个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 5 毫秒。
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Svelte & SvelteKit The Complete Guide
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/174 - Fetching the Home Page Data.mp4
167.3 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/175 - Refreshing the Access Token During Client Side Navigation.mp4
151.5 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/182 - Styling The ItemPage Component.mp4
135.8 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/200 - Creating a Toasts Store Component Cont.mp4
133.6 MB
8 - The Context API/71 - Handling Form Validation.mp4
132.0 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/150 - Creating the Spotify Redirect Callback Endpoint.mp4
129.0 MB
12 - SvelteKit Hooks Error Handling Environment Variables Private Modules/118 - Using Environment Variables.mp4
128.1 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/152 - Refreshing Expired Access Tokens.mp4
126.9 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/187 - Creating an Audio Player Component.mp4
123.1 MB
15 - SvelteKit Form Actions/136 - Customizing the Enhance Action.mp4
121.9 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/161 - Creating The Mobile Navigation Menu.mp4
121.4 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/195 - Playlist Tracks Pagination For Disabled JS.mp4
118.4 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/179 - Creating a Card Component Cont.mp4
117.6 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/205 - Edit Playlist Page Form Action.mp4
114.8 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/160 - Creating the Top Bar Animating it On Scroll.mp4
113.5 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/157 - Creating Styling the Login Page.mp4
110.5 MB
8 - The Context API/67 - Handling a Form Without Context.mp4
109.4 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/158 - Creating the Desktop Navigation Menu.mp4
109.1 MB
4 - Diving Deeper With a Todo List Component/35 - Styling Our Component.mp4
107.4 MB
17 - IN PROGRESS Lets Create a Spotify App with Svelte SvelteKit/171 - Styling the Layout for Disabled JavaScript.mp4
107.2 MB
13.1 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Shader Development from Scratch for Unity with Cg
11. Appendices/3.1 CompleteShader2019_3_0a2.zip
360.3 MB
10. Final Words/1. Where to Now.mp4
262.8 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/2. More on Ray Marching.mp4
192.9 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/12. Clouds On Camera P1.mp4
192.0 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/14. Clouds On Camera P3.mp4
187.1 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/7. Programming Value Noise P1.mp4
174.7 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/10. Integrating Colours and Depth.mp4
174.0 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/1. Ray Marching.mp4
169.7 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/15. Clouds On Camera P4.mp4
161.3 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/11. Enhanced Noise.mp4
151.9 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/4. Rendering Fog Density P1.mp4
147.2 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/6. Volumetric Clouds Value Noise.mp4
140.7 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/3. Spherical Fog.mp4
131.4 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/8. Programming Value Noise P2.mp4
129.1 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/13. Clouds On Camera P2.mp4
126.1 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/9. Programming Value Noise P3.mp4
112.0 MB
8. Advanced Effects/4. Waves.mp4
102.5 MB
3. Illuminating Surfaces/6.2 BumpedEnvSample.zip
100.8 MB
9. Volumetric Rendering/5. Rendering Fog Density P2.mp4
72.9 MB
4. The Dot Product/1. The Dot Product.mp4
71.8 MB
4.5 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - API Testing with Python 3 & PyTest, Backend Automation 2023
10 - More Practice Using Python Library by WooCommerce/53 - TCID485 Place Guest Order Validate db.mp4
171.2 MB
9 - More Practice Test Cases/39 - TCID47 Create Customer Existing Email negative test.mp4
165.3 MB
10 - More Practice Using Python Library by WooCommerce/54 - TCID49 Place Order With New Customer.mp4
161.4 MB
4 - Build Framework Project Structure/23 - How To Use The Provided Code.mp4
140.2 MB
11 - More Practice Setup & Database Configurations/56 - Use Configs for Database Connections.mp4
135.5 MB
6 - Design Helper Classes/31 - Helper Credentials.mp4
133.3 MB
9 - More Practice Test Cases/46 - TCID512 List Product With Filter after db verification.mp4
129.2 MB
7 - Environment Variables & Database Helper Class/35 - Helper Database Connect & SQL.mp4
128.6 MB
11 - More Practice Setup & Database Configurations/57 - TCID551 Update Order Status Cancelled.mp4
123.5 MB
9 - More Practice Test Cases/44 - TCID26 Create Simple Product.mp4
119.7 MB
13 - Running Tests In Docker Container/78 - Wrapper Script To Run Tests In Container.mp4
116.6 MB
2 - Installation and Setup of Tools/13 - Running WordPress with MAMP.mp4
115.5 MB
9 - More Practice Test Cases/45 - TCID511 List Product With Filter after.mp4
109.1 MB
9 - More Practice Test Cases/43 - TCID25 Get Product By ID.mp4
108.6 MB
2 - Installation and Setup of Tools/17 - Setup and Verify API with Postman and Python.mp4
102.4 MB
10 - More Practice Using Python Library by WooCommerce/55 - Setup Example with TCID49.mp4
102.1 MB
13 - Running Tests In Docker Container/75 - Use Docker Volumes To Avoid Image Rebuild.mp4
100.2 MB
10 - More Practice Using Python Library by WooCommerce/51 - TCID483 Place Guest Order Make The Call.mp4
98.9 MB
10 - More Practice Using Python Library by WooCommerce/48 - WooCommerce Python Library Intro.mp4
94.5 MB
6 - Design Helper Classes/30 - Authenticate our API call.mp4
94.3 MB
5.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids
3. Project - Pages, Routing & Views/10. Creating an Admin Section.mp4
25.9 MB
1. Getting Started/7. Understanding the Folder Structure.mp4
24.9 MB
5. Connecting our App to the Backend/10. Synchronizing Vuex and the Backend.mp4
24.8 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/10. Implementing Cookies.mp4
24.0 MB
3. Project - Pages, Routing & Views/11. Preparing the Backend.mp4
22.8 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/9. Persisting the Token Across Page Refreshes.mp4
21.9 MB
1. Getting Started/6. Creating our First Nuxt App.mp4
21.1 MB
4. Handling Data/12. Vuex, fetch() and nuxtServerInit().mp4
21.0 MB
4. Handling Data/3. Preparing Data on the Server-Side (through Nuxt).mp4
20.7 MB
6. Nuxt - Config, Plugins & Modules/9. Understanding Modules.mp4
20.3 MB
3. Project - Pages, Routing & Views/5. Splitting the Page into Components.mp4
19.5 MB
1. Getting Started/4. Understanding Server Side Rendering.mp4
17.9 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/11. Fixing the Logout Timer.mp4
16.8 MB
2. Pages, Routing & Views/11. Working with Normal Components.mp4
16.3 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/3. Adding User Signup.mp4
15.7 MB
3. Project - Pages, Routing & Views/2. Creating the Main Sections (Pages).mp4
15.3 MB
4. Handling Data/11. Adding the Vuex Store.mp4
15.2 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/2. What is Middleware.mp4
15.1 MB
7. Middleware & Authentication/5. Storing the Token.mp4
14.8 MB
3. Project - Pages, Routing & Views/4. Creating the Landing Page.mp4
14.7 MB
911.4 MB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Top 50 English Verbs Upgrade your English speaking
72. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 46 - 50/2. - to pay - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
79.5 MB
51. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 31 - 35/4. - to show - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
76.1 MB
72. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 46 - 50/3. - to meet - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
74.3 MB
44. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 26 - 30/5. - to let - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
73.2 MB
72. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 46 - 50/6. - to set - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
73.1 MB
65. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 41 - 45/4. - to sit - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
71.7 MB
65. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 41 - 45/3. - to write - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
70.8 MB
51. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 31 - 35/3. - to help - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
70.7 MB
44. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 26 - 30/2. - to put - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
69.6 MB
65. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 41 - 45/5. - to stand - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
69.1 MB
58. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 36 - 40/2. - to run - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
68.9 MB
58. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 36 - 40/6. - to bring - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
68.7 MB
51. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 31 - 35/6. - to play - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
68.3 MB
58. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 36 - 40/3. - to move - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
65.2 MB
58. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 36 - 40/4. - to live - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
63.5 MB
44. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 26 - 30/4. - to keep - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
62.4 MB
37. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 21 - 25/4. - to feel - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
60.5 MB
30. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 16 - 20/3. - to tell - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
59.8 MB
37. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 21 - 25/2. - to ask - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
59.1 MB
30. Review Quiz and Pronunciation Practice Verbs 16 - 20/6. - to try - Independent Practice Answers Reading and Pronunciation.mp4
58.3 MB
4.2 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - ARM Cortex M Microcontroller DMA Programming Demystified
12. DMA Programming from scratch ( Register level programming)/19. DMA stream interrupt(IRQ) discussion Part2.mp4
160.4 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/3. STM32F4 Discovery and Nucleo Board Details.mp4
126.9 MB
4. Installing Open STM32 System Workbench/1. Downloading OpenSTM32 System-Workbench.mp4
85.9 MB
6. DMA Exercises GPIO Polling and Interrupt/4. Toggling of LED using DMA(Polling mode) - Part-3.mp4
75.3 MB
5. STM32Cube Mx Installation and Code Generation/5. Creating Projects using STM32CubeMX-Part 3.mp4
71.7 MB
3. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/7. Exercise LED Toggling App using Board BSP APIs.mp4
66.6 MB
3. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/4. KEIL-MDK-5 Pack Installation.mp4
61.7 MB
12. DMA Programming from scratch ( Register level programming)/18. DMA stream interrupt(IRQ) discussion Part1.mp4
57.7 MB
11. DMA Transfer Modes and FIFO mode/4. DMA Exercise SRAM to UART2_TX Part-2.mp4
55.0 MB
2. Development board used in our courses/2. About MCU Development board.mp4
54.7 MB
1. DMA Getting Started and Multi AHB Architecture/9. Concurrent Data Transfer using ARM and DMA-Demonstration.mp4
52.8 MB
9. DMA Exercises ADC to SRAM/3. ADC and DMA Understanding Code-1.mp4
49.9 MB
5. STM32Cube Mx Installation and Code Generation/3. Creating Projects using STM32CubeMX Part-1.mp4
48.6 MB
12. DMA Programming from scratch ( Register level programming)/7. Implementing Button interrupt handler.mp4
45.2 MB
7. DMA Exercises UART to SRAM/2. UART to SRAM Data Transfer using DMA (Interrupt Mode) Implementation.mp4
43.9 MB
4. Installing Open STM32 System Workbench/2. Installing OpenSTM32 System-Workbench.mp4
43.8 MB
12. DMA Programming from scratch ( Register level programming)/21. Coding DMA stream IRQ handler Part2.mp4
42.1 MB
1. DMA Getting Started and Multi AHB Architecture/1. Course Overview.mp4
41.9 MB
11. DMA Transfer Modes and FIFO mode/1. P2M Data Transfer.mp4
40.9 MB
3. KEIL-MDK-5 Setup For ARM Cortex M based MCUs/6. Creating a KEIL Project.mp4
39.8 MB
2.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Apache Airflow The Hands-On Guide
11 - BONUS APPENDIX/113 - VIDEO The DockerOperator The basics and more.mp4
441.1 MB
2 - The basics of Apache Airflow/10 - Practice Installing Airflow 20.mp4
326.2 MB
6 - Improving your DAGs with advanced concepts/73 - Practice Templating your tasks.mp4
274.0 MB
5 - Distributing Apache Airflow/57 - Practice Adding new worker nodes with the Celery Executor.mp4
257.4 MB
8 - Monitoring Apache Airflow/92 - Practice Setting up custom logging.mp4
254.1 MB
3 - The Forex Data Pipeline/22 - Practice Check if the API is available HttpSensor.mp4
252.4 MB
3 - The Forex Data Pipeline/15 - Docker reminder.mp4
252.4 MB
4 - Mastering your DAGs/46 - Practice Retry and Alerting.mp4
246.6 MB
5 - Distributing Apache Airflow/52 - Practice Executing tasks in parallel with the Local Executor.mp4
234.2 MB
4 - Mastering your DAGs/48 - Practice Unit testing your DAGs.mp4
231.3 MB
2 - The basics of Apache Airflow/11 - Practice Quick tour of Airflow UI.mp4
221.1 MB
2 - The basics of Apache Airflow/7 - What is Airflow.mp4
220.9 MB
8 - Monitoring Apache Airflow/95 - Practice Configuring Airflow with Elasticsearch.mp4
216.3 MB
9 - Security in Apache Airflow/102 - Practice Encrypting sensitive data with Fernet.mp4
181.2 MB
3 - The Forex Data Pipeline/20 - Practice Define your DAG.mp4
177.4 MB
8 - Monitoring Apache Airflow/98 - Practice Monitoring Airflow with TIG stack.mp4
175.1 MB
2 - The basics of Apache Airflow/12 - Practice Quick tour of Airflow CLI.mp4
174.0 MB
3 - The Forex Data Pipeline/23 - Practice Check if the currency file is available FileSensor.mp4
173.8 MB
3 - The Forex Data Pipeline/29 - Practice Send Slack notifications SlackWebhookOperator.mp4
173.3 MB
8 - Monitoring Apache Airflow/93 - Practice Storing your logs in AWS S3.mp4
170.3 MB
9.9 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - DevOps Beginners to Advanced Decoding DevOps with Projects
20 - Docker/217 - Containerizing project.mp4
653.5 MB
18 - AWS Part2/197 - VPC Setup.mp4
384.5 MB
1 - Introduction/3 - What is DevOps.mp4
272.8 MB
18 - AWS Part2/198 - Ec2 Logs.mp4
270.6 MB
16 - Python/174 - Python Fabric.mp4
254.6 MB
10 - AWS Part 1/101 - S3.mp4
225.3 MB
17 - Ansible/182 - Playbook & Modules.mp4
223.7 MB
17 - Ansible/192 - Roles.mp4
218.7 MB
10 - AWS Part 1/102 - RDS.mp4
209.1 MB
14 - Maven/127 - Introduction.mp4
203.2 MB
4 - Linux/20 - Introduction to Linux.mp4
202.2 MB
24 - Terraform Tutorial/267 - Exercise 6 Multi Resource.mp4
186.9 MB
2 - Prerequisites Info & Setup/14 - AWS Setup.mp4
183.1 MB
20 - Docker/211 - Docker commands & concepts.mp4
176.0 MB
11 - AWS Cloud For Project Set Up Lift & Shift/105 - EC2 Instances.mp4
173.4 MB
10 - AWS Part 1/95 - ELB Hands On.mp4
171.2 MB
17 - Ansible/190 - File copy & template modules.mp4
162.8 MB
21 - Kubernetes/221 - Introduction.mp4
162.0 MB
17 - Ansible/184 - Ansible Configuration.mp4
159.3 MB
20 - Docker/214 - Building images.mp4
158.5 MB
18.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Mastering Microcontroller with Embedded Driver Development
34. Exercise GPIO interrupts/1. Exercise External button interrupt implementation.mp4
273.8 MB
68. Exercise/1. Exercise Testing I2C interrupt APIs part 1.mp4
242.0 MB
42. SPI Driver API Implementation SPI init/1. SPI user configuration options writing and register bit definition macros.mp4
193.9 MB
61. I2C pull up resistance , rise time and bus capacitance/1. I2C pull up resistance , rise time and bus capacitance discussion.mp4
185.5 MB
70. Exercise/2. Exercise Coding Part 1.mp4
181.0 MB
9. Embedded Code Debugging Tools n Tips/7. Embedded Code Debugging Part-7 Memory Windows.mp4
177.3 MB
44. Exercise SPI Send Data/6. Exercise Testing.mp4
170.8 MB
64. Exercise/3. Exercise Coding Part 2.mp4
170.1 MB
77. Exercise/1. Exercise USART send data to arduino.mp4
167.6 MB
33. GPIO pin Interrupt configuration/4. GPIO pin Interrupt configuration coding Part 4.mp4
164.1 MB
16. Understanding MCU Specific Header file/2. Understanding MCU Specific header file Part 2.mp4
161.9 MB
47. Exercise SPI receive data/4. Exercise Coding Part 3.mp4
161.7 MB
26. Structuring peripheral registers/2. Structuring peripheral registers.mp4
156.7 MB
15/2. Understanding MCU interrupt Design , NVIC, Interrupt handling Part 2.mp4
149.1 MB
33. GPIO pin Interrupt configuration/7. GPIO pin Interrupt configuration coding Part 7.mp4
146.0 MB
67. I2C IRQ handler implementation/6. I2C IRQ handler implementation Part 6.mp4
143.6 MB
50. SPI Driver API IRQ handling/4. SPI IRQ handler implementation Part 3.mp4
140.2 MB
63. I2C Driver API I2C Master receive data/1. I2C transfer sequence diagram for master receiving data.mp4
138.0 MB
11. MCU Bus Interfaces/3. MCU Bus Interfaces Explanation Part 3 QA session.mp4
130.7 MB
47. Exercise SPI receive data/2. Exercise Coding Part 1.mp4
130.0 MB
15.0 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - An Entire MBA in 1 CourseAward Winning Business School Prof
12/4. Side Note Goldman Sachs IPO Prospectus Example.mp4
63.5 MB
10/2. Side Note Small Customers are Just as Much Work as Large Customers + Sports!.mp4
57.1 MB
8/3. Side Note Run to Your Fears.mp4
57.0 MB
1/8. Side Note Be a Contrarian and Watch Your Net Worth Take-off!.mp4
56.6 MB
2/3. Side Note Hiring and Firing.mp4
42.8 MB
3/3. Side Note 2 Very Important Sales Techniques Best Practices.mp4
35.4 MB
14/4. Side Note Learn Earn Return.mp4
32.2 MB
6/4. Side Note How to Get A Raise or a Promotion + Managing People.mp4
30.8 MB
4/5. Side Note How to Avoid Burnout.mp4
30.0 MB
9/3. Side Note Office Politics.mp4
29.3 MB
13/3. Side Note Keep That Letter in Your Drawer!.mp4
26.6 MB
1/2. Course Introduction.mp4
26.4 MB
5/2. Side Note Touch Hand Only Once.mp4
24.6 MB
14/3. Side Note Nobody is Smarter than You.mp4
23.9 MB
7/2. Side Note Why am I So Lucky to be Given this Investment Opportunity.mp4
21.3 MB
11/4. Side Note Dress for Success.mp4
13.3 MB
1/1.9 Section11-Unabriddged-Written-Version.pdf.pdf
10.6 MB
11/7.1 Section 11 Unabriddged Written Version.pdf.pdf
10.6 MB
4/8.1 Section 4 Unabriddged Written Version.pdf.pdf
6.9 MB
1/1.3 Section4-Unabriddged-Written-Version.pdf.pdf
6.9 MB
705.0 MB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - PixiJS The Complete Guide For HTML5 Game Development
3. Basic Topics/3. Animated Sprites.mp4
149.7 MB
3. Basic Topics/2. Textures and Sprites.mp4
92.0 MB
3. Basic Topics/4. Ticker.mp4
89.6 MB
2. Installations/1. Installation and Setup.mp4
74.9 MB
3. Basic Topics/1. Loader.mp4
71.4 MB
2. Installations/3. Sample Application.mp4
65.8 MB
4. Useful Properties/1. Anchor and Rotation.mp4
56.9 MB
4. Useful Properties/2. Masks.mp4
50.9 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
12.5 MB
3. Basic Topics/3. Animated Sprites.srt
20.7 kB
3. Basic Topics/2. Textures and Sprites.srt
15.0 kB
2. Installations/1. Installation and Setup.srt
14.7 kB
3. Basic Topics/4. Ticker.srt
13.2 kB
3. Basic Topics/1. Loader.srt
12.5 kB
2. Installations/3. Sample Application.srt
9.8 kB
4. Useful Properties/1. Anchor and Rotation.srt
9.7 kB
4. Useful Properties/2. Masks.srt
8.5 kB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.srt
5.5 kB
2. Installations/2. Note.html
717 Bytes
5. Updates/1. Content Updates.html
262 Bytes
663.8 MB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Notion 101 Organize your personal & work life with ease
7 - Bonus Notion addons creating a website with Super/39 - Create a Super website.mp4
244.0 MB
7 - Bonus Notion addons creating a website with Super/38 - Introduction to Notion addons.mp4
234.3 MB
6 - Bonus Automate your Notion workspace/37 - Enhance your CRM with automation.mp4
210.3 MB
2 - Notion databases/17 - Notion web clipper.mp4
192.9 MB
3 - Advanced concepts/26 - Project Create an advanced CRM 22.mp4
180.7 MB
2 - Notion databases/9 - Introduction to Notion databases.mp4
161.3 MB
1 - Introduction to Notion/7 - Project Create your homepage.mp4
157.1 MB
2 - Notion databases/10 - Filtering sorting.mp4
145.4 MB
2 - Notion databases/18 - Project Create a personal learning list.mp4
143.2 MB
5 - Notion tips tricks/32 - How I use Notion Personal life.mp4
140.5 MB
3 - Advanced concepts/24 - Introduction to Notion formulas.mp4
138.0 MB
6 - Bonus Automate your Notion workspace/36 - Recurring tasks in Notion.mp4
134.3 MB
7 - Bonus Notion addons creating a website with Super/41 - How to use Super templates.mp4
133.6 MB
2 - Notion databases/12 - Project Create a meeting notes database.mp4
129.6 MB
4 - Collaboration in Notion/27 - Sharing content working with guests.mp4
127.4 MB
3 - Advanced concepts/25 - Project Create an advanced CRM 12.mp4
116.1 MB
7 - Bonus Notion addons creating a website with Super/43 - Customize your Super website.mp4
111.6 MB
5 - Notion tips tricks/30 - Notion tips for teams.mp4
110.7 MB
3 - Advanced concepts/19 - Special blocks.mp4
110.7 MB
3 - Advanced concepts/23 - Relations rollups.mp4
103.1 MB
4.5 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Master Coding Interview Data structures + Algorithms
12. Day 12 Sorting Algorithms/9. Code.mp4
263.7 MB
19. Day 19 Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms/10. Coding Interview Q2 Traverse - BFS and DFS,Big O analysis.mp4
252.6 MB
12. Day 12 Sorting Algorithms/8. Coding Interview Q2 Radix Sort Algorithm, Big O analysis.mp4
246.0 MB
13. Day 13 Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms/6. Code.mp4
233.0 MB
5. Day 5 Recursion Algorithms/3. Method and Big O analysis.mp4
195.5 MB
19. Day 19 Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms/8. Code.mp4
195.3 MB
25. Day 25 Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms/8. Topological Sort based method and Big O analysis.mp4
193.7 MB
25. Day 25 Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms/3. Code, BigO.mp4
192.0 MB
23. Day 23 Heaps and Priority Queue Data Structures and Algorithms/6. Code walkthrough.mp4
184.3 MB
19. Day 19 Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms/9. Code Walkthrough.mp4
180.1 MB
19. Day 19 Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms/7. Coding Interview Q1 Construct Binary Search Tree,Big O analysis.mp4
179.1 MB
12. Day 12 Sorting Algorithms/4. Optimise Space Complexity.mp4
164.7 MB
13. Day 13 Singly Linked List Data Structures and Algorithms/5. Method and Big O analysis.mp4
161.1 MB
24. Day 24 Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms/5. Code.mp4
160.0 MB
22. Day 22 Binary Search Trees Data Structures and Algorithms/7. Code.mp4
157.7 MB
19. Day 19 Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Data Structures and Algorithms/3. Theory Binary Trees 1.mp4
149.2 MB
22. Day 22 Binary Search Trees Data Structures and Algorithms/4. code.mp4
145.8 MB
9. Day 9 Searching Algorithms/4. Code Recursive.mp4
142.3 MB
24. Day 24 Graphs Data Structures and Algorithms/2. Coding Interview Q1 BFS, Adjacency List,Big O analysis.mp4
135.8 MB
23. Day 23 Heaps and Priority Queue Data Structures and Algorithms/5. Code.mp4
132.7 MB
13.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - The Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp
3. Getting Started With Bootstrap 4/1.1 Bootstrap_Bootcamp_Files.zip.zip
344.7 MB
14. BONUS PROJECT Museum of Candy/5. Museum of Candy Part 4.mp4
291.7 MB
6. Forms/7. Exercise Solution.mp4
270.3 MB
11. JavaScript Components/8. Carousels.mp4
241.1 MB
13. Building Aurora Grove/12. The Booking Modal.mp4
215.9 MB
9. Cards and List Groups/2. Cards Basics.mp4
206.1 MB
7. Navbars and Flexbox!/4. Navbars.mp4
205.2 MB
6. Forms/1. Form Controls.mp4
200.1 MB
4. Bootstrap 4 Basics/4. Typography.mp4
200.0 MB
11. JavaScript Components/5. Collapse and Accordions.mp4
196.4 MB
13. Building Aurora Grove/4. Building the Showcase.mp4
181.3 MB
7. Navbars and Flexbox!/2. Flexbox and Navs.mp4
172.6 MB
5. Super Useful Utilities/4. Margin and Padding.mp4
168.5 MB
14. BONUS PROJECT Museum of Candy/6. Museum of Candy Part 5.mp4
164.6 MB
11. JavaScript Components/4. Dropdowns.mp4
162.1 MB
14. BONUS PROJECT Museum of Candy/4. Museum of Candy Part 3.mp4
158.6 MB
13. Building Aurora Grove/3. Adding the Navbar.mp4
156.5 MB
7. Navbars and Flexbox!/5. More About Navbars.mp4
155.3 MB
6. Forms/4. Input Groups and Icons.mp4
149.8 MB
4. Bootstrap 4 Basics/5. Jumbotrons.mp4
149.5 MB
10.0 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - MicroPython with the ESP32
1. Introduction/2. 01.20 What is uPython and why should you care.mp4
285.0 MB
11. Wi-Fi/5. 11.50 Get current weather from OpenWeatherMap.mp4
186.2 MB
8. Sensors/2. 08.20 BME280 environment sensor.mp4
172.2 MB
9. Displays/7. 09.60 MAX7219 8x8 Matrix display - Part 1 random pixels.mp4
171.3 MB
14. Capstone project An example modular script/3. 14.30 Script v1 single file.mp4
169.5 MB
11. Wi-Fi/3. 11.30 Make a POST request to Dweet.mp4
162.4 MB
1. Introduction/1. 01.10 What is this course about.mp4
151.6 MB
12. Other capabilities/2. 12.20 CPU clock frequency control.mp4
142.7 MB
9. Displays/1. 09.10 2x16 LCD display with PCF8574 - Part 1 hardware I2C.mp4
139.8 MB
2. Getting started with uPython/3. 02.30 uPython compatible boards.mp4
134.4 MB
12. Other capabilities/10. 12.80 Write-append sensor data to a CSV file.mp4
126.0 MB
10. Motors/2. 10.20 DC motor with DRV8871.mp4
125.5 MB
7. Simple pin operations/1. 07.10 Blink an LED with loop.mp4
124.7 MB
12. Other capabilities/9. 12.72 RTC with ntptime.mp4
124.4 MB
4. MicroPython on the ESP32/1. 04.10 The MicroPython shell.mp4
123.4 MB
11. Wi-Fi/2. 11.20 Read text from a file with HTTP GET.mp4
123.1 MB
6. Libraries/3. 06.30 Community modules.mp4
121.9 MB
9. Displays/3. 09.20 0.96 OLED SSD1306 I2C.mp4
121.0 MB
10. Motors/1. 10.10 Mini servo motor.mp4
118.4 MB
11. Wi-Fi/4. 11.40 Make a POST request to IFTTT.mp4
117.4 MB
7.2 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Backend Master Class [Golang + PostgreSQL + Kubernetes]
1. Working with database/9. Deeply understand transaction isolation levels & read phenomena.mp4
372.8 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/12. Implement authentication middleware and authorization rules in Golang using Gin.mp4
240.1 MB
1. Working with database/7. DB transaction lock & How to handle deadlock in Golang.mp4
233.2 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/3. Mock DB for testing HTTP API in Go and achieve 100% coverage.mp4
221.5 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/10. How to create and verify JWT & PASETO token in Golang.mp4
193.8 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/7. Store & retrieve production secrets with AWS secrets manager.mp4
188.0 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/1. Implement RESTful HTTP API in Go using Gin.mp4
173.4 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/10. How to deploy a web app to Kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
158.0 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/5. Auto build & push docker image to AWS ECR with Github Actions.mp4
148.1 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/3. How to write docker-compose file and control service start-up orders.mp4
142.9 MB
1. Working with database/2. Install & use Docker + Postgres + TablePlus to create DB schema.mp4
138.5 MB
1. Working with database/4. Generate CRUD Golang code from SQL Compare dbsql, gorm, sqlx & sqlc.mp4
134.6 MB
1. Working with database/10. Setup Github Actions for Golang + Postgres to run automated tests.mp4
132.0 MB
1. Working with database/5. Write unit tests for database CRUD with random data in Golang.mp4
131.8 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/9. How to use kubectl & k9s to connect to a kubernetes cluster on AWS EKS.mp4
125.7 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/7. How to securely store passwords Hash password in Go with Bcrypt!.mp4
124.0 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/11. Implement login user API that returns PASETO or JWT access token in Go.mp4
123.7 MB
2. Building RESTful HTTP JSON API/8. How to write stronger unit tests with a custom gomock matcher.mp4
122.0 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/13. Auto issue & renew TLS certificates with cert-manager and Let's Encrypt.mp4
120.9 MB
3. Deploying the application to production/14. Automatic deploy to Kubernetes with Github Action.mp4
119.9 MB
4.7 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Marketing Analytics Using R and Excel
1. Introduction/2. Basics of Marketing.mp4
194.7 MB
4. Telecom/1. Telecom Churn.mp4
178.2 MB
3. Sales Marketing/2. Marketing Analitics Case Study.mp4
165.1 MB
3. Sales Marketing/1. Sales Channel Management Metrics.mp4
162.7 MB
2. Basics of Marketing/5. Customer Service Metrix.mp4
154.1 MB
3. Sales Marketing/3. Marketing Analitics Case Study Continue.mp4
146.3 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction to Marketing Analytics Using R and Excel.mp4
146.2 MB
2. Basics of Marketing/1. Marketing Analytics.mp4
135.5 MB
3. Sales Marketing/4. Case Study-NPS of Bank.mp4
128.8 MB
2. Basics of Marketing/2. Marketing Metrics.mp4
128.5 MB
4. Telecom/4. Product-Service Bundling.mp4
120.9 MB
3. Sales Marketing/8. Conjoint Analysis-Lpatop Market in India.mp4
120.5 MB
3. Sales Marketing/5. Case Study-NPS of Bank Continue.mp4
104.0 MB
3. Sales Marketing/9. Market Segmentation for Airlines.mp4
101.5 MB
2. Basics of Marketing/3. Marketing Planning Metrics.mp4
95.5 MB
2. Basics of Marketing/4. Marketing Planning Metrics Continue.mp4
88.7 MB
3. Sales Marketing/6. Persude Parameter.mp4
87.2 MB
3. Sales Marketing/10. Market Segmentation for Airlines Continue.mp4
71.0 MB
3. Sales Marketing/7. What is the Costomer Service.mp4
63.9 MB
4. Telecom/3. More on Telecom Churn.mp4
59.2 MB
2.6 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Mastering Microcontroller TIMERS, PWM, CAN, RTC,LOW POWER
23/1. Current measurement with core-mark in Run mode-Part1.mp4
199.9 MB
26. STM32 BACKUP SRAM and STANDBY MODE effect/4. Backup SRAM Exercise implementation part 1.mp4
192.0 MB
6. Clocks and PLL Programming/5. Exercise Clock init implementation.mp4
191.4 MB
5. Understanding STM32 HAL program flow with UART exercise/9. Peripheral Low Level Initialization Alternate function settings.mp4
189.0 MB
8. General Purpose Timer Input Capture Unit/8. Timer Input Capture Callback Implementation.mp4
185.5 MB
7. Timers/12. Timer Exercise Interrupt Mode.mp4
181.4 MB
7. Timers/11. Timer Exercise Test.mp4
178.4 MB
25. Current Measurement and datasheet comparison STOP Mode/2. STOP mode current measurement.mp4
173.2 MB
6. Clocks and PLL Programming/10. Exercise PLL Configuration via HSI Part 1.mp4
167.8 MB
7. Timers/7. Timer Exercise Understanding Timer Clock (TIMx_CLK).mp4
162.6 MB
14. STM32 bxCAN/5. CAN bit timing calculation.mp4
162.6 MB
5. Understanding STM32 HAL program flow with UART exercise/6. Peripheral High Level Initialization.mp4
153.9 MB
16. CAN interrupts/1. Understanding STM32 bxCAN Interrupt requests (IRQs).mp4
153.1 MB
27. RTC and RTC Calendar Block/8. Exercise RTC Calendar Part-4.mp4
145.6 MB
6. Clocks and PLL Programming/11. Exercise PLL Configuration via HSI Part 2.mp4
137.8 MB
8. General Purpose Timer Input Capture Unit/4. Input Capture Exercise Channel Configuration.mp4
137.0 MB
26. STM32 BACKUP SRAM and STANDBY MODE effect/5. Backup SRAM Exercise implementation part 2.mp4
135.9 MB
5. Understanding STM32 HAL program flow with UART exercise/17. UART Data RXing in Interrupt Mode Part 2.mp4
131.0 MB
9. Timer's Output Compare unit/3. Output Compare Exercise Coding Part 1.mp4
130.7 MB
5. Understanding STM32 HAL program flow with UART exercise/15. Implementing UART DATA RXing in Polling mode.mp4
126.1 MB
12.4 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on
2. Pre-Requisite - Docker and Kubernetes/1. Pre-Requisite - Docker Overview.vtt
262.6 MB
2. Pre-Requisite - Docker and Kubernetes/1. Pre-Requisite - Docker Overview.mp4
262.6 MB
8. Conclusion and APPENDIX/12. APPENDIX D - Setup VirtualBox.mp4
151.8 MB
7. Storage, Templates and Catalog/6. Demo - Create a custom Catalog.mp4
115.3 MB
7. Storage, Templates and Catalog/4. Demo - Deploy Example Voting Application on Openshift.mp4
86.5 MB
8. Conclusion and APPENDIX/3. APPENDIX A - Demo - GitLab - Setup.mp4
81.7 MB
8. Conclusion and APPENDIX/5. APPENDIX C - YAML Introduction.mp4
68.4 MB
5. Concepts - Builds and Deployments/3. Builds.mp4
63.1 MB
5. Concepts - Builds and Deployments/12. Deployments.mp4
60.2 MB
7. Storage, Templates and Catalog/3. Example Voting Application Introduction.mp4
52.3 MB
4. Openshift Concepts - Projects and Users/1. Projects and Users.vtt
47.0 MB
4. Openshift Concepts - Projects and Users/1. Projects and Users.mp4
47.0 MB
6. Networks, Services, Routes and Scaling/1. Networking Overview.mp4
42.1 MB
3. Getting Started with Openshift/7. Demo - Openshift Management.mp4
41.6 MB
5. Concepts - Builds and Deployments/4. Demo - Builds.mp4
40.7 MB
5. Concepts - Builds and Deployments/11. Demo - Build Triggers.mp4
40.1 MB
3. Getting Started with Openshift/4. Demo - OpenShift Setup with Minishift.mp4
39.4 MB
6. Networks, Services, Routes and Scaling/5. Demo - Scaling.mp4
37.7 MB
5. Concepts - Builds and Deployments/2. Demo - Deploy an Application.mp4
36.0 MB
6. Networks, Services, Routes and Scaling/3. Demo - Services and Routes.mp4
35.7 MB
2.1 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Complete NumPy Masterclass Go from Zero to Hero in Numpy
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/4. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 1.mp4
240.3 MB
11. Array Manipulation/1. Array Manipulation Routines (split, stack, flip).mp4
198.8 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/5. Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS Setup Part 2.mp4
192.9 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/1. What is Raspberry Pi.mp4
163.8 MB
7. Jupyter/6. A brief Tour of Jupyter.mp4
160.7 MB
8. Getting Started with NumPy/1. Creating N-dimensional arrays, indexing, and slicing.mp4
135.4 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/11. Histogram with NumPy and Matplotlib.mp4
131.7 MB
4. Basics of Python 3/2. Hello World program on Raspberry Pi.mp4
122.7 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/5. NumPy for Image Processing and Computer Vision.mp4
120.8 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/6. Remotely accessing Pi with VNC.mp4
111.5 MB
7. Jupyter/1. What is Jupyter.mp4
108.3 MB
9. Array Creation Routines and Matplotlib/4. NumPy Numerical Ranges and Matplotlib.mp4
107.7 MB
14. FFTs/1. FFTs and Inverse FFT.mp4
95.1 MB
5. Python Package Index and pip/3. pip on Raspberry Pi.mp4
86.3 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/8. Image Channels.mp4
84.3 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/9. Arithmetic Operations.mp4
83.7 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/2. Raspberry Pi Unboxing.mp4
83.1 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/7. Python on Raspberry Pi.mp4
82.5 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/4. Reading, Displaying, and Saving images on Disk with Matplotlib.mp4
79.8 MB
17. Digital Image Processing with NumPy and Matplotlib/10. Logical Operations.mp4
78.1 MB
4.4 GB