个磁力链接/BT种子,耗时 0 毫秒。
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Google Data Studio AZ for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/12 - Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/11 - Data Table.mp4
81.2 MB
1 - Introduction/3 - Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9 - Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/22 - Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
16 - Sometimes data is in multiple tables/30 - Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
76.7 MB
14 - Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/28 - Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/21 - Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/14 - Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/13 - Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7 - Charts to highlight trends Time Series Line and Area charts/17 - Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
16 - Sometimes data is in multiple tables/31 - Different types of Joins while blending data.mp4
66.0 MB
18 - Google BigQuery Connection/37 - Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/10 - Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17 - Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/33 - Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/8 - Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10 - Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/23 - Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/15 - Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/9 - Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/20 - Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13 - Branding a Report/26 - Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
1.9 GB
[freecourse.pro]-Google Data Studio AZ for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/12 - Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/11 - Data Table.mp4
81.2 MB
1 - Introduction/3 - Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9 - Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/22 - Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
16 - Sometimes data is in multiple tables/30 - Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
76.7 MB
14 - Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/28 - Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/21 - Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/14 - Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/13 - Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7 - Charts to highlight trends Time Series Line and Area charts/17 - Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
16 - Sometimes data is in multiple tables/31 - Different types of Joins while blending data.mp4
66.0 MB
18 - Google BigQuery Connection/37 - Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/10 - Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17 - Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/33 - Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/8 - Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10 - Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/23 - Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/15 - Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/9 - Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/20 - Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13 - Branding a Report/26 - Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
1.9 GB
Cmivfx - Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualization Modeling
cmiVFX - Autodesk 3DSMax Architectural Visualization Modeling.MP4
1.9 GB
6.2 MB
1.9 GB
Digital Tutors Product Packaging Visualization Cinema 4D And After Effects
Product and Packaging Visualization in CINEMA 4D and After Effects.part02.rar
340.8 MB
Product and Packaging Visualization in CINEMA 4D and After Effects.part01.rar
340.8 MB
21. Using the placeholder animations.mp4
60.0 MB
10. Finishing the carousel animation.mp4
56.1 MB
25. Placing the carousel text.mp4
52.1 MB
08. Zooming the camera through the bulbs with quick cuts.mp4
51.2 MB
09. Setting up the light bulb carousel comp.mp4
50.2 MB
14. Replacing the packaging.mp4
47.4 MB
26. Using the rotation placeholder with the carousel comps.mp4
47.0 MB
02. Checking out the script and setting up the first camera.mp4
46.2 MB
12. Rotating the bulbs to form a new shape.mp4
46.0 MB
15. Adding lights as placeholders for text.mp4
46.0 MB
Product and Packaging Visualization in CINEMA 4D and After Effects.part03.rar
45.2 MB
27. Cutting out the bad frames.mp4
45.2 MB
13. Creating camera 3 with a time saving trick.mp4
44.4 MB
04. Using a Morph Camera.mp4
44.0 MB
23. Placing the two final statements.mp4
43.4 MB
22. Adding more text using the placeholder data.mp4
43.4 MB
17. Setting the render settings.mp4
38.0 MB
31. Adding final lens effects.mp4
34.9 MB
1.9 GB
1.9 GB
1.9 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Google Data Studio A-Z for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4. Charts to highlight numbers/2. Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
16. Sometimes data is in multiple tables/1. Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
82.5 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/1. Data Table.mp4
81.2 MB
1. Introduction/3. Why Data Studio.mp4
79.4 MB
9. Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/1. Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
14. Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/1. Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/2. Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/1. Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/3. Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/1. Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
18. Google BigQuery Connection/1. Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3. Practical part begins here/3. Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17. Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/2. Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3. Practical part begins here/1. Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10. Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/1. Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/2. Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3. Practical part begins here/2. Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/1. Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13. Branding a Report/1. Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/3. Line Chart and Combo Chart.mp4
40.6 MB
1.8 GB
[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - Google Data Studio A-Z for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/11 - Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
16 - Sometimes data is in multiple tables/29 - Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
82.5 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/10 - Data Table.mp4
81.2 MB
1 - Introduction/3 - Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9 - Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/21 - Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
14 - Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/27 - Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/20 - Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/13 - Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4 - Charts to highlight numbers/12 - Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7 - Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/16 - Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
18 - Google BigQuery Connection/35 - Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/9 - Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17 - Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/31 - Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/7 - Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10 - Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/22 - Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5 - Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/14 - Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3 - Practical part begins here/8 - Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8 - Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/19 - Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13 - Branding a Report/25 - Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
7 - Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/18 - Line Chart and Combo Chart.mp4
40.6 MB
1.8 GB
Architectural Visualization with Unreal Engine
001 Welcome.mp4
5.5 MB
002 What you should know before watching this course.mp4
1.3 MB
003 Using the exercise files.mp4
8.4 MB
004 Customizing a player controller.mp4
19.9 MB
005 Importing meshes.mp4
30.1 MB
006 Setting collision volumes.mp4
20.2 MB
007 Creating blueprints for interactive items.mp4
12.9 MB
008 Cloning and placing objects.mp4
25.8 MB
009 Assembling textures and crafting composite maps.mp4
21.7 MB
010 Creating paint sheens.mp4
24.9 MB
011 Fine-tuning metals.mp4
28.9 MB
012 Creating glass.mp4
36.4 MB
013 Setting up reflections with reflection capture spheres.mp4
34.3 MB
014 Placing lights in fixtures.mp4
52.0 MB
015 Adjusting intensity and color.mp4
48.5 MB
016 Using IES profiles to shape lights.mp4
26.1 MB
017 Fine-tuning the sunlight and sky.mp4
41.9 MB
018 Setting up sockets and colliders.mp4
23.7 MB
019 Adding triggers and events to a door blueprint.mp4
17.2 MB
020 Animating the door swing.mp4
23.3 MB
1.8 GB
[ DevCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Data Visualization with Python - Plotly and Dash
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Data Preparation/1. Taking Care of the Transactions.mp4
95.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Data Preparation/2. Scraping Market Information.mp4
79.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Data Preparation/3. Scraping Historical Prices.mp4
78.7 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Plotly Crash Course/2. Plotly Express and Scatter Plots.mp4
76.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Building Our Own Dashboard/1. Setting Up the Sidebar and Homepage.mp4
68.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Visualizations/5. Continuous Color Scale Sunburst Example.mp4
67.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Introduction to Dash/7. Updating Sizes and Debugging Dash Errors.mp4
64.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Visualizations/3. Using Plotly Indicators for KPIs.mp4
58.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Introduction to Dash/1. Introduction and Loading JupyterDash.mp4
58.2 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Plotly Crash Course/7. Advanced Figure Customization.mp4
57.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. Plotly Crash Course/3. Line Plots.mp4
56.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Introduction to Dash/4. Adapting Examples from the Documentation.mp4
56.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. First Set of Charts/3. Adding a New Trace for Net Invested.mp4
53.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/7. Dash Layout and Advanced Customization/2. Changing Themes and Using Class Names to Customize Elements.mp4
53.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Introduction to Dash/5. Interactivity with Callbacks and Dropdowns.mp4
48.1 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/5. Advanced Visualizations/2. Quick Dash Sneak Peek with Data Tables.mp4
47.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/8. Building Our Own Dashboard/3. Callback Function Explained and Advanced Callbacks.mp4
45.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/6. Introduction to Dash/2. Defining the Page Layout and Adding Elements.mp4
45.0 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. First Set of Charts/1. Getting Our Portfolio Value.mp4
43.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/4. First Set of Charts/5. Creating Candlestick Charts With Plotly.mp4
42.8 MB
1.8 GB
VideoHive - Audio Visualization l Music Producer Tool v.5 - 24314482
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Fire/Fire_loop.mov
585.2 MB
After Effects/Music Producer Tool Update_05 CC (14.x).aep
144.9 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Glitch_02.mov
107.3 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Smoke.mp4
75.3 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Bokeh_04.mp4
35.0 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Update_5_04.gif
27.5 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Update_5_05.gif
27.2 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Melody_Lopp_02.mov
26.8 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_14.gif
26.0 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_22.gif
25.8 MB
Video Tutorial/Music Producer Tutorial.mp4
24.4 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_18.gif
23.8 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_19.gif
22.9 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_30.gif
22.4 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_13.gif
22.1 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_31.gif
21.6 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_16.gif
21.5 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Plexus_02.mp4
21.2 MB
After Effects/(Footage)/02. Other/Plexus_01.mp4
20.9 MB
Preview of All Scenes/Scenes/Scene_05.gif
20.2 MB
1.8 GB
Pluralsight - Product Visualization with Maya and Arnold
26 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Test Render Part 1.mp4
53.0 MB
27 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Test Render Part 2.mp4
20.8 MB
28 - Utilizing Render Setup - Watch Mask.mp4
20.6 MB
25 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Applying Materials.mp4
54.3 MB
24 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Leather Part 2.mp4
18.0 MB
21 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Digital Displays Part 2.mp4
21.1 MB
22 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Digital Displays Part 3.mp4
32.6 MB
23 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Leather Part 1.mp4
40.9 MB
29 - Utilizing Render Setup - Ambient Occlusion.mp4
23.7 MB
30 - Utilizing Render Setup - Object IDs.mp4
39.4 MB
36 - Post Production on Final Renders - Band and Display Adjustments.mp4
20.6 MB
37 - Post Production on Final Renders - Finalize Image.mp4
20.5 MB
709.7 MB
35 - Post Production on Final Renders - Background Adjustments.mp4
33.0 MB
34 - Post Production on Final Renders - White Balance.mp4
29.3 MB
31 - Setting up the Final Render - Depth of Field.mp4
23.3 MB
32 - Setting up the Final Render - AOVs and Sampling.mp4
28.6 MB
33 - Setting up the Final Render - Ray Depth.mp4
21.4 MB
20 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Digital Displays Part 1.mp4
23.4 MB
19 - Create Realistic Shaders and Textures Part 2 - Rose Gold Part 4.mp4
22.9 MB
1.8 GB
[Udemy] Unreal Engine 5 - Realistic Product Animation - Visualization (2023)
3. Apple Watch Animation/4. Animating the Watch.mp4
409.9 MB
3. Apple Watch Animation/2. Texturing the Watch.mp4
292.3 MB
2. AirPods Pro Animation/3. Lighting the Scene.mp4
225.4 MB
3. Apple Watch Animation/3. Lighting the Scene.mp4
182.8 MB
2. AirPods Pro Animation/4. Animating the AirPods Pro.mp4
151.3 MB
3. Apple Watch Animation/1. Importing the Model in Unreal Engine 5.mp4
148.4 MB
2. AirPods Pro Animation/1. Importing the Model in Unreal Engine 5.mp4
106.6 MB
3. Apple Watch Animation/5. Post Processing in Davinci Resolve.mp4
96.5 MB
2. AirPods Pro Animation/2. Texturing the Model.mp4
56.4 MB
2. AirPods Pro Animation/5. Post Processing in Davinci Resolve.mp4
46.1 MB
1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4
34.9 MB
1.8 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Google Data Studio A-Z for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4. Charts to highlight numbers/2. Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
16. Sometimes data is in multiple tables/1. Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
82.5 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/1. Data Table.mp4
81.3 MB
1. Introduction/3. Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9. Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/1. Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
14. Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/1. Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/2. Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/1. Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/3. Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/1. Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
18. Google BigQuery Connection/1. Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3. Practical part begins here/3. Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17. Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/2. Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3. Practical part begins here/1. Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10. Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/1. Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/2. Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3. Practical part begins here/2. Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/1. Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13. Branding a Report/1. Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/2. Line Chart and Combo Chart.mp4
40.6 MB
1.7 GB
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Google Data Studio A-Z for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4. Charts to highlight numbers/2. Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
16. Sometimes data is in multiple tables/1. Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
82.5 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/1. Data Table.mp4
81.3 MB
1. Introduction/3. Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9. Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/1. Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
14. Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/1. Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/2. Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/1. Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/3. Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/1. Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
18. Google BigQuery Connection/1. Connecting and Visualizing Data in Google BigQuery.mp4
65.4 MB
3. Practical part begins here/3. Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17. Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/2. Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3. Practical part begins here/1. Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10. Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/1. Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/2. Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3. Practical part begins here/2. Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/1. Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13. Branding a Report/1. Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/2. Line Chart and Combo Chart.mp4
40.6 MB
1.7 GB
[ FreeCourseWeb.com ] Udemy - Data Visualization using R programming
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/1. Ggplot for plots and graphs An introduction to data
using R.mp4
445.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/4. Bar charts and histograms using ggplot.mp4
286.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/5. Two Categorical Variables.mp4
280.3 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to data visualisation/1. Descriptive statistics and data
256.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/3. Create a scatter plot using R programming.mp4
165.4 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/3. How to import data and install packages.mp4
105.8 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/2. How to install R and R studio.mp4
74.9 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/1. Why use R.mp4
68.6 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/2. How to use ggplot to create beautiful scatter plots.mp4
55.5 MB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/1. Ggplot for plots and graphs An introduction to data
using R.srt
37.3 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/4. Bar charts and histograms using ggplot.srt
31.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/5. Two Categorical Variables.srt
30.4 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/2. Introduction to data visualisation/1. Descriptive statistics and data
20.6 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/3. How to import data and install packages.srt
19.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/3. Create a scatter plot using R programming.srt
19.9 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/3. GGPLOT/2. How to use ggplot to create beautiful scatter plots.srt
17.2 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/2. How to install R and R studio.srt
12.5 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction to R/1. Why use R.srt
5.8 kB
~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt
357 Bytes
Get Bonus Downloads Here.url
183 Bytes
1.7 GB
[Online-Courses.Club] [Lynda] Unreal Engine Product Visualization
1 - Introduction/01. Introduction_to_Unreal_Engine.en.srt
2.3 kB
1 - Introduction/01. Introduction_to_Unreal_Engine.mp4
1.8 MB
1 - Introduction/02. Install_Unreal_Engine.en.srt
3.3 kB
1 - Introduction/02. Install_Unreal_Engine.mp4
1.9 MB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/03. Import_the_mesh_files.en.srt
5.2 kB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/03. Import_the_mesh_files.mp4
2.7 MB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/04. Bring_in_the_Substance.en.srt
4.8 kB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/04. Bring_in_the_Substance.mp4
2.4 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/05. Importance_volumes.en.srt
5.0 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/05. Importance_volumes.mp4
2.3 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/06. Post-process.en.srt
4.6 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/06. Post-process.mp4
2.2 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/07. Key_light.en.srt
5.4 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/07. Key_light.mp4
3.0 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/08. Rim_light.en.srt
3.7 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/08. Rim_light.mp4
2.0 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/09. Fill_light.en.srt
4.5 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/09. Fill_light.mp4
2.2 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/10. Alternative_daylight_solution.en.srt
5.8 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/10. Alternative_daylight_solution.mp4
3.4 MB
1.7 GB
[Lynda] Unreal Engine Product Visualization
1 - Introduction/01. Introduction_to_Unreal_Engine.en.srt
2.3 kB
1 - Introduction/01. Introduction_to_Unreal_Engine.mp4
1.8 MB
1 - Introduction/02. Install_Unreal_Engine.en.srt
3.3 kB
1 - Introduction/02. Install_Unreal_Engine.mp4
1.9 MB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/03. Import_the_mesh_files.en.srt
5.2 kB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/03. Import_the_mesh_files.mp4
2.7 MB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/04. Bring_in_the_Substance.en.srt
4.8 kB
2 - 1._Importing_the_Assets/04. Bring_in_the_Substance.mp4
2.4 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/05. Importance_volumes.en.srt
5.0 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/05. Importance_volumes.mp4
2.3 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/06. Post-process.en.srt
4.6 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/06. Post-process.mp4
2.2 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/07. Key_light.en.srt
5.4 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/07. Key_light.mp4
3.0 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/08. Rim_light.en.srt
3.7 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/08. Rim_light.mp4
2.0 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/09. Fill_light.en.srt
4.5 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/09. Fill_light.mp4
2.2 MB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/10. Alternative_daylight_solution.en.srt
5.8 kB
3 - 2._Setting_Up_the_Lighting/10. Alternative_daylight_solution.mp4
3.4 MB
1.7 GB
VRay For Architectural Visualization
VRay For Architectural Visualization.iso
1.7 GB
1.7 GB
VRay For Architectural Visualization.iso
VRay For Architectural Visualization.iso
1.7 GB
1.7 GB
[FreeAllCourse.Com] Udemy - Google Data Studio A-Z for Data Visualization and Dashboards
4. Charts to highlight numbers/2. Styling tab for data table.mp4
99.8 MB
16. Sometimes data is in multiple tables/1. Blending data from multiple tables.mp4
82.5 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/1. Data Table.mp4
81.2 MB
1. Introduction/3. Why Data Studio.mp4
79.3 MB
9. Relationship between two or more variables Scatter plots/1. Scatter Plots and Bubble charts.mp4
77.7 MB
14. Giving the power to filter Data to viewers/1. Filter controls for viewers.mp4
71.3 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/2. Stacked Area Charts.mp4
70.0 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/1. Simple Bar and Column chart.mp4
69.9 MB
4. Charts to highlight numbers/3. Scorecards.mp4
68.9 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/1. Time Series.mp4
68.2 MB
3. Practical part begins here/3. Managing added data source.mp4
62.9 MB
17. Sharing and Collaborating on Data Studio report/2. Sharing report and Data Credentials.mp4
61.8 MB
3. Practical part begins here/1. Opening Data Studio.mp4
61.5 MB
10. Aggregating on two dimensions Pivot tables/1. Pivot tables for cross tabulation.mp4
61.3 MB
5. Charts for comparing categories Bar charts and stacked charts/2. Stacked Column chart.mp4
54.5 MB
3. Practical part begins here/2. Adding a data source.mp4
45.1 MB
8. Highlighting contribution to total Pie chart & Donut Chart/1. Pie Chart and Donut Chart.mp4
45.0 MB
13. Branding a Report/1. Branding a Report Brand Logo and Company Details.mp4
44.2 MB
7. Charts to highlight trends Time Series, Line and Area charts/2. Line Chart and Combo Chart.mp4
40.6 MB
15. Add Videos, Feeedback form etc. to your Report/1. URL Embed to include external content.mp4
36.8 MB
1.7 GB