings, Ally of Lawrence of Arabia (2005).epub
5.3 MB
Rutledge - Enemy on the Euphrates; the British Occupation of Iraq and the Great Arab Revolt, 1914-1921 (2014).epub
4.8 MB
Fiore - Anglo-Italian Relations in the Middle East, 1922-1940 (2010).pdf
4.0 MB
Haynes - Lawrence of Arabia's Secret Air Force, Based on the Diary of Flight Sergeant George Hynes (2010).epub
3.9 MB
Meyer & Brysac - Kingmakers; the Invention of the Modern Middle East (2008).epub
3.6 MB
Majd - Great Britain and Reza Shah; the Plunder of Iran, 1921-1941 (2001).pdf
3.5 MB
Miller (Ed.) - Britain, Palestine and Empire; the Mandate Years (2010).pdf
2.7 MB
Copeland - The Game of Nations; the Amorality of Power Politics (1969).djvu
2.6 MB
Townshend - When God Made Hell; the British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921 (2010).epub
2.6 MB
256.8 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 10 (.. in Africa 2)
Thomas - The Slave Trade; the Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1440-1870 (1997).epub
42.8 MB
Colenso - History of the Zulu War and It s Origin (1880).pdf
36.4 MB
The Abyssinian Campaigns; the Official Story of the Conquest of Italian East Africa.pdf
28.6 MB
Lock - Zulu Conquered; the March of the Red Soldiers, 1828-1884 (2010).epub
17.3 MB
Morel - The British Case in French Congo; the Story of a Great Injustice, Its Causes and Its Lessons (1903).pdf
14.1 MB
Wauters - The Belgian Congo; Reservoir of the Allies (1942).pdf
9.8 MB
Imperato - Quest for the Jade Sea; Colonial Competition Around an East African Lake (1998).pdf
8.2 MB
Searing - West African Slavery and Atlantic Commerce; the Senegal River Valley, 1700-1860 (1993).pdf
5.8 MB
Coquery-Vidrovitch - Africa and the Africans in the Nineteenth Century; a Turbulent History (2009).pdf
5.6 MB
Italy's War Crimes in Ethiopia; Evidence for the War Crimes Commission.pdf
4.9 MB
Reid - Frontiers of Violence in North-East Africa; Genealogies of Conflict since 1800 (2011).pdf
4.4 MB
Semley - Mother Is Gold, Father Is Glass; Gender and Colonialism in a Yoruba Town (2011).pdf
3.9 MB
Yates - The Scramble for African Oil; Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa's Natural Resources (2012).pdf
3.6 MB
Edgerton - The Fall of the Asante Empire; the Hundred-Year War for Africa's Gold Coast (1995).epub
3.6 MB
Mamdani - When Victims Become Killers; Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda (2001).epub
3.4 MB
Luongo - Witchcraft and Colonial Rule in Kenya, 1900-1955 (2011).pdf
3.3 MB
Higgs - Chocolate Islands; Cocoa, Slavery, and Colonial Africa (2012).pdf
2.3 MB
Mouser (Ed.) - A Slaving Voyage to Africa and Jamaica; the Log of the Sandown, 1793-1794 (2002).pdf
2.2 MB
Van Reybrouck - Congo; the Epic History of a People (2014).epub
2.2 MB
Simon - The Ethiopian Campaign and French Political Thought (2009).pdf
1.9 MB
210.3 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 46 (.. in Asia, Australia 11)
Balachandran (Ed.) - India and the World Economy, 1850-1950 (2003).pdf
117.9 MB
Puri - Partition Voices. Untold British Stories (2019).epub
17.0 MB
Aldrich - Banished Potentates; Dethroning and Exiling Indigenous Monarchs Under British and French Colonial Rule, 1815– 1955 (2018).pdf
11.4 MB
Joshi - Fractured Modernity; Making of a Middle Class in Colonial North India (2001).pdf
10.3 MB
Robb - Peasants, Political Economy, and Law. Empire, Identity, and India (2007).pdf
10.1 MB
Kim - Empires of Vice. The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia (2020).pdf
9.6 MB
Samanta - Living with Epidemics in Colonial Bengal, 1818–1945 (2018).pdf
9.3 MB
Sen - Empire of Free Trade; the East India Company and the Making of the Colonial Marketplace (1998).pdf
9.1 MB
Mitra - Indian Sex Life. Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought (2020).pdf
8.7 MB
Gilmour - The British in India; a Social History of the Raj (2018).epub
8.3 MB
Stokes - The Peasant and the Raj; Studies in Agrarian Society and Peasant Rebellion in Colonial India (1978).pdf
8.1 MB
Polachek - The Inner Opium War (1991).pdf
8.0 MB
Richards - Cawnpore & Lucknow; a Tale of Two Sieges - Indian Mutiny (2007).epub
7.9 MB
Balk et al - The Archives of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Local Institutions in Batavia ( Jakarta) (2007).pdf
7.6 MB
Meerkerk - Women, Work and Colonialism in the Netherlands and Java. Comparisons, Contrasts, and Connections, 1830–1940 (2019).pdf
7.0 MB
Holland - Breaking the Silence. Aboriginal Defenders and the Settler State, 1905-1939 (2019).epub
6.7 MB
Hill - Convict Colony; the Remarkable Story of the Fledgling Settlement That Survived Against the Odds (2019).epub
6.5 MB
Peers & Gooptu (Eds.) - India and the British Empire (2012).epub
6.1 MB
Bayly & Harper - Forgotten Wars; the End of Britain's Asian Empire (2007).epub
5.5 MB
Curthoys & Mitchell - Taking Liberty. Indigenous Rights and Settler Self-Government in Colonial Australia, 1830–1890, (2018).pdf
5.2 MB
321.7 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 44 (.. in Africa 10)
Harms - Land of Tear; the Exploration and Exploitation of Equatorial Africa (2019).epub
35.0 MB
Calderwood - Colonial Al-Andalus; Spain and the Making of Modern Moroccan Culture (2018).pdf
29.6 MB
Williams - Who Killed Hammarskjold. The UN, the Cold War and White Supremacy in Africa (2014).pdf
26.9 MB
Killingray - Fighting for Britain. African Soldiers in the Second World War (2010).pdf
11.7 MB
Laroussi - Postcolonial Counterpoint; Orientalism, France, and the Maghreb (2016).pdf
11.4 MB
HRW - A Dirty Investment. European Development Banks’ Link to Abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congo's Palm Oil Industry (2019).pdf
11.1 MB
Weigert - Traditional Religion and Guerrilla Warfare in Modern Africa (1996).pdf
11.0 MB
Cole - Lethal Provocation; The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French Algeria (2019).pdf
9.9 MB
Sharkey - Living with Colonialism; Nationalism and Culture in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (2003).epub
9.8 MB
Schroeter - Merchants of Essaouira; Urban society and imperialism in southwestern Morocco, 1844-1886 (1988).pdf
9.8 MB
Kalman - French Colonial Fascism; The Extreme Right in Algeria, 1919 –1939 (2013).pdf
6.9 MB
Rutz - King Leopold’s Congo and the “Scramble for Africa”. A Short History with Documents (2018).pdf
6.8 MB
Heshmati (Ed.) - Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa (2018).pdf
6.6 MB
Boca - Mohamed Fekini and the Fight to Free Libya (2011).pdf
4.2 MB
Milner-Thornton - The Long Shadow of the British Empire; The Ongoing Legacies of Race and Class in Zambia (2012).pdf
4.1 MB
Yearwood - Nigeria and the Death of Liberal England; Palm Nuts and Prime Ministers, 1914-1916 (2018).pdf
3.8 MB
Okia - Labor in Colonial Keya after the Forced Labor Convention, 1930-1963 (2019).pdf
3.7 MB
Pringle - Psychiatry and Decolonisation in Uganda (2019).pdf
3.2 MB
Fabian - Out of Our Minds; Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa (2000).pdf
2.9 MB
Kenrick - Decolonisation, Identity and Nation in Rhodesia, 1964–1979; A Race Against Time (2019).pdf
2.6 MB
234.5 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 20 (-- in Africa 5)
Rubert - A Most Promising Weed; a History of Tobacco Farming and Labor in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1890-1945 (1998).pdf
800.5 kB
Newton - The Children of Africa in the Colonies; Free People of Color in Barbados in the Age of Emancipation (2008).pdf
1.2 MB
Rowan - The Politics of Water in Africa; the European Union's Role in Development Aid Partnership (2009).pdf
1.2 MB
Levitt - Illegal Peace in Africa; an Inquiry into the Legality of Power Sharing with Warlords, Rebels, and Junta (2012).pdf
1.3 MB
Helenon - French Caribbeans in Africa; Diasporic Connections and Colonial Administration, 1880-1939 (2011).pdf
1.4 MB
Strachan - The First World War in Africa (2004).pdf
1.4 MB
Irons - Churchill and the Mad Mullah of Somaliland; Betrayal and Redemption, 1899-1921 (2013).epub
1.6 MB
Ginio - French Colonialism Unmasked; the Vichy Years in French West Africa (2006).pdf
1.6 MB
White - Speaking with Vampires; Rumor and History in Colonial Africa (2000).pdf
1.6 MB
K'Orinda-Yimbo - Darkest Europe and Africa's Nightmare; a Critical Observation of the Neighboring Continents (2008).PDF
1.8 MB
Shubin - The Hot 'Cold War'; The USSR in Southern Africa (2008).pdf
1.9 MB
Arnold - Historical Dictionary of Civil Wars in Africa, 2e (2008).pdf
2.0 MB
Collier & Sambanis (Eds.) - Understanding Civil War; Evidence and Analysis, Vol. 1, Africa (WB, 2005).pdf
2.1 MB
Mwaura - Kenya Today; Breaking the Yoke of Colonialism in Africa (2005).pdf
2.1 MB
Palumbo (Ed.) - A Place in the Sun; Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-Unification to the Present (2003).pdf
2.1 MB
Leonard - Life in the Time of Oil; a Pipeline and Poverty in Chad (2016).pdf
2.6 MB
Bennett - Africans in Colonial Mexico; Absolutism, Christianity, and Afro-Creole Consciousness, 1570-1640 (2003).pdf
2.7 MB
Jeppie et al (Eds.) - Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa, Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges (2010).pdf
2.8 MB
Bouwer - Gender and Decolonization in the Congo; the Legacy of Patrice Lumumba (2010).pdf
2.9 MB
Chidester - Savage Systems; Colonialism and Comparative Religion in Southern Africa (1996).epub
3.1 MB
235.1 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 64 (.. in the Middle East 8)
Roubicek - Echo of the Bugle; Extinct Military and Constabulary Forces in Palestine & Tansjordan, 1915-1967 (1975).pdf
76.1 MB
Neff - Warriors at Suez. Eisenhower Takes America Into the Middle East (1981).pdf
34.5 MB
Wyrtzen - Worldmaking in the Long Great War. How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East (2022).pdf
29.3 MB
Grossman - Rural Arab Demography and Early Jewish Settlement in Palestine. Distribution and Population Density During the Late Ottoman and Early Mandate Periods (2011).pdf
15.4 MB
McCarthy - The Population of Palestine. Population History and Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate - Columbia U. Press_Institute for Palestine Studies (1990).pdf
13.0 MB
Rogan - The Fall of the Ottomans; the Great War in the Middle East (2015).pdf
12.7 MB
Turnberg - Mandate. The Palestine Crucible, 1919-1939 (2021).pdf
11.8 MB
Hen-Tov - Communism and Zionism in Palestine during the British Mandate (2012).pdf
11.5 MB
Segev - One Palestine, Complete. Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate (2000).pdf
9.9 MB
Heller - The United States, the Soviet Union and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-67. Superpower Rivalry (2010).pdf
9.6 MB
Baron - The Orphan Scandal. Christian Missionaries and the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood (2014).epub
8.1 MB
Caplan - Futile Diplomacy, Volume 2. Arab-Zionist Negotiations and the End of the Mandate - Routledge (2015).pdf
7.0 MB
Whidden - Monarchy and Modernity in Egypt. Politics, Islam and Neo-Colonialism between the Wars (2013).pdf
5.4 MB
Bagatti (Ed.) - Lawrence of Arabia’s Secret Dispatches During the Arab Revolt, 1915-1919 (2021).epub
4.1 MB
Abu-Ghazaleh - Arab Cultural Nationalism in Palestine during the British Mandate - Institute for Palestine Studies, Univ. Libya (1973).pdf
3.2 MB
Eyerman & Sciortino (Eds.) - The Cultural Trauma of Decolonization. Colonial Returnees in the National Imagination (2020).pdf
2.8 MB
CRE - The Mandate for Mesopotamia and Mandate for Palestine (2021).epub
2.8 MB
AlShehabi - Contested Modernity. Sectarianism, Nationalism, and Colonialism in Bahrain (2019).epub
2.5 MB
Kozma - Global Women, Colonial Ports. Prostitution in the Interwar Middle East (2017).pdf
2.4 MB
Tuchman - Bible and Sword. England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour (2011).epub
2.3 MB
280.0 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 48 (.. in the Americas 16)
Johnson - Red Power. The Native American Civil Rights Movement (2007).pdf
31.1 MB
King et al - Otherwise Worlds. Against Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness (2020).pdf
26.5 MB
Cervantes - Conquistadores. A New History (2020).epub
25.4 MB
Conrad - The Apache Diaspora. Four Centuries of Displacement and Survival (2021).pdf
22.4 MB
Daschuk - Clearing the Plains. Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life, 2e (2019).pdf
13.8 MB
Shire - The Threshold of Manifest Destiny; Gender and National Expansion in Florida (2016).pdf
12.6 MB
Haake - Modernity Through Letter Writing. Cherokee and Seneca Political Representation in Response to Removal, 1830-1857 (2020).pdf
10.5 MB
Becerril - Resisting Extractivism. Peruvian Gold, Everyday Violence, and the Politics of Attention (2021).epub
9.1 MB
Starblanket & Long - Visions of the Heart. Issues Involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada, 5e (2020).pdf
6.7 MB
Pratt - Toward Cherokee Removal. Land, Violence, and the White Man’s Chance (2020).pdf
6.4 MB
The New World. A Captivating Guide to the Americas, Age of Discovery, Christopher Columbus, and Transatlantic Slave Trade (2021).pdf
6.3 MB
Mason - Spirit of the Grassroots People. Seeking Justice for Indigenous Survivors of Canada’s Colonial Education System (2020).epub
6.2 MB
Frideres - Arrows in a Quiver. Indigenous-Canadian Relations from Contact to the Courts (2019).pdf
6.0 MB
Mann - 1491. New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus (2005).epub
5.8 MB
Muller - Corruption and Justice in Colonial Mexico, 1650–1755 (2019).pdf
5.8 MB
Reilly - Bad Medicine. A Judge’s Struggle for Justice in a First Nations Community (2019).pdf
5.6 MB
Austin - Colonial Kinship. Guaraní, Spaniards, and Africans in Paraguay (2020).pdf
5.5 MB
Eick - They Met at Wounded Knee. The Eastmans’ Story (2020).epub
4.5 MB
Leroux - Distorted Descent. White Claims to Indigenous Identity (2019).pdf
4.2 MB
Bens - The Indigenous Paradox. Rights, Sovereignty, and Culture in the Americas (2020).epub
4.1 MB
247.0 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 14 (.. in Asia, Australia 3)
Wood - The Revolt in Hindustan, 1857-59 (1908).pdf
24.8 MB
Malleson - The Indian Mutiny of 1857, 10e (1912).pdf
16.7 MB
Blunt - India Under Ripon; a Private Diary (1909).pdf
16.3 MB
Woosnam - The Pathan Revolt in North West India (1897).pdf
14.0 MB
Fels - I Succeeded Once; the Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula, 1839-1840 (2011).pdf
13.4 MB
Voss & Casella - The Archaeology of Colonialism; Intimate Encounters and Sexual Effects (2012).pdf
11.3 MB
Viswanath - The Pariah Problem; Caste, Religion, and the Social in Modern India (2014).pdf
10.7 MB
Banivanua-Mar - Violence and Colonial Dialogue; the Australian-Pacific Indentured Labor Trade (2007).pdf
10.6 MB
Byrne - Criminal Law and Colonial Subject; New South Wales, 1810-1830 (1993).pdf
10.5 MB
Broome - Aboriginal Victorians, a History since 1800 (2005).pdf
8.2 MB
Anderson - Subaltern Lives; Biographies of Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World, 1790-1920 (2012).pdf
8.1 MB
McKay (Ed.) - Gadi Mirrabooka; Australian Aboriginal Tales from the Dreaming (2001).pdf
7.6 MB
Vaidik - Imperial Andamans; Colonial Encounter and Island History (2010).pdf
7.2 MB
Rocher & Rocher - The Making of Western Indology; Henry Thomas Colebrooke and the East India Company (2012).pdf
7.0 MB
McGregor - Indifferent Inclusion; Aboriginal People and the Australian Nation (2011).pdf
6.8 MB
Gammage - The Biggest Estate on Earth; How Aborigines Made Australia (2011).epub
6.8 MB
Mishra - From the Ruins of Empire; the Revolt against the West and the Remaking of Asia (2012).epub
5.3 MB
Weston - Exploration and Settlement in Colonial Australia (2011).pdf
4.8 MB
Woollacott - Settler Society in the Australian Colonies; Self-Government and Imperial Culture (2015).pdf
4.7 MB
Khan - The Politics of Language; Urdu-Hindi, an Artificial Divide; African Heritage, Mesopotamian Roots, .. (2006).pdf
4.7 MB
231.4 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 30 (.. in the Americas 10)
Coulthard - Red Skin White Masks; Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition (2014).epub
326.5 kB
Quan - Native Chiefs and Famous Metis; Leadership and Bravery in the Canadian West (2009).epub
770.2 kB
Jackson - A Century of Dishonor; the Classic Expose of the Plight of the Native Americans (2003).epub
779.0 kB
Lehmann - Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879 (1927).epub
986.4 kB
Vuillard - Sorrow of the Earth; Buffalo Bill, Sitting Bull and the Tragedy of Show Business (2016).epub
1.1 MB
McNally - The Modoc War; a Story of Genocide at the Dawn of America’s Gilded Age (2017).epub
1.4 MB
Barr (Ed.) - The Boundaries Between Us; Natives and Newcomers Along the Frontiers of the Old Northwest Territory, 1750-1850 (2006).pdf
1.7 MB
Osborne - The Warrior Culture; the Indian Wars and Depredations (2017).epub
1.8 MB
Kilpatrick - Celluloid Indians; Native Americans and Film (1999).epub
2.0 MB
Bell - Empire, Religion and Revolution in Early Virginia, 1607-1786 (2013).pdf
2.0 MB
Lewis - The Missionaries; God Against the Indians (1988).epub
2.1 MB
Wimmler - The Sun King’s Atlantic; Drugs, Demons and Dyestuffs in the Atlantic World, 1640-1730 (2017).pdf
2.1 MB
Church - Paradise Destroyed; Catastrophe and Citizenship in the French Caribbean (2017).epub
2.3 MB
Schutt - Peoples of the River Valleys; the Odyssey of the Delaware Indians (2007).epub
2.3 MB
De Abreu - Chapters of Brazil's Colonial History, 1500-1800 (1997).epub
2.9 MB
Christensen - No Home in a Homeland; Indigenous Peoples and Homelessness in the Canadian North (2017).pdf
3.3 MB
Brooks - Our Beloved Kin; a New History of King Philip’s War (2018).pdf
4.3 MB
Dog & Erdoes - Lakota Woman (1990).epub
4.8 MB
Jacoby - Shadows at Dawn; an Apache Massacre and the Violence of History (2008).epub
4.9 MB
Cobb (Ed.) - Say We Are Nations; Documents of Politics and Protest in Indigenous America since 1887 (2015).epub
5.1 MB
363.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 38 (.. in the Americas 13)
Verdesio - Forgotten Conquests; Rereading New World History from the Margins (2001).pdf
46.9 MB
Chasteen - Born in Blood & Fire; a Concise History of Latin America, 4e (2016).pdf
39.6 MB
Gruzinski - The Aztecs; Rise and Fall of an Empire (1992).pdf
38.8 MB
Newman - A Dark Inheritance; Blood, Race, and Sex in Colonial Jamaica (2018).epub
36.2 MB
de Leon - The Discovery and Conquest of Peru; Chronicles of the New World Encounter (1998).pdf
33.1 MB
Tortorici - Sins Against Nature; Sex and Archives in Colonial New Spain (2018).pdf
30.0 MB
Powell - Landscapes of Power; Politics of Energy in the Navajo Nation (2018).pdf
24.8 MB
Battiste (Ed.) - Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision (2000).pdf
23.9 MB
Brown - The Native American Experience; Bury My Hearth at Wounded Knee, the Fetterman Massacre, Creek Mary’s Blood (1970, 1962, 1980).epub
17.7 MB
Rapaport - No Justice, No Peace; The 1996 OPSEU Strike against the Harris Government in Ontario (1999).pdf
16.7 MB
Rabben - Brazil's Indians and the Onslaught of Civilization; The Yanomami and the Kayapo (2004).pdf
15.6 MB
Rensink - Native but Foreign; Indigenous Immigrants and Refugees in the North American Borderlands (2018).pdf
14.6 MB
Woodard - American Apartheid; the Native American Struggle for Self-Determination and Inclusion (2018).epub
12.9 MB
McPherson - The Northern Navajo Frontier, 1860-1900; Expansion through Adversity (2001).pdf
10.0 MB
Schulze - Are We Not Foreigners Here; Indigenous Nationalism in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands (2018).pdf
10.0 MB
Ekberzade - Standing Rock; Greed, Oil and the Lakota’s Struggle for Justice (2018).pdf
8.5 MB
Treuer - The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee; Native America from 1890 to the Present (2019).epub
8.2 MB
Behlmer - Risky Shores; Savagery and Colonialism in the Western Pacific (2018).pdf
7.8 MB
Nichols - Indians in the United States and Canada; a Comparative History, 2e (2018).pdf
7.2 MB
Mihesuah (Ed.) - Repatriation Reader; Who Owns American Indian Remains (2000).pdf
7.0 MB
468.2 MB
Sins of Colonialism - Collection 29 (.. in Asia, Australia 7)
Tharoor – Inglorious Empire; What the British Did to India (2016).epub
519.8 kB
Moxham - The Theft of India; the European Conquests of India, 1498-1765 (2016).epub
767.6 kB
Brock (Ed.) - Words and Silences; Aboriginal Women, Politics and Land (2001).pdf
948.2 kB
Paul - Australia as US Client State; The Geopolitics of De-Democratization and Insecurity (2014).pdf
1.0 MB
Purohit - The Aga Khan Case; Religion and Identity in Colonial India (2012).pdf
1.0 MB
Nijhar - Law and Imperialism; Criminality and Constitution in Colonial India and Victorian England (2009).pdf
1.2 MB
Woolf - Growing; Seven Years in Ceylon (1961).epub
1.3 MB
Major - Sovereignty and Social Reform in India; British Colonialism and the Campaign Against Sati, 1830-60 (2011).pdf
1.4 MB
Sengupta - Language an Identity in Colonial India; Policies and Politics (2018).pdf
1.5 MB
Cheung - Gender and Community under British Colonialism; Emotion, Struggle, and Politics in a Chinese Village (2007).pdf
1.6 MB
Ghosh - Gentlemanly Terrorists; Political Violence and the Colonial State in India, 1919-1947 (2017).pdf
1.6 MB
Heartfield - The Aborigines' Protection Society; Humanitarian Imperialism in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, South Africa, and the Congo,.. (2011).pdf
1.6 MB
Lee, Ha & Sorensen (Eds.) - Colonial Rule and Social Change in Korea, 1910-1945 (2013).epub
1.6 MB
Yong - The Garrison State Military; Government and Society in Colonial Punjab, 1849-1947 (2005).pdf
1.8 MB
Gelber - Battle for Beijing, 1858-1860; Franco-British Conflict in China (2016).pdf
1.9 MB
Burton (Ed.) - The First Anglo-Afghan Wars; a Reader (2014).pdf
2.6 MB
Tuck - Confrontation, Strategy and War Termination; Britain's Conflict with Indonesia (2013).pdf
2.7 MB
Sivasundaram - Islanded; Britain, Sri Lanka & the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony (2013).pdf
2.7 MB
Agmon - A Colonial Affair; Commerce, Conversion, and Scandal in French India (2017).pdf
2.8 MB
Preston - The Dark Defile; Britain's Catastrophic Invasion of Afghanistan, 1838-1842 (2012).epub
2.8 MB
226.8 MB