个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 54 毫秒。
[ Udemy - English ] 1
Udemy - Complete English Course ; Master Native English for Beginners [Linguae Learning] [ไม่มี Sub.]/4. Bonus Master Native English with Music/3. Part 3.mp4
5.4 GB
Udemy - Complete English Course ; Master Native English for Beginners [Linguae Learning] [ไม่มี Sub.]/4. Bonus Master Native English with Music/1. Part 1.mp4
4.7 GB
3.4 GB
3.3 GB
3.3 GB
3.2 GB
3.2 GB
3.2 GB
Udemy - Complete English Course ; Master Native English for Beginners [Linguae Learning] [ไม่มี Sub.]/4. Bonus Master Native English with Music/4. Part 4.mp4
3.2 GB
3.1 GB
3.1 GB
2.9 GB
2.9 GB
2.6 GB
2.5 GB
2.5 GB
2.5 GB
2.4 GB
Udemy - Complete English Course ; Master Native English for Beginners [Linguae Learning] [ไม่มี Sub.]/4. Bonus Master Native English with Music/2. Part 2.mp4
2.4 GB
2.3 GB
182.5 GB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/25. PROJE 4 Not Sepeti Uygulaması Sqflite Birden Fazla Tablo ile Çalışma/11. Kategorilerin Listelenmesi Silinmesi ve Güncellenmesi.mp4
346.4 MB
NodeJS Eğitimi/9. Açık Kaynak Projelerime Göz Atalım/1. Dynamic Personal Website.mp4
343.4 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/30. Bloc Pattern & Provider Package ve Katmanlı Mimari Kullanarak Uygulama Yapmak/16. Çıkan Hata, Sebebi ve Çözümü Provider Package ile WeatherApp Uygulaması 5.mp4
323.7 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/34. CANLISOHBET Sayfalama ve Anlık Mesajlaşma/4. Katmanlı Mimariyle Sayfalama İşleminin Tamamlanması.mp4
323.2 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/21. Tasarımı Flutter App Yapmak CHALLENGE 1/3. Arayüz Tasarlayalım Bölüm 3.mp4
296.0 MB
(44 Saat) Python KursuBaştan Sona Python Programlama 2020/20. Veri Analizi Pandas/14. Uygulama Youtube İstatistik Verilerinin Analizi.mp4
285.7 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/35. CANLISOHBET FCM Bildirim Islemleri/7. Login Sistemindeki Hataların Düzeltilmesi.mp4
284.4 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/25. PROJE 4 Not Sepeti Uygulaması Sqflite Birden Fazla Tablo ile Çalışma/10. Notların Güncellenmesi ve Silinmesi.mp4
279.2 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/21. Tasarımı Flutter App Yapmak CHALLENGE 1/5. Detay Sayfasının Tamamlanması Bölüm 5.mp4
273.4 MB
Sıfırdan Zirveye Adım Adım Bol Uygulamalı Java Kursu/8. Az Kod Çok İş Var olan kodların genişletilmesi Önemli Konu ve Kavramlar/4. Kalıtım Kullanılmayan Bir Yapıyı Kalıtım Kullanarak Düzenleyelim.mp4
272.6 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/34. CANLISOHBET Sayfalama ve Anlık Mesajlaşma/8. Kullanıcılar Sayfasını ViewModele Taşıyalım Bölüm 3.mp4
272.2 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/26. Firebase Authentication Islemleri/6. Firebase PhoneAuth ile Telefon Numarası ile Giriş Yapmak.mp4
266.6 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/34. CANLISOHBET Sayfalama ve Anlık Mesajlaşma/10. ViewModel Kullanarak Chat Sayfasında Sayfalama Yapalım 2.mp4
256.2 MB
Sıfırdan Zirveye Adım Adım Bol Uygulamalı Java Kursu/13. Collection Framework Projeleri ( Daha sonra Yeni Projeler Eklenecektir )/3. Udemy Kurs Player Bölüm 2.mp4
254.2 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/34. CANLISOHBET Sayfalama ve Anlık Mesajlaşma/11. ViewModel Kullanarak Chat Sayfasında Sayfalama Yapalım 3.mp4
253.7 MB
Sıfırdan Zirveye Adım Adım Bol Uygulamalı Java Kursu/12. Collection Koleksiyonlar Framework Güncellenmeye Devam Ediyor/16. Collections Yardımcı Sınıfının Metotları.mp4
249.1 MB
Sıfırdan Zirveye Adım Adım Bol Uygulamalı Java Kursu/15. Javafx ile Görsel Java Uygulamaları/7. Login Screen Yaparak Özetleyelim.mp4
248.9 MB
83+ Saatlik Aranan Programcı Olma Kamp Kursu JAVA,PYTHON,C#/44. Java - Swing İle Arayüz Programlamaya Giriş/10. Yeni Kayıt Eklemek.mp4
248.6 MB
Sıfırdan Flutter ile Android ve Ios Apps Development/21. Tasarımı Flutter App Yapmak CHALLENGE 1/2. Arayüz Tasarlayalım Bölüm 2.mp4
246.5 MB
Sıfırdan Zirveye Adım Adım Bol Uygulamalı Java Kursu/15. Javafx ile Görsel Java Uygulamaları/8. Eventler Tekrarı ve Checkbox Kullanımı.mp4
245.7 MB
180.7 GB
06 British Literature_ Beginnings and Background/013 QUICK OVERVIEW BRITISH LITERARY HISTORY (1).mp4
2.1 GB
06 British Literature_ Beginnings and Background/013 QUICK OVERVIEW BRITISH LITERARY HISTORY.mp4
2.1 GB
27 Post-Independence Indian Literature in English/286 The God of Small Things Detailed Introduction.mp4
2.1 GB
18 British Literature of the 20th Century_ High Modernism/162 DETAILED OVERVIEW_ DH Lawrence.mp4
1.5 GB
34 Literary Criticism/320 DETAILED OVERVIEW Plato Criticism.mp4
1.4 GB
22 American Literature up to the End of the 19th Century/220 Civil Disobedience Part One.mp4
1.4 GB
09 British Literature of the 17th Century_ The Restoration Period/066 Mac Flecknoe.mp4
1.4 GB
22 American Literature up to the End of the 19th Century/221 Civil Disobedience Part Two.mp4
1.3 GB
34 Literary Criticism/321 DETAILED OVERVIEW Aristotle Criticism.mp4
1.3 GB
13 British Literature of the 19th Century_ The Late Romantics/113 Ivanhoe by Walter Scott.mp4
1.3 GB
18 British Literature of the 20th Century_ High Modernism/173 OVERVIEW_ The Waste Land.mp4
1.2 GB
37 Structuralism and Poststructuralism/332 Structuralism An Introduction.mp4
1.2 GB
27 Post-Independence Indian Literature in English/290 Characters, Themes, Symbols in God of Small Things.mp4
1.2 GB
21 British Literature of the 20th Century_ Contemporary Literature/202 French Lieutenant's Woman Part One.mp4
1.2 GB
21 British Literature of the 20th Century_ Contemporary Literature/204 French Lieutenant's Woman Part Three.mp4
1.2 GB
02 General Tips for Studying and Preparation/005 How to Get Correct Answers in NET Always.mp4
1.2 GB
23 American Literature of the Early 20th Century/231 The Old Man and the Sea Plot Analysis.mp4
1.1 GB
18 British Literature of the 20th Century_ High Modernism/175 DETAILED OVERVIEW_ Virginia Woolf.mp4
1.1 GB
39 Psychoanalytic Theory/338 Psychoanalysis III Lacan.mp4
1.1 GB
15 British Literature of the 19th Century_ Victorian Fiction and Prose/134 Wuthering Heights.mp4
1.1 GB
153.6 GB
Udemy - Laravel 8 PHP Framework A - Z Build Professional Ecommerce 2022-11
60 - Setup for Insert Product/513 - Ecommerce Product Edit Part 2.mp4
839.4 MB
15 - Laravel 8 AZ Basic Fandamentals with Complete Dynamic Web Project/144 - Admin Panel Setup Part 2.mp4
565.7 MB
44 - Order Invoice Generate with PDF Setup/394 - Make Order Invoice Generate PDF Part 2.mp4
547.6 MB
61 - Setup Multi Language/521 - Post Update Part 2.mp4
547.5 MB
72 - Setup Online Payment Getway/580 - Stripe Payment Gateway Part 3.mp4
547.3 MB
71 - Setup Shop Pages/571 - Create Shop Pages Part 1.mp4
541.3 MB
81 - Setup Store Stock Management/614 - Update Admin Dashboard.mp4
536.3 MB
60 - Setup for Insert Product/506 - Multiple image uploadImage Intervention.mp4
534.8 MB
27 - Backend Add Product Option Setup/273 - Add Product Database and Page Design Part 3.mp4
522.2 MB
60 - Setup for Insert Product/504 - Ecommece Product Design Part 5.mp4
510.6 MB
53 - Build Professional Ecommerce Project/471 - Project Introduction What you will build end of this course.mp4
508.9 MB
62 - Setup Product Show In Frontend/528 - Product Hot Deal Discount.mp4
505.0 MB
60 - Setup for Insert Product/502 - Ecommece Product Design Part 3.mp4
504.0 MB
60 - Setup for Insert Product/514 - Ecommerce product Update Part 3.mp4
500.4 MB
15 - Laravel 8 AZ Basic Fandamentals with Complete Dynamic Web Project/148 - Fontend Templete Setup Part 1.mp4
500.3 MB
62 - Setup Product Show In Frontend/525 - Ecommerce Product Show By category Part 1.mp4
496.3 MB
7 - Backend About Page Setup/54 - Backend About Page Setup Part 2.mp4
490.0 MB
15 - Laravel 8 AZ Basic Fandamentals with Complete Dynamic Web Project/152 - Setup Home Slider Page Part 2.mp4
488.2 MB
62 - Setup Product Show In Frontend/529 - Mid Slider Setup.mp4
485.2 MB
63 - Setup Login and Register Page with Mail Verification/531 - Auth design Login and Register page Mail Verification Part 2.mp4
483.0 MB
130.3 GB
Udemy Cybersecurity Collection
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/3. Cross-Site-Scripting/1. Cross-Site-Scripting - Lecture.mp4
748.2 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/8. Cross Site Request Forgery/1. CSRF - Techniques.mp4
695.8 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/2. All Interesting Tools/1. Tools I Use.mp4
632.4 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/1. Introduction/3. Recon with.mp4
608.7 MB
Udemy - RedTeam Blueprint - A Unique Guide To Ethical Hacking, by Brennan Dennis/18. Reconnaissance/8. Active Recon - Port Scanning.mp4
436.1 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/7. Open Redirect Vulnerability/1. Open Redirect Vulnerability with @hemanth1261.mp4
435.9 MB
Udemy - RedTeam Blueprint - A Unique Guide To Ethical Hacking, by Brennan Dennis/19. Exploitation/11. SQL Injection _ SQLMap.mp4
417.9 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/1. Introduction/5. Another Recon Video.mp4
398.8 MB
Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking, by Heath Adams/13. Mid-Course Capstone/2. Walkthrough - Legacy.mp4
348.0 MB
Udemy - RedTeam Blueprint - A Unique Guide To Ethical Hacking, by Brennan Dennis/16. Assembly Course/5. Arithmetic.mp4
331.0 MB
Udemy - The Complete Ethical Hacking Course, by Gerri Banfield _ Erman Kirkpatrick/05 How to create a bootable USB of Kali Linux ( optional )/025 How to create a bootable USB of Kali with persistent storage _ 4 GB part 4.mp4
328.9 MB
Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking, by Heath Adams/13. Mid-Course Capstone/6. Walkthrough - Jerry.mp4
320.2 MB
Udemy - RedTeam Blueprint - A Unique Guide To Ethical Hacking, by Brennan Dennis/25. Job Hunting/6. Analyzing the Job Post.mp4
312.1 MB
Udemy - The Complete Ethical Hacking Course, by Gerri Banfield _ Erman Kirkpatrick/04 Set up instructions for Mac users ONLY/021 Kali Linux Live USB on a MacBook Pro part 3 ( OPTIONAL ).mp4
302.6 MB
Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking, by Heath Adams/13. Mid-Course Capstone/7. Walkthrough - Nibbles.mp4
299.2 MB
Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking, by Heath Adams/13. Mid-Course Capstone/4. Walkthrough - Blue.mp4
298.0 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/6. Server Side Request Forgery/2. SSRF - Advanced Techniques.mp4
294.3 MB
Udemy - Practical Ethical Hacking, by Heath Adams/13. Mid-Course Capstone/3. Walkthrough - Lame.mp4
293.6 MB
Udemy - RedTeam Blueprint - A Unique Guide To Ethical Hacking, by Brennan Dennis/20. Post Exploitation/1. Stabilizing Shells.mp4
285.1 MB
Udemy - Practical Bug Hunting - A Practical Guide, by Hema Kumar/6. Server Side Request Forgery/1. SSRF - Basic Techniques.mp4
282.4 MB
115.9 GB
Udemy - Curso de Python 3 do básico ao avançado - com projetos reais
563 Deploy completo do projeto blog (opcional).mp4
685.7 MB
374 Aula extra (opcional) empacotando a calculadora com PyInstaller (Geral).mp4
500.0 MB
577 Projeto e-commerce - Cadastro de usuários (Parte 1).mp4
488.9 MB
621 State (Comportamental).mp4
488.3 MB
619 Command (Comportamental).mp4
459.6 MB
631 Flyweight (Estrutural).mp4
445.0 MB
498 Criando um servidor Ubuntu 2004 LTS na Google Cloud Platform para deploy.mp4
443.2 MB
690 Tags HTML para texto (links, imagens, etc).mp4
440.1 MB
555 Usando selfkwargs para argumentos de URL e ordem de chamada dos métodos em CBV.mp4
422.4 MB
519 Configurando os containers do Docker com Docker Compose (docker-composeyml).mp4
419.8 MB
741 Landing Page - Form de contato e footer.mp4
408.3 MB
545 Iniciando a parte interna do Post (vários detalhes interessantes).mp4
404.1 MB
630 Bridge (Estrutural).mp4
398.6 MB
610 Abstract Factory (Criação).mp4
392.2 MB
635 Decorator - Código (Estrutural).mp4
392.0 MB
427 Renderizando HTML, render, templates, INSTALLED_APPS e TemplateDoesNotExist.mp4
389.3 MB
624 Mediator (Comportamental).mp4
388.6 MB
583 Projeto e-commerce - Salvando o pedido (Parte 1).mp4
384.0 MB
541 Configurando o django-summernote como editor HTML em TextField nos models Django.mp4
381.0 MB
538 Criando o model Post, related_name em ForeignKey e outros detalhes.mp4
379.8 MB
115.0 GB
[Udemy] Python 3 Deep Dive (2020-2021) [En]
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/002 Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4
1.3 GB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/014 Floats_ Rounding - Lecture.mp4
957.6 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/004 Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4
818.5 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/006 Closures - Lecture.mp4
787.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/011 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4
778.3 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/008 Floats_ Internal Representations - Lecture.mp4
739.9 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/002 Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture.mp4
714.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/012 Decorator Application (Timer).mp4
696.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/02 Sequence Types/010 Slicing - Lecture.mp4
649.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/02 Sequence Types/008 Copying Sequences - Lecture.mp4
599.2 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/03 Variables and Memory/004 Garbage Collection.mp4
597.5 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/004 Integers_ Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4
593.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/01 Introduction/001 Course Overview.mp4
573.3 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/004 Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4
560.2 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)/01 Introduction/001 Course Overview.mp4
552.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/06 First-Class Functions/009 Function Introspection - Coding.mp4
543.6 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)/02 Associative Arrays - Theory!/003 Hash Maps.mp4
532.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/06 First-Class Functions/013 Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4
522.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/12 Generators as Coroutines/003 Coroutines - Lecture.mp4
521.8 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/025 Booleans.mp4
506.5 MB
105.1 GB
[ Udemy - Other ] 4
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/4. Facial Features on the Head/1. The Eye - Part 1.mp4
974.2 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/4. Facial Features on the Head/5. The Mouth.mp4
958.7 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/5. Portrait Drawing/1. Portrait Drawing - Part 1.mp4
851.3 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/5. Portrait Drawing/2. Portrait Drawing - Part 2.mp4
791.7 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/4. Facial Features on the Head/2. The Eye - Part 2.mp4
701.9 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/2. The Structure of the Head/2. Proportions of the Head.mp4
688.2 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/5. Portrait Drawing/3. Portrait Drawing - Part 3.mp4
678.3 MB
Udemy - How to Store Food & Water for Emergencies [Morgan Rogue] [En.Sub.]/4 - How to Store Food.mp4
560.6 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/4. Facial Features on the Head/6. Facial Expressions.mp4
507.4 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/3. Understand Shading/2. Shading the Planes of the Head.mp4
475.8 MB
Udemy - Introduction to Design Sketching [Christopher Corrigan] [En.Sub.]/4. Planes/5. 4-5 Demo Working from a Ground Plane (Aircraft Drawing).mp4
472.8 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/2. The Structure of the Head/1. Draw the Head From Any Angle.mp4
463.2 MB
Udemy - Portrait Drawing 101 - Pencil Drawing Course for Beginners [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/2. The Structure of the Head/3. Primary and Secondary Planes of the Head.mp4
457.2 MB
Udemy - Sketching Course For Beginners Step-by-step Learning/1. Learn To Hold Pencil and Draw.mp4
438.8 MB
Udemy - How to Draw 101 ; BASIC DRAWING SKILLS & Sketching Course [Tamas Benko] [En.Sub.]/3. Sketching & Drawing/10. Dancing Figure.mp4
429.9 MB
Udemy - How to Drawing Face ; Male Character (Fundamental Guides) [Amelie Braun, Milad Ahmadi] [En.Sub.]/2 - 2/3 - Smiling young mans face.mp4
428.9 MB
Udemy - Introduction to Tea [Sarah Vaughan] [En.Sub.]/8 - Basics of Tea Blending/8 - Basics of Tea Blending.mp4
425.5 MB
Udemy - How to Shoot Food Photography ; Complete Guide for Beginners [Rose Nene, Paul Nene] [En.Sub.]/7. Demonstrations - OPTIONAL/1. Food Photography Demo - Soup.mp4
420.3 MB
Udemy - Introduction to Design Sketching [Christopher Corrigan] [En.Sub.]/4. Planes/2. 4-2 Planar Deformations Part 2.mp4
415.4 MB
Udemy - Sketching Course For Beginners Step-by-step Learning/6. Learn To Sketch Pose.mp4
404.0 MB
103.5 GB
[ Udemy - Other ] 2
Udemy - Adobe Premiere Pro CC – Advanced Training Course [Daniel Walter Scott] [En.Sub.]/1 - Getting Started/Exercise Files - Premiere Pro Advanced.iso
1.1 GB
Udemy - ChatGPT Complete Course ; ChatGPT Beginner-Expert. ChatGPT [Steve Ballinger, MBA] [Multi.Sub.]/5 - ChatGPT For SideGig Freelancers Grow Your Business With ChatGPT/47 - Blogs Faster Better Blogging With ChatGPT.mp4
572.3 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/28. Design Trends 2021! With 3 Student Projects/13. 3D Typography Project - Lesson 2.mp4
540.0 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/25. InDesign PROJECT - Create a Cookbook/2. Cookbook Project Front Cover.mp4
496.3 MB
Udemy - ChatGPT Complete Course ; ChatGPT Beginner-Expert. ChatGPT [Steve Ballinger, MBA] [Multi.Sub.]/5 - ChatGPT For SideGig Freelancers Grow Your Business With ChatGPT/53 - Video On Or Off Camera With ChatGPT Descript AI Video Creation.mp4
455.8 MB
Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC – Advanced Training Course [Daniel Walter Scott]/01 Getting started/002 Exercise-Files-Photoshop-Advanced.zip
449.6 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/11. Photoshop Project - Book Cover Design/2. Our Cover Idea.mp4
415.3 MB
Udemy - ChatGPT Complete Course ; ChatGPT Beginner-Expert. ChatGPT [Steve Ballinger, MBA] [Multi.Sub.]/5 - ChatGPT For SideGig Freelancers Grow Your Business With ChatGPT/46 - SEO Website Page Maximize With ChatGPT.mp4
404.7 MB
Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC – Advanced Training Course [Daniel Walter Scott]/02 Selections & Masking - Advanced/003 The easiest way in the world to mask a person in Adobe Photoshop.mp4
399.9 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/16. Vector Space Badge Project/1. Getting Started - Vector Tracing Our Rocket.mp4
387.4 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/12. How to Give and Receive Critiques and Feedback/1. How to Give and Receive Critiques.mp4
379.3 MB
Udemy - After Effects CC Masterclass Beginner to Advanced [Phil Ebiner, Video School Online Inc]/20. Bonus Tutorials/11. Hologram Effect.mp4
367.5 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/1. Important! The Course Guide & Downloadable .Zip File!/GraphicDesignMasterclass-Udemy-April.iso
363.6 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/8. Photoshop Editing and Manipulation - Intermediate Skills/3. NEW! Photo Manipulation Tools - Liquify and Photo Touchup.mp4
359.3 MB
Udemy - ChatGPT Complete Course ; ChatGPT Beginner-Expert. ChatGPT [Steve Ballinger, MBA] [Multi.Sub.]/5 - ChatGPT For SideGig Freelancers Grow Your Business With ChatGPT/51 - Book Childrens With ChatGPT.mp4
356.3 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/24. Adobe InDesign - Let's Learn the Software!/7. Art School Poster Project.mp4
354.4 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/5. Adobe Photoshop - Introduction to Photo Editing/4. Using Adjustments - The Hourglass Project - 3.mp4
353.3 MB
Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC – Advanced Training Course [Daniel Walter Scott]/13 Video & Animated Gifs for social media/082 How to edit video in Adobe Photoshop.mp4
350.5 MB
Udemy - Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design 2021 [Lindsay Marsh] [Multi Sub.]/2. How to Become a Graphic Designer/1. What is Graphic Design What Type of Projects Will I Do.mp4
350.3 MB
Udemy - After Effects CC Masterclass Beginner to Advanced [Phil Ebiner, Video School Online Inc]/1. Introduction/2.4 Video.zip.zip
349.2 MB
101.8 GB
[ Udemy - English ] 4
Udemy - The IELTS 9.0 Masterclass [Scientific Programming School] [En.Sub.]/5. Speaking/1. Speaking.mp4
1.6 GB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/6. Bonus Content/1. Live Writing Class Example (Pocket Money).mp4
756.2 MB
Udemy - The IELTS 9.0 Masterclass [Scientific Programming School] [En.Sub.]/3. Reading/2. Table completion, flow-charts, MCQ, summary and sentence completion.mp4
731.1 MB
Udemy - The IELTS 9.0 Masterclass [Scientific Programming School] [En.Sub.]/3. Reading/1. Reading structure, matching and TF questions.mp4
688.7 MB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Achieve Band 7+ in 7 Hours) (updated 7-2021) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/7. Conclusion/8. Live Writing Class Example #2.mp4
624.2 MB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/6. Bonus Content/4. Live Writing Class Example (Employment).mp4
553.7 MB
Udemy - The IELTS 9.0 Masterclass [Scientific Programming School] [En.Sub.]/4. Writing/10. Wiriting Task 2. How to Get Band 9.0.mp4
471.2 MB
Udemy - Master English Pronunciation with 1000+ WORDS! [Sacha Stevenson] [En.Sub.]/3. All of the individual vowel sounds/32. The Vowel Chart.mp4
425.0 MB
Udemy - The IELTS 9.0 Masterclass [Scientific Programming School] [En.Sub.]/4. Writing/1. Writing (Academic).mp4
417.1 MB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/6. Bonus Content/3. Live Writing Class Example (Function of Music).mp4
390.4 MB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Achieve Band 7+ in 7 Hours) (updated 7-2021) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/7. Conclusion/7. Live Writing Class Example.mp4
365.7 MB
Udemy - Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 - Speak Better English [Danny Ballan] (Incl.En.Sub.)/3. Chapter 02/1. Chapter 02 Video.mp4
363.7 MB
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Udemy - Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 - Speak Better English [Danny Ballan] (Incl.En.Sub.)/2. Chapter 01/1. Chapter 01 Video.mp4
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331.9 MB
Udemy - Pianoforall - Incredible New Way To Learn Piano & Keyboard [Robin Hall] [Multi Sub. and TH] - Not latest update Version/01 Party Time/044-Seventh_Heaven-Bringing_colour_to_your_chords.mkv
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Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/6. Bonus Content/5. Live Writing Class (Role of Sports).mp4
319.0 MB
Udemy - Mastering IELTS Writing ; Task 2 (Band 9 Model Answers) [The IELTS Teacher] [En.Sub.]/6. Bonus Content/2. Live Writing Class Example (Fast Food).mp4
318.0 MB
Udemy - Ultimate IELTS Writing ; Learn to Master IELTS Writing Task 2 [Landon Jenkins, IELTS Online]/5. Practice and Execution/4. Discussion Essay - Video 3 Writing Introduction.mp4
317.8 MB
Udemy - Perfect English Vocabulary Builder 2 - Speak Better English [Danny Ballan] (Incl.En.Sub.)/5. Chapter 04/1. Chapter 04 Video.mp4
308.1 MB
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[Udemy] Python 3 Deep Dive (2020-2021) [En]
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/002 Global and Local Scopes - Lecture.mp4
1.3 GB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/014 Floats_ Rounding - Lecture.mp4
957.6 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/004 Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture.mp4
818.5 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/006 Closures - Lecture.mp4
787.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/011 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries.mp4
778.3 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/008 Floats_ Internal Representations - Lecture.mp4
739.9 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/002 Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture.mp4
714.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/07 Scopes, Closures and Decorators/012 Decorator Application (Timer).mp4
696.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/02 Sequence Types/010 Slicing - Lecture.mp4
649.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/02 Sequence Types/008 Copying Sequences - Lecture.mp4
599.2 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/03 Variables and Memory/004 Garbage Collection.mp4
597.5 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/004 Integers_ Constructors and Bases - Lecture.mp4
593.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/01 Introduction/001 Course Overview.mp4
573.3 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/08 Tuples as Data Structures and Named Tuples/004 Named Tuples - Lecture.mp4
560.2 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)/01 Introduction/001 Course Overview.mp4
552.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/06 First-Class Functions/009 Function Introspection - Coding.mp4
543.6 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 3 - Hash Maps)/02 Associative Arrays - Theory!/003 Hash Maps.mp4
532.4 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/06 First-Class Functions/013 Reducing Functions - Lecture.mp4
522.7 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 2 - Iteration, Generators)/12 Generators as Coroutines/003 Coroutines - Lecture.mp4
521.8 MB
Python 3 Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)/04 Numeric Types/025 Booleans.mp4
506.5 MB
92.9 GB
[ Udemy - Other ] 1
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_01.mkv
1.3 GB
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_04.mkv
1.2 GB
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_07.mkv
1.1 GB
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_02.mkv
1.0 GB
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_08_(End).mkv
1.0 GB
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo/Tidying_Up_with_Marie_Kondo_Season_1_Episode_05.mkv
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831.9 MB
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MasterClass - ES DEVLIN Teaches Turning Ideas Into Art [Es Devlin] [En.Sub.]/03 Scale Models.mp4
705.9 MB
MasterClass - ES DEVLIN Teaches Turning Ideas Into Art [Es Devlin] [En.Sub.]/09 Creative Leadership and Collaboration.mp4
701.0 MB
MasterClass - ES DEVLIN Teaches Turning Ideas Into Art [Es Devlin] [En.Sub.]/02 Research, Then Sketch.mp4
634.4 MB
The Great Courses - How to Turn Your Passion into Profit [Tara McMullin] [ไม่มี Sub.]/19 Interview Choosing a Business Model.mp4
626.7 MB
The Great Courses - How to Turn Your Passion into Profit [Tara McMullin] [ไม่มี Sub.]/14 Choose Websites and Software.mp4
625.6 MB
The Great Courses - How to Turn Your Passion into Profit [Tara McMullin] [ไม่มี Sub.]/01 Name Your Priorities.mp4
597.5 MB
Udemy - Adobe InDesign CC - Advanced Training Course [Daniel Walter Scott] [Multi Sub.]/23 - Next Steps/70 - BONUS Software Updates 2019.mp4
561.6 MB
MasterClass - ES DEVLIN Teaches Turning Ideas Into Art [Es Devlin] [En.Sub.]/13 Passion Projects.mp4
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MasterClass - ES DEVLIN Teaches Turning Ideas Into Art [Es Devlin] [En.Sub.]/04 Scale and Architecture.mp4
532.7 MB
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[ Udemy - English ] 2
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/7. Episode 6/2. Intensive English Lesson 48.mp4
1.2 GB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/7. Episode 6/6. Intensive English Lesson 52.mp4
1.2 GB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/7. Episode 6/1. Intensive English Lesson 47.mp4
530.5 MB
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519.4 MB
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455.2 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/6. Episode 5/6. Intensive English Lesson 46.mp4
437.5 MB
Udemy - English Course for Level 1 ; Beginner Basic English Pronunciation [Chris Zang]/8. My telephone number is 333-333-3333/1. Learn with Chris.mp4
432.2 MB
Udemy - English business conversation - Beginner 2 [Stéphane Elmaleh-Riel]/3. Verbs/7. Past continuous.mp4
432.1 MB
Udemy - English Course for Level 1 ; Beginner Basic English Pronunciation [Chris Zang]/2. My birthday is October 20th/1. Learn with Chris.mp4
426.9 MB
Udemy - English business conversation - Beginner 2 [Stéphane Elmaleh-Riel]/3. Verbs/5. Present continuous (review).mp4
423.6 MB
Udemy - English business conversation - Beginner 2 [Stéphane Elmaleh-Riel]/3. Verbs/6. Simple past verbs regular + irregular verbs (review).mp4
416.2 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/4. Episode 3/9. Intensive English Lesson 28.mp4
405.4 MB
Udemy - English business conversation - Beginner 2 [Stéphane Elmaleh-Riel]/3. Verbs/4. Future with going to.mp4
400.7 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/8. Episode 7/5. Intensive English Lesson 59.mp4
400.1 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/4. Episode 3/10. Intensive English Lesson 29.mp4
393.6 MB
Udemy - English Course for Level 1 ; Beginner Basic English Pronunciation [Chris Zang]/5. I am ____ years old/1. Learn with Chris.mp4
390.0 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/8. Episode 7/6. Intensive English Lesson 60.mp4
385.9 MB
Udemy - English for Beginners ; Intensive English Speaking Course [Logus Online]/4. Episode 3/8. Intensive English Lesson 27.mp4
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Udemy - Fluency for IELTS Speaking [Keith O'Hare] [En.Sub.]/2. Part 1 of IELTS Speaking/1. Unit 1 Present Simple.mp4
381.8 MB
Udemy - English Brain Training ; Start Thinking In English [English Understood] [ไม่มี Sub.]]/2. Watch Before Starting/1. 2.1 Things To Know Before Starting.mp4
380.3 MB
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Udemy - BLENDER Creating Jeep Gladiator Rubicon from A to Z (2023)
3 - Resource/191 - Resource.part1.rar
943.7 MB
2 - Modeling/38 - 038Modeling the wiper panel part 2.mp4
867.2 MB
3 - Resource/191 - Resource.part2.rar
810.4 MB
2 - Modeling/120 - 120Starting with the wheels part 2.mp4
802.3 MB
2 - Modeling/103 - 103Starting with the truck bed door details.mp4
793.5 MB
2 - Modeling/164 - 164Starting with the cargo roof front light base.mp4
793.0 MB
2 - Modeling/78 - 078Starting with the rear bumper part 1.mp4
775.0 MB
2 - Modeling/23 - 023Creating the Fender cover.mp4
759.9 MB
2 - Modeling/10 - 010Modeling the Hood.mp4
750.0 MB
2 - Modeling/62 - 062Starting with the rear left door.mp4
749.4 MB
2 - Modeling/162 - 162Creating the cargo roof holder legs.mp4
745.1 MB
2 - Modeling/79 - 079Modeling the rear bumper part 2.mp4
732.8 MB
2 - Modeling/41 - 041Creating the Hood Hinge.mp4
727.7 MB
2 - Modeling/135 - 135Modeling the front fender liner.mp4
716.8 MB
2 - Modeling/77 - 077Creating the truck bed door handle.mp4
704.8 MB
2 - Modeling/143 - 143Modeling the axel housing part 5.mp4
704.7 MB
2 - Modeling/89 - 089Finishing the tail light.mp4
703.8 MB
2 - Modeling/163 - 163Creating the cargo roof handle.mp4
696.5 MB
2 - Modeling/155 - 155Finishing the cargo carrier.mp4
694.6 MB
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1
19. Google Ads/32. Successful Text Ads Principles.mp4
407.1 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/78. Social Proof.mp4
383.6 MB
19. Google Ads/36. Dashboard.mp4
382.7 MB
19. Google Ads/24. Lead Form Extension.mp4
380.5 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/56. Tailor Your Website.mp4
378.6 MB
21. OUTDATED Facebook Messenger Chatbot Marketing/14. Flow Builder.mp4
357.4 MB
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351.6 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/105. Design Start Here Page - Template Editing.mp4
350.6 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/77. CTA Button.mp4
349.1 MB
2. Market Research/3. Buyer Persona.mp4
347.7 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/82. Showcase Section Part 1.mp4
347.0 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/119. Create a Simple Product.mp4
346.5 MB
19. Google Ads/53. Keyword Planning - Volume & Costs Estimates.mp4
340.6 MB
9. Facebook Ads/50. Lead Generation Ads.mp4
338.5 MB
10. Instagram Marketing/35. Create Video In Designer Mode.mp4
338.2 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/44. Email Opt-In Forms & Emails.mp4
337.8 MB
12. YouTube Marketing/17. Analytics.mp4
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4. Set Up Your Website/75. Title.mp4
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[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1
19. Google Ads/32. Successful Text Ads Principles.mp4
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4. Set Up Your Website/77. Social Proof.mp4
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19. Google Ads/36. Dashboard.mp4
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19. Google Ads/24. Lead Form Extension.mp4
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21. OUTDATED Facebook Messenger Chatbot Marketing/14. Flow Builder.mp4
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350.6 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/76. CTA Button.mp4
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2. Market Research/3. Buyer Persona.mp4
347.7 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/81. Showcase Section Part 1.mp4
347.0 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/118. Create a Simple Product.mp4
346.5 MB
19. Google Ads/53. Keyword Planning - Volume & Costs Estimates.mp4
340.6 MB
9. Facebook Ads/50. Lead Generation Ads.mp4
338.5 MB
10. Instagram Marketing/35. Create Video In Designer Mode.mp4
338.2 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/43. Email Opt-In Forms & Emails.mp4
337.8 MB
12. YouTube Marketing/17. Analytics.mp4
337.6 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/74. Title.mp4
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334.4 MB
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - NLP Practitioner Certification Course (Beginner to Advanced)
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/15. A Conversation about Labels, Personality & Identity.mp4
874.2 MB
3. Self-Awareness, Growth, Clarity and Goals/3. Erikson's Eight Stages of Human Development.mp4
714.8 MB
10. NLP Strategies for Increasing Self-Effectiveness/6. Strategy Elicitation Demonstration.mp4
671.6 MB
11. Unpacking Core Human Values/6. The Spiderweb of Core Human Values Part 1.mp4
663.0 MB
11. Unpacking Core Human Values/7. The Spiderweb of Core Human Values Part 2.mp4
641.6 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/8. Milton Erickson's Language Patterns.mp4
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5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/9. The Internal State Loop.mp4
614.9 MB
10. NLP Strategies for Increasing Self-Effectiveness/4. Strategy Elicitation Exercise.mp4
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5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/12. The Timeline of Human Experience.mp4
604.3 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/2. The Main Character Attributes of a 'Leveller'.mp4
598.4 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/4. The Key Assumptions of Fritz Perls.mp4
592.7 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/16. Fixed Versus Growth Mindset.mp4
591.0 MB
1. Introduction Section/13. The Presuppositions of NLP Part 2.mp4
589.5 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/5. The EQ-i Model for Emotional and Social Functioning.mp4
579.2 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/13. Strategies for Self-Regulation & Management.mp4
567.5 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/11. A Conversation about Reframing Our Meanings.mp4
566.8 MB
8. NLP Anchoring, Learning & Conditioned Behaviour/6. The Four Stages of Anchor Development.mp4
562.0 MB
3. Self-Awareness, Growth, Clarity and Goals/15. Demonstration Well-formed Outcomes.mp4
558.3 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/14. Hans Eysenck's Personality Model.mp4
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5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/8. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development.mp4
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - NLP Practitioner Certification Course (Beginner to Advanced)
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/15. A Conversation about Labels, Personality & Identity.mp4
874.2 MB
3. Self-Awareness, Growth, Clarity and Goals/3. Erikson's Eight Stages of Human Development.mp4
714.8 MB
10. NLP Strategies for Increasing Self-Effectiveness/6. Strategy Elicitation Demonstration.mp4
671.6 MB
11. Unpacking Core Human Values/6. The Spiderweb of Core Human Values Part 1.mp4
663.0 MB
11. Unpacking Core Human Values/7. The Spiderweb of Core Human Values Part 2.mp4
641.6 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/8. Milton Erickson's Language Patterns.mp4
638.1 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/9. The Internal State Loop.mp4
614.9 MB
10. NLP Strategies for Increasing Self-Effectiveness/4. Strategy Elicitation Exercise.mp4
614.1 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/12. The Timeline of Human Experience.mp4
604.3 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/2. The Main Character Attributes of a 'Leveller'.mp4
598.4 MB
6. The Wisdom of Virgina Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton H. Erickson/4. The Key Assumptions of Fritz Perls.mp4
592.7 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/16. Fixed Versus Growth Mindset.mp4
591.0 MB
1. Introduction Section/13. The Presuppositions of NLP Part 2.mp4
589.5 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/5. The EQ-i Model for Emotional and Social Functioning.mp4
579.2 MB
5. NLP State and the Basis of Human Responses/13. Strategies for Self-Regulation & Management.mp4
567.5 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/11. A Conversation about Reframing Our Meanings.mp4
566.8 MB
8. NLP Anchoring, Learning & Conditioned Behaviour/6. The Four Stages of Anchor Development.mp4
562.0 MB
3. Self-Awareness, Growth, Clarity and Goals/15. Demonstration Well-formed Outcomes.mp4
558.3 MB
2. Neurological Insights Into The Human Experience/14. Hans Eysenck's Personality Model.mp4
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[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1
4. Business Branding/33. Your Brand Logo.mp4
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21. Google Ads/30. Successful Text Ads Principles.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/77. Social Proof.mp4
383.7 MB
21. Google Ads/34. Dashboard.mp4
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21. Google Ads/22. Lead Form Extension.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/55. Tailor Your Website.mp4
378.6 MB
23. OUTDATED Facebook Messenger Chatbot Marketing/14. Flow Builder.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/127. Add Taxes.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/104. Design Start Here Page - Template Editing.mp4
350.6 MB
5. Set Up Your Website/76. CTA Button.mp4
349.1 MB
3. Market Research/4. Buyer Persona.mp4
347.7 MB
5. Set Up Your Website/81. Showcase Section Part 1.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/118. Create a Simple Product.mp4
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21. Google Ads/51. Keyword Planning - Volume & Costs Estimates.mp4
340.6 MB
9. Instagram Marketing/35. Create Video In Designer Mode.mp4
338.2 MB
5. Set Up Your Website/43. Email Opt-In Forms & Emails.mp4
337.8 MB
14. YouTube Marketing/17. Analytics.mp4
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5. Set Up Your Website/74. Title.mp4
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[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Digital Marketing Guide - 18 Courses in 1
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23. OUTDATED Facebook Messenger Chatbot Marketing/14. Flow Builder.mp4
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4. Set Up Your Website/76. CTA Button.mp4
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2. Market Research/3. Buyer Persona.mp4
347.7 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/81. Showcase Section Part 1.mp4
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4. Set Up Your Website/118. Create a Simple Product.mp4
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21. Google Ads/53. Keyword Planning - Volume & Costs Estimates.mp4
340.6 MB
9. Instagram Marketing/35. Create Video In Designer Mode.mp4
338.2 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/43. Email Opt-In Forms & Emails.mp4
337.8 MB
14. YouTube Marketing/17. Analytics.mp4
337.6 MB
4. Set Up Your Website/74. Title.mp4
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21. Google Ads/8. Location Targeting.mp4
334.4 MB
21. Google Ads/11. Audiences Targeting.mp4
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329.3 MB
84.9 GB