个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 15 毫秒。
Udemy - Elettrotecnica di Base Modulo Uno (Update 11-2024) [Ita - Ita Subs]
2 - Propedeutico Fisica/1 -Sistema internazionale.mp4
612.2 MB
1 - Propedeutico Matematica/1 -Equazioni di primo grado.mp4
560.1 MB
11 - Metodi sistematici/3 -Metodo dei potenziali nodali.mp4
263.8 MB
1 - Propedeutico Matematica/5 -Sistemi di equazioni lineari.mp4
258.3 MB
11 - Metodi sistematici/6 -Esercizio sul metodo dei potenziali nodali.mp4
256.1 MB
4 - Grandezze elettriche/1 -Corrente elettrica.mp4
254.9 MB
7 - Legge di Ohm/3 -Resistività in funzione della temperatura.mp4
235.7 MB
3 - Fenomeni elettrici/4 -Carica elettrica.mp4
221.7 MB
12 - Teoremi fondamentali delle reti elettriche/4 -Teorema di Millman.mp4
220.6 MB
6 - Leggi di Kirchhoff/4 -Esercizi seconda legge di Kirchhoff.mp4
208.7 MB
12 - Teoremi fondamentali delle reti elettriche/1 -Sovrapposizione degli effetti.mp4
203.9 MB
7 - Legge di Ohm/1 -Legge di Ohm.mp4
202.1 MB
10 - Soluzione circuiti elementari/8 -Generatore di tensione reale idealizzato.mp4
195.7 MB
1 - Propedeutico Matematica/3 -Funzioni matematiche.mp4
190.9 MB
10 - Soluzione circuiti elementari/3 -Partitore di tensione.mp4
188.4 MB
1 - Propedeutico Matematica/4 -Equazione della retta.mp4
183.8 MB
12 - Teoremi fondamentali delle reti elettriche/10 -Esercizio Millman due.mp4
183.8 MB
11 - Metodi sistematici/4 -Metodo delle correnti di maglia.mp4
171.9 MB
12 - Teoremi fondamentali delle reti elettriche/13 -Laboratorio virtuale Esercizio sovrapposizione degli effetti.mp4
167.0 MB
11 - Metodi sistematici/7 -Esercizio sul metodo delle correnti di maglia.mp4
161.2 MB
11.0 GB
Udemy - DevSecOps with GitLab Secure CICD with GitLab (2024)
08 - Report Security issues found during SAST, SCA & DAST scans in JIRA/005 Hands On Integrate JIRA with SonarCloud to create tickets with one-click.mp4
101.6 MB
04 - Implement SAST in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using SonarCloud/003 Hands-On Integrate SonarCloud within GitLab DevSecOps pipeline.mp4
92.2 MB
07 - End To End Java Project Case Study for implementing GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline/002 Hands On Write code changes to integrate SAST, SCA & DAST in DevSecOps Pipeline.mp4
80.2 MB
09 - Advanced Topics Additional Features provided by GitLab for DevSecOps Pipelines/003 Hands On SAST and DAST Analyzers provided by GitLab - Code Execution.mp4
71.7 MB
04 - Implement SAST in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using SonarCloud/004 Hands-On Create Quality Gates in DevSecOps pipeline using SonarCloud - Part 1.mp4
68.4 MB
04 - Implement SAST in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using SonarCloud/006 Hands-On Populate Unit Test Code Coverage on SonarCloud Dashboard for DevSecOps.mp4
64.5 MB
05 - Implement SCA in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using Snyk/003 Hands-On Integrate Snyk within GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline to perform SCA.mp4
51.5 MB
06 - Implement DAST in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using OWASP ZAP/002 Hands-On Integrate OWASP ZAP within GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline to perform DAST.mp4
46.5 MB
04 - Implement SAST in GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline using SonarCloud/005 Hands-On Create Quality Gates in DevSecOps pipeline using SonarCloud - Part 2.mp4
42.9 MB
07 - End To End Java Project Case Study for implementing GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline/003 Hands On Execute End to End GitLab DevSecOps Pipeline and review logs.mp4
36.5 MB
08 - Report Security issues found during SAST, SCA & DAST scans in JIRA/002 Hands On Report SAST security issues in JIRA identified by SonarCloud.mp4
34.5 MB
09 - Advanced Topics Additional Features provided by GitLab for DevSecOps Pipelines/001 What are SAST and DAST Analyzer from GitLab and Why shall we use it in pipeline.mp4
29.3 MB
08 - Report Security issues found during SAST, SCA & DAST scans in JIRA/004 Hands On Report DAST security issues in JIRA identified by OWASP ZAP.mp4
25.6 MB
03 - Hands On - Implementing DevSecOps Pipeline in GitLab/004 Write a simple .gitlab-ci.yml file and print text using GitLab shared runner.mp4
22.9 MB
09 - Advanced Topics Additional Features provided by GitLab for DevSecOps Pipelines/002 Hands On Understand Code to integrate SAST and DAST Analyzers by GitLab.mp4
22.4 MB
03 - Hands On - Implementing DevSecOps Pipeline in GitLab/003 Create master branch and make it default for the source code repo in GitLab.mp4
20.6 MB
01 - Introduction/001 Introduction & Course Agenda.mp4
17.1 MB
08 - Report Security issues found during SAST, SCA & DAST scans in JIRA/003 Hands On Report SCA security issues in JIRA identified by Snyk.mp4
16.7 MB
08 - Report Security issues found during SAST, SCA & DAST scans in JIRA/001 Hands On Create a JIRA account with Atlassian with custom JIRA site.mp4
15.4 MB
01 - Introduction/002 About the Course.mp4
11.3 MB
960.6 MB
Udemy - Mastering Electron Build Modern Desktop Apps (2024 Edition) 2024-5
5. Packaging Electron Application/1. Electron builder for packaging application.mp4
109.8 MB
4. Todo App Project/4. Read Notes Operation - Part I.mp4
108.5 MB
4. Todo App Project/6. Edit Notes Operation.mp4
104.9 MB
3. Basics and Fundamentals/4. Key Concepts - Implementation Renderer to Main two way.mp4
68.4 MB
4. Todo App Project/3. Create Notes Operation.mp4
60.5 MB
4. Todo App Project/5. Read Notes Operation - Part II.mp4
58.2 MB
4. Todo App Project/2. Connecting to database.mp4
48.5 MB
3. Basics and Fundamentals/3. Key Concepts - Implementation Renderer to Main one way.mp4
47.3 MB
2. Setting Up the Development Environment/3. Installing Electron.mp4
37.5 MB
4. Todo App Project/7. Delete Notes Operation.mp4
33.4 MB
3. Basics and Fundamentals/2. Key Concepts - Processes, IPC & Preload Script.mp4
27.1 MB
1. Introduction/2. What’s and why electron.mp4
18.6 MB
1. Introduction/3. The Todo notes application.mp4
7.8 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction & overview of the course.mp4
4.8 MB
3. Basics and Fundamentals/1. Understanding hello world.mp4
4.1 MB
4. Todo App Project/1.1 design.html
4.8 kB
2. Setting Up the Development Environment/1. Installing IDE.html
1.1 kB
2. Setting Up the Development Environment/2. Install Node.js and npm.html
557 Bytes
4. Todo App Project/1. Designing the Todo List UI (optional).html
333 Bytes
1. Introduction/4. Electron Basic Understanding.html
149 Bytes
739.3 MB
Udemy - Progettare Circuiti Stampati con KiCAD 8 - Corso Base (Update 05-2024) [Ita]
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/10 -Consigli e trucchi.mp4
410.2 MB
1 - Introduzione/2 -Circuiti stampati (PCB) caratteristiche e tipi.mp4
247.5 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/1 -Disegno dello schema Blink con NE555.mp4
241.7 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/7 -Creazione dei layer e aggiunta di un piano di massa.mp4
241.1 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/4 -Disegno dello schema simboli e footprint.mp4
204.1 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/3 -Disegno di una footprint per un simbolo.mp4
184.3 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/2 -Disegno di un simbolo.mp4
178.1 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/4 -Disegno di una footprint utilizzando un datasheet.mp4
151.3 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/7 -Disegno del PCB modifica delle footprint.mp4
145.1 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/6 -Schemi multi foglio e pin gerarchici.mp4
144.5 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/8 -Creazione ed export del file Gerber; Uso di GerbView.mp4
140.8 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/8 -tuning piste e coppie differenziali.mp4
138.8 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/5 -Disegno del PCB primi passi.mp4
130.7 MB
1 - Introduzione/3 -Installazione di KiCAD.mp4
122.3 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/3 -Disegno dello schema utilizzo delle label.mp4
101.7 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/2 -Disegno dello schema Wiring dei simboli.mp4
93.8 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/5 -Utilizzo dei bus.mp4
93.2 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/1 -Shield per Arduino disegno dello schema e import libreria esterna.mp4
89.2 MB
2 - Disegno di un semplice PCB/6 -Disegno del PCB le tracce.mp4
87.5 MB
3 - Temi e argomenti avanzati/9 -Aggiunta di un logo al PCB.mp4
62.0 MB
3.3 GB
Udemy - Active Directory and Windows Server 40+ Hour with Labs 2024-3
31. Lab Deploying and using certificates/1. Lab Task Deploying and using certificates.mp4
249.7 MB
23. Configuring managed service accounts/7. Lab Securing AD DS Exercises and Tasks.mp4
233.1 MB
27. Building a AD CS infrastructure lab environment using Hyper-V and Base Image/1. Building a PKI Lab Environment with Hyper-V and Base Image.mp4
160.6 MB
4. Demo Building Windows Server 2022 Lab/10. Recap Base Lab SOP.mp4
157.2 MB
11. Advanced AD DS infrastructure management/15. Migrating to Windows Server 2016 AD DS from a previous version.mp4
150.3 MB
17. Configuring Group Policy preferences/7. Lab Tasks Managing user settings with Group Policy.mp4
142.4 MB
3. Deploying a domain controller/12. Demonstration Installing a domain controller with Powershell.mp4
135.2 MB
21. Implementing account security/11. Account-security options.mp4
132.7 MB
23. Configuring managed service accounts/8. Lab Securing AD DS. Solution.mp4
130.5 MB
10. Using Windows PowerShell for groups and computers administration/7. PowerShell Managing, configuring and modifying Group objects. Part 5.mp4
126.6 MB
7. Managing groups in AD DS/4. Group scopes.mp4
119.0 MB
16. Configuring Folder Redirection, Software Installation, and Scripts/6. Managing software with Group Policy.mp4
117.5 MB
17. Configuring Group Policy preferences/8. Lab Solution Managing user settings with Group Policy.mp4
116.8 MB
14. Troubleshooting the application of GPOs/7. Lab B Tasks Troubleshooting Group Policy infrastructure.mp4
115.3 MB
10. Using Windows PowerShell for groups and computers administration/3. PowerShell Managing, configuring and modifying Group objects. Part 1.mp4
109.3 MB
10. Using Windows PowerShell for groups and computers administration/11. Powershell Key Concepts.mp4
108.2 MB
8. Managing computer objects in AD DS/5. Resetting the computer account (secure channel).mp4
105.5 MB
10. Using Windows PowerShell for groups and computers administration/9. PowerShell Managing, configuring and modifying Computer objects. Part 1.mp4
103.2 MB
12. Implementing and administering AD DS sites and replication/21. Lab Sites and Replication. Exercies and Tasks.mp4
102.4 MB
31. Lab Deploying and using certificates/2. Lab Demonstration Steps Deploying and using certificates.mp4
101.0 MB
19.6 GB
Udemy - System Design Masterclass (2024)
9 - Design Notification System/11 -High Level Design - Basic High Level Flow.mp4
220.5 MB
5 - Design Rate Limiter/15 -Deep Dive Insights - Token Bucket Algorithm.mp4
185.1 MB
5 - Design Rate Limiter/18 -Deep Dive Insights - Sliding Window Log Algorithm.mp4
180.3 MB
17 - Common FAQs/1 -Database Indexing.mp4
156.7 MB
8 - Design Airbnb/20 -Deep Dive Insights - Handling Concurrent Bookings.mp4
153.2 MB
5 - Design Rate Limiter/16 -Deep Dive Insights - Leaky Bucket Algorithm.mp4
152.3 MB
8 - Design Airbnb/12 -API Design - Book Property (Guest).mp4
148.1 MB
15 - Appendix - Caching Deep Dives/4 -Write Cache Strategies - Pros and Cons.mp4
140.8 MB
5 - Design Rate Limiter/19 -Deep Dive Insights - Sliding Window Counter Algorithm.mp4
135.3 MB
3 - Design Youtube Netflix/12 -High Level Design - Content Processor Workflow Engine.mp4
125.3 MB
6 - Design Whatsapp/17 -High Level Design - Message Status.mp4
124.8 MB
9 - Design Notification System/4 -Deciding Requirements - Non-Functional Requirements.mp4
123.6 MB
8 - Design Airbnb/14 -High Level Design - Search Properties (Guest).mp4
112.2 MB
6 - Design Whatsapp/12 -High Level Design - How is Websocket Connection established.mp4
110.7 MB
6 - Design Whatsapp/8 -API Design - 11 Messaging.mp4
109.1 MB
3 - Design Youtube Netflix/8 -API Design - Upload Content.mp4
108.6 MB
7 - Design Search Systems/16 -Deep Dive Insights - Query Correction Service.mp4
107.5 MB
2 - Design Instagram Newsfeed/24 -Deep Dive Insights - Database Selection.mp4
105.7 MB
8 - Design Airbnb/13 -High Level Design - Add Update Property (Property Owner).mp4
103.0 MB
5 - Design Rate Limiter/17 -Deep Dive Insights - Fixed Window Counter Algorithm.mp4
102.2 MB
10.8 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Simplified 2024
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Functions/1 -Functions.mp4
54.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Classes & Objects/1 -Classes.mp4
53.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Object-oriented Programming (OOP)/3 -Override.mp4
52.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Object-oriented Programming (OOP)/2 -Inheritance.mp4
45.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Object-oriented Programming (OOP)/4 -Mini project Pet Hierarchy.mp4
43.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Object-oriented Programming (OOP)/1 -Object-oriented Programming (OOP).mp4
35.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Classes & Objects/2 -Objects.mp4
31.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Functions/4 -Mini project create a calculator.mp4
28.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Functions/3 -Return Value.mp4
22.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Functions/2 -Parameters.mp4
15.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Classes & Objects/3 -Attributes and Methods.mp4
7.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
390.9 MB
Udemy - The Complete Course of SSL and TLS 2024
7 - Troubleshooting SSLTLS Issues/39 - Certificate related Issues.mp4
462.9 MB
8 - Certificate Management/48 - Certificate Management Part2.mp4
416.4 MB
8 - Certificate Management/45 - Public Key Infrastructure PKI Part1.mp4
353.9 MB
8 - Certificate Management/47 - Certificate Management Part1.mp4
328.4 MB
6 - SSLTLS Deployment Best Practices/33 - Apache Web Server.mp4
325.1 MB
7 - Troubleshooting SSLTLS Issues/41 - Other Common Issues2.mp4
283.0 MB
8 - Certificate Management/46 - Public Key Infrastructure PKI Part2.mp4
194.8 MB
9 - Advanced SSLTLS Topics/54 - Mini Task Solution.mp4
174.2 MB
5 - SSLTLS Vulnerabilities and Attacks/30 - Task Solution.mp4
172.5 MB
2 - Cryptographic Fundamentals/9 - Assignment Solution.mp4
169.1 MB
2 - Cryptographic Fundamentals/5 - Cyptographic fundamentals introduction.mp4
160.4 MB
2 - Cryptographic Fundamentals/7 - Digital signatures.mp4
154.0 MB
7 - Troubleshooting SSLTLS Issues/40 - Other Common Issues1.mp4
128.6 MB
1 - Introduction to SSLTLS/4 - Role of SSLTLS in securing network communication.mp4
123.1 MB
6 - SSLTLS Deployment Best Practices/32 - NGINX Web Server.mp4
117.8 MB
3 - SSLTLS Protocol Overview/16 - Task Solution.mp4
108.9 MB
3 - SSLTLS Protocol Overview/12 - Wireshark HTTPS Analysis1.mp4
75.5 MB
4 - SSLTLS Handshake and Key Exchange/21 - Wireshark Analysis.mp4
64.9 MB
5 - SSLTLS Vulnerabilities and Attacks/26 - Heartbleed.mp4
58.4 MB
5 - SSLTLS Vulnerabilities and Attacks/25 - Protocol downgrade attacks.mp4
57.2 MB
4.6 GB
Udemy - Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access Training 2024-5
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/5. Cisco SDA Lab Part 5.mp4
570.1 MB
1. Cisco SDA Introduction and Theory/3. Cisco SD-Access Introduction and Theory Part 3.mp4
545.7 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/3. Cisco SDA Lab Part 3.mp4
472.1 MB
1. Cisco SDA Introduction and Theory/1. Cisco SD-Access Introduction and Theory Part 1.mp4
439.6 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/9. Cisco SDA Lab Part 9.mp4
428.5 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/1. Cisco SDA Lab Part 1.mp4
382.5 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/2. Cisco SDA Lab Part 2.mp4
354.4 MB
1. Cisco SDA Introduction and Theory/2. Cisco SD-Access Introduction and Theory Part 2.mp4
318.0 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/7. Cisco SDA Lab Part 7.mp4
210.8 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/6. Cisco SDA Lab Part 6.mp4
207.5 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/4. Cisco SDA Lab Part 4.mp4
200.6 MB
2. Cisco SDA - Software Defined Access PracticeLabs/8. Cisco SDA Lab Part 8.mp4
165.4 MB
Read me.txt
128 Bytes
4.3 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - ISO 55001 - 2024 Foundation Training
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Steps for ISO 55001 asset management system/2 -List of Some Commonly Found Nonconformities During Certifying Body Audits.mp4
212.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/1 -Introduction.mp4
190.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Steps for ISO 55001 asset management system/1 -ISO 550012024 certification process steps.mp4
187.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - ISO 550012024 Documentation/3 -List of Maintain Documented Information.mp4
182.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - ISO 550012024 Documentation/1 -ISO 550012024 Documented Information.mp4
170.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - ISO 550012024 Documentation/2 -Tier 4 Documentation System for ISO 550012024.mp4
168.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/2 -Who Can Use ISO 550012024.mp4
146.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Overview of ISO 550012024 Requirements/1 -Requirements of the ISO 550012024.mp4
101.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - ISO 550012024 Documentation/2 -ISO 55001_Documentation_Handout.pdf
442.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
1.4 GB
Udemy - Kubernetes Masterclass for Beginners 2024-5
3. Deployments/1. Deployments.mp4
896.2 MB
2. Kubernetes Fundamentals/2. Pods - Introduction.mp4
861.2 MB
7. Helm/1. Introduction to Helm.mp4
733.5 MB
5. Storage/1. Ephemeral Storage.mp4
651.3 MB
5. Storage/2. Persistent Storage.mp4
594.4 MB
4. Networking/2. Services.mp4
525.4 MB
8. Monitoring/2. Working with the monitoring stack.mp4
455.3 MB
3. Deployments/3. Deployments - Our First Application.mp4
445.9 MB
6. K9s/1. Managing clusters with k9s.mp4
435.0 MB
8. Monitoring/1. Installing the monitoring stack.mp4
394.4 MB
2. Kubernetes Fundamentals/3. Pods as Code - YAML.mp4
391.8 MB
1. Introduction & Setup/6. Set Up - Linux.mp4
350.4 MB
2. Kubernetes Fundamentals/1. What is Kubernetes and Why do we need it.mp4
336.6 MB
4. Networking/1. Introduction to Kubernetes Networking.mp4
326.7 MB
9. Outro/1. Outro.mp4
310.3 MB
3. Deployments/2. Deployments - Namespaces.mp4
280.1 MB
4. Networking/3. Ingress.mp4
262.6 MB
2. Kubernetes Fundamentals/4. Interacting with Pods.mp4
229.9 MB
1. Introduction & Setup/3. Lab repo & Notetaking.mp4
169.8 MB
1. Introduction & Setup/2. Thoughts on the tooling.mp4
156.8 MB
9.0 GB
Udemy - Anonimato - Diventa un Hacker Invisibile! 100% Pratico! (Update 10-2024) [Ita - Subs Ita]
3 - Bonus Update 2024/52 - Bonus Update Lab 2024.mkv
279.9 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/48 - Social Engineering Toolkit - Infectious Media Generator.mkv
100.6 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/34 - Tecnica VS Psicologia.mkv
98.5 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/46 - Social Engineering Toolkit - Spear Phishing.mkv
95.1 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/19 - Settiamo un Proxy su BackBox.mkv
86.6 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/16 - Cambio DNS sui sistemi.mkv
76.2 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/18 - I Proxy.mkv
62.6 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/23 - Le VPN.mkv
61.6 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/22 - Usiamo TOR.mkv
61.1 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/5 - Distribuzioni e Sistemi.mkv
54.9 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/47 - Social Engineering Toolkit - Credential Harvester.mkv
52.2 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/14 - Cambio_Hostname.mkv
50.7 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/33 - Ingegneria Sociale.mkv
50.1 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/24 - IP Vanish su Windows.mkv
48.9 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/15 - DNS Da utilizzare.mkv
44.9 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/1 - Introduzione.mkv
40.3 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/36 - Tipi di Social Engineering.mkv
37.9 MB
1 - Introduzione all'Anonimato/25 - IP Vanish su Backbox.mkv
37.2 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/44 - Gophish - Lancio di una Campagna e risultati.mkv
34.4 MB
2 - Sezione Bonus - Le Persone e la ricerca delle informazioni/35 - Vantaggi del Social Engineering.mkv
33.7 MB
2.0 GB
Udemy - Web Scraping with ChatGPT Data Extraction with Python 2024-1
5. Project and Real-World Examples of Web Scraping/4. Web Scraping with ChatGPT Project.mp4
97.8 MB
5. Project and Real-World Examples of Web Scraping/2. Extracting News Headlines.mp4
58.0 MB
3. Setting Up Your ChatGPT Environment/2. Authentication and API Access.mp4
49.9 MB
7. Troubleshooting and Resources for Web Scraping/1. Debugging Your Scraping Scripts.mp4
40.4 MB
6. Best Practices and Tips for Web Scraping/3. Tips for Efficient Scraping.mp4
31.4 MB
5. Project and Real-World Examples of Web Scraping/1. Practical Web Scraping Projects and Use Cases.mp4
29.2 MB
4. Basic Web Scraping with ChatGPT/1. Making Your First ChatGPT Scraping Request.mp4
29.2 MB
4. Basic Web Scraping with ChatGPT/3. Handling Common Web Scraping Tasks.mp4
24.4 MB
1. Course Overview/1. Welcome and Introduction.mp4
23.0 MB
6. Best Practices and Tips for Web Scraping/1. Ethical Considerations in Web Scraping.mp4
22.1 MB
6. Best Practices and Tips for Web Scraping/2. Avoiding Common Pitfalls.mp4
18.5 MB
2. Introduction to ChatGPT Web Scraping/1. What is Web Scraping and Why Use ChatGPT.mp4
18.4 MB
4. Basic Web Scraping with ChatGPT/4. Extracting Data from a Web Page.mp4
17.5 MB
3. Setting Up Your ChatGPT Environment/1. Quick Setup for ChatGPT Web Scraping.mp4
17.3 MB
2. Introduction to ChatGPT Web Scraping/2. Overview of ChatGPT's Capabilities for Scraping.mp4
16.9 MB
8. Course Conclusion and Recap/1. Recap and Key Takeaways.mp4
11.0 MB
7. Troubleshooting and Resources for Web Scraping/2. Additional Resources and Further Learning.mp4
10.8 MB
8. Course Conclusion and Recap/2. Next Steps.mp4
9.1 MB
1. Course Overview/2. Course Overview.mp4
9.0 MB
5. Project and Real-World Examples of Web Scraping/4. Web Scraping with ChatGPT Project.srt
16.7 kB
534.0 MB
Udemy - IELTS Pro Reading Writing Listening Speaking 2024-2.7z
1.2 GB
20.5 kB
682 Bytes
1.2 GB
[Udemy, Bogdan Stashchuk] MongoDB - Полный Курс по MongoDB (2024)
7 - Создание индексов в MongoDB/17 - Создание и использование индексов.mp4
924.0 MB
3 - Запуск базы данных MongoDB в контеинере Docker/8 - Запуск MongoDB в контеинере Docker и загрузка данных в базу.mp4
870.6 MB
4 - Приложение JavaScript для работы с MongoDB/9 - Создание приложения Nodejs для работы с MongoDB.mp4
711.0 MB
8 - Приложение Python Для работы с MongoDB/19 - Поиск документов в приложении Python.mp4
541.9 MB
9 - Добавление описания проекта/21 - Добавление README фаила для всего проекта.mp4
501.7 MB
6 - Создание изменение и удаление документов в коллекциях MongoDB/15 - Изменение документов с помощью updateMany.mp4
466.8 MB
2 - Создание кластера MongoDB Atlas/7 - Создание кластера MongoDB Atlas.mp4
426.5 MB
6 - Создание изменение и удаление документов в коллекциях MongoDB/16 - Удаление документов из коллекции используя deleteMany.mp4
339.2 MB
5 - Настроика Git и создание коммитов/12 - Создание модуля config и инициализация Git.mp4
334.8 MB
8 - Приложение Python Для работы с MongoDB/20 - Операции добавления изменения и удаления с помощью Python.mp4
208.1 MB
4 - Приложение JavaScript для работы с MongoDB/11 - Использование операторов and и or для поиска документов.mp4
200.1 MB
4 - Приложение JavaScript для работы с MongoDB/10 - Поиск документов с помощью различных фильтров.mp4
198.8 MB
1 - Введение в MongoDB/3 - Введение в MongoDB.mp4
192.9 MB
5 - Настроика Git и создание коммитов/13 - Отличия между URL и URI.mp4
183.5 MB
8 - Приложение Python Для работы с MongoDB/18 - Подготовка к созданию проекта на Python.mp4
179.7 MB
6 - Создание изменение и удаление документов в коллекциях MongoDB/14 - Создание документов в коллекции с помощью insertMany.mp4
105.0 MB
1 - Введение в MongoDB/1 - Рекомендации по прохождению курса.mp4
83.2 MB
10 - Подведение итогов по MongoDB/22 - Очистка всех данных для проекта.mp4
60.4 MB
1 - Введение в MongoDB/4 - Введение в практику по созданию кластера MongoDB.mp4
14.6 MB
1 - Введение в MongoDB/5 - mongo-projects.zip
108.6 kB
6.5 GB
Udemy - Github Copilot & ChatGPT for Devs Code Smarter in 2024 2024-1
9. Github Copilot - Agents and useful tips and tricks/3. Using @workspace agent in unfamiliar repo.mp4
259.2 MB
10. Practice Writing the Game/1. Generating a Tic-Tac-Toe Game.mp4
214.3 MB
11. Extra Premium ChatGPT Workshop/1. Premium ChatGPT Workshop.mp4
211.7 MB
9. Github Copilot - Agents and useful tips and tricks/4. Useful tips and tricks for Git.mp4
144.1 MB
8. Copilot Chat and Prompting with comments/2. Dockerize express app.mp4
98.3 MB
5. Free ChatGPT Alternatives Google Gemini (Bard)/2. Google Gemini (Bard) - Overview and Comparison.mp4
87.0 MB
8. Copilot Chat and Prompting with comments/1. Prompting with comments.mp4
78.4 MB
1. Introduction/1. Welcome! Why learning AI assistants for programming.mp4
71.9 MB
6. Github Copilot - Intro and Set-Up/3. Setting Up Github Copilot.mp4
53.5 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/5. Generate a function.mp4
53.0 MB
9. Github Copilot - Agents and useful tips and tricks/1. Agents - @vscode and @terminal.mp4
48.7 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/2. Doing a research.mp4
45.2 MB
3. ChatGPT - Intro/3. 4 Rules of an Ideal Prompt.mp4
39.2 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/6. Generate a React component.mp4
36.8 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/8. Explaining Python and JavaScript code.mp4
34.4 MB
6. Github Copilot - Intro and Set-Up/5. How Copilot Works.mp4
32.9 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/3. React app folders and files structure.mp4
29.8 MB
9. Github Copilot - Agents and useful tips and tricks/2. Agents - @workspace.mp4
27.5 MB
1. Introduction/2. What you'll learn in this course.mp4
27.5 MB
4. ChatGPT - Use Cases/7. Explain the code.mp4
26.8 MB
1.8 GB
Udemy - The Ultimate GPS Masterclass Covering Everything Ato Z 2024 2024-2
9. CONCLUSION/3. Live Testing of The Geofence Project.mp4
439.4 MB
6. FRONTEND DESIGNING/10. Drawing Geofence and Markers on The Map.mp4
176.9 MB
2. RASPBERRY PI SETUP & CONFIGURATION/3. Up and running with Raspberry Pi Computer.mp4
154.7 MB
8. Project Deployment on Live Server/2. DeployingHosting The Geofence Project on the Web.mp4
123.8 MB
117.5 MB
8. Project Deployment on Live Server/4. Extracting Firebase Data to Google Sheets.mp4
110.4 MB
2. RASPBERRY PI SETUP & CONFIGURATION/2. Setting Up The Operating System of Raspberry Pi.mp4
108.6 MB
5. BACKEND SERVER/4. Oled Static Function and Firebase Connectivity.mp4
100.5 MB
7. LINKING BACKEND - FRONTED ALTOGETHER/9. Email Configuration and Testing.mp4
99.1 MB
3. TESTING HARDWARE MODULES/14. Understanding the Source Code for Testing OLED Display.mp4
98.3 MB
6. FRONTEND DESIGNING/4. Behind the Scenes Geofence Project File Structure and Flask Integration.mp4
96.7 MB
6. FRONTEND DESIGNING/8. Adding Style Properties and Controls.mp4
93.9 MB
7. LINKING BACKEND - FRONTED ALTOGETHER/2. Server Running Status and Haversine Formula.mp4
88.4 MB
7. LINKING BACKEND - FRONTED ALTOGETHER/6. What If Backend Server is Not Running.mp4
88.4 MB
7. LINKING BACKEND - FRONTED ALTOGETHER/3. Finding and Tracking Your Device Location.mp4
87.5 MB
4. FIREBASE DATABASE/1. Up and Running with Firebase.mp4
79.6 MB
5. BACKEND SERVER/6. Fetching & Sending Essential Data from the GPS Device & Firebase.mp4
79.0 MB
1. INTRODUCTION/2. Hardware and Software Requirements.mp4
76.0 MB
3. TESTING HARDWARE MODULES/6. Testing GPS module in Windows Environment.mp4
74.7 MB
7. LINKING BACKEND - FRONTED ALTOGETHER/8. Adding an E-Mail Sending Feature.mp4
74.5 MB
4.0 GB
Udemy Python and Django Framework for Beginners 2024
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/40. Regular Expressions.mp4
103.5 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/69. Query --& Try Exeption Block.mp4
95.2 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/7. Keywords --& Identifiers.mp4
90.8 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/30. OOP Approach.mp4
82.1 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/55. Render a Template 2.mp4
76.2 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/9. Sets.mp4
75.9 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/13. Strings.mp4
73.8 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/52. URL Dispatcher Requests --& Responses.mp4
72.8 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/8. Tuples.mp4
72.2 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/60. Django Forms.mp4
71.5 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/54. Render a Template 1.mp4
70.0 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/37. While Loop.mp4
69.9 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/24. Functions.mp4
69.8 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/15. Numbers.mp4
69.5 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/57. Image Inside a Template.mp4
68.3 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/66. Creating Calculator App - 2.mp4
66.8 MB
Chapter 1-Python Essentials/1. Introduction.mp4
66.1 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/59. Bootstrap Forms with Django - Backend Code.mp4
64.8 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/58. Bootstrap Forms with Django.mp4
64.8 MB
Chapter 2-Djamgo Framework/67. Creating Calculator App - 3.mp4
64.2 MB
3.4 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Cybersecurity Meets Ai - Essentials For 2024
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - AI in Cybersecurity/26 - AI for Automating Incident Response Case Study.mp4
47.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - AI in Cybersecurity/25 - AIPowered Threat Detection Case Study.mp4
21.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - AI and Cybersecurity in Action/29 - Practical Demonstration Threat Detection Using AI.mp4
21.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Cybersecurity for AI Systems/28 - Ethical Considerations.mp4
20.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Cybersecurity for AI Systems/27 - Protecting AI Models.mp4
18.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/24 - Key Cybersecurity Practices.mp4
17.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basics of Cybersecurity and AI/7 - Cybersecurity Basics.mp4
5.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/16 - Ransomware.mp4
5.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basics of Cybersecurity and AI/9 - Basics of AI Key AI Concepts.mp4
5.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/2 - Course Objectives.mp4
3.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basics of Cybersecurity and AI/11 - Cybersecurity for AI Systems.mp4
3.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basics of Cybersecurity and AI/10 - AIs Role in Cybersecurity.mp4
3.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/12 - Part 1 What Are Cyber Threats.mp4
3.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/23 - Summary.mp4
3.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/3 - Course Layout.mp4
3.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/15 - Phishing.mp4
2.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/20 - Part 3 How Cyber Threats Work.mp4
2.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/1 - Introduction.mp4
1.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Cybersecurity Fundamentals/22 - Part 5 Mitigating Cyber Threats.mp4
1.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Basics of Cybersecurity and AI/8 - Why Cybersecurity Matters.mp4
1.8 MB
205.7 MB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - 3D Max and Stable Diffusion - Pro Techniques 2024
~Get Your Files Here !/4 -Exploring the Infinite World of Art with ComfyUI Ideas, Techniques, and ration.mp4
492.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 -IntroductionPractical ApplicationDemonstration.mp4
254.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 -Advanced TechniquesTips & Tricks.mp4
95.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 -IntroductionPreview.mp4
34.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 -Preview Advanced TechniquesTips & Tricks.mp4
27.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
386 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
182 Bytes
903.2 MB