YPG - KURDS/American YPG Member against SAA in Qamishlo, 2016.MP4 835.4 MB
Civilians/Sarin Gas Attack in Idlib.mp4 53.2 MB
Civilians/Syria film - Not Anymore- A Story of Revolution - Directed by Matthew VanDyke - YouTube.MP4 306.3 MB
Civilians/Wael 🇸🇾 (@WaelAlRussi) - Filming Air Defense Activemeasures South of Damascus, 050918.TS 775.9 kB
Civilians/White Helmets Killed by Double Tap Bomb Drop in Douma.TS 3.4 MB
IS/[Combat edit] ISIS fighters capture SAA positions after intense night battle in Homs governorate (September, 2015).mp4 31.7 MB
IS/[Combat edit] ISIS fighters with GoPro multiple VBIED-Infantry attacks on SAA positions in Deir-ez-Zor, al-Khayr province (January, 2016).MP4 88.1 MB
IS/[Combat edit] Islamic State attack on SAA stationed at Kweires airfield in Aleppo (June, 2015).MP4 32.2 MB
IS/Bomb blast targets jihadist elements in #Daraa during their meeting killing at least 30~ including fighters & commanders.TS 2.0 MB
IS/Both sides of a battle - Syrian rebels attack an IS position but are cornered and killed when fleeing - Northern Aleppo (Nov, 2015).mp4 64.2 MB
IS/Fascinating video segment from latest IS video. Shows perspective from drone & also footage of same incident filmed by SDF themselves. https-__t.co_DwG0kESvoJ-.TS 18.7 MB
IS/IS uses ATGM on SAA BMP close to the silo's of Palmyra 12.04.17.mp4 2.6 MB
IS/ISIS APC putting out and taking intense return fire.MP4 46.4 MB
IS/ISIS Damascus attacks with infantry and at least one tank and takes control of the Battalion 559 storage base from Assad regime forces(February 2, 2017).MP4 18.3 MB
IS/ISIS group hit by SAA Tank shell on GoPRO.MP4 23.2 MB
IS/Islamic State attacking Kurdish (YPG-) positions in Syria [Date unknown].MP4 75.0 MB
IS/Islamic State Fighter kills Rebel Fighter at Extreme Close Range, Stopped Trucks.mp4 16.2 MB
IS/Kid Kills Prisoner Wtf.mp4 6.5 MB
IS/The Battle of Sokhna - ISIS fighters massacre retreating SAA soldiers - Homs, Syria (May, 2015).MP4 85.6 MB
Rebels/ [Combat edit] New al-Nusra release on the capture of Idlib City in March this year.MP4 51.8 MB