个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 2 毫秒。
[ TutGator.com ] Udemy - Android Jetpack Compose - From Zero to Hero
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/10. Weather Screen + ViewModel.mp4
119.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/5. Material Design and Theming.mp4
94.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. To-do App/6. Creating a dialog.mp4
84.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. To-do App/5. Creating the main screen.mp4
82.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/9. Scaffold.mp4
81.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/8. State in Compose.mp4
74.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/11. Navigation.mp4
65.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/4. Layouts.mp4
57.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/10. Side Effects and Effect Handlers.mp4
55.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/7. Lists.mp4
54.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/9. Search Screen.mp4
51.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. To-do App/3. Room database and repository.mp4
46.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/4. Connecting the app to the API.mp4
43.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/8. Setting up the navigation.mp4
39.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Jetpack Compose basics/6. Modifiers.mp4
38.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/5. Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt.mp4
34.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/WeatherApp/app/build/intermediates/dex/debug/mergeExtDexDebug/classes.dex
34.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. To-do App/TodoApp/app/build/intermediates/dex/debug/mergeExtDexDebug/classes.dex
34.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/7. Creating the repository.mp4
33.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Weather App/WeatherApp/app/build/intermediates/incremental/debug-mergeJavaRes/zip-cache/NO0gMIor6_xlYacXrSKe3sxFo6E=
27.8 MB
1.5 GB
[Udemy] Android Studio и Firebase - Доска Объявлений. Часть 1 (2021)
2. Регистрация Авторизация на Firebase (Authentication)/1. Email & Password авторизация.mp4
1.0 GB
6. ImageManager/6. Дизайн разметки ImageListFrag.mp4
839.4 MB
3. EditAсtivity - активити для создания объявления/2. AlertDialog для выбора страны.mp4
837.5 MB
2. Регистрация Авторизация на Firebase (Authentication)/4. Google SignIn авторизация.mp4
790.0 MB
2. Регистрация Авторизация на Firebase (Authentication)/5. Exceptions (Поиск проблем при регистрации или входе).mp4
787.6 MB
6. ImageManager/4. Bitmap массив.mp4
754.3 MB
1. Создание проекта/2. Создание выдвижного меню NavigationDrawer. Часть 2.mp4
738.6 MB
5. Выбор фото/2. ImageLIstFrag.mp4
728.5 MB
4. Fragment для выбора фото/3. Drag and Drop.mp4
678.1 MB
6. ImageManager/1. ImageManager.mp4
588.9 MB
6. ImageManager/5. ProgressBar индикатор загрузки.mp4
582.0 MB
3. EditAсtivity - активити для создания объявления/5. Библиотека PixImagePicker.mp4
575.6 MB
5. Выбор фото/3. Оптимизация кода.mp4
572.2 MB
5. Выбор фото/1. ViewPager Adapter.mp4
568.0 MB
4. Fragment для выбора фото/2. RecyclerView Adapter.mp4
565.5 MB
6. ImageManager/7. ImageView scaleType.mp4
544.6 MB
6. ImageManager/2. Image resize.mp4
527.8 MB
2. Регистрация Авторизация на Firebase (Authentication)/7. Выход из Google аккаунта.mp4
523.1 MB
3. EditAсtivity - активити для создания объявления/3. Передача результата выбора страны в TextView.mp4
501.6 MB
3. EditAсtivity - активити для создания объявления/1. Создание EditActivity.mp4
500.2 MB
16.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Android Development For Beginner With Kotlin
17 Kotlin Collection/006 Kotlin mapOf.mp4
138.5 MB
17 Kotlin Collection/007 Kotlin mutableMapOf.mp4
122.0 MB
22 Kotlin OOP/007 Inheritance.mp4
121.5 MB
26 Navigation component/001 Bottom Navigation View - Part1.mp4
119.9 MB
26 Navigation component/012 Navigation Graph Action.mp4
119.8 MB
29 Firebase ML Face Detection/005 Detect And Draw Rectangle On Face.mp4
112.3 MB
22 Kotlin OOP/011 Kotlin Abstract Class.mp4
110.4 MB
27 Android ListView/003 Custom Adapter For ListView.mp4
104.3 MB
26 Navigation component/013 Navigation Safe Args.mp4
104.1 MB
16 Exceptions Handling/001 Kotlin Exceptions Handling.mp4
103.1 MB
22 Kotlin OOP/017 Object Declarations.mp4
101.5 MB
25 Roll The Dice Game/007 Roll The Dice Game - Part 7.mp4
101.1 MB
32 SQLite with Coroutine/002 Suspend and LifecycleScope.mp4
98.7 MB
15 Loops/002 While and Do While Loop.mp4
97.8 MB
17 Kotlin Collection/001 Mutable Array - Part 1.mp4
96.7 MB
30 Android SQLite Basic/010 Create Add Employee Function.mp4
95.7 MB
30 Android SQLite Basic/012 Create RecyclerView Adaptor.mp4
95.7 MB
25 Roll The Dice Game/006 Roll The Dice Game - Part 6.mp4
95.4 MB
17 Kotlin Collection/003 Immutable List.mp4
94.3 MB
22 Kotlin OOP/012 Kotlin Interfaces.mp4
93.0 MB
10.3 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Android Java Masterclass - Become an App Developer
10. Databases and the Friends App/43. Content Values and SQL Injection attack prevention.mp4
318.6 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/9. Sqlite Querying Data.mp4
229.7 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/12. Wild Cards and Views.mp4
225.8 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/94. Finish and Test.mp4
223.1 MB
12. Multiple Tables/21. The Report Adapter.mp4
222.7 MB
12. Multiple Tables/35. Evil Bugs.mp4
221.7 MB
9. Flickr App/8. Download JSON Data.mp4
220.9 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/38. UriMatcher and the query method.mp4
220.6 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/70. Removing Fragments.mp4
220.5 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/84. Dialogs and the Up Button.mp4
218.5 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/61. Onclick Listeners and Callbacks.mp4
214.5 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/58. Finish Adapter and Test.mp4
210.7 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/46. Add RecyclerView and LinearLayout.mp4
206.3 MB
12. Multiple Tables/30. The Date Picker Dialog.mp4
206.2 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/29. Intents setData and Uri's.mp4
205.6 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/10. Order By and Joins.mp4
203.5 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/17. Android File System.mp4
199.5 MB
10. Databases and the Friends App/11. More Complex Joins.mp4
199.4 MB
9. Flickr App/13. Make Get JSON Asyncronous.mp4
193.9 MB
12. Multiple Tables/37. Delete Old Timings Data.mp4
193.1 MB
28.2 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android and UWP development using Xamarin forms.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android and UWP development using Xamarin forms.zip
1.0 GB
1.0 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb ] Udemy - Android Development Using C# and Visual Studio 2012
~Get Your Course Here !/71 - Drawing Shapes.mp4
52.2 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/85 - Action Bar.mp4
51.1 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/61 - Displaying Contacts.mp4
49.8 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/28 - Expandable List Adapters.mp4
45.7 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/08 - Relative Layouts.mp4
45.3 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/81 - Bluetooth Activity.mp4
43.8 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/69 - Drawing Tools.mp4
43.0 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/82 - Bluetooth Service.mp4
42.7 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/52 - Media Store.mp4
42.0 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/21 - Action Bars.mp4
41.6 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/72 - Drawing Text.mp4
41.5 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/17 - Date and Time Pickers.mp4
40.8 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/38 - Options for Data.mp4
40.3 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/37 - Passing Data between Activities.mp4
40.2 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/04 - Hello World.mp4
39.9 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/26 - Grids.mp4
39.3 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/80 - Notifications.mp4
39.2 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/29 - Using Expandable List Adapters.mp4
38.4 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/65 - GPS in the Emulator.mp4
38.0 MB
~Get Your Course Here !/40 - CRUD Operations.mp4
37.8 MB
2.8 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Unit Testing and TDD for beginners - Getting Started.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Unit Testing and TDD for beginners - Getting Started.zip
3.1 GB
3.1 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android- Build a Youtube Listing App Using Kotlin & Parse.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android- Build a Youtube Listing App Using Kotlin & Parse.zip
2.0 GB
2.0 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android & Firebase ML Kit in Java - Kotlin
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Recognize Text/5. Kotlin Text Recognition Android Application using Firebase ML Kit.mp4
229.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Scan Bar-codes/1. Building Barcode Scanner Android Application using Firebase ML Kit.mp4
141.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Recognize Text/3. Java Creating and Using Text Recognizer feature of Firebase ML Kit.mp4
135.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Project/4. Writing detector code.mp4
123.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Face and Landmark detection/7. Kotlin Creating and Using Face Detector using Android Firebase ML Kit.mp4
123.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Translation Section/1. Setting up Android Text Translation Android Application.mp4
121.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Object Detection/1. Building Object detector Android Application using Firebase ML kit.mp4
120.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Project/1. Creating Project UI.mp4
117.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Recognize Text/4. Java Running Text Recognition Android Application.mp4
111.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Project/6. Creating Adapter for Recyclerview.mp4
100.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Project/3. Getting all phone images.mp4
96.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Recognize Text/2. Java Creating Android Application GUI.mp4
72.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Translation Section/2. Writing Firebase ML kit Text Translationcode.mp4
66.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Language Identification and Assignment/2. Android Firebase ML Kit Creating Language Identifier.mp4
64.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Object Detection/3. Testing Android object detection Application.mp4
63.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Face and Landmark detection/2. Creating and Using Face Detector feature of Firebase ML Kit Android.mp4
62.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. AutoML and Stones Recognizer/5. Android Firebase ML Kit Adding Model and Creating UI.mp4
61.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. AutoML and Stones Recognizer/6. Android Firebase ML Kit Writing Recognizer Code.mp4
60.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Object Detection/2. Writing object detector code using Android Firebase ML Kit.mp4
54.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/9. Project/5. Processing all images.mp4
53.9 MB
2.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin
06 - Calculator App/006 Comparing FIles with Diff.mp4
185.7 MB
09 - Flickr Browser App/021 RecyclerItemClickListener.mp4
181.7 MB
07 - The Top 10 Downloader App/007 Android Permissions.mp4
176.0 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/009 Sqlite Querying Data.mp4
174.4 MB
09 - Flickr Browser App/010 GetFlickJsonData class.mp4
165.4 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/011 More Complex Joins.mp4
161.1 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/010 Order By and Joins.mp4
160.2 MB
12 - TaskTimer App/011 uriMatcher.mp4
159.0 MB
07 - The Top 10 Downloader App/006 Reading the Data.mp4
156.5 MB
12 - TaskTimer App/026 The Add _ Edit Fragment.mp4
156.5 MB
12 - TaskTimer App/033 Logging the Fragment Lifecycle.mp4
153.7 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/012 Wild Cards and Views.mp4
153.2 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/026 Checking Permissions at Runtime.mp4
153.0 MB
08 - The YouTube app/012 Implementing Intents and Challenge.mp4
152.9 MB
09 - Flickr Browser App/022 GestureDetector.mp4
152.6 MB
11 - ViewModel and LiveData/005 Finish ViewModel Changes.mp4
151.7 MB
12 - TaskTimer App/020 Testing Bulk Update and Delete.mp4
151.4 MB
07 - The Top 10 Downloader App/010 Parsing the Data.mp4
146.2 MB
12 - TaskTimer App/009 The ContentProvider.mp4
145.2 MB
10 - Databases, the SQL Language and SQLite on Android/030 Intents, setData and Uris.mp4
145.0 MB
24.8 GB
[Udemy] Android Jetpack masterclass in Kotlin (2021) [En]
6. MVVM and LiveData/4. Building the ViewModel.mp4
342.4 MB
12. Notifications/2. Creating the notification.mp4
291.8 MB
7. Retrofit and RxJava/4. Getting the remote data.mp4
255.2 MB
14. Permissions and Sharing/4. Getting the SEND SMS permission.mp4
247.7 MB
3. Setup and AndroidX/2. Create the project.mp4
207.8 MB
4. Navigation/2. Navigation setup.mp4
198.6 MB
1. Introduction/2. What are we building.mp4
195.5 MB
3. Setup and AndroidX/3. Import required libraries.mp4
190.8 MB
7. Retrofit and RxJava/3. Setting up Retrofit.mp4
190.4 MB
9. Room/7. Retrieving data from the database.mp4
187.7 MB
11. Palette/2. Implementing Palette.mp4
182.5 MB
4. Navigation/4. Navigation functionality.mp4
168.8 MB
14. Permissions and Sharing/6. Show the SMS dialog.mp4
160.4 MB
9. Room/3. Creating the entities.mp4
145.8 MB
10. Data Binding/4. Binding method calls.mp4
143.8 MB
5. Layouts/2. ConstraintLayout and SwipeRefreshLayout.mp4
134.9 MB
8. Glide and KTX extensions/3. Using Glide.mp4
130.6 MB
9. Room/2. Setting up the Model.mp4
125.1 MB
9. Room/6. Storing the time.mp4
117.1 MB
13. Preferences/3. Show the settings screen.mp4
117.0 MB
6.3 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Malware Analysis - From Zero to Hero.zip
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Malware Analysis - From Zero to Hero.zip
732.0 MB
732.0 MB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android app development, Firebase database, Google Map api
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/001 Get Data from Firebase and Show on Google Map.mp4
324.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Upload Image from Camera , Gallery and File Manager/001 Use Image Cropper Library for Image Uplaod.mp4
175.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - List Fragment Implementation/002 Listview Adapter Implementation.mp4
166.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/003 Add Places Fragment.mp4
153.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - List Fragment Implementation/001 Listview Adapter.mp4
137.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Upload Image from Camera , Gallery and File Manager/002 Reduce Image Size.mp4
71.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/01 - Course Overview/001 Project Overview.mp4
56.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/002 Design Tabs.mp4
45.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/004 Connect Firebase to app.mp4
38.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/001 Create Tab layout.mp4
28.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/FirebaseApp/app/src/main/res/font/arima_madurai_thin.ttf
115.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/FirebaseApp/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
59.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/001 Get Data from Firebase and Show on Google Map_en.vtt
17.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/FirebaseApp/app/src/main/java/com/athrose/firebaseapp/FileUtils.java
14.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/003 Add Places Fragment_en.vtt
8.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/03 - Upload Image from Camera , Gallery and File Manager/001 Use Image Cropper Library for Image Uplaod_en.vtt
8.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/02 - Design Tabs/36668440-AddPlacesFragment.java
8.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/FirebaseApp/app/src/main/java/com/athrose/firebaseapp/AddPlacesFragment.java
8.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/05 - Google Map Fragment Implementation/FirebaseApp/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.webp
7.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/04 - List Fragment Implementation/002 Listview Adapter Implementation_en.vtt
7.6 kB
1.2 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Automation by Python - EASY dive in
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/4. Script Bulk InstallUninstall from Playstore automation.mp4
66.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/3. Script Install from Playstore automation.mp4
58.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/7. Script Auto Click , Tap Game hacking.mp4
55.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/4. Windows - Install Python3 ENV Dependecy.mp4
55.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/5. Script Push File and Set wallpaper.mp4
52.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/6. Script Twitter automation posting tweets.mp4
45.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/1. QUICK START.mp4
35.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/1. Intro.mp4
30.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/8. Take screenshot, Record Screen.mp4
29.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Real World projects/1. Selectors & Inspecting tools.mp4
28.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/4.1 python-3.7.0-amd64.exe
26.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/3. Install app Launch app Stop app Stop all apps.mp4
22.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/5. Mac - Homebrew ADB Tools.mp4
22.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/2. Retrieve the device info.mp4
20.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/3. Windows - ADB Tools - 5 steps.mp4
19.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/2. Android - Developer Options - 10 steps.mp4
16.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/7. Key Events, ScreenOnOFF.mp4
14.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/5. Push and pull files.mp4
13.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Fundamental/6. Session Click on TEXT.mp4
12.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Easy Dive In/3.1 platform-tools_r31.0.3-windows.zip
11.9 MB
665.9 MB
[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Android Architecture Masterclass
11. Nested Controllers/7. Refactoring of Navigation Drawer From Fragments into Activity.mp4
170.7 MB
11. Nested Controllers/5. Refactoring to Single Activity Approach.mp4
144.1 MB
7. Controller/6. Standalone Controller for Unit Testing.mp4
102.9 MB
5. MVC Basics/3. MVC View.mp4
95.2 MB
10. Nested MVC Views through Inheritance/1. Introduction of Navigation Drawer.mp4
93.9 MB
11. Nested Controllers/4. Refactoring of Question Details Screen to Fragment.mp4
91.3 MB
6. Dependency Injection/1. Dependency Injection Architectural Pattern.vtt
78.1 MB
7. Controller/4. Use Case.mp4
77.3 MB
11. Nested Controllers/2. Refactoring of Questions List Screen to Fragment.mp4
75.7 MB
5. MVC Basics/5. MVC View in ListView.mp4
74.6 MB
3. Review of Android Architecture Blueprint/2. Review of MVP Architecture Blueprint.mp4
55.0 MB
10. Nested MVC Views through Inheritance/4. Making Back Button Close Navigation Drawer.mp4
53.9 MB
11. Nested Controllers/6. Introduction of FragmentFrameHelper.mp4
49.7 MB
10. Nested MVC Views through Inheritance/6. Reuse of Navigation Drawer.mp4
43.5 MB
10. Nested MVC Views through Inheritance/3. Making Hamburger Button Open Navigation Drawer.mp4
42.1 MB
8. Packages Structure/3. Cleanup of Packages Structure.mp4
41.1 MB
6. Dependency Injection/5. MVC Views Factory in Lists.mp4
33.0 MB
6. Dependency Injection/3. Controller Composition Root.mp4
32.7 MB
6. Dependency Injection/2. Composition Root.mp4
32.2 MB
5. MVC Basics/4. ViewHolder in ListView.mp4
31.9 MB
2.0 GB
[ TutPig.com ] Udemy - Android + Firebase Cloud Messaging - Complete Course
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/4. Create Basic Notification.mp4
92.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/7. Create Custom Notification.mp4
81.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/3. Send Message to Single Device.mp4
76.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/4. Send Message to Multiple Devices.mp4
55.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/5. Send Image Payload.mp4
49.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/7. Light, Sound and Vibration.mp4
44.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/5. Create Expandable Notification.mp4
42.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/6. Add Notification Action Button.mp4
38.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/6. Send Data Payload.mp4
35.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/1. Notification Overview.mp4
30.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/2. Connect Android App to Firebase.mp4
28.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/2. Notification Channel.mp4
20.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
10.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/3. Notification Posting Limits.mp4
9.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/1. Introducing to Cloud Messaging.mp4
6.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/4. Create Basic Notification.srt
14.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Notifications/7. Create Custom Notification.srt
14.1 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/3. Send Message to Single Device.srt
10.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/4. Send Message to Multiple Devices.srt
9.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Firebase Cloud Messaging/5. Send Image Payload.srt
7.7 kB
621.2 MB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android app development, Restaurant App,Google Map apis
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/2. Adapter, listview, Model Class.mp4
253.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/1. Restaurant Screen.mp4
149.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/3. User Interface for list Items.mp4
135.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/3. Open Restaurant Location on Google Map.mp4
127.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/1. Google Map Part1.mp4
102.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. User Interface for Restaurant Application/3. Add Categories Part3.mp4
90.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. User Interface for Restaurant Application/2. Add Categories Part2.mp4
82.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. User Interface for Restaurant Application/1. User Interface Part1 ( Add Restaurants).mp4
55.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
37.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/2. Create Google Map Api for Free.mp4
34.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/RestaurentApplication/app/src/main/res/drawable/img.jpg
92.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/RestaurentApplication/app/src/main/res/drawable/a.jpg
71.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/RestaurentApplication/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
59.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/2. Adapter, listview, Model Class.srt
14.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/1. Restaurant Screen.srt
11.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/3. Open Restaurant Location on Google Map.srt
9.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. User Interface for Restaurant Application/2. Add Categories Part2.srt
8.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Add Restaurants(Adapter, listview, Model Class)/3. User Interface for list Items.srt
7.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Google Map Implementation/RestaurentApplication/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher_round.webp
7.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. User Interface for Restaurant Application/3. Add Categories Part3.srt
7.7 kB
1.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android Puzzle Game Using Godot Engine From Start to Finish
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Getting to know Godot Engine's Environment/1. learning Godot Engines Environment.mp4
163.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/4. creating the main function to change the color of boxes in the puzzle.mp4
154.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/5. creating and animating the reload and settings menus.mp4
140.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/7. monetizing the game using google Admob.mp4
138.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/6. creating a global script and the other scenes of the game.mp4
136.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/2. Create the main buttons to change the color of the boxes of the puzzle.mp4
119.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/3. changing the color of the first box of the puzzle using the buttons.mp4
65.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/source_code/android/build/libs/debug/godot-lib.debug.aar
44.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/merged_jni_libs/debug/out/godot-lib.debug.aar
44.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/libs/debug/godot-lib.debug.aar
44.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Making the game/source_code/android/build/libs/release/godot-lib.release.aar
39.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/libs/release/godot-lib.release.aar
39.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/debug/out/lib/x86/libgodot_android.so
33.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs/debug/out/lib/x86/libgodot_android.so
33.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/debug/out/lib/x86_64/libgodot_android.so
31.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs/debug/out/lib/x86_64/libgodot_android.so
31.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/debug/out/lib/armeabi-v7a/libgodot_android.so
30.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs/debug/out/lib/armeabi-v7a/libgodot_android.so
30.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/merged_native_libs/debug/out/lib/arm64-v8a/libgodot_android.so
28.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. Exporting the game for Android/source_code/android/build/build/intermediates/stripped_native_libs/debug/out/lib/arm64-v8a/libgodot_android.so
28.7 MB
1.5 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android App Development with Machine Learning
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/2. XML Design (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
262.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/5. ML integration and Output of Project 1 (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
223.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/3. Integration of ML with Android (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
174.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/1. Setting up the project (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
142.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/2. XML Design (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
100.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/4. Output of the Project 2 (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
64.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/4. Dialog Box (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
55.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/1. Setting up the project (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
27.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/3. Face and Smile Detection (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).mp4
15.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/5. ML integration and Output of Project 1 (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
20.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/3. Integration of ML with Android (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
16.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/2. XML Design (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
16.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/1. Setting up the project (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
12.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/2. XML Design (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
8.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/4. Dialog Box (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
5.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Photo AI Android App (Project 2) (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com)/4. Output of the Project 2 (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
4.0 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/1. Setting up the project (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
3.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Smile Detection Android App (Project 1) Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com/3. Face and Smile Detection (For Source Code atulfbc@gmail.com).srt
1.7 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
357 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
183 Bytes
1.1 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Android App Development Masterclass using Kotlin
~Get Your Files Here !/4. GridLayout in Android App/2. Android Studio Grid Layout.mp4
143.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/6. RecyclerView SearchView.mp4
100.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/3. Android RecyclerView Layout Setup.mp4
66.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/4. Android RecyclerView Implementation Logic.mp4
66.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/5. RecyclerView Open new Activity On Item Click.mp4
53.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/2. Android RecyclerView Setup and Customization.mp4
47.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/6. Android Studio Emulator ( creating, running and testing our project ).mp4
37.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/2. Installing Android Studio on MAC PC.mp4
35.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/1. Installing Android Studio on Windows.mp4
32.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/3. Create your first Android Studio Project.mp4
21.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Building and Deploying Android App/3. Building and Deploying to Play Store.mp4
18.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/4. Android Project Structure.mp4
14.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Android Studio IDE/5. Android Studio User Interface.mp4
12.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/1. Application Overview.mp4
11.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
9.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Building and Deploying Android App/2. Building and Deploying Locally.mp4
8.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. GridLayout in Android App/gridlayout/app/build/intermediates/dex/debug/mergeExtDexDebug/classes.dex
7.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. RecyclerView in Android App/RecyclerView/app/build/intermediates/dex/debug/mergeExtDexDebug/classes.dex
7.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/2. Overview on how to create an Android App from Scratch.mp4
7.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Building and Deploying Android App/4. Overview Android Apps User Interface.mp4
6.1 MB
769.6 MB