个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 3 毫秒。
[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - The Complete Android N Developer Course
5. Advanced Android Features/12. App Brain Trainer.mp4
168.6 MB
9. Uber Clone/8. The Driver Activities.mp4
163.5 MB
4. Media Images, Video and Sound/8. Game Connect 3.mp4
150.7 MB
6. Maps & Geolocation/16. App Memorable Places.mp4
129.1 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/22. App Guess The Celebrity.mp4
126.3 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/16. App News Reader.mp4
113.3 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/8. App Egg Timer.mp4
103.8 MB
6. Maps & Geolocation/12. App Hiker's Watch.mp4
91.1 MB
3. Java Deep Dive/16. App Number Shapes.mp4
89.1 MB
9. Uber Clone/10. Showing The Driver's Location To The Rider.mp4
89.0 MB
9. Uber Clone/6. The Rider Activity.mp4
86.3 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/8. App Notes.mp4
86.2 MB
3. Java Deep Dive/1. Introduction.vtt
83.2 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/26. App Whats The Weather.mp4
80.8 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/2. Storing Data Permanently.mp4
75.1 MB
12. Android Wear Mini-Course/10. Working With Lists.mp4
70.3 MB
4. Media Images, Video and Sound/14. Audio Volume Seeking.mp4
70.0 MB
8. Instagram Clone/10. Login & Signup.mp4
64.0 MB
16. WhatsApp Clone/2. Login & Signup.mp4
63.4 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/16. Downloading Web Content.mp4
59.3 MB
5.2 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Android Oreo Tutorial - Make 30 Apps
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/4. GridLayout, Staggered Grid Layout with Vertical & Horizontal Orientation - Demo.mp4
87.7 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/5. Woohoo ! Time to apply Animation in our Recycler View - Demo.mp4
67.3 MB
17. Adding Custom Title Bar or Action Bar/3. Adding Graphics to Title Bar.mp4
64.7 MB
16. Developing of ANDROID INTERVIEW App - Continues/1. Variable and Widgets Initialization in Java Code.mp4
63.4 MB
30. Lollipop Material Design and Android Toolbar/2. Style your Toolbar with Material Design Colors and Icons combo - with Demo.mp4
61.2 MB
32. OUTDATED VIDEOS All Videos under this section has been replaced by NEW VIDEOS/3. OUTDATED Android Studio with Log Cat Demo.mp4
61.1 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/6. Remove and Add Data in Recycler View and perform Click and Long Click events.mp4
60.8 MB
18. Text to Voice Conversion/3. Adding Text To Speech to our App.mp4
60.6 MB
3. LogCat and it's Crucial Role for Application Developement/2. Android Studio with LogCat Demo.mp4
60.0 MB
30. Lollipop Material Design and Android Toolbar/4. Lets work out with Contextual Action Mode in Materialistic way - with Demo.mp4
54.7 MB
24. CheckBox and Custom CheckBox with Graphics/1. Method-1 - Interface of onCheckedChangeListener .mp4
51.4 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/9. Special Activity Pending Intent of Action Buttons.mp4
50.7 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/5. Big View, BigPicture, Regular Activity Notifications.mp4
49.6 MB
16. Developing of ANDROID INTERVIEW App - Continues/2. Setting Up Listeners.mp4
49.4 MB
23. Radio Button and Custom Radio Button with Graphics/1. Interface of onCheckedChangeListener.mp4
49.2 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/12. Update or Summarize Notification.mp4
46.0 MB
25. Implicit Intents - Various Examples Part-2/3. Send E-mail to your nears and dears using Implicit Intent.mp4
45.9 MB
29. Property Animation - Robust animation/3. Implement Property Animation using only JAVA Files..mp4
44.4 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/3. Get over with your first RecyclerView with a CardView App - Demo 2.mp4
43.7 MB
21. Publishing and Updating App in Google PlayStore/5. Update Your App in PlayStore.mp4
43.1 MB
4.3 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - How to Make a Freaking Android App
2. Java School/13. Classes.mp4
150.8 MB
2. Java School/12. Functions.mp4
148.3 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/3. ListViews.mp4
132.1 MB
4. App 2 - Resume/7. Calls and Email.mp4
127.2 MB
2. Java School/10. Loops.mp4
121.0 MB
2. Java School/8. Booleans and If Statements.mp4
112.9 MB
3. App 1 - Tip Calc/3. Layouts.mp4
110.1 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/4. Responding to ListView Taps.mp4
104.8 MB
2. Java School/9. Arrays.mp4
96.5 MB
3. App 1 - Tip Calc/7. Working with Buttons.mp4
93.7 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/7. Fill in the Stats.mp4
89.4 MB
2. Java School/2. Your First App.mp4
80.7 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/8. Setting the Image Programmatically.mp4
79.2 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/5. Passing Info to Another Activity.mp4
77.6 MB
3. App 1 - Tip Calc/4. Layout Polish.mp4
73.0 MB
1. Welcome and Setup/2. Mac Setup.mp4
72.4 MB
3. App 1 - Tip Calc/8. DRY Programming.mp4
70.0 MB
5. App 3 - Dream Team/6. Show the Name.mp4
67.2 MB
2. Java School/6. Variables.mp4
67.1 MB
2. Java School/7. Comments.mp4
66.0 MB
2.9 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course - Build 23 Apps!
5. Advanced Android Features/12. App Brain Trainer.mp4
228.8 MB
6. Maps & Geolocation/16. App Memorable Places.mp4
223.5 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/16. App News Reader.mp4
210.3 MB
21. BONUS CHAPTER 1 Uber Clone/9. The Driver Activities.mp4
163.6 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/22. App Guess The Celebrity.mp4
158.9 MB
19. Snapchat Clone/6. Firebase Database.mp4
143.0 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/26. App Whats The Weather.mp4
142.1 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/8. App Notes.mp4
139.9 MB
7. Permanent Data Storage/2. Storing Data Permanently.mp4
139.5 MB
6. Maps & Geolocation/12. App Hiker's Watch.mp4
137.5 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/8. App Egg Timer.mp4
122.7 MB
4. Media Images, Video and Sound/8. Game Connect 3.mp4
121.1 MB
19. Snapchat Clone/4. Uploading Images.mp4
111.6 MB
19. Snapchat Clone/2. Firebase and Auth.mp4
110.7 MB
2. Introduction To Android Studio/4. Android Studio Overview.mp4
97.4 MB
8. Instagram Clone/10. Login & Signup.mp4
92.6 MB
8. Instagram Clone/16. Importing Photos From The Camera.mp4
92.5 MB
5. Advanced Android Features/4. Times Tables Apps.mp4
89.4 MB
21. BONUS CHAPTER 1 Uber Clone/11. Showing The Driver's Location To The Rider.mp4
89.0 MB
21. BONUS CHAPTER 1 Uber Clone/7. The Rider Activity.mp4
86.3 MB
7.1 GB
[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Ionic 5 - Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular
11. Managing State/10. Booking Places.mp4
185.6 MB
1. Getting Started/7. Our First Ionic App!.mp4
173.8 MB
12. Sending Http Requests/6. Fetching & Displaying Data.mp4
170.1 MB
7. Navigation & Routing in Ionic Apps/9. Adding Tabs to the App.mp4
155.8 MB
11. Managing State/5. Passing Data via Subjects & Subscriptions.mp4
134.7 MB
10. Handling User Input/18. Configuring the Date Controls.mp4
129.1 MB
11. Managing State/3. Adding New Places.mp4
123.8 MB
5. Building Native Apps with Capacitor/3. Creating an Android App.mp4
121.3 MB
8. Ionic Components Overview/11. Swipeable List Items.mp4
118.9 MB
14. Using Native Device Features (Camera & Location)/5. Getting the User Location.mp4
113.0 MB
12. Sending Http Requests/14. Fetching Bookings By User.mp4
111.9 MB
1. Getting Started/2. What Is Ionic.mp4
108.4 MB
15. Adding Authentication/4. Adding User Signup.mp4
107.6 MB
2. Angular Refresher/26. Sending Http Requests.mp4
103.7 MB
13. Adding Google Maps/16. Re-using the Maps Modal.mp4
102.9 MB
9. Styling & Theming Ionic Apps/10. Adding Custom CSS Rules.mp4
101.5 MB
8. Ionic Components Overview/12. Swipeable Bookings.mp4
100.9 MB
13. Adding Google Maps/9. Finding the Address for a Place.mp4
97.2 MB
13. Adding Google Maps/6. Adding the Google Maps SDK.mp4
95.5 MB
14. Using Native Device Features (Camera & Location)/9. Taking Pictures.mp4
94.6 MB
11.6 GB
[FTUForum.com] [UDEMY] Kotlin for Android Development Develop an App with Kotlin [FTU]
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/23. Kotlin Extension Functions.mp4
89.8 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/22. No More Nulls.mp4
42.1 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/2. Installing the Kotlin Plugin.mp4
36.0 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/14. Retrieving JSON from OpenWeatherMap.mp4
22.5 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/16. with().mp4
12.9 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/18. Enter Zip Code.mp4
10.5 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/9. Functions.mp4
10.1 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/11. Displaying Fake Temp Results.mp4
9.9 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/17. Null Safety.mp4
8.4 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/4. findViewById.mp4
8.3 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/1. Introduction.mp4
7.7 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/19. Lists.mp4
7.6 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/20. Filtering Lists.mp4
7.6 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/21. Finding List Count and Averag.mp4
7.5 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/15. Presenting Data.mp4
7.5 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/13. Data Classes.mp4
5.2 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/8. Weather Class.mp4
4.4 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/12. Improving String Formatting.mp4
4.2 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/5. Kotlin Extensions.mp4
4.2 MB
1. Welcome to Kotlin for Android Development/3. Variable Types.mp4
3.9 MB
321.0 MB
[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps
28. [LEGACY] Flutter & HTTP/13. Adjusting the Scoped Model & the Selected Product.mp4
297.7 MB
1. Introduction/6. Flutter macOS Setup.mp4
270.5 MB
27. [LEGACY] Models & State Management/8. Editing & Deleting Products with the Scoped Model.mp4
268.6 MB
30. [LEGACY] Adding Google Maps to our App/13. Updating an Existing Product's Position.mp4
256.5 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/14. Route Protection & Redirection.mp4
243.7 MB
7. Navigation & Multiple Screens [MEALS APP]/30. Adding a Mark as Favorite Feature.mp4
212.1 MB
30. [LEGACY] Adding Google Maps to our App/17. Getting the User Location.mp4
206.1 MB
27. [LEGACY] Models & State Management/20. Connecting Models & Sharing Data.mp4
203.4 MB
1. Introduction/8. Flutter Windows Setup.mp4
202.2 MB
13. Using Native Device Features (Camera, Maps, Location, ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/17. Storing the Location in SQLite.mp4
189.2 MB
8. State Management [SHOP APP]/9. Working with Providers & Listeners.mp4
188.1 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/13. Adding Autologout.mp4
185.2 MB
33. [LEGACY] Polishing & Bugfixing/3. Fixing the Price Input in Landscape Mode.mp4
185.2 MB
33. [LEGACY] Polishing & Bugfixing/3. Fixing the Price Input in Landscape Mode.vtt
185.2 MB
7. Navigation & Multiple Screens [MEALS APP]/26. Popping Pages & Passing Data Back.mp4
184.7 MB
7. Navigation & Multiple Screens [MEALS APP]/19. Finishing the Meal Detail Page.mp4
184.0 MB
31. [LEGACY] Accessing the Device Camera/11. Storing Data and Move it to a Temporary Storage.mp4
180.6 MB
28. [LEGACY] Flutter & HTTP/9. Updating Products.mp4
180.6 MB
9. Working with User Input & Forms [SHOP APP]/16. Time to Update Products!.mp4
179.4 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/4. Implementing the Signup Functionality.mp4
178.0 MB
39.6 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - The Complete Android R + Java Developer Course™ 2020
18. Finger Speed Game - Master The Fundamentals/1. Develop a Finger Speed Game in Android.mp4
1.8 GB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/2. Java Programming Master Class - Part 1 - Legacy Course.mp4
1.8 GB
19. Favorite List App/6. Master Fragments in Android - Part 2 - Add Detail View to Tablet.mp4
1.7 GB
19. Favorite List App/4. Master Activity Communication in Android - Activities can talk back.mp4
1.7 GB
25. App #1 - Instagram Clone/9. Adding the Social Media Activity as a Tab Layout for Fragments.mp4
1.6 GB
19. Favorite List App/5. Master Fragments in Android - Part 1.mp4
1.4 GB
33. Master Kotlin Programming Language/3. Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin.mp4
1.3 GB
19. Favorite List App/2. Master SharedPreferences in Android Development - AndroidX SharedPreferences.mp4
1.2 GB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/5. Allow the Driver to give the Passenger a ride!.mp4
1.1 GB
19. Favorite List App/1. Master RecyclerViews in Android Development.mp4
999.1 MB
23. Android Media App Development/6. Integrating Audio and Video into Android App.mp4
978.5 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/2. Implement the Passenger Activity.mp4
872.4 MB
21. Master Location Services In Android - Develop a Production Ready App!/2. Get User Current Location & Android Runtime Permissions.mp4
849.4 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/6. Final Bug Fixing and Finishing Touches.mp4
841.6 MB
16. Advanced Java Programming/2. Java Object Oriented Programming - Part 2.mp4
840.1 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/3. Implement the Driver Activity.mp4
838.9 MB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/6. Java Programming Master Class - Part 5.mp4
821.7 MB
17. Lyrics Finder App - JSON Parsing Explained!/1. Lyrics Finder App.mp4
785.5 MB
25. App #1 - Instagram Clone/4. Parse Server Setup - Backend.mp4
720.8 MB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/4. Java Programming Master Class - Part 3.mp4
716.5 MB
75.4 GB
[Udemy] The Complete Android R + Java Developer Course™ 2021 [En]
18. Finger Speed Game - Master The Fundamentals/1. Develop a Finger Speed Game in Android.mp4
1.8 GB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/2. Java Programming Master Class - Part 1 - Legacy Course.mp4
1.8 GB
19. Favorite List App/6. Master Fragments in Android - Part 2 - Add Detail View to Tablet.mp4
1.7 GB
19. Favorite List App/4. Master Activity Communication in Android - Activities can talk back.mp4
1.7 GB
25. App #1 - Instagram Clone/9. Adding the Social Media Activity as a Tab Layout for Fragments.mp4
1.6 GB
19. Favorite List App/5. Master Fragments in Android - Part 1.mp4
1.4 GB
33. Master Kotlin Programming Language/3. Object Oriented Programming in Kotlin.mp4
1.3 GB
19. Favorite List App/2. Master SharedPreferences in Android Development - AndroidX SharedPreferences.mp4
1.2 GB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/5. Allow the Driver to give the Passenger a ride!.mp4
1.1 GB
19. Favorite List App/1. Master RecyclerViews in Android Development.mp4
999.1 MB
23. Android Media App Development/6. Integrating Audio and Video into Android App.mp4
978.5 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/2. Implement the Passenger Activity.mp4
872.4 MB
21. Master Location Services In Android - Develop a Production Ready App!/2. Get User Current Location & Android Runtime Permissions.mp4
849.4 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/6. Final Bug Fixing and Finishing Touches.mp4
841.6 MB
16. Advanced Java Programming/2. Java Object Oriented Programming - Part 2.mp4
840.1 MB
28. App #4 - Uber Clone/3. Implement the Driver Activity.mp4
838.9 MB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/6. Java Programming Master Class - Part 5.mp4
821.7 MB
17. Lyrics Finder App - JSON Parsing Explained!/1. Lyrics Finder App.mp4
785.5 MB
25. App #1 - Instagram Clone/4. Parse Server Setup - Backend.mp4
720.8 MB
31. Java Programming Master Class (Legacy Course)/4. Java Programming Master Class - Part 3.mp4
716.5 MB
75.4 GB
[Udemy] [Юрий Аллахвердов] Android разработка с нуля до профессионала
8. Работа с изображениями, аудио и видео/12. Music Player. Создание разметки. Решение.mp4
307.7 MB
3. XML разметка. TextView и ImageView/1. TextView.mp4
275.4 MB
9. Java. ООП/5. Модификаторы доступа. Область видимости переменных.mp4
263.6 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/2. Intent. Запускаем новую Activity.mp4
259.5 MB
6. Основы Java/19. Оператор switch и рефакторинг кода.mp4
248.3 MB
6. Основы Java/4. Hello Java!.mp4
246.1 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/1. Используем классы в MusicShop.mp4
243.0 MB
10. Material Design - RecyclerView и CardView/12. Приложение Pizza Recipes. Часть 4.mp4
242.1 MB
10. Material Design - RecyclerView и CardView/5. RecyclerView и CardView. Часть 1.mp4
240.5 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/4. Implicit Intent. Отправляем заказ по email.mp4
224.4 MB
8. Работа с изображениями, аудио и видео/1. Работа с изображениями. Анимация.mp4
222.2 MB
12. Работа с интернетом/6. Приложение Movies. JSON запрос.mp4
217.8 MB
9. Java. ООП/3. Наследование.mp4
205.1 MB
11. Сохранение данных/49. Приложение 'Спортклуб Олимп'. Отображение данных.mp4
202.6 MB
9. Java. ООП/2. Конструкторы.mp4
202.2 MB
6. Основы Java/8. Переменные. Часть 2.mp4
200.5 MB
5. Контрольное задание по теме Xml layout/1. Создаем приложение-постер.mp4
195.0 MB
6. Основы Java/18. Используем HashMap в Music Shop.mp4
194.5 MB
8. Работа с изображениями, аудио и видео/10. Векторные изображения.mp4
191.0 MB
11. Сохранение данных/15. Создание SettingsActivity. Часть 2.mp4
189.4 MB
16.5 GB
Udemy - Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps
12. Flutter & HTTP/13. Adjusting the Scoped Model & the Selected Product.mp4
297.7 MB
1. Introduction/4. Flutter macOS Setup.mp4
270.5 MB
11. Models & State Management/8. Editing & Deleting Products with the Scoped Model.mp4
268.6 MB
14. Adding Google Maps to our App/13. Updating an Existing Product's Position.mp4
256.5 MB
13. Authentication/14. Route Protection & Redirection.mp4
243.7 MB
14. Adding Google Maps to our App/17. Getting the User Location.mp4
239.9 MB
11. Models & State Management/20. Connecting Models & Sharing Data.mp4
203.4 MB
1. Introduction/6. Flutter Windows Setup.mp4
202.2 MB
13. Authentication/13. Adding Autologout.mp4
185.2 MB
17. Polishing & Bugfixing/3. Fixing the Price Input in Landscape Mode.mp4
185.2 MB
15. Accessing the Device Camera/11. Storing Data and Move it to a Temporary Storage.mp4
180.6 MB
12. Flutter & HTTP/9. Updating Products.mp4
180.6 MB
13. Authentication/4. Implementing the Signup Functionality.mp4
178.0 MB
12. Flutter & HTTP/6. Transforming & Extracting Response Data.mp4
176.6 MB
14. Adding Google Maps to our App/20. Showing a Fullscreen Map.mp4
172.5 MB
13. Authentication/3. Adding a Confirm Password Textfield.mp4
169.0 MB
16. Adding Animations to our Project/2. Adding Floating Action Buttons (FABs).mp4
166.2 MB
11. Models & State Management/3. Adding a Product Model.mp4
165.2 MB
8. Diving Deeper Into Widgets/9. Understanding Expanded & Flexible.mp4
164.0 MB
17. Polishing & Bugfixing/5. Fixing the Product Title Style & the Favorite Product Selection.mp4
163.3 MB
21.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Masters in Ethical Hacking with Android
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/2. SQL mapping.mp4
21.2 MB
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/5. Phishing Attack.mp4
20.8 MB
1. Introduction/5. Top Commands.mp4
20.2 MB
5. AUXILIRY MODULES METASPLOIT/3. Autopwn - auxiliary scanner.mp4
18.8 MB
4. Metasploit/3. Accessing the Files and Contacts of Android Phone.mp4
18.1 MB
5. AUXILIRY MODULES METASPLOIT/7. Heartbleed Vulnerability(openssl scanner).mp4
16.7 MB
6. Nmap/2. Checking the ports of target Machines.mp4
15.9 MB
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/3. Finding Location.mp4
15.4 MB
15.0 MB
4. Metasploit/4. Hacking Windows.mp4
14.9 MB
5. AUXILIRY MODULES METASPLOIT/4. Email harvesting Using Metasploit.mp4
14.5 MB
1. Introduction/4. Hacker Keyboard Installation.mp4
14.4 MB
5. AUXILIRY MODULES METASPLOIT/2. Endpoint_mapper - Scanner DCERPC Auxiliary Modules.mp4
13.6 MB
13.4 MB
1. Introduction/3. Installing Termux Application on Android Phone.mp4
13.1 MB
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/4. Web Scanning.mp4
12.8 MB
4. Metasploit/1. Installation Metasploit Framework.mp4
12.8 MB
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/6. Brute Force Attack.mp4
12.7 MB
7. Miscellaneous Hackings/1. DDOS Attack.mp4
12.6 MB
2. Miscellaneous/3. Creating Storage.mp4
12.6 MB
409.7 MB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps
28. [LEGACY] Flutter & HTTP/13. Adjusting the Scoped Model & the Selected Product.mp4
297.7 MB
1. Introduction/7. Flutter macOS Setup.mp4
270.5 MB
27. [LEGACY] Models & State Management/8. Editing & Deleting Products with the Scoped Model.mp4
268.6 MB
30. [LEGACY] Adding Google Maps to our App/13. Updating an Existing Product's Position.mp4
256.5 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/14. Route Protection & Redirection.mp4
243.7 MB
30. [LEGACY] Adding Google Maps to our App/17. Getting the User Location.mp4
206.1 MB
27. [LEGACY] Models & State Management/20. Connecting Models & Sharing Data.mp4
203.4 MB
7. Navigation & Multiple Screens [MEALS APP]/30. Adding a Mark as Favorite Feature.mp4
189.6 MB
13. Using Native Device Features (Camera, Maps, Location, ...) [GREAT PLACES APP]/17. Storing the Location in SQLite.mp4
189.2 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/13. Adding Autologout.mp4
185.2 MB
33. [LEGACY] Polishing & Bugfixing/3. Fixing the Price Input in Landscape Mode.mp4
185.2 MB
31. [LEGACY] Accessing the Device Camera/11. Storing Data and Move it to a Temporary Storage.mp4
180.6 MB
28. [LEGACY] Flutter & HTTP/9. Updating Products.mp4
180.6 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/4. Implementing the Signup Functionality.mp4
178.0 MB
28. [LEGACY] Flutter & HTTP/6. Transforming & Extracting Response Data.mp4
176.6 MB
11. Adding User Authentication [SHOP APP]/17. Automatically Logging Users In.mp4
175.9 MB
30. [LEGACY] Adding Google Maps to our App/20. Showing a Fullscreen Map.mp4
172.5 MB
11. Adding User Authentication [SHOP APP]/4. Adding the Auth Screen.mp4
171.1 MB
29. [LEGACY] Authentication/3. Adding a Confirm Password Textfield.mp4
169.0 MB
32. [LEGACY] Adding Animations to our Project/2. Adding Floating Action Buttons (FABs).mp4
166.2 MB
37.0 GB
[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Unity Android Game Development Build 7 2D & 3D Games
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/8. Touch Joystick Input.mp4
517.3 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1. Build & Run Your First Android Game on Your Android Mobile (2018).mp4
396.4 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/4. Accelerometer Input & Tilt Control.mp4
310.1 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/22. Touch Button Input.mp4
291.7 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/24. Accelerometer Input.mp4
285.3 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/7. Swipe Input Control.mp4
260.0 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/5. Unity Touch & Destroy.mp4
256.4 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/15. GameOver Menu.mp4
221.2 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/6. Responsive UI.mp4
176.7 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/3. Touch Input Control For Unity Android Game Development.mp4
174.4 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/23. Touch Input.mp4
169.3 MB
12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/37. Loading Scenes.mp4
154.4 MB
12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/38. Unity Time.deltaTime.mp4
153.1 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/7. Enemy Cars in Random Position.mp4
138.9 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/16. Adding Score UI.mp4
135.4 MB
13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/2. Android Setup Process (2017).mp4
134.2 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/19. Audio Manager.mp4
128.7 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/13. Adding Pause Button.mp4
121.0 MB
12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/35. GetComponent Function in Unity C#.mp4
119.1 MB
15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/14. Creating Game Menu.mp4
111.8 MB
10.6 GB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - The Complete Flutter App Development Course for Android, iOS
8. SQLite Database in Flutter using SQFLITE Plugin/4. Completing NoteKeeper App Connect database to UI.mp4
223.5 MB
6. Building Simple Interest Calculator App/1. Overview.mp4
172.9 MB
7. Building a NoteKeeper Application/2. Building UI.mp4
125.3 MB
5. Stateful Widgets in Flutter/3. Building App with Stateful Widget.mp4
114.4 MB
6. Building Simple Interest Calculator App/3. Add Logic to your Simple Interest Calculator App.mp4
107.0 MB
8. SQLite Database in Flutter using SQFLITE Plugin/3. Creating DatabaseHelper Class CRUD Operation.mp4
105.9 MB
7. Building a NoteKeeper Application/3. Navigation Push, Pop and WillPopScope.mp4
98.8 MB
6. Building Simple Interest Calculator App/4. Forms and TextField Validation.mp4
92.3 MB
6. Building Simple Interest Calculator App/2. Apply Styles and Themes.mp4
88.6 MB
3. Exploring Commonly used Flutter Widgets/3. Custom Fonts.mp4
88.2 MB
3. Exploring Commonly used Flutter Widgets/6. Raised Button and Alert Dialog.mp4
87.9 MB
3. Exploring Commonly used Flutter Widgets/4. Column and Expanded Widgets.mp4
83.5 MB
7. Building a NoteKeeper Application/4. Asynchronous Programming in Flutter.mp4
81.1 MB
2. Creating your First Flutter Application/1. Create First Flutter Application Flutter Dart Tutorial.mp4
80.6 MB
2. Creating your First Flutter Application/3. Organize your code.mp4
76.8 MB
3. Exploring Commonly used Flutter Widgets/2. Container, Margin, Padding and Box Constraints.mp4
75.0 MB
5. Stateful Widgets in Flutter/4. Dropdown Button.mp4
70.7 MB
4. Implementing ListView and attached Widgets/3. Floating Action Button and SnackBar.mp4
68.8 MB
4. Implementing ListView and attached Widgets/1. ListView.mp4
66.9 MB
8. SQLite Database in Flutter using SQFLITE Plugin/2. Implementing Model Class.mp4
65.8 MB
2.4 GB
[GigaCourse.com] Udemy - The Complete Android Oreo Tutorial - Make 30 Apps
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/4. GridLayout, Staggered Grid Layout with Vertical & Horizontal Orientation - Demo.mp4
87.7 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/5. Woohoo ! Time to apply Animation in our Recycler View - Demo.mp4
67.3 MB
17. Adding Custom Title Bar or Action Bar/3. Adding Graphics to Title Bar.mp4
64.7 MB
16. Developing of ANDROID INTERVIEW App - Continues/1. Variable and Widgets Initialization in Java Code.mp4
63.4 MB
30. Lollipop Material Design and Android Toolbar/2. Style your Toolbar with Material Design Colors and Icons combo - with Demo.mp4
61.2 MB
32. OUTDATED VIDEOS All Videos under this section has been replaced by NEW VIDEOS/3. OUTDATED Android Studio with Log Cat Demo.mp4
61.1 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/6. Remove and Add Data in Recycler View and perform Click and Long Click events.mp4
60.8 MB
18. Text to Voice Conversion/3. Adding Text To Speech to our App.mp4
60.6 MB
3. LogCat and it's Crucial Role for Application Developement/2. Android Studio with LogCat Demo.mp4
60.0 MB
30. Lollipop Material Design and Android Toolbar/4. Lets work out with Contextual Action Mode in Materialistic way - with Demo.mp4
54.7 MB
24. CheckBox and Custom CheckBox with Graphics/1. Method-1 - Interface of onCheckedChangeListener .mp4
51.4 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/9. Special Activity Pending Intent of Action Buttons.mp4
50.7 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/5. Big View, BigPicture, Regular Activity Notifications.mp4
49.6 MB
16. Developing of ANDROID INTERVIEW App - Continues/2. Setting Up Listeners.mp4
49.4 MB
23. Radio Button and Custom Radio Button with Graphics/1. Interface of onCheckedChangeListener.mp4
49.2 MB
26. Notifications - NormalView, BigPicture, BigText & Inbox Style Notifications/12. Update or Summarize Notification.mp4
46.0 MB
25. Implicit Intents - Various Examples Part-2/3. Send E-mail to your nears and dears using Implicit Intent.mp4
45.9 MB
29. Property Animation - Robust animation/3. Implement Property Animation using only JAVA Files..mp4
44.4 MB
31. Lollipop RecyclerView and CardView/3. Get over with your first RecyclerView with a CardView App - Demo 2.mp4
43.7 MB
21. Publishing and Updating App in Google PlayStore/5. Update Your App in PlayStore.mp4
43.1 MB
4.3 GB
Udemy - The Complete Android App Development Masterclass Build Apps
8. Networking in Android/7. Create a RESTful API with Spring Framework.mp4
346.1 MB
9. Second Sample Application/9. Handle Categories.mp4
301.5 MB
9. Second Sample Application/7. Add Review - Finish GroceryItemActivity.mp4
272.9 MB
5. Activities and Fragments/10. Challenge - Gym Application (Part 3).mp4
267.0 MB
4. First Sample Application/10. Persist Data with Shared Preferences and Gson.mp4
255.2 MB
9. Second Sample Application/11. Second and Third Cart's Fragments.mp4
250.0 MB
9. Second Sample Application/10. First Cart Fragment.mp4
248.8 MB
9. Second Sample Application/13. Track User's Behaviour.mp4
246.1 MB
4. First Sample Application/6. Add Books to Different Lists.mp4
240.2 MB
3. User Interface/3. User Interface Basics - Part 3.mp4
230.6 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/4. Setup the Environment.mp4
226.1 MB
3. User Interface/2. User Interface Basics - Part 2.mp4
225.8 MB
9. Second Sample Application/5. Grocery Item Activity.mp4
224.3 MB
5. Activities and Fragments/5. Alarm Action - Calendar.mp4
222.7 MB
9. Second Sample Application/12. Upload Orders with Retrofit - Payment Result.mp4
221.9 MB
7. Handling Background Tasks/4. Job Scheduler.mp4
216.3 MB
5. Activities and Fragments/9. Challenge - Gym Application (Part 2).mp4
213.9 MB
3. User Interface/4. Layouts.mp4
213.2 MB
1. Introduction and Setup/5. Create Your First Application - Part 1.mp4
205.3 MB
3. User Interface/12. RecyclerView - Part 2.mp4
201.7 MB
13.6 GB
Udemy - Java&Android Development for beginners 94 Hours+ & 84 Apps
13 Intermediate and Advanced Android Programming/354 Archive.zip
651.2 MB
12 Android Programming Basics/330 Notification Channel App for Android Oreo.mp4
177.8 MB
12 Android Programming Basics/290 App Number 43 - Part3 - Access SDCard and Use Permissions.mp4
159.9 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/484 App 78 - Part 13- SQLite Mastery - Martial Arts Club App.mp4
136.7 MB
09 Intermediate Java Programming - Learn Java by Creating Android Apps/105 App Number 3 - Learn about String Methods and Casting in Java.mp4
129.1 MB
09 Intermediate Java Programming - Learn Java by Creating Android Apps/159 App Number 10- parts 1 2 3-Create the Roll the Dice Game.mp4
115.9 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/507 App 80 Preparation - Firebase Authorization - Part 2.mp4
111.0 MB
10 Advanced Java programing - Learn Java by Creating Android Apps/233 App 28 - Debugging in Android.mp4
108.0 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/457 Taxi App - App 76 - Part 11 - Master Location and GPS Services in Android.mp4
103.2 MB
14 Firebase as Backend for Android Apps/435 App 68 - FirebaseRecyclerAdapter - Using RecycleView.mp4
100.2 MB
07 Android 8 Oreo App Development/094 Calculator App - Part 12 - Equal Button Function and Advanced Debugging.mp4
95.0 MB
14 Firebase as Backend for Android Apps/436 App69 - Using Custom Row for RecyclerView and FirebaseRecyclerAdapter.mp4
87.2 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/483 App 78 - Part 12- SQLite Mastery - Martial Arts Club App.mp4
87.2 MB
07 Android 8 Oreo App Development/089 Calculator App - Part 7 - Add Images Views to Layout.mp4
85.4 MB
14 Firebase as Backend for Android Apps/427 App 64 - Part9 - Computers Data App.mp4
84.3 MB
14 Firebase as Backend for Android Apps/439 App 72 - AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language).mp4
82.1 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/440 App 73 - Popup Window in Android.mp4
78.3 MB
04 Creating your first Android Application/010 Hello and Hi World App - Part 1 - Introduction to Android Studio 3.mp4
75.5 MB
07 Android 8 Oreo App Development/080 P Calculator App - Part 1.mp4
74.3 MB
15 Create Complex Android Apps - Production Ready Apps/500 App 79 - Part 12 - Master Maps and Speech Recognition in Android.mp4
74.0 MB
15.8 GB
[Udemy] [Юрий Аллахвердов] Android разработка с нуля до профессионала
8. Работа с изображениями, аудио и видео/11. Music Player. Создание разметки. Решение.mp4
307.7 MB
15. Firebase Taxi App/18. Заказ такси.mp4
286.0 MB
15. Firebase Taxi App/17. PassengerMapsActivity.mp4
279.4 MB
3. XML разметка. TextView и ImageView/1. TextView.mp4
275.4 MB
9. Java. ООП/4. Модификаторы доступа. Область видимости переменных.mp4
263.6 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/2. Intent. Запускаем новую Activity.mp4
259.5 MB
15. Firebase Taxi App/12. Аутентификация.mp4
259.3 MB
6. Основы Java/14. Оператор switch и рефакторинг кода.mp4
248.3 MB
13. Firebase Chat App/27. Чат двух пользователей. Часть 2.mp4
246.4 MB
6. Основы Java/3. Hello Java!.mp4
246.1 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/1. Используем классы в MusicShop.mp4
243.0 MB
10. Material Design - RecyclerView и CardView/12. Приложение Pizza Recipes. Часть 4.mp4
242.1 MB
10. Material Design - RecyclerView и CardView/5. RecyclerView и CardView. Часть 1.mp4
240.5 MB
7. Заканчиваем разработку Music Shop/3. Implicit Intent. Отправляем заказ по email.mp4
224.4 MB
8. Работа с изображениями, аудио и видео/1. Работа с изображениями. Анимация.mp4
222.2 MB
12. Работа с интернетом/6. Приложение Movies. JSON запрос.mp4
217.8 MB
15. Firebase Taxi App/14. Location API.mp4
215.6 MB
15. Firebase Taxi App/20. Отображение найденного водителя.mp4
209.7 MB
13. Firebase Chat App/30. Изменение адаптера. Часть 1.mp4
207.0 MB
9. Java. ООП/3. Наследование.mp4
205.1 MB
22.5 GB
27. Android With Google Firebase/3. Android Firebase Creste Account part 2.mp4
297.1 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/4. Android Firebase Login Function.mp4
258.7 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/15. Android Firebase Storage Upload Image To Firebase.mp4
257.5 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/11. Android Firebase Database Insert Data to The Database.mp4
235.5 MB
29. Android Resourses/1. Android Resourse Section part 1.mp4
233.1 MB
32. Text and Buttons in Android With java/5. 04-finish the app.mp4
212.9 MB
29. Android Resourses/2. Android Resourse Section part 2.mp4
205.8 MB
28. Online School With Firebase/2. Online School With Firebase 1.mp4
203.0 MB
33. Android Motivation Videos/2. Android Motivation What If I Make Errors 1.mp4
202.5 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/10. Android Firebase Database part 1.mp4
187.1 MB
20. Build an App With RecyclerView/6. Android Pepole Project part 6.mp4
185.5 MB
19. Android RecylcerView/5. Android RecyclerView part 5.mp4
178.0 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/13. Android Firebase Database Read The Data From Database.mp4
175.7 MB
18. Errors in Android/4. Android Errors part 4.mp4
172.5 MB
21. Advanced Project with ReyclcerView and Custom Functionality/6. Android Speech App part 6.mp4
172.1 MB
29. Android Resourses/3. Android Resourse Section part 3.mp4
166.0 MB
24. Advanced Fragment With ViewPager in Android/2. Android ViewPager with Fragment part 2.mp4
164.9 MB
27. Android With Google Firebase/5. Android Firebase Reset Password.mp4
161.5 MB
15. Android List View/3. Android ListView part 3.mp4
161.3 MB
29. Android Resourses/7. Android Resourse Section part 7.mp4
160.5 MB
17.3 GB