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[ CourseHulu.com ] Udemy - Learn To Build Powerful AI Chatbots From Scratch - Using RASA.zip
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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Azure Fundamentals machine Learning and AI beginners.zip
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6. Deep Q-Learning/7. Deep Q-Learning in Tensorflow for Breakout.mp4
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9. Appendix FAQ/2. Windows-Focused Environment Setup 2018.mp4
195.2 MB
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193.3 MB
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9. Appendix FAQ/11. What order should I take your courses in (part 1).mp4
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6. Deep Q-Learning/6. Pseudocode and Replay Memory.mp4
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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - The AI Threat - Safeguarding Your Teaching Career
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[ CourseLala.com ] Udemy - Use AI To Build Smart Chatbots in Python.zip
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Udemy - ZERO to HERO Python 3 FULL STACK MASTERCLASS 45 AI projects
21. Amazon Datascience/1. Machine Learning on AWS.mp4
382.7 MB
5. Bootstrap/7. Bootstrap 4. Grids.mp4
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13. Python Input and Output/2. Python Input and Output 2. Text Files.mp4
224.5 MB
15. Object Oriented Programming/3. Oriented Programming - 3.Inheritance Composition.mp4
220.4 MB
5. Bootstrap/5. Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap Navbar Part 1.mp4
214.8 MB
15. Object Oriented Programming/2. Object Oriented Programming - 2.Object Oriented Programming.mp4
206.3 MB
5. Bootstrap/4. Bootstrap 2. Bootstrap Forms.mp4
195.7 MB
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18. Machine Learning/3. Machine Learning Introduction 9.TrainingMLModes.mp4
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11. Python Lists, Ranges & Tuples/6. Python Lists Ranges Tuples 6.Ranges.mp4
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12. Python Dictionaries/2. Python Dictionaries 1.Dictionaries and Sets.mp4
167.6 MB
4. CSS/8. CSS 7. CSS Web Fonts.mp4
159.7 MB
11. Python Lists, Ranges & Tuples/8. Python Lists Ranges Tuples 8.Tuples.mp4
157.7 MB
9. Intro to Python/3. Python 3. Python strings.mp4
152.3 MB
7. Document Object Model (DOM)/2. DOM 2. DOM Console Part 1.mp4
148.5 MB
20. Machine Learning AI/20. Machine Learning AI 8.Sentiment Analysis Part 2.mp4
147.3 MB
15. Object Oriented Programming/4. Object Oriented Programming - 4.Class Decorators.mp4
147.2 MB
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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Advanced AI For Games with Goal-Oriented Action Planning.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Advanced AI For Games with Goal-Oriented Action Planning.zip
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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Beginners Microsoft Power BI, DAX and Power Query with AI
~Get Your Files Here !/3. 03. Get Started in the Power Query Editor/2. Getting Started With Power Query Editor.mp4
256.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. 04. Work with Data in Power Query/2. Working WIth Data In Power Query.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/8. 08. Artificial Intelligence With Power BI/1. AI With PowerbI - Part 1.mp4
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71.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. 07. Work with DAX Functions and Operators/3. Demo and examples.mp4
69.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. 06. Analyze Data With Dax In Power BI/Sawyer Tom - Sales Sample (Section 6).pbix
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Udemy - Generative AI for NodeJs OpenAI, LangChain - TypeScript 2024-2
8. LangChain/9. LangChain Web Loader.mp4
89.5 MB
7. Vector databases/11. Pinecone index operations.mp4
85.2 MB
3. Basic chat project/6. OpenAI token limit.mp4
76.4 MB
4. OpenAI tools (functions)/3. First tool call.mp4
75.9 MB
11. TypeScript recap/17. Promises.mp4
75.5 MB
7. Vector databases/12. Pinecone info app.mp4
73.7 MB
6. Embeddings/6. Analizing similarities.mp4
72.0 MB
8. LangChain/6. LangChain output parsers.mp4
69.4 MB
11. TypeScript recap/15. Special types.mp4
69.0 MB
9. Escape from OpenAI - other AI models/7. Local text generation and speech recognition.mp4
68.7 MB
2. OpenAI setup and Introduction/2. NodeJS setup and api key.mp4
64.1 MB
7. Vector databases/8. Chat app implementation.mp4
62.0 MB
11. TypeScript recap/13. Interfaces.mp4
61.9 MB
1. Introduction/2. Course experience.mp4
61.2 MB
4. OpenAI tools (functions)/1. Section intro.mp4
61.1 MB
9. Escape from OpenAI - other AI models/3. Huggingface setup and embeddings.mp4
60.7 MB
8. LangChain/10. LangChain PDF Loader.mp4
56.7 MB
8. LangChain/8. Basic RAG appication.mp4
55.7 MB
9. Escape from OpenAI - other AI models/4. Huggingface translation models.mp4
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2. OpenAI setup and Introduction/8. Other OpenAI parameters.mp4
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[FreeTutorials.Eu] Udemy - building-recommender-systems-with-machine-learning-and-ai
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/056 [Activity] Handwriting Recognition with Tensorflow part 1.mp4
190.7 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/052 [Activity] Playing with Tensorflow.mp4
152.5 MB
09 Deep Learning for Recommender Systems/070 [Activity] Recommendations with RBMs part 1.mp4
151.5 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/067 [Activity] Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews using RNNs and Keras.mp4
125.6 MB
10 Scaling it Up/087 DSSTNE in Action.mp4
122.3 MB
01 Getting Started/002 [Activity] Install Anaconda course materials and create movie recommendations.mp4
109.1 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/061 [Exercise] Predict Political Parties of Politicians with Keras.mp4
105.1 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/055 Introduction to Tensorflow.mp4
97.0 MB
11 Real-World Challenges of Recommender Systems/097 Filter Bubbles Trust and Outliers.mp4
96.9 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/059 [Activity] Handwriting Recognition with Keras.mp4
93.0 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/051 History of Artificial Neural Networks.mp4
88.3 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/064 [Activity] Handwriting Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).mp4
86.3 MB
08 Introduction to Deep Learning [Optional]/062 Intro to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).mp4
82.0 MB
09 Deep Learning for Recommender Systems/071 [Activity] Recommendations with RBMs part 2.mp4
80.5 MB
09 Deep Learning for Recommender Systems/076 [Activity] Recommendations with Deep Neural Networks.mp4
79.1 MB
10 Scaling it Up/090 SageMaker in Action Factorization Machines on one million ratings in the cloud.mp4
71.7 MB
03 Evaluating Recommender Systems/018 [Activity] Walkthrough of RecommenderMetrics.py.mp4
67.4 MB
09 Deep Learning for Recommender Systems/079 Exercise Results GRU4Rec in Action.mp4
65.7 MB
05 Content-Based Filtering/025 Content-Based Recommendations and the Cosine Similarity Metric.mp4
64.6 MB
07 Matrix Factorization Methods/043 Principal Component Analysis (PCA).mp4
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[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Artificial Intelligence A-Z™ Learn How To Build An AI
12 Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Visualization/073 Watching our AI play Doom.mp4
162.5 MB
16 A3C Visualization/097 Watching our AI play Breakout.mp4
95.1 MB
08 Deep Q-Learning Visualization/048 Self Driving Car - Level 4.mp4
73.2 MB
16 A3C Visualization/098 THANK YOU bonus video.mp4
54.8 MB
01 Welcome to the course/006 Updates on Udemy Reviews.mp4
53.9 MB
04 Q-Learning Visualization/019 Q-Learning Visualization.mp4
51.9 MB
11 Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Implementation/072 Doom - Step 17.mp4
47.8 MB
07 Deep Q-Learning Implementation/030 Self Driving Car - Step 2.mp4
46.5 MB
18 Annex 2 Convolutional Neural Networks/114 Step 4 - Full Connection.mp4
42.1 MB
14 A3C Intuition/076 The three As in A3C.mp4
40.6 MB
03 Q-Learning Intuition/018 Temporal Difference.mp4
40.5 MB
11 Deep Convolutional Q-Learning Implementation/069 Doom - Step 14.mp4
39.4 MB
07 Deep Q-Learning Implementation/037 Self Driving Car - Step 9.mp4
38.3 MB
03 Q-Learning Intuition/012 The Bellman Equation.mp4
37.2 MB
06 Deep Q-Learning Intuition/025 Action Selection Policies.mp4
36.6 MB
15 A3C Implementation/094 Breakout - Step 12.mp4
36.1 MB
07 Deep Q-Learning Implementation/039 Self Driving Car - Step 11.mp4
35.8 MB
18 Annex 2 Convolutional Neural Networks/112 Step 2 - Pooling.mp4
35.1 MB
18 Annex 2 Convolutional Neural Networks/116 Softmax Cross-Entropy.mp4
34.2 MB
07 Deep Q-Learning Implementation/040 Self Driving Car - Step 12.mp4
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[ FreeCourseWeb ] Udemy - Learn To Develop AI Based Resumes.rar
[ FreeCourseWeb ] Udemy - Learn To Develop AI Based Resumes.rar
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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Unleashing The Power Of Ai
~Get Your Files Here !/12 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Beginners using Keras TensorFlow 2/77 - Convolutional Neural Networks part 2.mp4
332.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11 - Artificial neutral network/65 - Artificial Neural Networks Part 2.mp4
241.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11 - Artificial neutral network/64 - Artificial Neural Networks Part 1.mp4
233.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - A3C Vizualzation/54 - AI Plays Breakout.mp4
232.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Beginners using Keras TensorFlow 2/76 - Convolutional Neural Networks part 1.mp4
176.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11 - Artificial neutral network/66 - Artificial Neural Networks Part 3.mp4
174.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12 - Convolutional Neural Networks for Beginners using Keras TensorFlow 2/78 - Convolutional Neural Networks part 3.mp4
154.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10 - A3C Vizualzation/55 - A3C Visualization.mp4
130.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Visualization/23 - Video Using Reinforcement Learning to solve Gridworld.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Deep Qlearning Intuition/29 - Experience Replay Video.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Why Everyone should learn AI/2 - Introduction.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Deep Qlearning Intuition/25 - Video Deep QLearning Intuition Learning.mp4
102.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/10 - Markov Decision Process Video.mp4
100.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/18 - Temporal Difference Learning Video.mp4
86.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/8 - Understanding The Bellman Equation Video.mp4
85.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/16 - QLearning reinforcement learning Video.mp4
83.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/12 - Policy vs Plan.mp4
76.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/5 - Reinforcement Learning RL Video.mp4
59.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Visualization/21 - QLearning Visualization Video.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Fundamentals of Reinforcement Learning/14 - Living Penalty and Reward Video.mp4
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Learn Advanced AI for Games with Behaviour Trees
07 Final Challenge/002 Cop & Robber Challenge.mp4
170.8 MB
03 Advanced Behaviours/004 Repeating Tasks.mp4
165.6 MB
05 Adding New Agent Challenge/001 Art Lovers.mp4
154.0 MB
02 Behaviour Tree Concepts/008 Extending Action Methods.mp4
151.0 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/004 Building A Complex Behaviour Tree.mp4
150.5 MB
06 Environmental Factors/006 Assigning Individual Agents to Work with Each Other.mp4
144.0 MB
02 Behaviour Tree Concepts/006 Sequences.mp4
140.5 MB
02 Behaviour Tree Concepts/007 Selectors.mp4
139.0 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/007 Adding Co-dependancy Challenge.mp4
137.0 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/002 Traditional AI_ Fleeing Part 1.mp4
135.3 MB
02 Behaviour Tree Concepts/004 Leaf and Action Nodes.mp4
134.8 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/006 Abandoning Sequences.mp4
133.9 MB
05 Adding New Agent Challenge/003 A Coroutine to Effect Agent Properties.mp4
133.4 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/001 Dealing with Arrays of Choice.mp4
133.2 MB
02 Behaviour Tree Concepts/009 Conditions.mp4
128.5 MB
06 Environmental Factors/001 Blackboards.mp4
125.9 MB
05 Adding New Agent Challenge/004 The Loop Decorator Node.mp4
125.1 MB
03 Advanced Behaviours/008 Random Selector Challenge.mp4
123.3 MB
04 Refactoring for Scalability/003 Traditional AI_ Fleeing Part 2.mp4
122.6 MB
08 Final Words/001 Debugging a Behaviour Tree.mp4
120.7 MB
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[ TutGator.com ] Udemy - Mastering People Management With Ai and Chatgpt In 60 Minutes
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Responsible AI adoption/29 - Ethics in AI.mp4
60.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Responsible AI adoption/31 - Data Privacy and AI tools like ChatGPT BARD.mp4
48.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Exponential Productivity using AI/21 - Accurate Dynamic priortization.mp4
46.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - AIAssisted meeting management/10 - Efficient scheduling powered by AI tools.mp4
41.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/3 - What is Generative AI.mp4
40.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Responsible AI adoption/30 - Diversity and gender equality concerns while using AI tools.mp4
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~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Exponential Productivity using AI/20 - Efficient task allocation using AI tools.mp4
37.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - AIAssisted meeting management/11 - Laser focused agenda creation to optimize meetings using ChatGPT.mp4
37.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - AI powered Recruitment and Onboarding/24 - AI tools in screening and sourcing candidates.mp4
36.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Exponential Productivity using AI/19 - Personal productivity amplification using ChatGPT.mp4
34.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Performance management using AI tools like ChatGPT/14 - Personalized Learning and development programs using AI powered tools.mp4
34.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Performance management using AI tools like ChatGPT/15 - Focused goal setting using AI tools like ChatGPT BARD.mp4
32.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Performance management using AI tools like ChatGPT/16 - Evolving performance reports for better employee performance in future.mp4
32.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - AI powered Recruitment and Onboarding/25 - AI tools for creating job descriptions.mp4
32.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - AI powered Recruitment and Onboarding/26 - AI for interview questions.mp4
32.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Enhancing Communciation using generative AI tools like ChatGPT/6 - Collaborative document editing with genreative AI tools.mp4
30.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Enhancing Communciation using generative AI tools like ChatGPT/5 - Effective team communication using ChatGPT.mp4
28.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8 - Closing remarks/33 - Course key takeaways.mp4
24.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6 - AI powered Recruitment and Onboarding/27 - Summary of AI in recruiting.mp4
21.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Exponential Productivity using AI/22 - Section Summary.mp4
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[ CourseWikia.com ] Udemy - Create Winning Online Marketing Campaigns In Minutes With AI.zip
[ CourseWikia.com ] Udemy - Create Winning Online Marketing Campaigns In Minutes With AI.zip
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[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Advanced AI Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python
06 Deep Q-Learning/046 Deep Q-Learning in Tensorflow for Breakout.mp4
246.0 MB
06 Deep Q-Learning/047 Deep Q-Learning in Theano for Breakout.mp4
245.0 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/062 Windows-Focused Environment Setup E8.mp4
195.2 MB
07 A3C/054 A3C - Code pt 4.mp4
193.3 MB
08 Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/060 (Review) Tensorflow Neural Network in Code.mp4
102.0 MB
08 Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/057 (Review) Theano Basics.mp4
97.9 MB
08 Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/058 (Review) Theano Neural Network in Code.mp4
91.2 MB
07 A3C/053 A3C - Code pt 3.mp4
88.6 MB
08 Theano and Tensorflow Basics Review/059 (Review) Tensorflow Basics.mp4
85.4 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/068 Proof that using Jupyter Notebook is the same as not using it.mp4
82.0 MB
07 A3C/050 A3C - Theory and Outline.mp4
75.2 MB
07 A3C/052 A3C - Code pt 2.mp4
60.4 MB
07 A3C/051 A3C - Code pt 1 (Warmup).mp4
52.5 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/063 How to install Numpy Scipy Matplotlib Pandas IPython Theano and TensorFlow.mp4
46.0 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/067 Is this for Beginners or Experts Academic or Practical Fast or slow-paced.mp4
40.8 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/073 BONUS Where to get Udemy coupons and FREE deep learning material.mp4
39.7 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/072 What order should I take your courses in (part 2).mp4
39.4 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/071 What order should I take your courses in (part 1).mp4
30.7 MB
06 Deep Q-Learning/045 Pseudocode and Replay Memory.mp4
29.2 MB
09 Appendix FAQ/064 How to Code by Yourself (part 1).mp4
25.7 MB
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[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - ChatGPT Expertise Unleashed - Conversational AI Masterclass
~Get Your Files Here !/17. 0017 - ChatGPT Suggests Colors and Background For the Sales Page Layout.mp4
20.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/16. 0016- ChatGPT Suggests a Layout and Order for the Sales Page.mp4
17.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. 0008 - Use ChatGPT to Write Headlines and Sub Headlines.mp4
17.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. 0010 - Launch E-Mails to Customers.mp4
16.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. 0006 - ChatGPT - Ask for Image Prompts.mp4
15.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. 0009 - ChatGPT Thank You Page Script.mp4
15.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/13. 0013 - AI with PowerPoint Presentation Coach.mp4
15.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. 0012 - ChatGPT Script for a Sales Video.mp4
14.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. 0005 - Choosing a Sales Letter Framework.mp4
13.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/14. 0014 - AI with PowerPoint -Design and Accessibility.mp4
13.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. 0003 - Google Talk To Books.mp4
12.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. 0011 - ChatGPT Launch E-Mails to Affiliates.mp4
12.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/19. 0019 - ChatGPT Creates the Copy for the Opt-In Page.mp4
12.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/15. 0016- ChatGPT Suggests a Layout and Order for the Sales Page.mp4
11.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. 01 - Introduction to the Tutorial Masterclass.mp4
11.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/20. 0020 - ChatGPT - Creates the Opt-In E-Mail with Sales Message.mp4
10.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/18. 0018 - ChatGPT Earnings Disclaimers.mp4
9.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. 0004 - ChatGPT Workaround for Up To Date Statistical Information.mp4
9.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. 0007 - Canva Text to Image for ChatGPT Sales Presentation.mp4
9.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. 0002 - ChatGPT Conversation Conventions.mp4
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265.7 MB
[ CourseWikia.com ] Udemy - Emotional Intelligence And Ai - Bridging The Workplace Gap
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/8 - Artificial Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Relationships.mp4
169.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/9 - Artificial Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Spirituality.mp4
118.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Making Yourself Future Proof/10 - The Future of Work.mp4
95.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/7 - Artificial Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Creativity.mp4
80.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/2 - Emotional Intelligence versus Artificial Intelligence.mp4
65.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/4 - Emotional Intelligence at Work.mp4
50.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/3 - Defining Emotional Intelligence.mp4
47.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/5 - Why Artificial Intelligence Lacks True Emotional Intelligence.mp4
45.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Making Yourself Future Proof/11 - Making Yourself Future Proof.mp4
44.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/6 - Artificial Intelligence Emotional Intelligence and Judgment.mp4
16.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Conclusion to the Course/13 - How to Access your Udemy Certificate.mp4
12.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction/1 - Introduction to the Course Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.mp4
10.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Conclusion to the Course/14 - Bonus Lecture.html
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~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
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~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Quiz Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence/1 - Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Quiz.html
124 Bytes
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