个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 5 毫秒。
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Python 3 Bootcamp for Novice Start programming in Python 3
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/4. Raspberry Pi Setup Part 1.mp4
240.3 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/5. Raspberry Pi Setup Part 2.mp4
192.9 MB
10. Functions in Python 3/2. Function with arguments.mp4
188.5 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/1. What is Raspberry Pi.mp4
163.6 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/7. Remote Connection to Raspberry Pi with VNC.mp4
128.7 MB
1. Introduction/4. Why Python 3.mp4
120.2 MB
13. DocStrings in Python 3/1. Use simple DocStrings in Python 3.mp4
118.0 MB
12. Built in Functions in Python 3/1. using Built in Functions in Python 3.mp4
100.4 MB
10. Functions in Python 3/3. Functions with return values.mp4
96.3 MB
4. Python Programming Basics/4. A Brief tour of IDLE.mp4
95.5 MB
10. Functions in Python 3/1. Simple Functions.mp4
87.3 MB
4. Python Programming Basics/3. Python Interpreter Mode vs Script Mode.mp4
86.0 MB
9. Loops in Python 3/9. Fibonacci Series.mp4
84.2 MB
3. Python 3 and Raspberry Pi/2. Raspberry Pi 3B+ Unboxing.mp4
83.1 MB
9. Loops in Python 3/7. program for printing prime numbers.mp4
81.0 MB
2. Setup Python 3 on a Windows Computer/1. Install Python 3 on a Windows Computer.mp4
78.8 MB
11. Recursion/4. Mutual (indirect) Recursion.mp4
78.4 MB
5. Getting started with Python 3 Programming/1. Basic Data Types.mp4
77.6 MB
18. Command Line Arguments/1. Command Line Arguments.mp4
76.1 MB
9. Loops in Python 3/8. Factorial of a number.mp4
75.9 MB
4.2 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python 3 - Beginners Guide to Python Programming.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python 3 - Beginners Guide to Python Programming.zip
4.4 GB
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[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python for Everybody- Learn Python 3.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python for Everybody- Learn Python 3.zip
10.1 GB
10.1 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Python Programming for beginners Quickly learn python
9. Data Storage Structures, Tuple, List and Dictionary/5. Using List part 2.mp4
99.7 MB
14. Exceptions handling in python/1. 26.1 Exception In Python part 1.mp4
91.6 MB
3. Conditional Branching with Python/3. Program Using If Else part 2.mp4
87.2 MB
3. Conditional Branching with Python/5. Program Using For Loop.mp4
79.5 MB
9. Data Storage Structures, Tuple, List and Dictionary/1. Tuple In Python Part 1.mp4
79.3 MB
3. Conditional Branching with Python/1. If Loop In Python.mp4
68.1 MB
11. Sending mail/1. Send Email.mp4
67.7 MB
2. Getting Started with Python/4. Input and Output.mp4
66.7 MB
2. Getting Started with Python/3. Hello World Program.mp4
66.3 MB
9. Data Storage Structures, Tuple, List and Dictionary/7. Using Lists part 4.mp4
65.5 MB
16. DataBase In Python using sqlite3/2. Data Base 2.mp4
64.6 MB
9. Data Storage Structures, Tuple, List and Dictionary/11. Use Of Dictionary Part 3.mp4
63.8 MB
17. Running Program from Command Prompt and jupyter Notebook/2. IDE_2.mp4
63.3 MB
15. Installing Packages and Scheduling In Python/1. Installing Packages using built in package manager.mp4
59.6 MB
6. Strings Operation in Python/2. Program using String 2.mp4
58.1 MB
16. DataBase In Python using sqlite3/1. Data Base 1.mp4
57.3 MB
8. File Handling, read and write using Python/1. File Handling part 1.mp4
55.3 MB
3. Conditional Branching with Python/11. While Loop Example.mp4
52.1 MB
4. Importing externalinternal library in python/1. Importing Library In Python.mp4
49.6 MB
9. Data Storage Structures, Tuple, List and Dictionary/2. Tuple In Python Part 2.mp4
49.3 MB
2.7 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Python A-Z™ Python For Data Science With Real Exercises!
6. Advanced Visualization/10. BONUS Building Dashboards in Python.mp4
87.6 MB
5. Data Frames/6. Filtering a Data Frame.mp4
78.8 MB
4. Matrices/3. Building Your First Matrix.mp4
74.6 MB
6. Advanced Visualization/11. BONUS Styling Tips.mp4
74.5 MB
4. Matrices/4. Dictionaries in Python.mp4
73.5 MB
5. Data Frames/4. Subsetting dataframes in Pandas.mp4
64.8 MB
6. Advanced Visualization/4. Stacked histograms in Python.mp4
60.3 MB
4. Matrices/9. Advanced Function Design.mp4
59.5 MB
6. Advanced Visualization/12. BONUS Finishing Touches.mp4
55.1 MB
7. Homework Solutions/9. THANK YOU bonus video.mp4
54.8 MB
7. Homework Solutions/4. Homework Solution Section 4 Basketball Free Throws.mp4
54.0 MB
4. Matrices/8. Creating Your First Function.mp4
50.9 MB
5. Data Frames/10. Keyword Arguments in Python (advanced tutorial).mp4
46.2 MB
2. Core Programming Principles/1. Updates on Udemy Reviews.mp4
45.5 MB
6. Advanced Visualization/8. Creating a Facet Grid.mp4
45.1 MB
5. Data Frames/5. Basic operations with a Data Frame.mp4
44.5 MB
6. Advanced Visualization/6. Working with Subplots().mp4
43.5 MB
4. Matrices/10. Basketball Insights.mp4
43.5 MB
4. Matrices/7. Expanded Visualization.mp4
42.7 MB
5. Data Frames/2. Exploring your dataset.mp4
42.0 MB
2.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for Beginners - Learn Programming in Python 3
1. Introduction to Python/1. Why Python.mp4
56.0 MB
7. More tools/5. args.mp4
48.9 MB
7. More tools/4. Dictionaries.mp4
48.8 MB
6. Lists & Tuples/1. Lists.mp4
43.9 MB
5. Loops/2. Nested loops.mp4
37.0 MB
4. If statements/1. If statements.mp4
36.2 MB
5. Loops/3. How to terminate a loop.mp4
33.8 MB
7. More tools/3. Return statements.mp4
32.4 MB
3. Input/1. User Input.mp4
30.0 MB
5. Loops/1. For While loops.mp4
28.4 MB
2. Creating Variables/3. Math functions.mp4
26.9 MB
2. Creating Variables/4. String methods.mp4
25.4 MB
4. If statements/2. Logical operators.mp4
23.2 MB
7. More tools/1. Indexing.mp4
22.9 MB
1. Introduction to Python/2. Installing Python PyCharm.mp4
22.5 MB
2. Creating Variables/5. Multiple assignment.mp4
22.5 MB
7. More tools/6. kwargs.mp4
21.8 MB
7. More tools/2. Defining Functions.mp4
21.7 MB
2. Creating Variables/1. String Data Type & Print statment.mp4
21.4 MB
1. Introduction to Python/3. Text settings in Python.mp4
18.5 MB
656.6 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python For Absolute Beginners - Learn To Code In Python.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python For Absolute Beginners - Learn To Code In Python.zip
954.1 MB
954.1 MB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python for beginners - Learn all the basics of python 2022
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Practice/002 Part 2.mp4
157.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Functions and Variables/002 Variables in Python.mp4
129.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Functions and Variables/004 Different Number Manipulations.mp4
113.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/002 The Utility of Functions.mp4
105.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/005 More into if statement in Python.mp4
103.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - Practice/001 Part 1.mp4
100.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Functions and Variables/003 Different Strings Manipulations.mp4
95.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Practice/001 Creatine and blocking passwords.mp4
86.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/006 Understanding the if statement.mp4
80.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/008 Working with lists function.mp4
78.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/004 The basics of the if statement.mp4
76.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/06 - Practice/003 Encryption Engine.mp4
75.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4
73.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Getting into Python/001 Downloading and Setting up Python.mp4
64.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/07 - More into Python/001 Classes and Objects.mp4
62.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Introduction/002 Why Python.mp4
60.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Functions and Variables/005 Understanding the Input Function on Python.mp4
53.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/010 Dictionary in Python.mp4
51.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/007 Working with lists.mp4
50.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Intermediate Python/012 More into loops.mp4
47.4 MB
1.9 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python for Deep Learning - Build Neural Networks in Python
~Get Your Files Here !/10. Implementation of CNN in Python/3. Building the CNN model.mp4
49.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/8. One-hot encoding using scikit-learn.mp4
39.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/7. Label encoding using scikit-learn.mp4
29.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/9. Training and Test Sets Splitting Data.mp4
27.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/17. Predicting the test set results.mp4
27.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/12. Adding the input layer and the first hidden layer.mp4
24.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/10. Feature scaling.mp4
24.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Summary Overview of Neural Networks/1. How artificial neural networks work.mp4
24.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/6. Splitting the dataset into independent and dependent variables.mp4
23.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/16. Fitting the ANN model to the training set.mp4
23.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)/1. Introduction.mp4
22.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/15. Compiling the artificial neural network.mp4
20.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/11. Building the Artificial Neural Network.mp4
16.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/4. Data Pre-processing.mp4
14.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/14. Adding the output layer.mp4
12.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)/3. Convolution Layer.mp4
12.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to Deep Learning/1. What is a Deep Learning .mp4
12.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)/3. An introduction to the neural network.mp4
12.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/2. Exploring the dataset.mp4
12.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Implementation of ANN in Python/13. Adding the next hidden layer.mp4
11.8 MB
687.9 MB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python for beginners - Learn all the basics of python
01 Introduction/009 Practice part 2.mp4
146.4 MB
02 Part 2/005 Understanding the if statement Part 2.mp4
107.5 MB
01 Introduction/006 Different number manipulation.mp4
97.9 MB
01 Introduction/008 Practice part 1.mp4
90.1 MB
02 Part 2/013 Practice _ Creating and blocking passwords.mp4
82.2 MB
02 Part 2/002 The utility of functions.mp4
78.2 MB
01 Introduction/004 Using variables in python.mp4
77.0 MB
01 Introduction/005 String manipulation.mp4
75.4 MB
02 Part 2/008 Using functions with lists.mp4
73.8 MB
02 Part 2/006 Understanding the if statement Part 3.mp4
70.8 MB
02 Part 2/004 Understanding the if statement Part 1.mp4
69.1 MB
02 Part 2/015 Creation of a basic encryption app.mp4
52.3 MB
01 Introduction/001 Getting Started with Python.mp4
51.5 MB
01 Introduction/007 Understanding the input function on python.mp4
45.6 MB
02 Part 2/007 Working with lists.mp4
44.3 MB
02 Part 2/010 What is a dictionary in python.mp4
39.7 MB
02 Part 2/016 Working with classes and objects.mp4
38.4 MB
02 Part 2/012 Understanding For loops.mp4
35.3 MB
02 Part 2/014 Practice_ Testing combinations.mp4
35.3 MB
01 Introduction/002 Variables and Multiple Assignment.mp4
34.3 MB
1.5 GB
[Udemy] Python - Полный Курс по Python, Django, Data Science и ML (2023)
278.8 MB
276.2 MB
271.2 MB
210.7 MB
210.1 MB
205.3 MB
186.2 MB
175.3 MB
174.7 MB
171.9 MB
167.5 MB
164.1 MB
162.2 MB
160.6 MB
156.2 MB
155.1 MB
153.3 MB
152.5 MB
147.3 MB
146.6 MB
25.4 GB
[Udemy] Python - Полный Курс по Python, Django, Data Science и ML (2023)
2 - Установка и настроика редактора Visual Studio Code/10 - Выполнения кода в Visual Studio Code.mp4
278.8 MB
42 - JSON/187 - Практика JSON.mp4
276.2 MB
43 - Работа с фаилами/192 - Практика Работа с путями к фаилам и директориям.mp4
271.2 MB
43 - Работа с фаилами/197 - РЕШЕНИЕ Запись и чтение фаилов.mp4
210.1 MB
5 - Встроенные функции в Python/18 - Практика Встроенная функция input и методы строк.mp4
205.3 MB
6 - Форматирование кода и PEP8/20 - Форматирование кода Python и PEP8.mp4
193.7 MB
17 - Наборы/69 - Методы наборов.mp4
186.2 MB
59 - Создание сервиса API в Django/288 - Создание нового курса с помощью POST.mp4
175.3 MB
48 - Работа с регулярными выражениями/214 - РЕШЕНИЕ Проверка пароля.mp4
174.7 MB
60 - Итоги по проекту Django/290 - Подведение итогов по приложению api.mp4
171.9 MB
13 - Магические методы/42 - Практика Введение в магические методы.mp4
167.5 MB
58 - Роутинг между страницами в Django/278 - Подведение итогов по приложению Shop.mp4
164.1 MB
40 - Магические методы в классах/179 - Практика Создание подклассов.mp4
162.2 MB
38 - Сокращенныи цикл for in/161 - Сокращенныи цикл for in.mp4
160.6 MB
60 - Итоги по проекту Django/291 - Рефакторинг приложения api.mp4
156.2 MB
60 - Итоги по проекту Django/292 - Перенос магазина на главную страницу.mp4
155.1 MB
57 - Создание шаблонов в Django/268 - Добавление общего навигационного блока.mp4
152.5 MB
1 - Введение в Python/1 - Введение в курс Python.mp4
150.6 MB
5 - Встроенные функции в Python/17 - Практика Встроенные функции print и dir.mp4
146.6 MB
62 - Добавление и перемещение объектов в Pygame/302 - Перемещение прямоугольника кнопками на клавиатуре.mp4
144.3 MB
19.5 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Python Programming The Complete Python Bootcamp 2023
33 - Data Analysis with Pandas/011 Reading and Analyzing CSV Files with Pandas.mp4
145.1 MB
16 - Functions in Python/009 Scopes and Namespaces.mp4
90.0 MB
38 - [EXTRA] Network Automation with Python/006 Installing GNS3 on Windows 10.mp4
86.2 MB
21 - Object Oriented Programming Classes and Objects/002 OOP Demonstration The Turtle.mp4
84.0 MB
35 - Requests and Web Scraping with Python/007 Project Real-World Web Scraping (Requests, BeautifulSoup and OpenPyXL).mp4
80.5 MB
05 - Strings in Python/015 Useful String Methods.mp4
77.8 MB
38 - [EXTRA] Network Automation with Python/007 Running Cisco IOU Images in GNS3 on Windows 10.mp4
76.3 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/003 Creating Scatter Plots.mp4
73.5 MB
35 - Requests and Web Scraping with Python/005 Diving into BeautifulSoup Library.mp4
70.5 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/008 PROJECT SOLUTION Line Charts for Ethereum and Tesla Stock Price.mp4
69.8 MB
36 - Python Multiprocessing and Multithreading In Depth/004 Implementing Multiprocessing in Python.mp4
69.1 MB
25 - Very Useful Python Built-in Modules/004 Operating System Interfaces The Os Module.mp4
69.1 MB
38 - [EXTRA] Network Automation with Python/020 Secure Copying Files to Linux with SCP and Paramiko from Python.mp4
68.3 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/009 Creating Basic Bar Charts.mp4
64.9 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/012 Creating Pie Charts.mp4
63.9 MB
33 - Data Analysis with Pandas/013 Reading Excel Files. GroupBy and Other Useful Operations.mp4
63.7 MB
16 - Functions in Python/003 Positional and Keyword Arguments.mp4
61.3 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/010 Creating Grouped and Stacked Bar Charts.mp4
59.8 MB
34 - Interactive Data Visualization with Plotly/005 Creating Line Charts.mp4
59.1 MB
38 - [EXTRA] Network Automation with Python/024 Running Multiple Commands on a Cisco Networking Device.mp4
58.2 MB
5.9 GB
[Udemy] Python разработка - с нуля до профессионала. Python 3 (2022)
20 - GUI на PyQt5/033 Ввод чисел при помощи Spinbox.mp4
283.1 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/036 Редактируемый ComboBox в Qt.mp4
282.8 MB
18 - GUI - Graphical User Interface. Tkinter/013 Grid Geometry Manager. UI example.mp4
281.7 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/031 QRadioButton & QButtonGroup.mp4
279.1 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/020 Предопределённые диалоги. Диалог QMessageBox.mp4
224.4 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/035 Простой ComboBox в Qt.mp4
209.7 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/021 Предопределённые диалоги. Получение ввода пользователя при помощи QInputDialog.mp4
202.2 MB
21 - Основы Django/011 Git.mp4
196.8 MB
18 - GUI - Graphical User Interface. Tkinter/002 Размещение виджетов.mp4
196.5 MB
06 - Объектно-ориентированное программирование (ООП)/005 Наследование. Полиморфизм.mp4
190.3 MB
05 - Функции/002 Создание функций.mp4
188.6 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/012 Первый код PyQt5. Вторая PyQt5 программа - Объектно Ориентированная.mp4
186.6 MB
18 - GUI - Graphical User Interface. Tkinter/003 Pack Geometry Manager.mp4
184.8 MB
04 - Основы Python/008 Форматирование строк.mp4
179.9 MB
12 - Тестирование/004 Методы unittest.mp4
176.8 MB
08 - Файловый вводвывод/001 Чтение текстовых файлов.mp4
170.0 MB
05 - Функции/003 args. kwargs.mp4
168.9 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/032 Ввод текста при помощи QLineEdit.mp4
165.8 MB
20 - GUI на PyQt5/030 Чекбоксы с двумя и тремя состояниями.mp4
161.1 MB
14 - Web Scraping/005 Извлечение данных иерархически.mp4
159.5 MB
18.8 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Pandas - Python Library For Data Analysis
~Get Your Files Here !/9. DataFrame Filtering Data Based On Conditions.mp4
40.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. Data Cleaning.mp4
39.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. DataFrame Grouping Values.mp4
34.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. DataFrame Functions.mp4
34.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. DataFrame Attributes.mp4
33.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. DataFrame loc and iloc methods.mp4
31.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Columns And Rows To DataFrame.mp4
29.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/11. DataFrame To CSV ,CSV To DataFrame.mp4
28.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Creating DataFrame.mp4
24.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Deleting Rows And Columns From The DataFrame.mp4
21.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Creating DataFrame From Nested Lists.mp4
20.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/10. DataFrame To HTML And Dictionary.mp4
12.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2022 SOFTWARE LIST.pdf
237.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. DataFrame Attributes.srt
6.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Columns And Rows To DataFrame.srt
6.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. DataFrame loc and iloc methods.srt
6.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. DataFrame Filtering Data Based On Conditions.srt
6.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/12. Data Cleaning.srt
6.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. DataFrame Grouping Values.srt
5.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Creating DataFrame.srt
5.6 kB
352.1 MB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Python Anyone - start coding in Python quickly (2023)
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Classes and Objects/3. Integrity and Mutability.mp4
152.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to Computer and Coding/1. Lecture Video Computer Hardware.mp4
103.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/3. Conversion.mp4
83.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Classes and Objects/4. Procedural vs. Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming.mp4
83.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/10. Functions and Parameters.mp4
79.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Files/2. Open, Read, Write, Append.mp4
78.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/9. Looping Applications.mp4
76.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Exceptions/2. Try Block.mp4
76.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Classes and Objects/1. Procedural to Object-Oriented Programming.mp4
70.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to Computer and Coding/2. Lecture Video Computer Software.mp4
67.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Files/1. Persistent Files.mp4
65.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Data Types and Structures/1. Data Types and Structures.mp4
64.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to Computer and Coding/5. Compiler vs. Interpreter.mp4
63.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Data Types and Structures/4. Lists and Arrays Part 2.mp4
58.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/2. Unformatted and Formatted Output.mp4
56.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/7. Chained and Nested If Statements.mp4
52.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Setting up Python for Coding and Debugging/4. Popular IDEs.mp4
52.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/12. Evaluation of Function and Built-in, Libraries, Void.mp4
51.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. InputOutput/11. Scopes - Global and Local.mp4
50.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to Computer and Coding/3. Data Storage and Manipulation.mp4
49.3 MB
2.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python OOP Four Pillars of OOP in Python 3 for Beginners
03 - Classes and Objects/001 Understanding Classes and Objects.mp4
80.6 MB
02 - Installation of Python (if you haven't already)/001 Installation for Windows.mp4
65.0 MB
02 - Installation of Python (if you haven't already)/003 Installation for Linux.mp4
49.2 MB
07 - Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/004 Implementing an Abstract Base Class (ABC).mp4
44.0 MB
02 - Installation of Python (if you haven't already)/002 Installation for Mac.mp4
41.9 MB
04 - Attributes and Methods/004 init() method - Create a fully initialised object.mp4
41.6 MB
08 - Final Project - Simulate a Banking System/003 Project Solution - Part 2.mp4
40.4 MB
04 - Attributes and Methods/001 Class Attributes and Instance Attributes.mp4
39.0 MB
03 - Classes and Objects/002 Implementation of Classes and Objects in Python.mp4
37.7 MB
06 - Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/001 Understanding Inheritance and Performing a Single Inheritance in Python.mp4
35.0 MB
07 - Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/001 Overriding and the super() method.mp4
31.9 MB
08 - Final Project - Simulate a Banking System/002 Project Solution - Part 1.mp4
29.4 MB
05 - Abstraction and Encapsulation - The first two pillars of OOP/002 Performing Abstraction and Encapsulation in Python.mp4
26.0 MB
04 - Attributes and Methods/002 Understanding the 'self ' parameter.mp4
23.8 MB
07 - Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/002 The Diamond Shape Problem in Multiple Inheritance.mp4
23.7 MB
07 - Polymorphism - The final pillar of OOP/003 Overloading an Operator.mp4
23.5 MB
06 - Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/003 Performing a Multilevel Inheritance in Python.mp4
23.2 MB
06 - Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/002 Performing a Multiple Inheritance in Python.mp4
22.9 MB
01 - Introduction and Course Structure/001 Introduction.mp4
22.5 MB
06 - Inheritance - The third pillar of OOP/004 Public, Protected and Private - Naming Conventions in Python.mp4
21.4 MB
766.0 MB
[Udemy] Python Mega Course Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps (2023) [En]
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 data.zip
637.5 MB
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Pandas In-Depth Exploring 200-years of European Weather Data.mp4
269.3 MB
40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Program the Webcam to Detect Moving Objects.mp4
200.0 MB
67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/005 Popularity-Based Recommendation Model.mp4
192.0 MB
53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Inserting New Records.mp4
172.2 MB
52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Introduction to PyQt6.mp4
160.7 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Creating a Standalone Executable.mp4
148.2 MB
54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Create an Edit Dialog.mp4
141.6 MB
68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/002 Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency.mp4
135.1 MB
28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Table from Excel to PDF.mp4
130.2 MB
35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ URL Endpoints for All Data and Annual Data.mp4
126.8 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/003 ▶️ Final Touches.mp4
121.7 MB
44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day SQL Databases.mp4
119.3 MB
37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Filtering Forecast Data.mp4
118.5 MB
16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using Git #git #commit #checkout #reset.mp4
118.3 MB
58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Bootstrap Style.mp4
117.5 MB
58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/004 ▶️Building the Form.mp4
115.4 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4
115.3 MB
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ API that Returns Weather Temperature Data.mp4
114.9 MB
70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/005 Uploading the Package to PyPi.mp4
114.8 MB
14.9 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python Masterclass 2023 Build 15 Real World Python Projects
25 - Project 9 Supermarket Data Analysis Project With Python & Pandas/011 Analysing Supermarket Sales Data Part 11 Answering Multiple Queries.mp4
118.9 MB
37 - Image Processing With OpenCV & Python/010 Object Tracking In Images.mp4
108.6 MB
37 - Image Processing With OpenCV & Python/006 Drawing Shapes On Images.mp4
107.8 MB
26 - Django Make Web Apps Using Python & Django/014 Adding Objects To Database.mp4
105.7 MB
29 - Project 11 Building A Expense Manager With Flask, Python & ChartJs/017 Add View.mp4
104.2 MB
37 - Image Processing With OpenCV & Python/017 Geometric Transformation Of Images Implementation.mp4
101.1 MB
29 - Project 11 Building A Expense Manager With Flask, Python & ChartJs/016 Integrating ChartJs.mp4
98.6 MB
36 - Project 15 Building A Chat Application Using Network & Socket Programming/009 Completing Our Chat App.mp4
94.1 MB
18 - Project 3 File Compression & Encoding In Python/001 Compressing Files In Python.mp4
93.9 MB
30 - Project 12 Building A REST API with Python & Django Rest Framework/010 Setting Up React App.mp4
93.8 MB
17 - Project 2 Building Database Apps With PostgreSQL & Python/018 Search Functionality.mp4
92.0 MB
25 - Project 9 Supermarket Data Analysis Project With Python & Pandas/003 Analysing Supermarket Sales Data Part 3 Accessing Different Parts Of Data.mp4
91.8 MB
17 - Project 2 Building Database Apps With PostgreSQL & Python/008 Setting Up Virtualenv on Mac.mp4
89.3 MB
37 - Image Processing With OpenCV & Python/004 Reading & Displaying Images.mp4
89.3 MB
26 - Django Make Web Apps Using Python & Django/028 Adding Image Field.mp4
86.2 MB
38 - Miscellaneous Content/001 Updating entries in Django with UpdateView.mp4
85.9 MB
25 - Project 9 Supermarket Data Analysis Project With Python & Pandas/004 Analysing Supermarket Sales Data Part 4 Selecting Rows On A Condition.mp4
84.7 MB
27 - Project 10 Building A Todo App Using Django 3/015 Edit Functionality.mp4
82.1 MB
30 - Project 12 Building A REST API with Python & Django Rest Framework/008 Adding Images To API.mp4
81.9 MB
36 - Project 15 Building A Chat Application Using Network & Socket Programming/008 Programming Send Functionality.mp4
81.7 MB
13.2 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Python Mega Course Learn Python in 60 Days, Build 20 Apps
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 data.zip
637.5 MB
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Pandas In-Depth Exploring 200-years of European Weather Data.mp4
269.3 MB
40 - Day 36 - App 9 Build a Webcam Monitoring Email Alert App with Python (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Program the Webcam to Detect Moving Objects.mp4
200.0 MB
67 - Day 58 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 1)/005 Popularity-Based Recommendation Model.mp4
192.0 MB
53 - Day 46 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 2)/005 ▶️ Inserting New Records.mp4
172.2 MB
52 - Day 45 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 1)/004 ▶️ Introduction to PyQt6.mp4
160.7 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/008 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Creating a Standalone Executable.mp4
148.2 MB
54 - Day 47 - App 13 Build an SQLite Student Management System with PyQt (Part 3)/004 ▶️ Create an Edit Dialog.mp4
141.6 MB
68 - Day 59 - App 19 Build a Movie Recommendation System with Python (Part 2)/002 Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency.mp4
135.1 MB
28 - Day 26 - App 4 Generate PDF Invoices from Excel Documents (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Add Table from Excel to PDF.mp4
130.2 MB
35 - Day 31 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 3)/004 ▶️ URL Endpoints for All Data and Annual Data.mp4
126.8 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/003 ▶️ Final Touches.mp4
121.7 MB
44 - Day 39 - App 10 Build a Music Event Web Scraper with Python (Part 2)/002 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day SQL Databases.mp4
119.3 MB
37 - Day 33 - App 7 Build a Weather Forecast Dashboard with Python (Part 2)/003 ▶️ Filtering Forecast Data.mp4
118.5 MB
16 - Day 15 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Standard Modules and Git)/007 ⚙️ Programming ToolConcept of the Day Using Git #git #commit #checkout #reset.mp4
118.3 MB
58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/005 ▶️ Bootstrap Style.mp4
117.5 MB
58 - Day 50 - App 16 Build a Job Application Web App with Flask (Part 1)/004 ▶️Building the Form.mp4
115.4 MB
19 - Day 18 - App 1 Build a To-do App with Python (Various GUI Styles)/005 ⭐️ Bonus Example.mp4
115.3 MB
34 - Day 30 - App 6 Build a Historical Weather Data API with Python (Part 2)/004 ▶️ API that Returns Weather Temperature Data.mp4
114.9 MB
70 - Day 60 - App 20 Build and Publish a Python Package/005 Uploading the Package to PyPi.mp4
114.8 MB
14.9 GB