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12 - Probability - Distributions/015 A Practical Example of Probability Distributions.mp4
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11 - Probability - Bayesian Inference/012 A Practical Example of Bayesian Inference.mp4
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05 - The Field of Data Science - Popular Data Science Techniques/001 Techniques for Working with Traditional Data.mp4
110.6 MB
40 - Part 6_ Mathematics/011 Why is Linear Algebra Useful_.mp4
90.4 MB
35 - Advanced Statistical Methods - Practical Example_ Linear Regression/001 Practical Example_ Linear Regression (Part 1).mp4
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20 - Statistics - Hypothesis Testing/001 Null vs Alternative Hypothesis.mp4
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05 - The Field of Data Science - Popular Data Science Techniques/007 Techniques for Working with Traditional Methods.mp4
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55 - Appendix_ Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1_ Business Case/004 Business Case_ Preprocessing.mp4
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05 - The Field of Data Science - Popular Data Science Techniques/003 Techniques for Working with Big Data.mp4
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55 - Appendix_ Deep Learning - TensorFlow 1_ Business Case/001 Business Case_ Getting Acquainted with the Dataset.mp4
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02 - The Field of Data Science - The Various Data Science Disciplines/001 Data Science and Business Buzzwords_ Why are there so Many_.mp4
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58 - Case Study - Preprocessing the 'Absenteeism_data'/003 Checking the Content of the Data Set.mp4
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[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/9. [Activity] Advanced Visualization with Seaborn.mp4
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6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/2. [Activity] Using KNN to predict a rating for a movie.mp4
149.0 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/3. [Activity] Deep Learning in the Tensorflow Playground.mp4
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8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/8. Introduction to Decision Trees in Spark.mp4
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5. Recommender Systems/5. [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations to People.mp4
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2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/8. [Activity] A Crash Course in matplotlib.mp4
135.6 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/18. The Ethics of Deep Learning.mp4
134.5 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/11. [Exercise] Conditional Probability.mp4
131.2 MB
1. Getting Started/11. Introducing the Pandas Library [Optional].mp4
129.1 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/7. [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 1.mp4
124.0 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/9. [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark.mp4
123.6 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/10. [Activity] Covariance and Correlation.mp4
122.4 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/15. [Activity] Transfer Learning.mp4
120.9 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/7. [Activity] Percentiles and Moments.mp4
119.6 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/4. [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 2.mp4
117.4 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/4. [Activity] Variation and Standard Deviation.mp4
116.2 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/4. [Activity] PCA Example with the Iris data set.mp4
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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Data Science and Machine Learning Masterclass with R.zip
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/9. [Activity] Advanced Visualization with Seaborn.mp4
155.0 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/2. [Activity] Using KNN to predict a rating for a movie.mp4
149.0 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/3. [Activity] Deep Learning in the Tensorflow Playground.mp4
148.5 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/8. Introduction to Decision Trees in Spark.mp4
140.5 MB
5. Recommender Systems/5. [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations with Item-Based Collaborative Filtering.mp4
139.0 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/6. Reinforcement Learning.mp4
138.7 MB
7. Dealing with Real-World Data/4. [Activity] Cleaning web log data.mp4
135.7 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/8. [Activity] A Crash Course in matplotlib.mp4
135.6 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/18. The Ethics of Deep Learning.mp4
134.5 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/11. [Exercise] Conditional Probability.mp4
131.2 MB
1. Getting Started/11. Introducing the Pandas Library [Optional].mp4
129.1 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/7. [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 1.mp4
124.0 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/9. [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark.mp4
123.6 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/10. [Activity] Covariance and Correlation.mp4
122.4 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/15. [Activity] Transfer Learning.mp4
120.9 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/7. [Activity] Percentiles and Moments.mp4
119.6 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/4. [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 2.mp4
117.4 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/4. [Activity] Variation and Standard Deviation.mp4
116.2 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/4. [Activity] PCA Example with the Iris data set.mp4
115.1 MB
5. Recommender Systems/3. [Activity] Finding Movie Similarities using Cosine Similarity.mp4
113.1 MB
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/9. [Activity] Advanced Visualization with Seaborn.mp4
155.0 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/2. [Activity] Using KNN to predict a rating for a movie.mp4
149.0 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/3. [Activity] Deep Learning in the Tensorflow Playground.mp4
148.5 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/8. Introduction to Decision Trees in Spark.mp4
140.5 MB
5. Recommender Systems/5. [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations with Item-Based Collaborative Filtering.mp4
139.0 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/6. Reinforcement Learning.mp4
138.7 MB
7. Dealing with Real-World Data/4. [Activity] Cleaning web log data.mp4
135.7 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/8. [Activity] A Crash Course in matplotlib.mp4
135.6 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/18. The Ethics of Deep Learning.mp4
134.5 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/11. [Exercise] Conditional Probability.mp4
131.2 MB
1. Getting Started/11. Introducing the Pandas Library [Optional].mp4
129.1 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/7. [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 1.mp4
124.0 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/9. [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark.mp4
123.6 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/10. [Activity] Covariance and Correlation.mp4
122.4 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/15. [Activity] Transfer Learning.mp4
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2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/7. [Activity] Percentiles and Moments.mp4
119.6 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/4. [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 2.mp4
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2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/4. [Activity] Variation and Standard Deviation.mp4
116.2 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/4. [Activity] PCA Example with the Iris data set.mp4
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5. Recommender Systems/3. [Activity] Finding Movie Similarities using Cosine Similarity.mp4
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[Udemy][YouRa Allakhverdov] Data Science и Machine Learning на Python 3 с нуля (2022)
Раздел 13 Machine Learning. Линейная регрессия/[SW.BAND] 5 Задание по линейной регрессии. Решение.mp4
211.7 MB
Раздел 17 Decision Trees и Random Forests/[SW.BAND] 4 Решение задания.mp4
202.6 MB
Раздел 11 Data Science Final Project/[SW.BAND] 2 Задание US Shootings. Решение.mp4
195.6 MB
Раздел 3 Основы Python/[SW.BAND] 8 Форматирование строк в Python.mp4
184.7 MB
Раздел 4 Функции Python/[SW.BAND] 3 args _ kwargs.mp4
171.3 MB
Раздел 4 Функции Python/[SW.BAND] 2 Создание функций в Python.mp4
165.2 MB
Раздел 7 Анализ данных. Библиотека Pandas/[SW.BAND] 10 Input Output.mp4
159.4 MB
Раздел 15 Machine Learning. Логистическая регрессия/[SW.BAND] 6 Решение задания.mp4
158.2 MB
Раздел 15 Machine Learning. Логистическая регрессия/[SW.BAND] 2 Множество данных “Титаник”. Исследование данных.mp4
156.0 MB
Раздел 3 Основы Python/[SW.BAND] 4 Переменные в Python.mp4
154.8 MB
Раздел 16 Метод k-ближайших соседей/[SW.BAND] 4 Решение задания.mp4
152.6 MB
Раздел 4 Функции Python/[SW.BAND] 4 Лямбда выражения в функциях.mp4
152.4 MB
Раздел 9 Визуализация данных. Библиотека Seaborn/[SW.BAND] 2 Dataset Distribution.mp4
147.0 MB
Раздел 16 Метод k-ближайших соседей/[SW.BAND] 2 Метод k-ближайших соседей.mp4
146.6 MB
Раздел 3 Основы Python/[SW.BAND] 20 Dictionary Comprehension _ Set Comprehension и Nested loops.mp4
141.9 MB
Раздел 13 Machine Learning. Линейная регрессия/[SW.BAND] 3 Линейная регрессия. Создание модели.mp4
135.4 MB
Раздел 12 Знакомство с Machine Learning/[SW.BAND] 3 Оценка производительности модели. Классификация.mp4
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Раздел 6 Анализ данных. Библиотека NumPy/[SW.BAND] 1 NumPy массивы.mp4
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Раздел 8 Визуализация данных. Библиотека Matplotlib/[SW.BAND] 6 Задание по разделу Matplotlib. Решение.mp4
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[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Machine Learning, Data Science and Deep Learning with Python
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/8. [Activity] Decision Trees in Spark.mp4
202.6 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/4. [Activity] Installing Spark - Part 2.mp4
180.7 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/2. [Activity] Using KNN to predict a rating for a movie.mp4
149.0 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/3. [Activity] Deep Learning in the Tensorflow Playground.mp4
148.5 MB
1. Getting Started/5. Python Basics, Part 1 [Optional].mp4
140.3 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/9. [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark.mp4
140.3 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/7. [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 2.mp4
140.1 MB
5. Recommender Systems/5. [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations to People.mp4
139.0 MB
6. More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/6. Reinforcement Learning.mp4
138.7 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practise/10. [Exercise] Conditional Probability.mp4
136.7 MB
7. Dealing with Real-World Data/4. [Activity] Cleaning web log data.mp4
135.7 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practise/8. [Activity] A Crash Course in matplotlib.mp4
135.6 MB
10. Deep Learning and Neural Networks/14. The Ethics of Deep Learning.mp4
134.5 MB
1. Getting Started/8. Introducing the Pandas Library [Optional].mp4
134.1 MB
3. Predictive Models/3. [Activity] Multivariate Regression, and Predicting Car Prices.mp4
129.8 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practise/9. [Activity] Covariance and Correlation.mp4
122.4 MB
2. Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practise/7. [Activity] Percentiles and Moments.mp4
119.6 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/12. [Activity] Using the Spark 2.0 DataFrame API for MLLib.mp4
119.3 MB
8. Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/11. [Activity] Searching Wikipedia with Spark.mp4
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Data Science Course 2022 Complete Data Science Bootcamp
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[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Python for Data Science & Machine Learning from A-Z
19. PCA/7. PCA - Image Compression.mp4
262.1 MB
16. Ensemble Learning and Random Forests/6. Implementing Random Forests from scratch Part 1.mp4
212.4 MB
15. Decision Trees/7. ID3 - Putting Everything Together.mp4
191.3 MB
14. K Nearest Neighbors/3. EDA on Iris Dataset.mp4
169.7 MB
15. Decision Trees/3. What is Entropy and Information Gain.mp4
142.7 MB
19. PCA/9. PCA - Biplot and the Screen Plot.mp4
142.2 MB
1. Introduction/6. How To Get a Data Science Job.mp4
137.6 MB
1. Introduction/5. What is a Data Scientist.mp4
133.7 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/6. SVM - Kernel Types.mp4
132.5 MB
15. Decision Trees/2. EDA on Adult Dataset.mp4
129.2 MB
15. Decision Trees/8. Evaluating our ID3 implementation.mp4
127.9 MB
19. PCA/8. PCA Data Preprocessing.mp4
126.3 MB
15. Decision Trees/13. Pruning.mp4
118.5 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/8. SVM with Non-linear Dataset.mp4
117.0 MB
13. Linear and Logistic Regression/3. Linear Regression + Correlation Methods.mp4
115.7 MB
18. K-means/3. Representing Clusters.mp4
114.9 MB
3. Python For Data Science/15. Python Dictionaries.mp4
109.2 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/7. SVM with Linear Dataset (Iris).mp4
106.5 MB
18. K-means/1. Unsupervised Machine Learning Intro.mp4
105.8 MB
9. Machine Learning/1. Introduction To Machine Learning.mp4
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[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for Data Science & Machine Learning from A-Z
19. PCA/7. PCA - Image Compression.mp4
262.1 MB
16. Ensemble Learning and Random Forests/6. Implementing Random Forests from scratch Part 1.mp4
212.4 MB
15. Decision Trees/7. ID3 - Putting Everything Together.mp4
191.3 MB
14. K Nearest Neighbors/3. EDA on Iris Dataset.mp4
169.7 MB
15. Decision Trees/3. What is Entropy and Information Gain.mp4
142.7 MB
19. PCA/9. PCA - Biplot and the Screen Plot.mp4
142.2 MB
1. Introduction/6. How To Get a Data Science Job.mp4
137.6 MB
1. Introduction/5. What is a Data Scientist.mp4
133.7 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/6. SVM - Kernel Types.mp4
132.5 MB
15. Decision Trees/2. EDA on Adult Dataset.mp4
129.2 MB
15. Decision Trees/8. Evaluating our ID3 implementation.mp4
127.9 MB
19. PCA/8. PCA Data Preprocessing.mp4
126.3 MB
15. Decision Trees/13. Pruning.mp4
118.5 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/8. SVM with Non-linear Dataset.mp4
117.0 MB
13. Linear and Logistic Regression/3. Linear Regression + Correlation Methods.mp4
115.7 MB
18. K-means/3. Representing Clusters.mp4
114.9 MB
3. Python For Data Science/15. Python Dictionaries.mp4
109.2 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/7. SVM with Linear Dataset (Iris).mp4
106.5 MB
18. K-means/1. Unsupervised Machine Learning Intro.mp4
105.8 MB
9. Machine Learning/1. Introduction To Machine Learning.mp4
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[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Python for Data Science & Machine Learning from A-Z
19. PCA/7. PCA - Image Compression.mp4
262.1 MB
16. Ensemble Learning and Random Forests/6. Implementing Random Forests from scratch Part 1.mp4
212.4 MB
15. Decision Trees/7. ID3 - Putting Everything Together.mp4
191.3 MB
14. K Nearest Neighbors/3. EDA on Iris Dataset.mp4
169.7 MB
15. Decision Trees/3. What is Entropy and Information Gain.mp4
142.7 MB
19. PCA/9. PCA - Biplot and the Screen Plot.mp4
142.2 MB
1. Introduction/6. How To Get a Data Science Job.mp4
137.6 MB
1. Introduction/5. What is a Data Scientist.mp4
133.7 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/6. SVM - Kernel Types.mp4
132.5 MB
15. Decision Trees/2. EDA on Adult Dataset.mp4
129.2 MB
15. Decision Trees/8. Evaluating our ID3 implementation.mp4
127.9 MB
19. PCA/8. PCA Data Preprocessing.mp4
126.3 MB
15. Decision Trees/13. Pruning.mp4
118.5 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/8. SVM with Non-linear Dataset.mp4
117.0 MB
13. Linear and Logistic Regression/3. Linear Regression + Correlation Methods.mp4
115.7 MB
18. K-means/3. Representing Clusters.mp4
114.9 MB
3. Python For Data Science/15. Python Dictionaries.mp4
109.2 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/7. SVM with Linear Dataset (Iris).mp4
106.5 MB
18. K-means/1. Unsupervised Machine Learning Intro.mp4
105.8 MB
9. Machine Learning/1. Introduction To Machine Learning.mp4
103.5 MB
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[Udemy] Python for Data Science & Machine Learning from A-Z (01.2021)
19. PCA/7. PCA - Image Compression.mp4
262.1 MB
16. Ensemble Learning and Random Forests/6. Implementing Random Forests from scratch Part 1.mp4
212.4 MB
15. Decision Trees/7. ID3 - Putting Everything Together.mp4
191.3 MB
14. K Nearest Neighbors/3. EDA on Iris Dataset.mp4
169.7 MB
15. Decision Trees/3. What is Entropy and Information Gain.mp4
142.7 MB
19. PCA/9. PCA - Biplot and the Screen Plot.mp4
142.2 MB
1. Introduction/6. How To Get a Data Science Job.mp4
137.6 MB
1. Introduction/5. What is a Data Scientist.mp4
133.7 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/6. SVM - Kernel Types.mp4
132.5 MB
15. Decision Trees/2. EDA on Adult Dataset.mp4
129.2 MB
15. Decision Trees/8. Evaluating our ID3 implementation.mp4
127.9 MB
19. PCA/8. PCA Data Preprocessing.mp4
126.3 MB
15. Decision Trees/13. Pruning.mp4
118.5 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/8. SVM with Non-linear Dataset.mp4
117.0 MB
13. Linear and Logistic Regression/3. Linear Regression + Correlation Methods.mp4
115.7 MB
18. K-means/3. Representing Clusters.mp4
114.9 MB
3. Python For Data Science/15. Python Dictionaries.mp4
109.2 MB
17. Support Vector Machines/7. SVM with Linear Dataset (Iris).mp4
106.5 MB
18. K-means/1. Unsupervised Machine Learning Intro.mp4
105.8 MB
9. Machine Learning/1. Introduction To Machine Learning.mp4
103.5 MB
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[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Machine Learning, Data Science and Generative AI with Python
13 - The OpenAI API (Developing with GPT and ChatGPT)/007 The New OpenAI Fine-Tuning API; Fine-Tuning GPT-3.5 to simulate Commander Data!.mp4
334.5 MB
14 - Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)/002 Demo Using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to simulate Data from Star Trek.mp4
193.4 MB
13 - The OpenAI API (Developing with GPT and ChatGPT)/006 [Demo] Fine-Tuning OpenAI's Davinci Model to simulate Data from Star Trek.mp4
179.0 MB
11 - Generative Models/002 Variational Auto-Encoders (VAE) - Hands-on with Fashion MNIST.mp4
156.1 MB
08 - Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/003 [Activity] Installing Spark.mp4
148.2 MB
08 - Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/007 Introduction to Decision Trees in Spark.mp4
140.5 MB
11 - Generative Models/005 Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN's) - Hands-on with Fashion MNIST.mp4
132.2 MB
06 - More Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques/006 Reinforcement Learning.mp4
131.3 MB
05 - Recommender Systems/005 [Activity] Making Movie Recommendations with Item-Based Collaborative Filtering.mp4
130.1 MB
10 - Deep Learning and Neural Networks/017 The Ethics of Deep Learning.mp4
126.4 MB
08 - Apache Spark Machine Learning on Big Data/008 [Activity] K-Means Clustering in Spark.mp4
121.8 MB
10 - Deep Learning and Neural Networks/014 [Activity] Transfer Learning.mp4
116.4 MB
10 - Deep Learning and Neural Networks/006 [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 1.mp4
112.9 MB
02 - Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/004 [Activity] Variation and Standard Deviation.mp4
108.4 MB
01 - Getting Started/005 [Activity] WINDOWS Installing and Using Anaconda & Course Materials.mp4
106.9 MB
01 - Getting Started/006 [Activity] MAC Installing and Using Anaconda & Course Materials.mp4
100.9 MB
02 - Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/009 [Activity] Advanced Visualization with Seaborn.mp4
100.8 MB
10 - Deep Learning and Neural Networks/007 [Activity] Using Tensorflow, Part 2.mp4
99.7 MB
03 - Predictive Models/003 [Activity] Multiple Regression, and Predicting Car Prices.mp4
98.7 MB
02 - Statistics and Probability Refresher, and Python Practice/011 [Exercise] Conditional Probability.mp4
98.5 MB
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[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - R Programming A-Z™ R For Data Science With Real Exercises!
7. Homework Solutions/2. Homework Solution Section 3 Financial Statement Analysis.mp4
331.4 MB
7. Homework Solutions/4. Homework Solution Section 5 World Trends.mp4
229.1 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/7. Functions in R.mp4
209.5 MB
4. Matrices/4. Building Your First Matrix.srt
183.0 MB
4. Matrices/4. Building Your First Matrix.mp4
183.0 MB
4. Matrices/12. Basketball Insights.mp4
180.7 MB
4. Matrices/8. Visualizing With Matplot().mp4
180.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/5. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 1).mp4
171.3 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/14. Perfecting By Adding Themes.mp4
160.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/6. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 2).mp4
160.0 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/13. Coordinates.mp4
158.0 MB
5. Data Frames/4. Exploring your dataset.mp4
156.2 MB
5. Data Frames/10. Building Dataframes.mp4
154.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/11. Statistical Transformations.mp4
150.0 MB
5. Data Frames/6. Basic operations with a Data Frame.mp4
146.6 MB
1. Hit The Ground Running/5. Exercise - Get Excited!.mp4
142.5 MB
4. Matrices/9. Subsetting.mp4
142.3 MB
5. Data Frames/7. Filtering a Data Frame.mp4
135.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/12. Using Facets.mp4
134.5 MB
4. Matrices/11. Creating Your First Function.mp4
130.6 MB
7.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Complete Python Data Science, Deep Learning, R Programming
27. Data Transformation in R/3. Filtering Rows with Filter Function in R programming.mp4
177.9 MB
18. Projects Python projects, Data science projects, machine learning/2. Project - 2.mp4
177.5 MB
11. Geoplotlib/3.1 world_cities_pop.csv
164.3 MB
12. Data Science Hands-On Projects/6. Answer for Housing and Property Sales Project.mp4
162.6 MB
12. Data Science Hands-On Projects/8. Answers for English Premier League Project.mp4
161.0 MB
13. Machine Learning/15. Choosing the right algorithm and model in deep learning.mp4
156.1 MB
27. Data Transformation in R/6. Grouped Summaries with Summarize Function in R.mp4
155.8 MB
12. Data Science Hands-On Projects/4. Bike Sharing Project Answers.mp4
154.4 MB
25. Data Frames/3. Manipulating Values in DF.mp4
152.3 MB
20. Data Management in R/3. Graphs and Charts in Python data science.mp4
146.6 MB
26. Factors in R/2. Manipulating Categorical Data with Forcats in R.mp4
139.2 MB
27. Data Transformation in R/4. Arranging Rows with Arrange Function in R.mp4
135.6 MB
9. Matplotlib/8. Basic Plots in Matplotlib I.mp4
109.5 MB
8. Data Frame with Pandas/9. Combining Data Frames in Pandas.mp4
108.6 MB
18. Projects Python projects, Data science projects, machine learning/1. Project - 1.mp4
106.5 MB
10. Seaborn/5. Basic Plots in Seaborn.mp4
97.3 MB
12. Data Science Hands-On Projects/2. Titanic Project Answers in python projects.mp4
93.3 MB
13. Machine Learning/12. Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods.mp4
92.2 MB
17. Transfer Learning/1. What is Transfer Learning.mp4
89.5 MB
8. Data Frame with Pandas/10. Combining Data Frames Part – II.mp4
88.3 MB
7.6 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Machine Learning A-Z™ Hands-On Python & R In Data Science
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-en.srt
5.4 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-es.srt
5.7 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-it.srt
5.8 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-ja.srt
6.7 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-pt.srt
5.9 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning-tr.srt
5.6 kB
01 Welcome to the course/001 Applications of Machine Learning.mp4
10.3 MB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-en.srt
9.5 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-es.srt
9.9 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-it.srt
9.9 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-ja.srt
11.0 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-pt.srt
10.0 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future-tr.srt
9.5 kB
01 Welcome to the course/002 Why Machine Learning is the Future.mp4
15.2 MB
01 Welcome to the course/003 Important notes tips tricks for this course.html
4.3 kB
01 Welcome to the course/004 Machine-Learning-A-Z-Q-A.pdf
2.4 MB
01 Welcome to the course/004 This PDF resource will help you a lot.html
2.4 kB
01 Welcome to the course/005 Installing Python and Anaconda (Mac Linux Windows)-en.srt
12.1 kB
01 Welcome to the course/005 Installing Python and Anaconda (Mac Linux Windows)-es.srt
12.5 kB
01 Welcome to the course/005 Installing Python and Anaconda (Mac Linux Windows)-it.srt
12.3 kB
7.3 GB
[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - R Programming A-Z™ R For Data Science With Real Exercises!
7. Homework Solutions/2. Homework Solution Section 3 Financial Statement Analysis.mp4
331.4 MB
7. Homework Solutions/4. Homework Solution Section 5 World Trends.mp4
229.1 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/7. Functions in R.mp4
209.5 MB
4. Matrices/4. Building Your First Matrix.mp4
183.0 MB
4. Matrices/12. Basketball Insights.mp4
180.7 MB
4. Matrices/8. Visualizing With Matplot().mp4
180.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/5. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 1).mp4
171.3 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/14. Perfecting By Adding Themes.mp4
160.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/6. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 2).mp4
160.0 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/13. Coordinates.mp4
158.0 MB
5. Data Frames/4. Exploring your dataset.mp4
156.2 MB
5. Data Frames/10. Building Dataframes.mp4
154.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/11. Statistical Transformations.mp4
150.0 MB
5. Data Frames/6. Basic operations with a Data Frame.mp4
146.6 MB
1. Hit The Ground Running/5. Exercise - Get Excited!.mp4
142.5 MB
4. Matrices/9. Subsetting.mp4
142.3 MB
5. Data Frames/7. Filtering a Data Frame.mp4
135.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/12. Using Facets.mp4
134.5 MB
4. Matrices/11. Creating Your First Function.mp4
130.6 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/6. The power of vectorized operations.mp4
128.8 MB
7.3 GB
GetFreeCourses.Co-Udemy-R Programming A-Z™ R For Data Science With Real Exercises!
7. Homework Solutions/2. Homework Solution Section 3 Financial Statement Analysis.mp4
331.4 MB
7. Homework Solutions/4. Homework Solution Section 5 World Trends.mp4
229.1 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/7. Functions in R.mp4
209.5 MB
4. Matrices/4. Building Your First Matrix.mp4
183.0 MB
4. Matrices/12. Basketball Insights.mp4
180.7 MB
4. Matrices/8. Visualizing With Matplot().mp4
180.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/5. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 1).mp4
171.3 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/14. Perfecting By Adding Themes.mp4
160.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/6. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 2).mp4
160.0 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/13. Coordinates.mp4
158.0 MB
5. Data Frames/4. Exploring your dataset.mp4
156.2 MB
5. Data Frames/10. Building Dataframes.mp4
154.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/11. Statistical Transformations.mp4
150.0 MB
5. Data Frames/6. Basic operations with a Data Frame.mp4
146.6 MB
1. Hit The Ground Running/5. Exercise - Get Excited!.mp4
142.5 MB
4. Matrices/9. Subsetting.mp4
142.3 MB
5. Data Frames/7. Filtering a Data Frame.mp4
135.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/12. Using Facets.mp4
134.5 MB
4. Matrices/11. Creating Your First Function.mp4
130.6 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/6. The power of vectorized operations.mp4
128.8 MB
7.3 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - R Programming A-Z™ R For Data Science With Real Exercises!
7. Homework Solutions/2. Homework Solution Section 3 Financial Statement Analysis.mp4
331.4 MB
7. Homework Solutions/4. Homework Solution Section 5 World Trends.mp4
229.1 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/7. Functions in R.mp4
209.5 MB
4. Matrices/4. Building Your First Matrix.mp4
183.0 MB
4. Matrices/12. Basketball Insights.mp4
180.7 MB
4. Matrices/8. Visualizing With Matplot().mp4
180.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/5. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 1).mp4
171.3 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/14. Perfecting By Adding Themes.mp4
160.3 MB
7. Homework Solutions/6. Homework Solution Section 6 Movie Domestic % Gross (Part 2).mp4
160.0 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/13. Coordinates.mp4
158.0 MB
5. Data Frames/4. Exploring your dataset.mp4
156.2 MB
5. Data Frames/10. Building Dataframes.mp4
154.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/11. Statistical Transformations.mp4
150.0 MB
5. Data Frames/6. Basic operations with a Data Frame.mp4
146.6 MB
1. Hit The Ground Running/5. Exercise - Get Excited!.mp4
142.5 MB
4. Matrices/9. Subsetting.mp4
142.3 MB
5. Data Frames/7. Filtering a Data Frame.mp4
135.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization With GGPlot2/12. Using Facets.mp4
134.5 MB
4. Matrices/11. Creating Your First Function.mp4
130.6 MB
3. Fundamentals Of R/6. The power of vectorized operations.mp4
128.8 MB
7.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Machine Learning & Data Science A-Z Hands-on Python 2021
06 Supervised Learning - Regression/008 Random Forest Model Development.mp4
258.2 MB
05 Supervised Learning - Classification/001 Supervised Learning Models - Introduction and Understanding the Data.mp4
245.1 MB
05 Supervised Learning - Classification/004 k-NN Training-Set and Test-Set Creation.mp4
239.5 MB
03 Data Preprocessing/006 Missing Values2.mp4
230.0 MB
06 Supervised Learning - Regression/006 Polynomial Linear Regression Model Development.mp4
229.8 MB
06 Supervised Learning - Regression/001 Simple and Multiple Linear Regression Concepts.mp4
222.5 MB
03 Data Preprocessing/003 Statistics2.mp4
217.6 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/013 Visualization with Matplotlib2.mp4
215.2 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/011 Pandas4.mp4
212.9 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/014 Visualization with Matplotlib3.mp4
198.0 MB
03 Data Preprocessing/012 Normalization.mp4
195.9 MB
05 Supervised Learning - Classification/013 Model Evaluation - Calculating with Python.mp4
182.5 MB
06 Supervised Learning - Regression/004 Evaluation Metrics - Implementation.mp4
167.7 MB
03 Data Preprocessing/001 Reading and Modifying a Dataset.mp4
162.1 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/006 NumPy5.mp4
160.1 MB
07 Unsupervised Learning - Clustering Techniques/010 Hierarchical Clustering Model Development.mp4
153.0 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/015 Visualization with Matplotlib4.mp4
149.9 MB
05 Supervised Learning - Classification/003 k-NN Model Development.mp4
147.5 MB
02 Machine Learning Useful Packages (Libraries)/007 NumPy6.mp4
141.0 MB
08 Hyper Parameter Optimization (Model Tuning)/004 k-NN - Model Tuning.mp4
140.1 MB
7.2 GB